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After the banquet, Rio invited Francois, Christina, and Lilianna to a meeting room of the mansion.

“My apologies for calling you all here when you must be tired. There’s something I wanted to discuss with the three of you,” Rio said once the three of them sat down; he took a seat as well. He had called the king of a major nation and the first princesses of the neighboring kingdoms here; that alone told everyone how important this discussion would be.

“Is it about the heroes?” Francois guessed bluntly.

“I see you’ve noticed,” Rio said.

In the talk they had immediately after the battle, Rio had purposefully hid the information he had about the heroes and upper high rank spirits.

“I remembered some things when I regained my memories of Saint Erica. That, and the heroes are one thing our three nations have in common. Speak freely,” Francois said, explaining his guess and encouraging Rio to speak.

“Then to get straight to the point: the heroes are in danger of losing control over their powers,” Rio said frankly.

A silence fell over them for a considerable moment. Rather than giving a reaction, they seemed to be waiting for him to continue.

“The heroes are in a state of assimilation with the six most powerful upper high rank spirits of this world. They have a contract with those spirits, which allows them to borrow their strength and use their abilities in the form of Divine Arms. And as you might have realized already, they do not die even when they are mortally wounded.”

Rio paused there for a moment, then continued.

“However, the upper high rank spirits have actually been sealed within the heroes against their will. If given the chance, they will attempt to take over the hero’s body,” he said with emphasis.

Having one’s body taken over was definitely a serious matter. Francois, Christina, and Lilianna all looked shocked.

“The seal placed on them is powerful and cannot be broken easily. But the more power a hero draws from their spirit, the greater their assimilation with their spirit becomes, increasing their risk of being taken over.”

“And that is what happened to Saint Erica?” Francois asked, foreseeing the conclusion.

“Yes. Saint Erica was taken over by the upper high rank spirit of earth and caused a natural disaster. That was the power of the rampaging upper high rank spirit. When a hero falls that far, they can no longer be stopped by mere human strength.” Rio looked at the three representatives of the heroes as he warned them of the dangers.

“Princess Christina and I weren’t there at the time. What was the extent of the natural disaster she created?” Lilianna asked.

“Hmm. Let me think. It was like the earth had flipped over, forming a wave large enough to swallow the capital. And it continued all the way to the horizon,” Francois said, recalling what he saw during the battle with Saint Erica.

Christina shuddered. “That sounds very unsettling.”

“I don’t know what exactly triggers the loss of control over a hero’s power either, but Saint Erica fought under the premise of being able to use her resurrection ability to withstand fatal wounds over and over again,” Rio explained. “That ended up enhancing her assimilation with the spirit, allowing him to take over her body. Two or three times didn’t seem to be a problem, but it may vary on an individual level. That’s why you should avoid letting the heroes die by all means possible. I arranged this meeting today to tell you that.”

Once he finished speaking, Rio bowed his head deeply at the three representatives.

“Of course. I was there too, after all. I saw exactly how that power was beyond the reach of humanity,” Francois answered immediately.

“I have no objections either,” Christina agreed.

Lilianna nodded. “I am also in agreement.”

“Thank you all very much. You all have your own relationships with the heroes to consider, so I avoided mentioning this in the earlier talk. I’m also a little unsure if they should be informed of this immediately, if I’m being honest...”

Rio frowned with a look of uncertainty. It wasn’t easy to tell someone their body could be taken over and used to create a natural disaster. At best, they could have a panic attack, and at worst, they could end up self-destructive like Saint Erica.

Even so, they couldn’t keep it hidden forever.

“They should be informed, yes... I would prefer to inform Lady Satsuki with you present, if possible,” Francois said.

“I would also like to ask you to be there for me and Sir Masato, as he trusts you greatly.”

While it was undecided whether Masato would be part of Galarc or Centostella, Lilianna also requested Rio’s presence as an interested party.

“In that case, I would like to request the same. Please be there for Sir Hiroaki as well,” Christina echoed, agreeing that Hiroaki should be informed too.

“Then I shall arrange a meeting for the four of us and the three heroes on another day,” Francois said in conclusion.

Rio bowed his head. “Thank you.”

