Registering for the Library and Supplying Mana
During this lunch break, I was visiting the library for the first time in a long while. I was bringing the first-years to be registered, and seeing them lined up in the common room brought a smile to my face.
“It will cost you each one small gold to register in the Royal Academy’s library,” I said. “I am willing to lend money to those who simply cannot afford this cost. You may then settle your debt to me by working hard on transcriptions.”
The common room’s bookcase contained a copy of the book catalog from Ehrenfest and records of the books that senior students had transcribed the year before. I cautioned the first-years to pay extra attention to what we had and what others were already working on, such that we did not end up with unnecessary duplicates, and they responded with eager nods.
I finished my lunch in a hurry and then prepared to leave. After visiting the library, I would need to go straight to my afternoon practical lessons.
“Does this mean you are accompanying them to the library after all, Lady Rozemyne?” Cornelius asked once I was ready. He was giving me a look that made it clear he had seen this coming but still really didn’t want to go.
“Would it not be strange for me to remain in the dorm while students from our duchy are going to get registered?” I asked.
“I implore you to reconsider. You registered last year, Lady Rozemyne, so this matter has absolutely nothing to do with you, and the first-years are already going to have Lady Charlotte with them as an archduke candidate. I think it would only be bothersome of you to bring so many of your retainers to Professor Solange’s office.”
“Perhaps, but I still need to supply Schwartz and Weiss with mana,” I retorted with pursed lips.
Cornelius shrugged. “Professor Solange hasn’t sent word that they’re running low.”
He wasn’t wrong about that. We had given Solange some feystones packed with mana, so there was no real need for me to visit her today in particular, but I wasn’t going to surrender my one chance to go to the library before I finished my classes.
“Why are you being so spiteful when you know how much this means to me? Hm... Could it be that you were rejected by your sweetheart?” I asked, fixing him with a stern glare.
Cornelius’s eyes shot wide open. “No!” he cried, rejecting the idea instantly.
“Have you chosen someone to escort, then? Both you and Hartmut are sixth-years now,” I said, noting that honor students would naturally be popular with the girls while looking between them.
Upon hearing my words, Cornelius and Hartmut exchanged glances and then nodded at each other. They even went as far as to exchange a firm handshake, one signifying a bond that not even time could break.
Hartmut looked down at me with a smile. “We shall not tell you, Lady Rozemyne.”
“But why?!” I exclaimed, having not expected him to so flatly refuse me.
“Because you would leak everything to Mother, who would then use it as material for her books,” Cornelius replied as he looked over at the bookcase. I couldn’t follow his eyes exactly, but I could guess that he was focusing on the collection of romance stories Elvira and her friends had written: Royal Academy Love Stories.
In short, Cornelius was concerned that his personal experiences would be used as fodder for the second or third volume of Royal Academy Love Stories, and I could understand why—Elvira had written about Lamprecht and Aurelia’s romance with an excited smile on her face. She had swapped out the names, and the inserted songs extolling the gods made it hard to identify who was who... but those who knew, knew. It was pretty much guaranteed that Cornelius would receive the same treatment.
Incidentally, Lamprecht’s story had turned into one of two lovers ripped apart by social forces, only to end up together when the gods answer their prayers. It had undergone such liberal rewrites that it was mostly fiction by the time Elvira was finished with it; her power of delusion was truly a sight to behold.
“I understand your wish to not be used as material for a book,” I said, “but you will surely need to greet your partners sooner or later.” This was especially true if said partners were from another duchy, since Cornelius and Hartmut would need to speak to their parents before the Interduchy Tournament. They were just buying a little time before Elvira inevitably found out.
“Fear not—we will take care of that while you are away for the Dedication Ritual,” Hartmut replied casually. Judging by how breezy he and Cornelius seemed, they had probably settled on partners already.
I glanced over at Leonore, who had previously spoken about having feelings for Cornelius. She was looking down at the floor, such that her grape-colored bangs obscured whatever face she was making.
“Why are we even talking about this?” Cornelius sighed. “I simply wanted to prioritize finishing my classes so that I can accompany you on your soon-to-come daily visits.”
“Then you may remain in the dorm,” I said. “I will go with Judithe, Leonore, and Charlotte’s retainers instead.”
Cornelius let out another heavy sigh, shook his head, and then looked at me with careful eyes. “No, I will accompany you,” he said. “I’ve been told not to let you out of my sight when possible.”
I wanted to ask by whom but stopped myself. It was probably Ferdinand. Or Sylvester. Or Florencia, Karstedt, or Elvira... As all these names passed through my mind—and inadvertently out my mouth—Hartmut’s bright orange eyes grew distant.
“Ah,” he said in apparent realization. “I received the same instruction, and from many others as well. There were your temple attendants, Damuel, Angelica, Lord Eckhart, Lord Justus... Then, upon my return to the castle, there was Mother and Lord Bonifatius...”
“Okay,” I said. “I understand your perspectives.” It seemed there were a lot of people who viewed me going to the library as an event requiring much observation.
“In that case, Lady Rozemyne—” Cornelius began.
“However—no matter what others may think, I will never give up on the library. Let us hurry there at once.”
It’s been so long since I was last there. I can’t wait. Woo-hoo!
“There’s no reason to be concerned this time,” Rihyarda said, sounding somewhat defeated as she opened the door. “We have some empty feystones from my boy Ferdinand.”
