The horse I was tied to was galloping at an incredible speed, and I could feel the rough impact of every single jolt. I was enveloped by the cloth bag and still couldn’t see anything, so all I knew was that I was being taken somewhere.
Huh? I can’t move my eyelids anymore...?
I could no longer even blink, my eyes only opening and closing due to the force of each bounce, and a chill ran through me as I realized that I couldn’t move a single part of my body. The anxiety-inducing thought that I might just lose all of my senses and die here started to feel more and more likely as time went on, and it was all I could do to force it from my mind.
No, no, no... That black-clad man said to carry me to a carriage, and that someone would be happy to have me. He wouldn’t have made me drink a potion that would kill me... right?
It was a little strange to be analyzing the words of an enemy, but with the feeling that I was about to die growing stronger and stronger, I was grasping at whatever straws I could. They weren’t planning to kill me; they had simply disabled me so that I couldn’t resist. The man’s eyes had been cold and lacking in human sympathy, but there were no traces of murderous intent. Had he wanted me dead, it would have been easiest to kill me then and there.
I kept telling myself that everything would be fine, but just as I was starting to calm down, a terrible realization hit me.
What if the dose was safe for most people, but not for me...?
That seemed extremely possible, but I desperately tried to shake the thought away. We were still within the castle grounds; so long as Wilfried and his retainers reported the attack, then reinforcements would surely be coming soon.
They’ll go to the northern building where the attack happened, get brought up to speed, and then they’ll come straight here.
I broke out in a cold sweat as I wondered what the reinforcements might do. Would they actually reach me? Would they notice the horse running through the dark trees and underbrush? Would they make it before the potion made me stop breathing?
Maybe Ferdinand can help...
A mad scientist like him who knew all about potions would surely be able to do something about the poison. I just needed to put my faith in his extreme talents.
Save me, Ferdinand!
Then, out of nowhere, I heard a massive explosion.
The horse that had just moments ago been running in a steady line neighed and reared. I was only raised into the air a little since I was tied onto its back like luggage, but the man riding beside me let out a scream that made him sound just as terrified. This must have frightened the horse even more, as it suddenly sped up to a furious pace.
The other horse that had been riding next to us had presumably also lost its mind, since I could hear it running in another direction.
“Calm down! Stop!”
The horse being frightened only made the bouncing worse, and I could hear the man yelping for it to stop. My vision remained blocked by the wall of cloth, but the nighttime forest that had previously been enveloped in a silence broken only by hoofbeats was now teeming with life. I could hear nearby birds and animals letting out surprised noises as they fled.
And then came a bellowing voice so loud that my body actually started to tremble. It was perfectly audible even with the cloth bag over my head, and my heart clenched despite all of my senses being messed up by the poison.
The words and the ferocity with which they were spoken told me exactly who was coming to my rescue.
Bonifatius’s shout was filled with seething anger. It rang out even louder than the explosion, to the point that the horse kicked its legs again before stopping entirely.
What...? The horse stopped running?
All of a sudden, I could feel it start tipping over to one side, and it was then that I started to panic more than ever. Given that I was tied over it, there was a chance I would be crushed depending on which direction it fell.
Um, wait... Wait!
I let out a silent scream, but the ropes binding me to the horse were suddenly cut, and I felt someone speedily pick me up.
“Rozemyne, are you in there?!” came Bonifatius’s unmistakable voice as he raised the bag I was in high into the air, crudely shaking it to investigate. But the poison had numbed me into silence, and I could neither respond nor complain.
Grandfather, I’m upside down! I can’t feel anything, but the blood is going to rush to my head! Stop! Don’t shake me!
“No matter how much I shake her, she isn’t responding! Don’t tell me she’s dead?! Rozemyne, I’m getting you out of there right now!” he yelled, and for a brief moment, he stopped shaking me to hold me sideways.
But my relief didn’t last very long at all. He gripped the edge of the sack, then hefted me up in the air again. I could tell that he was about to swing it around to get me out, and so I started silently screaming in a desperate attempt to stop him. If Grandfather swung as hard as he could, then my small body would undoubtedly be sent flying.
Wait, wait, stop! Someone, please stop him! I’ll die!