“I should be the one saying that. Thank you for informing us,” Francois said firmly. “With that settled, there was one thing I was wondering...” He suddenly changed the topic.

“What is it?”

“You were also using a sword that resembled the Divine Arms of the heroes. What was that? Up until I regained my memories, I assumed you were also a hero...”

“Naturally, I am not a hero. That sword is a result of my assimilation with my spirit, Aishia. It essentially works in the same way as the heroes’ Divine Arms, but since I’m not assimilated with Aishia right now, I can’t bring the sword out,” Rio said, explaining how the Spirit Arms worked.

“I see... So it’s a similar power to the heroes. But in your case, there seems to be no danger of losing control of your power...”

“Yes, because Aishia would never try to take over me.” Rio chuckled softly, having never considered that possibility until now.

“No doubt about that.” Francois laughed with him.

“But is your body all right? You seemed to be in great pain after the battle...” Christina said, worrying for Rio’s health.

“Yes, I’ve completely recovered,” Rio replied brightly.

“Even so, you must be very tired. We’re done talking for today, so please go and rest well.”

Francois also expressed concern for Rio before getting up from his seat. Lilianna also stood up with a smile. Rio also stood up to see them out.

“Um, Sir Amakawa...”

Christina called out to him after getting up from her seat as well. It seemed she still had something to discuss.

“No need to send us off. We’ll leave first by ourselves.”

Francois realized that as well, and he excused himself from the room first with Lilianna. Thus, Rio and Christina were left alone.

“Is something the matter?” Rio asked, turning to face her.

“I’d like to express my gratitude.”

“For what, exactly?” Rio tilted his head in confusion.

“For the events that happened when Rodania fell. It was you who saved us when we were trying to escape, no?”

“Oh, that...”

Back then, Renji had used the Divine Arms of ice to devastate the defense force of Rodania, allowing Duke Arbor’s fleet of enchanted airships to descend on the city.

Without Rio, Christina wouldn’t have been able to escape from the fallen city; she would have been captured and brought back to the Beltrum Castle. Their escape was only made possible with Rio’s help.

“If you hadn’t intervened, I wouldn’t be here right now. Thank you very much.” Christina bowed her head deeply.

“No, I’m sorry I wasn’t able to prevent the fall of Rodania entirely...”

The restrictions of the transcendent ones had kept him from doing so. Rio shook his head apologetically.

“That doesn’t matter. You spent one of your valuable masks to protect us, didn’t you? I can’t even compensate you with another...”

“I did it of my own accord, and I still have spares, so don’t worry,” Rio said, uttering his usual words of reassurance.

But Christina only frowned further, unable to face him. “I was living a carefree life with no idea of what you did for us... I don’t know how I could ever make up for this.”

“It was only natural for you to lose your memories, and even without the rules, it would be fine if you forget about it. I honestly don’t mind.”

Rio tried to brush aside the matter lightly, but—

“No. I know I am all but powerless here, having sought asylum in Galarc. But if there is anything I can do for you, just say the word. I wish to repay you however I can.”

Christina didn’t back down easily either. She stepped forward and told him her feelings.

“In that case, please visit the mansion for lunch again sometime.”

“That isn’t a form of repayment...” she said, taken aback by how unrelated Rio’s request was to her repayment.

“No no, it will make everyone happy. Including myself, of course.” Rio scratched his cheek shyly.

“I...see...” Christina watched him quietly. She knew that his second sentence was just diplomatic flattery, but...

“Then may I come visit again someday soon? F-For fun, not business...”

Was it because she didn’t want to let it end as just flattery? Christina looked a little embarrassed as she asked her question.

“Of course, you’re most welcome here,” Rio replied immediately.

“The soonest I can manage would be tomorrow evening... No, that would be too soon. It’d probably cause more trouble for everyone if I came in the evening, so maybe...”

It was rare to see Christina’s thoughts unable to keep up with her words like that. She was so flustered, her mouth moved before she could think, making her stutter over a simple promise to visit for fun.

“Sure. Let’s make it tomorrow evening, so you can join us for dinner. It’s decided,” Rio promised firmly.

“Ah, okay. Then I’ll see you tomorrow evening...” Christina muttered in a daze.

Thus, with the promise to meet up again made, the two went their separate ways.

