Lutz Running Away from Home
Three days had passed since I ended up bedridden when Tuuli came rushing into the bedroom.
“Oh no, Myne! Lutz ran away from home and he’s not coming back!”
I shot up so fast I fell over forward. “What do you mean, Tuuli? What happened? Is he okay?” I rapidly asked a barrage of questions with my face planted firmly against my bed.
Tuuli winced a little, probably regretting her decision to tell me. She stroked my hair with a worried frown. “Sorry, Myne. I should have waited to tell you until your fever went down. Don’t push yourself, your fever will flare back up.”
“Tell me, Tuuli.” I clasped Tuuli’s hand and repeatedly begged her to tell me, until eventually she let out a defeated sigh.
“...Lay back down, Myne. I’ll go get Ralph. Okay?”
I nodded and Tuuli left the room with a turn. Then I heard her footsteps fade away as she went outside and locked the front door behind her. I strained my ears, waiting for her to come back with my face still planted against the bed.
After a lengthy period of anxiously waiting for Tuuli’s return, I heard returning footsteps, and then the front door being unlocked and opened.
“...Ralph, what happened to Lutz?”
When Ralph came inside with Tuuli and saw me bedridden with a fever, he sighed. “I thought for sure he was camping out here...”
“Didn’t I just tell you? Myne’s been in bed for three days already. No way could she know that Lutz ran away from home yesterday,” said Tuuli with an angry pout.
Ralph apologized for doubting her and turned back to me. “Yesterday, Lutz started yelling at Dad the second he got home. He was all like, ‘Why are you getting in my way?!’ and ‘I’ve put up with you for this long, but not anymore! I’m out of here!’ Then he dashed out, looking crazy mad.”
Ralph’s explanation was all it took for me to realize what happened. Benno had definitely told him why he couldn’t bring him to the other city. That was a relief. I could guess, then, that Benno was looking after Lutz. He wouldn’t be able to adopt him immediately, but he probably would treat him more or less like a son nonetheless.
“Mom’s losing it, but Dad said not to bother since he’ll probably come back soon. I thought he’d be back when he got hungry, but he didn’t come back for breakfast or lunch. I’m getting worried. Do you know where he is, Myne?” asked Ralph, which made me feel uneasy. If Benno was looking over him, then he should be at work. How could they not know where he was?
“You don’t know where he is...? Did he not go to work?”
“Well, uh... We dunno where he works, so...” Ralph avoided looking at me as he spoke.
For a second, I couldn’t comprehend what I had heard. About two and a half months had passed since our baptism, but Lutz had been going to the Gilberta Company since long before becoming an apprentice — almost a full year by now.
“How do you not know? It’s the Gilberta Company, remember?”
“...We know the name ’cause he went to Sieg’s workshop a while ago. But not even Sieg knows where that store is.”
“Are you saying you wouldn’t even know that if Lutz and I hadn’t gone to Sieg’s workshop?” I asked hesitantly, but Ralph just awkwardly looked away without answering. That ticked Tuuli off.
“I can’t believe you! Ralph, you don’t even know where your little brother works?! Don’t you talk about work at home?”
Brothers probably didn’t talk as much as sisters did, but still, not talking to Lutz about work at all was just kinda mean. I wasn’t sure if they just didn’t care or if they were stubbornly avoiding the subject in protest, but still, knowing so little they couldn’t even find him after he ran away from home was really a problem.
I reached out and tightly squeezed Ralph’s shirt. “...Ralph. It might not be my place to say this, but please talk to Lutz more.”
“Lutz is the one who won’t talk. And really, I’m the victim here. Lutz got the job he wanted even though everyone else was against it, and now he just does whatever he wants on his days off without even going to the forest. What’s his problem? He’s got it easy!” Ralph swatted my hand off with his eyes wide with anger.
“Hey! Ralph! Don’t be rough with Myne! She’s still sick!”
Shouting doesn’t really help me either, I thought while preparing to back up Lutz. I was aware of how much time I was taking from him, after all.