My cries of course reached nobody, and Bonifatius swung the bag in an attempt to free me as quickly as possible. I was instantly launched out, flying into the air exactly as expected while spinning as fast as a high-speed drill.
“Gwah?! Rozemyne is flying?!”
I heard Bonifatius let out a panicked cry, but then someone else caught me with a grunt.
“Bonifatius! Did Karstedt not tell you to stay away from Rozemyne so as to not accidentally kill her? Good grief... I understand your concern, but doing that would have proven fatal even for a healthy person. Are you alright, Rozemyne?”
Ferdinand... I owe you my life.
He prodded my cheek to check whether I was conscious, but considering what Bonifatius had just done, even that felt supremely kind and gentle. I had nothing but gratitude for Karstedt having kept Bonifatius away from me up until now.
“She’s not dead, is she...?” Bonifatius asked, sounding a little dejected after his scolding.
“I can hardly say she is doing well, given that she is utterly unresponsive, but she does have a pulse,” Ferdinand replied, briskly giving me a checkup. He measured my temperature and pulse, then leaned forward, putting his face so close to mine that I could feel his breath. “I smell a potion. This is... not good.”
I heard a rustling noise, then something like a scrap of paper was stuffed into my mouth. There was a pause before Ferdinand muttered again, his voice tinged with anger this time.
“To think they would use that of all things...”
“What is it, Ferdinand?”
“Rozemyne will die if we do not give her an antidote as soon as possible.”
Both Bonifatius and I screamed at the same time, though my voice never actually left my throat. I had considered the possibility that I might die like this, but with Ferdinand now saying it as well, there was no longer any doubt in my mind.
I heard some clinking metal, followed by a strong smell. I quickly concluded that Ferdinand had opened one of the potions hanging from his belt, at which point he abruptly pulled open my jaw and stuck a liquid-soaked cloth into my mouth. It was wrapped around his pointer finger, and he rubbed it against my teeth and gums like he was brushing my teeth.
Ferdinand then removed his finger, leaving the cloth stuck in my mouth. “That was a potion to dull the effects of the poison, but it will do little more than buy us time. I must hurry to my workshop and get the antidote at once. I will take her back to the temple now to begin the process.”
“What?! The temple?! That’s no place to heal Rozemyne...!”
The temple was not a place that nobles visited by choice, so it was understandable that Bonifatius would not approve of taking me there to recover. But I trusted my attendants in the temple a lot more than those in the castle, and nothing would have made me feel safer than being right by Ferdinand’s workshop and the jureve we had made.
“I understand Rozemyne’s ill health and her potion tolerance more than anyone. Being at the temple will also make it harder for other nobles to approach her and interrupt us. Even this conversation is wasting time, so if you’ll excuse me...”
Ferdinand wrapped my body in a cloth, but unlike the nobles who had thrown me into a bag like I was an object, he adjusted my head and left space for my face so that I could breathe. He was treating me like a person, and once I was securely wrapped, he picked me up.
“Ferdinand, wait! I’ll look after her in my estate!”
“I am the only one who can save Rozemyne right now! Do not interfere!” Ferdinand roared, dropping his polite act entirely and squeezing his arms around me tighter. The raw anger in his voice sent a shiver down my spine; I would die for certain if they started arguing here.
“Grandfather, please leave Rozemyne to Lord Ferdinand,” came another voice. “Lord Ferdinand, take this! It’s Rozemyne’s feystone.”
It was Cornelius, and it seemed that he had picked up my highbeast feystone. I heard him put it back into the birdcage on my hip. I wanted to thank him, but my mouth still wouldn’t move.
“Rozemyne, I’m sorry that I couldn’t protect you...” Cornelius murmured while stroking my cheek. The fact he had saved Charlotte and Angelica was enough for me, but I could hear the pained frustration in his voice. It hurt that I couldn’t tell him it was fine.
“Cornelius, if you are truly sorry, capture those who harmed Rozemyne. We are dealing with nobles here, and the worm Bonifatius crushed was just a mere servant,” Ferdinand said, his icy cold voice conveying just how furious he really was. I was shocked to hear him so angry, but Cornelius simply inhaled deeply at being given a job he needed to do.
“Grandfather, I heard two horses. There’s someone else somewhere in the forest.”