◇ ◇ ◇

While Rio was speaking with Francois and the others in the meeting room, Miharu was in her bed. It wasn’t evening yet, but her face was buried in her pillow.

“Uuuh... Uuugh!”

She kicked her feet and moaned as she vented her embarrassment to her pillow. In the end, she hadn’t been able to say anything to Rio during the banquet. She couldn’t even look at him directly.

I have so much I want to say to him too... But because of what happened...

Miharu touched her own lips.

That was my first kiss!

She never thought she’d have it without her own awareness. Well, she woke up in the middle of it, so she did get to experience some of it. At any rate...


Because she recalled the kiss, her face turned bright red once again. It felt like the kiss still lingered on her lips.

It was so soft... I mean, no!

What she wanted to know was why she had ended up kissing him.

Lina was controlling my body, right?

Honestly, she had no realization of that herself. When she was told that one of the Wise Gods worshipped in this world was her past life, she had no idea what that actually meant. But that was a natural reaction to have.

Right now, Miharu’s embarrassment over her kiss was far more important to her, and she didn’t have the room to think about anything else. And yet, when she looked back on it now, she realized there was something familiar about this situation.

She’s that person in my dreams, isn’t she?

Miharu had recently dreamed of being in a white space with a woman she had never seen before. In that dream, that woman would say things about the future, as though she knew what would happen.

If I fall asleep, will I be able to meet her?

Miharu had met that person in her dreams a total of two times. To be more precise, she had also seen her a third time after she had slapped Takahisa, but she was unable to keep her memories of that.

In that case...

She didn’t feel sleepy at all, but she lay still in her bed anyway. Even if she wasn’t tired, her body that had been activating large-scale sorcery against the golems since early morning was exhausted.

Which was why it didn’t take that long for Miharu to fall asleep.

◇ ◇ ◇

Before she knew it, Miharu was standing in a pure white space.


It was that dream! Miharu immediately whipped her head around to look at her surroundings. There was no one else to be seen, but—

“Good morning. Or would it be better to say good evening?” a woman’s voice said out of nowhere.

“Are you Lina of the Seven Wise Gods?” Miharu asked, getting straight to the point. She had something important to say today.

“Getting right to it, I see. Sure, let’s go with that. I am Lina.” Lina easily revealed who she was.

“Um! I don’t think you should be using other people’s bodies to kiss people.” Although she had a point, it was rare for Miharu to scold someone so firmly.

“Out of all the things we could be talking about, you want to start with something so trivial first?” Lina said, giggling.

“I-It’s important to me!” After all, it had been her first kiss.

“It was with someone you loved, so what does it matter?”

“It matters a lot! It’s because I like him that I first kiss...” Miharu mumbled, trailing off.

She had wanted to have a proper first kiss with him. Now that the aspiration she yearned for could never come true, Miharu objected with embarrassment.

“What are you talking about? That wasn’t even your first kiss.”

“I-It was my first kiss! How would you know anyway? What are you to me?” Miharu was rarely this emotional.

“I know your first kiss was with Amakawa Haruto, when you were seven years old and Amakawa Haruto was about to move away.”

“Th-That was a kiss with Haru-kun, not...!”

“So you do remember. That’s right, today wasn’t your first kiss with him. The kiss today was your second kiss. So I fail to understand why you keep going on and on about your silly first kiss.”

“‘S-Silly’...” Miharu pouted in spite of herself.

“Well, you’ve already given your first kiss to Amakawa Haruto. You can only give Rio your second kiss onwards. So why... Oh, is it because you’re feeling sorry you can’t give your first to Rio instead?” Lina asked in realization, but it was clear from her tone that she was teasing Miharu.

“Guh...!” Miharu bit her lip. Anger filled her eyes and she looked like she wanted to argue with Lina, but she held her tongue. There was a part of her that knew she couldn’t deny all of Lina’s words.

Indeed, Miharu’s first kiss was with Amakawa Haruto. That’s why today’s kiss was actually her second one. But just because it wasn’t her first kiss didn’t mean she didn’t care... Although it wasn’t because she felt sorry over being unable to give him her first kiss or anything...