“But Lutz is working on his days off too. Don’t you know that when Benno calls for him or I march him around, he gets paid? He’s not playing around or anything.”
Ralph’s eyes widened, then he slowly shook his head. “...I didn’t know about that.”
There were some misunderstandings since they barely talked, but ultimately, Ralph was worried about Lutz. There was no mistaking that. And it really wasn’t my place to get involved here. Ralph needed to talk to Lutz, not me.
I looked up at Tuuli. Through visiting Corinna and going clothes shopping with me, she had met Benno and several other employees of the Gilberta Company before. It would probably be better if Ralph went there with her rather than barging in by himself.
“Tuuli, would you take Ralph to the Gilberta Company for me? You don’t have to drag Lutz home if he’s doing okay, but please check and make sure that he’s safe.”
“Definitely, I’m worried about Lutz too. Let’s go, Ralph.” Tuuli took Ralph’s hand and started to leave the room. When he glanced back at me with a worried look in his eyes, all I could do was give a weak smile.
Ralph had always been a caring brother deep inside, and despite thinking Lutz was just playing around, he was still worried for him. Deep down, neither he nor Lutz were in the wrong here, but their relationship was in tatters. I shut my eyes, thinking that it would be nice if when Ralph found Lutz they would have a decent conversation for the first time in a while.
The sun was setting by the time I woke up. Or to be more precise, I was awoken by the light streaming from the window hitting my eyes. Tuuli had gotten home already, judging by the sounds of someone preparing dinner in the kitchen. I drank some water from the nearby wooden cup to wet my throat, making just enough noise for Tuuli to notice I was awake and stick her head through the doorway.
“You’re awake, Myne? Think you’ll be able to eat?” I sat up with a nod and Tuuli brought me a bowl of bread soup. While I ate, she told me what had happened at the store.
“Lutz was at the store and doing his job like normal. He seemed fine.”
“Okay. That’s a relief.” I felt immensely glad that we knew where he was and the worst-case scenario of him getting lost and wrapped up in something had been avoided.
“Ralph tried to drag Lutz home after seeing him, but Lutz told him not to get in the way of his job. That made Ralph really mad, and after a shouting match he just stormed off, yelling at Lutz that he could do whatever he wanted to. And then... His dad is saying not to bother with him since he’s at his job.”
It felt as if Tuuli had just explained to me the exact moment that Lutz’s family had been damaged permanently beyond repair. I felt my heart clench.
“I know you’re worried about him, but don’t go check on him until you’re feeling better, okay?”
The next day, Gil came to get me instead of Lutz. Apparently Lutz had asked him to walk me to the temple instead of him for a while, though I couldn’t go with him anyway since I was still too sick to go to the temple. Gil peered at me with worry as I remained in bed.
“Sister Myne, your fever still hasn’t gone down?”
“Mhm. I’ll need to be careful for a day even if it goes down, so could you come again three days from now?” Gil knelt by the back of the bed, took my hand, and brought his face close to it as if preparing to kiss it. But instead he pressed his forehead against it and fluently chanted a prayer.
“May Sister Myne have the divine protection of Heilschmerz, the Goddess of Healing.”
“Thank you. May you too be blessed by the gods.”
Gil left reluctantly, and returned three days later as he’d promised. My fever was gone and my parents said I could go, so I went to the temple with him. It felt weird leaving without Lutz and I couldn’t shake an uneasy feeling. After climbing down the stairs and leaving the building, I saw Lutz’s mom Karla doing laundry by the well. I rushed over to her.
“Mrs. Karla, is Lutz back yet?”
She shook her head silently. There was no trace of her normal energy or friendly overbearing attitude. She just looked tired to the bone.
“Myne, do you know how Lutz is doing?”
“I heard a little from Ralph and Tuuli, but that’s it since I’ve been sick with a fever for days. I was thinking about going to the store today and checking up on him.”
“Okay. Could you tell me if he’s doing okay?”
I agreed, despite thinking she should just go see him herself, and left the plaza with Gil.
“Gil, we’re going to stop at the store, okay? I want to see Lutz.”