“Bonifatius, I ask you to capture the criminal who did this to Rozemyne alive so that we can gather information from him,” Ferdinand continued. “Take care not to smash his head to pieces like you did with that other man; we cannot investigate their memories when they no longer have a brain.”
In that moment, I was genuinely grateful that I couldn’t open my eyes. I certainly didn’t want to see a man whose skull had been crushed to bits by Bonifatius.
“Very well. I entrust my granddaughter to you. Cornelius! Follow me!”
“Yes, Grandfather.”
With that, Bonifatius ran off to capture the criminal. Cornelius hurried after him, having been warned by Ferdinand that it was his job as a grandson to contain his grandfather’s rampage.
“Rozemyne, I will save you no matter what,” Ferdinand whispered. “So please, fight the poison for as long as you can.”
I bobbed a little, likely due to Ferdinand adjusting his grip on me, and then I heard the flapping of wings as he summoned his highbeast. I could tell that he was blasting to the temple at a terrifying speed, judging by the way the cloth was flapping in my mouth. There was no doubt in my mind that he was moving much faster than anyone else in the duchy could hope to keep up with, and soon enough, we came to a stop.
Sharp footsteps echoed out as Ferdinand started striding along, and the scent filling the air assured me that we truly had arrived at the temple.
It was already past seventh bell, so all was silent apart from Ferdinand’s continued footsteps. I couldn’t feel the presence of anyone else.
“Open it,” came Ferdinand’s voice, followed by someone gasping and hurriedly opening a door. I then heard him say “Fran,” so I could guess we had arrived at my High Bishop’s chambers.
“High Priest, what bri— Lady Rozemyne?!”
Fran had evidently been staying up late for work or something of the sort, and he let out a surprised yell upon seeing me. Ferdinand gave a brief explanation of the circumstances while handing me to him.
“She was poisoned. I am going to fetch the antidote. Change her clothes into something white while I obtain the potion from my workshop. Do not remove the cloth in her mouth; it is soaked with a potion delaying the spread of the poison.”
While still carrying me, Fran used his free hand to ring the bell for summoning attendants. I heard various footsteps as they quickly gathered around us.
“Nicola, Monika—please get Lady Rozemyne changed into white clothes at once. Zahm, Fritz, Gil—adjust the light and temperature of the room.”
It was impossible for just Monika and Nicola to change my clothes when I was entirely limp, so Fran held me up as they undid the buttons on my back and removed my hair stick.
“Stay strong, Lady Rozemyne.”
“Fran, is she okay?”
It was clear from their voices that Nicola and Monika were quite concerned about my total lack of movement.
“The High Priest is here,” Fran replied in a hard voice. I could feel his hands trembling slightly as he held me up.
“I’m coming in,” Ferdinand announced, entering before my attendants could even respond. I then heard him set something onto a table.
Despite my supposed lack of consciousness, it was unthinkable for Ferdinand to enter a room while its resident was in the middle of being changed. It just went to show how much my life was in danger, and I could feel my heartbeat quickening in fear.
“Leave her in those underclothes. Simply wrap her in a blanket for warmth. We do not have any time to waste, and she shall be using the jureve after the antidote is applied regardless,” Ferdinand said, and a moment later, I could feel a blanket wrap around me. “Give her to me, Fran.”
I was promptly handed over to Ferdinand, who seemed to be sitting in a chair. He removed the cloth from my mouth and stuck a slender tube in its place. It seemed to be a syringe of some sort, and while a potion was being dripped into my mouth little by little, I couldn’t taste anything at all.
Is it that the potion has no flavor, or have I just lost my sense of taste as well...?
Ferdinand checked my pulse once he was done giving me the antidote, then let out a light sigh. “I believe I made it in time. Fran, continue holding her in this position until the antidote begins taking effect. Take care to watch the position of her tongue, as it may prevent her from breathing.”
Fran took me once again, supporting me while carefully watching the position of my head and body.
“I shall go and prepare the jureve,” Ferdinand announced. I heard his footsteps moving away from us, then sensed multiple people moving closer as I remained slumped against Fran.
“Fran, will Lady Rozemyne be okay?”
“Of course she will. The High Priest said that he was able to act in time,” Fran replied, his voice soft with relief due to his utter faith in Ferdinand. And since everyone had just as much faith in Fran, the despair in the air slowly began to fade.