Miharu’s thoughts went around and around in loops. The possibility of Lina making her think about that on purpose didn’t even occur to her.

“After all, you’re not the sharpest tool in the shed.”

“Huh?” Miharu’s head snapped up.

“I don’t really get it myself, but human men are happier when they take their partner’s firsts, right? They seem to place value on the fact they’re the first, and consider any woman who’s had their firsts to be dirtied. I wonder if he’s the same? Maybe he wanted his first kiss to be with someone who hadn’t kissed before too. Not with a woman who’s had their first kiss,” Lina said in an innocent voice, exaggerating her words in order to plant a sense of inferiority in Miharu.

Miharu fell silent, unable to deny anything.

“That aside, I have something I want to ask you as well,” Lina said, suddenly changing the topic.

“What is it?” Miharu replied sluggishly, unable to keep up with her thoughts.

“Is the person you like Amakawa Haruto, or is it Rio?” Lina asked directly.

For some reason, that question felt like a sharp shovel digging into Miharu’s heart.

◇ ◇ ◇

While Miharu was sleeping, Rio had wrapped up his meeting with Francois and the princesses and was on his way back to his own room in the mansion. He stopped before the door.

It feels like it’s been a long time since I’ve entered this room.

With a hand on the doorknob, Rio was immersed in sentimentality.

“Um...” someone called out to him.


Sure enough, it was her. Rio looked a little awkward as he recalled their kiss earlier today.

“I have something to talk to you about. Something I don’t want other people to hear...”

Miharu’s cheeks reddened in her usual Miharu-like way. It was clear from her attitude that she was still feeling the embarrassment of kissing him.

“All right. Please come in.” Rio scratched his cheek awkwardly and opened the door to his room.

“E-Excuse me...” Miharu said nervously, entering his room.

“So what did you want to talk about? You can have a seat here.”

Rio followed her in and closed his door. He then moved one of his chairs and went to sit down on his bed, when Miharu hugged Rio from behind.

“Huh?!” Rio was startled.

“Um, I...!” Miharu pushed Rio down on the bed. She then turned him over to face her and leaned in as though they were about to be intimate.

“Wait, please,” Rio said calmly.

Miharu froze.

“You’re Lina, aren’t you?” Rio asked hesitantly.

“So you noticed after all.”

Miharu—no, Lina ceased her act and giggled in amusement. She then reached up to touch her earring. It probably had transformation sorcery in it, as her appearance changed from Miharu to Lina.

Rio’s eyes widened in surprise at her change in appearance, but he quickly drew back his emotions. Was this Lina’s original appearance? Such questions flashed through his mind, but—

“Miharu would never do something like this... Why would you do this?” Rio said, sighing.

“Who knows? Why do you think I would?” Lina tilted her head mischievously, unmoving from above Rio.

“I’d prefer it if you didn’t answer a question with a question...”

“You shouldn’t expect an answer to every question you have.”

“That’s true. For now, please get off of me.”

“No.” Lina beamed from ear to ear as she refused him.

Rio didn’t bother asking why. Instead, he considered what her possible goals could be.

“No need to be so cautious. It’s not like I’m trying to attack you in your sleep...since you’re not asleep yet. But I really didn’t come to attack you—unless you want me to, anyway. I can even return to Miharu’s face if you want. I’m sure she’ll be happy when she wakes up anyway—‘fait accompli’ and all that. Interested?” Lina smiled alluringly, pulling down her clothes to reveal more of her cleavage.

“If you didn’t come to attack me, let’s talk properly,” Rio said with another sigh, not falling for Lina’s seduction.

“Oh, you mean you wouldn’t mind if I actually came to attack you?”

“If you actually came to attack me, I would resist.” Rio sighed again.

“That’s a lie.”

“It’s not. I would struggle,” Rio said tiredly.

“Your body hurts, doesn’t it? You may be enduring it by enhancing your physical body, but without that enchantment, you’d be too exhausted to walk. It’s a side effect of using transcendent power and assimilation,” Lina pointed out.

Rio looked surprised.

“This is a warning. Assimilation that crosses a hundred percent shouldn’t be used consecutively or for long periods of time. Ignoring this warning will be a one-way road.”

He would be unable to return to being a human, is what she meant. “I see. You came to tell me that.”

