A bookworm who had finally found a job as a librarian at a university was sadly killed shortly after graduating from college.
She was reborn as Myne, the daughter of a soldier in a world where the literacy rate is low and books were scarce. No matter how much she wanted to read, there were no books around. What is a bookworm to do without any books? Make them, of course.
Her goal is to become a librarian! So that she may once again live surrounded by books, she must start by making them herself.
Click to view Official Volumes of Ascendance of a Bookworm Light Novel on Amazon. (Collaboration)
@Arcolus Rhyot added… https://novelsonline.net/ascendance-of-a-bookworm-ln/volume-5-6/chapter-pr
May I know when Part 5 Volume 6 will be uploaded?
@K@thy I’d recommend skimming through volume 1-2 even if it’s just it’s SS/epilogue however, you can start on volume 3.1, that is right after Myne gives off the huge blessing.
After watching the anime’s last episode, what chapter should I read?
In case if anyone is wondering, part 5 Vol. 1 will be released either on the date of November 30 or a few days after.
@BenLul4 Part 4 Volume 9 should be releasing at some time today if not tomorrow.
Hello, good day. Many thanks for the releases. When will Part 4 Vol 9 be released?
@BrokenLeo Much Appreciated
@beazone The official release of Part 4 Volume 8 is August 10 however it will take a day or 2 for it to release here and for any missing chapters to be updated.
@Indictus The release date for Part 4 Volume 8 is August 10. However that’s the official release, as this is a pirated site it will take one more day for it to be update and possibly a day or 2 if it is missing chapters.
May I also know? As well as the release schedule of the translation? I have been living life like a pachinko game ever since I’ve caught up, every night I Take a puff of copium and take a look at the volume selection page knowing full well it won’t have been released yet. Please respond if convenient, and also maybe if only slightly inconvenient.
Hello, thank you for the good translation. I am so addicted to this story. When will you release the Part 4 Volume 8?