“I’ll read a book to you,” Gil said next, “so please get better soon, Lady Rozemyne.”
A warmth flowed through my heart as he started reading aloud, and as I continued to listen, Ferdinand’s potion began to take effect. I could now move my lips a little.
“Ah! Lady Rozemyne is smiling! It seems that she can hear you, Gil!” Nicola said happily, motivating him to read louder. I heard some relieved sighs, then the sounds of Nicola and Monika clearing away my clothes and hair stick.
By the time Gil had finished the first picture book, I could move my mouth and tense my eyelids a little. Then, after several attempts, I finally opened my eyes.
“Lady Rozemyne!”
The faces of my attendants all lit up with smiles as they gathered in front of me. I could still barely move my lips, but I tried talking anyway.
“Sorry... for... worrying...”
“Please do not force yourself. The potion should be finished soon.”
I was happy to be surrounded by attendants who cared so much for me, no longer in that dangerous forest alone with the cold-eyed noble. The feeling slowly returned to more and more places.
“I think I can talk a little now...”
“If you still cannot move, please wait as you are for a bit longer.”
“Okay...” I replied, still drooped against Fran. I didn’t risk nodding, since I wasn’t sure I would be able to lift my head back up on my own. “So, Fran... I’m about to use my jureve potion, right?”
“I imagine so, given that the High Priest said that you would be.”
Ferdinand had mentioned that using the jureve would cause me to lose consciousness for a while, so it would probably be best for me to give what instructions I could before using it.
“In that case, please deliver the letter I prepared to Lutz. Furthermore, ask Ferdinand to return my personnel in the castle to the temple. As for temple affairs... continue as you would if I were simply staying at the castle for a long time. You are all very skilled, so I imagine things will continue running smoothly even while I am using the jureve, but please do your best.”
“You may count on us.”
I gave as many pointers as I could remember, then decided to trust them with the rest.
“Fran, I would like to go to the hidden room. Would you kindly carry me there? You should be able to enter if you’re with me.”
He picked me up, and I reached out a trembling hand to touch the feystone on the door. I could feel my mana flowing in bit by bit, but things were far from normal; it seemed that despite the antidote bringing movement back to my limbs, the mana inside my body was still barely moving. I was hardly an expert on the subject, but that didn’t seem like a good thing to me.
“High Priest, Lady Rozemyne has awoken.”
I somehow managed to open the door, and inside I found Ferdinand pouring the jureve into the ivory box, which might as well have been a bathtub or a coffin.
“Ferdinand, I can move again, but my mana feels kind of stuck,” I said. “It’s like it’s all hardened.”
“Drink this jureve at once,” he replied, his expression darkening in an instant. He poured some of the jureve into a cup and then handed it to Fran.
I raised the jureve to my lips, barely able to move my hands, then slowly drank it with Fran’s support. The fact that it tasted a little sweet told me that my senses were coming back.
The entire time I was drinking from the cup, Ferdinand continued pouring the jureve from a pitcher into the bathtub. The pitcher itself wasn’t that large, but the jureve was flowing from it non-stop. And despite him not even touching the cauldron, it seemed that the jureve within it was slowly draining.
“It’s almost like the pitcher and cauldron are connected...”
“Not almost—they are. Now... that should be enough,” Ferdinand said, setting aside the pitcher. He then hefted me up and placed me in the ivory bathtub filled with the jureve. A magic circle was inside, and the instant I sat down, the mana lines on my body surfaced and reddened.
“The magic circle seems to be functioning properly. Your mana, however, is...”
Ferdinand trailed off, mumbling to himself and checking the mana flow in my arms and neck. My eyelids began to droop as he looked me over.
“I feel kind of tired, Ferdinand...”
“Yes, that is due to the potion. You may allow yourself to fall asleep where you are. Rest well, Rozemyne.”
“Night night, Ferdinand. I entrust the rest to you...”
“Indeed. I shall eliminate all those who threaten to disturb your sleep. You have nothing to fear,” Ferdinand said, covering my eyes with his large hand.
My vision darkened, and I felt my consciousness drifting away as the jureve gradually seeped into me. My entire body was floating in the swaying liquid, and the feeling was so nostalgic, so comforting...
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