“If that’s what you want, Sister Myne, sure. But I dunno why that lady’s so worried, kids don’t need parents to survive. Nobody at the orphanage has parents, so yeah.”
“...True.” Some of those kids were dying the first time I saw them, but I didn’t mention that. If the orphans didn’t have the mindset that kids don’t need parents to survive, they would probably fall apart.
Mark welcomed us with a smile when we arrived at the Gilberta Company. Lutz was behind him, writing something on his diptych.
“Good morning, Myne. Feeling better?”
“Good morning, Mr. Mark. My fever’s finally gone down. But that’s not important right now. I want to talk about Lu—”
“Please save that conversation for the office. The employees are a bit on edge, due to Lutz’s relatives causing stirs these past few days.” Mark interrupted me with a gentle smile.
It seemed that Ralph wasn’t the only one who had come to the store and tried dragging Lutz home. Disheveled poor people coming to a fancy store for nobles and causing a commotion each day was hardly good for its image. At this rate, Lutz’s position in the store would get worse by the day. I shut my mouth and nodded.
“Master Benno, Myne wishes to talk, so I have brought her here.”
“...I don’t remember making my office a counseling room.”
“I am aware.” Mark was smiling, but exuding an aura that made it clear that he wouldn’t take no for an answer. Benno caved in with a nod and a sigh.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Benno. We can talk outside if you want.”
“Nah, here is fine. Last night Lutz’s mom came all the way to my place on the second floor to demand I give Lutz back, shouting about me being a kidnapper and all that. Mark flipped out and sent her packing.”
“My apologies, Master Benno.”
I shuddered at the thought of Karla shouting with all her size and energy. Then, I trembled in genuine fear at the description of Mark having “flipped out.” What had he said to send Karla packing? Maybe she had looked exhausted and dead inside due to Mark’s anger. I got the feeling it would be for the best if I never knew what he had said, and so I turned to Lutz.
“How are things for you right now, Lutz? Are you living with Mr. Benno?”
“Whaddaya mean? I’m living in that attic room where all my stuff is. I didn’t even know Mom came until this morning.”
Mark had apparently sent her off before she even got to see Lutz. That was why she had asked me to tell her how he was doing. Honestly, that made me feel kinda bad.
“...Wait, wait. The attic room?”
“Yeah, it’s all I got. Where else would I go?”
Lutz said he was living in the attic room, which put him on the same level as a live-in apprentice. In other words, despite having said he would adopt Lutz, Benno wasn’t helping him at all.
“What’s the meaning of this, Mr. Benno?! Weren’t you going to adopt Lutz?!”
“...Master Benno, adopting me? Huh? Where’s that coming from?”
Judging by how Lutz’s confusion, Benno hadn’t told him anything. I glared up at Benno, and he too glared back down at me with angry eyes.
“You idiot!” he thundered. “You think I could just up and adopt him without his parents’ permission?! No! This is the path Lutz chose and he’s walking it. And how many times have I told you to think before you speak?! Now you’ve told him about the adoption at a time when his parents won’t give their permission!”
Oh no! I put a hand over my mouth, but it was too late. Lutz’s eyes were brimming with darkness. He had likely been living a harsh, lonely life ever since running away from home. His eyes were normally full of optimistic positivity, but now that he had found a target to unleash his frustration upon, he looked grim.
“Myne, did you know all about this?”
“I told her. I needed information on your home life and family situation.”
“Master Benno...”
Benno’s revelation made Lutz’s eyes waver. He looked at me like a lost kid trying to find his place in the world. “But, but... If you knew, why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I knew you would run away from home. I knew you would turn your back on your family. I care a lot about my family, and I didn’t want to do something that would destroy yours.”
I didn’t want to harm his relationship with his family. But even so, if Benno would give him a home where he was welcome, if he would adopt him, then I thought Lutz should do what he thought was best. With Benno’s help, he wouldn’t have to suffer the hell of being a live-in apprentice until reaching adulthood and gaining freedom from his parents’ interference.