“No, that’s just the preamble, and I’m not done with it yet. With regards to the barrier surrounding the capital: it’s currently in a stable condition, so there shouldn’t be a problem. You can live within the barrier without worrying about the rules of god. I’ve removed the wall effect of the barrier, so people can come and go freely, but be aware that the rules of god still apply outside. Bring your mask with you,” Lina added.

“All right.”

“And now, for the main topic at hand.”


It was a little awkward to have her face right in front of his, but Rio looked her straight in the eyes as he replied.

“I don’t want you to rely on my power of foresight, so I’m going to say this now. I’ve told Celia this already, but I cannot directly inform you of the future to come. I can only give advice or prophecy-like statements. There will be times when I won’t even do that, and times when I lie too. I may even say horrible things on purpose.”

“For your own reasons?”

“Yes. But at the end of the day, you’re the one making the decisions. You don’t have to follow my words exactly. I may ask you to do something you’ll hate me for, and you’re the one bearing all the responsibility for whatever happens.”

“You’re quite the untrustworthy prophet,” Rio said with a wry smile.

“That’s right. The Wise God Lina is an untrustworthy and cruel goddess. Do you get why Sora hates me now?”


“You really are kind, aren’t you? In this life, and in your last...”

“I’m not sure about that either.” Rio’s smile grew more strained.

“Well, that doesn’t matter. Now, with that out of the way...” Lina paused for a long moment.

“Yes?” Rio tilted his head, encouraging her to continue.

“Even though I’m an untrustworthy prophet, are you willing to listen to my words? Will you believe in me no matter what happens from here?” Lina said seriously, staring straight into Rio’s eyes. She sat up and held out her hand for a handshake.

“To be honest, I don’t think that’s a question I can respond to immediately.” Rio didn’t move his hand. He had only just met Lina, and he didn’t know enough about her to decide whether she was trustworthy or not. “...But I can vow to at least listen to what you have to say. You’re the greatest source of information I have, and you did save everyone.”

He had already come this far. He strengthened his resolve and shook Lina’s hand.

“I see. Then from now on, we’re partners. Let’s get along.” Lina smiled with satisfaction, shaking his hand back.

“I agree. But if you’re going to give your advice, I’d prefer it if you didn’t do it through jokes like this.”

“Jokes like what?”

“Pushing me down like this while pretending to be Miharu.” Rio sighed tiredly.

“Oh, it’s not entirely meaningless, you know? This was the most efficient way of showing you how untrustworthy I can be.”

“Don’t tell me you did this just for that? And that kiss too?”

“Convincing, isn’t it?” Lina grinned flirtatiously.

“Please do not do this again.” Rio let out one more heavy sigh.

“Now, as new collaborators, I have three pieces of untrustworthy advice for you. That can also be counted as prophecies, if you want.” She held up three fingers while giggling.

“What are they?”

“First, searching the labyrinth for clues to what happened a thousand years ago is pointless. If you’re going to look, you should search elsewhere.”

“Where exactly should I be looking if not the labyrinth?” Rio asked.

“I can’t answer that,” Lina said curtly.

“I see. What’s the second thing?”

Wouldn’t that make my search range the entire continent, making it impossible to find? Rio thought, but he asked for the next piece of advice instead.

“You should get more disciples besides Sora,” Lina said, holding up two fingers.

Rio fell silent with a grimace. He was rather negative when it came to getting disciples, as becoming a disciple meant becoming a transcendent one. He didn’t want anyone to be forgotten by the world.

“I understand why you don’t want to get more disciples. A thousand years ago, he was the same as you—he hated forcing others to live like the transcendent ones. But even so, you should have more disciples besides Sora. Or you may end up regretting it.”

“If I don’t have more disciples, I’ll regret it?”

From Rio’s point of view, making more disciples was more likely to be a source of regret for him. What could possibly happen to make him think otherwise? He had a feeling Lina wouldn’t tell him even if he asked, so he pondered the matter carefully.

“Now, for my last advice to you.”

Then, Lina held up one finger.

“In my opinion, the first new disciple you should get is Christina Beltrum,” she said, giving Rio the one piece of advice he was utterly unlikely to accept.

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