But in reality, Lutz ran away from home, couldn’t get adopted due to the need for parental permission, and was ultimately living in the attic like a normal live-in apprentice. Only five days had passed, and yet the darkness in Lutz’s eyes showed just how hard it was for a kid to live alone.
“Are you saying I was wrong, Myne? I was wrong to run away from home...?”
According to Tuuli, Ralph had said: “Quit being selfish and come home,” “Stop thinking about yourself all the time,” “You’re the one causing problems for the store,” “Aren’t you satisfied already?” and so on. If Lutz apologized and went home, he’d be going right back to the same situation he was in before. His family would say that they were right, that he couldn’t survive as a live-in slave. They would say he was selfish after all. He would probably end up living life while bottling up all the frustrations he had, thinking that was his only choice. But I didn’t want to see Lutz like that, so I rejected the idea immediately.
“I don’t think you’re in the wrong, Lutz. How could I, when I know just how hard you’ve been working? When I know how much frustration you’ve been bottling up inside?”
“Whew...” Lutz let out a relieved sigh. I peered into his jade-green eyes and took his hand.
“No matter what happens, Lutz, I’m on your side. I’m still here right now because you said you accepted me as I was back then.”
In the past I had also felt that I was alone with no allies, to the point of retreating into my shell. I felt uneasy every day, feeling I had no place in the world, and was ultimately saved by Lutz saying he was fine with me being his Myne. I wanted Lutz to feel even a fraction of the relief I felt that day.
“I’ll say the same thing you said to me. Lutz, you’re fine the way you are. I’ll support you through everything. Just like you saved me, I’ll do everything I can to save you, so know that you can always rely on me when things get bad.”
With tears forming in his eyes, Lutz hugged me with a trembling smile. “Haha...! I don’t think there’s anyone less reliable than you, Myne. You’d probably crumble the second I tried leaning on you,” said Lutz tearfully while indeed nearly crushing me with his hug.
I pouted with embarrassment a bit and patted his back. “I’ll be able to help a little. Like, how about I give you lunch at the temple...? You can’t cook food in the attic since you don’t have a kitchen, right?”
“...That’s just eating together, you’re not making it.” I heard Lutz sniff beside me while rubbing his nose. But still, his voice sounded a lot brighter than it was a second ago. I smiled.
“Shouldn’t you be saying ‘I owe you my greatest thanks, Sister Myne’ right now?”
Lutz cackled and lifted his up head, now wearing a smile. His normal, optimistic smile. Maybe I had helped him a little after all.
“...Hey, you two done yet?” Benno called out to us with an incredibly exasperated, annoyed expression, his head resting against his chin in a classic bored posture.
I tilted my head while still patting Lutz’s back. “...I mean, we can be. Why?”
“Get back to work already. You’re distracting me.” Benno shooed us away and Lutz hurriedly separated from me before leaving the room. I figured I would leave too after a quick goodbye, but Benno eyed the door Lutz just left through and continued to speak.
“Myne, I sympathize with wanting to improve Lutz’s situation as soon as possible, but given how his mom was acting yesterday, the adoption talk will have to wait until things have cooled down.” Benno’s calm assessment of the situation made me feel like I was swallowing a bitter pill. “It looks like he’s gonna be living like this for a while, and things might be fine for now, but a bad living situation hurts the spirit. I can’t do anything right now since it’ll impact the store’s reputation if his family keeps shouting about kidnapping and being tricked. If you’re on Lutz’s side, do what you can to help.”
“...Right.” I thought that even if Lutz ran away, Benno would adopt him and he could focus on work. I thought that he would be able to go to other cities to help make plant paper workshops and finally achieve his dream. I never thought he would become a live-in apprentice and suffer more than he already was...
Just as Benno said, Lutz’s spirit would be worn down if he kept up this harsh lifestyle. He would beat himself up, wondering if he had done the wrong thing, and ultimately he might end up hating his family. Surely there was something I could do for him, just like how he had supported me. But nothing came to mind, and I let out a heavy sigh.
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