“Charlotte, put the board we received from Professor Solange through the hole in the door,” I instructed. I could enter the library freely because I was already registered, but the first-years needed Solange’s permission.
“Yes, Sister.”
Charlotte slid the board through what was essentially a mail slot, looking rather tense all the while. The doors creaked open a few moments later.
We started down the brightly lit hallway—the first-years were unable to contain their amazement—and then entered the room at the very end. Solange was waiting inside, much like last year, wearing a peaceful smile. This time, however, Schwartz and Weiss were there with her.
“It’s good to see you again, Professor Solange,” I said.
“I am glad to see you well, Lady Rozemyne,” she replied, her blue eyes crinkling as her smile deepened. She was the very image of a grandmother seeing her granddaughter for the first time in a while. “I see you have grown since last year.”
“H-Huh? Have I really grown so much that you noticed at a single glance?” I asked. My heart was overflowing with joy, but Schwartz and Weiss hopped over before she could answer.
“Milady is here.”
“Welcome, milady.”
“They’re large shumils...” one of the first-years whispered.
“They can talk?” another asked in a hushed voice. It was their first time seeing Schwartz and Weiss, and their surprise was more than apparent.
Charlotte stepped forward as the first-years’ representative. “Sister, are these Schwartz and Weiss?” she asked, her indigo eyes sparkling as she followed their movements with her eyes. “I heard about them before, but they are even more adorable than I imagined.”
“Indeed,” I replied with a smile of my own; I could see Lieseleta watching with a doting expression out of the corner of my eye. “You and the others must not make physical contact with them, though. They are protected by several magic circles meant to prevent them from being stolen. A simple touch would only result in sparks, but if you continue, things will surely escalate.”
It was to be expected that someone would eventually bump into Schwartz and Weiss as they waddled around the library, carrying out their duties—that was why such slight touches would give a light warning in the form of a sharp but very brief pain, like an electric shock. Those who continued to touch them, however, would find the intensity increase more and more. Eventually, the warnings would stop, and the magic circles would start to cause burns and bruises.
“I know. I embroidered the magic circles alongside the others,” Charlotte said proudly. “Furthermore, no matter how cute they are, they remain the heirlooms of royalty—that I should never touch them without permission is obvious.”
The students just then learning that Schwartz and Weiss were the heirlooms of royalty stared at them with surprised expressions. There were clear looks of awe and submission on their faces.
“I see that you have already spoken to the others about Schwartz and Weiss, Lady Rozemyne, so I will spare them another explanation,” Solange said, raising a hand to her lips and giving a refined smile as she looked between Schwartz and me. “Might I ask you to supply Schwartz and Weiss with mana as I register the first-years? They are both quite pleased to see you.”
“Of course,” I replied. “We shall go to the reading room, such that we are not in your way.”
“Very well. If you wish to avoid prying eyes, there is nobody on the second floor at the moment,” Solange noted with a bemused smile. It must have been clear on my face that I was just looking for an excuse to visit the reading room, and she was no doubt thinking of the time Dunkelfelger had come to complain. I similarly wanted to avoid any further conflict, so it was crucial that we remain largely unseen.
And so, we headed to the reading room’s second floor, as suggested. “I see the first-years getting registered really didn’t matter to you at all...” Cornelius remarked as we made our way there, sounding exasperated.
“My duty is to supply Schwartz and Weiss with mana,” I replied without even turning around. We entered the reading room with the two shumils in tow, ascended the staircase to our left, and then confirmed that there really was nobody around. “Cornelius, stand guard at the stairs to ensure that nobody intrudes. Am I right to assume you can manage on your own? Judithe and Leonore will want to see Schwartz and Weiss, I imagine.”
In truth, it was best to have them on guard duty as well, but most girls really loved the two shumils. Judithe and Leonore had also helped with the embroidery, so it seemed much too sad to leave them behind.
Leonore giggled at my suggestion. “There is no need for that, Lady Rozemyne. I, too, will guard the stairs.”
“Are you certain?” I asked.
“Quite. I will perform my duty as a guard today, but please do allow me to join you next time,” she said, a hint of amusement in her indigo eyes. I signaled my understanding with a smile and then continued on my way, leaving her and Cornelius behind.
“We should be hidden from anyone who might climb the stairs here,” Rihyarda noted.
I nodded, extended my hands to the golden feystones on Schwartz’s and Weiss’s heads, and then stroked them gently while pouring in my mana. It seemed that they weren’t too low on mana thanks to the feystones I had given Solange, but their golden eyes were closed as though they were pleased to be stroked, so I prioritized praising them over supplying them with mana.
“Schwartz, Weiss—you have done well working from spring until today.”
“We worked hard.”
“Solange was happy.”
“Things will get even more difficult now that students are gathering for the winter,” I said. “Also, I made a friend who is going to be working with me as a Library Committee member. I will introduce you later.” I removed my hands from Schwartz’s and Weiss’s feystones, at which point they opened their golden eyes, blinked, and then walked farther into the library.
“Milady. Milady.”
“Rub this too.”
“This...?” I repeated, confused.
I followed the shumils to a stone statue between two bookshelves. It was a statue of Mestionora the Goddess of Wisdom, and she was holding the Grutrissheit to her chest. Just as the statues in the temple held actual divine instruments, the pure-white statue of Mestionora was holding a yellow leather-bound book, impressive in size and intricately decorated. The feystones of various colors dotting its cover were enough for me to determine it was a magic tool.
Seeing the statue reminded me of something Solange had once said—that the library having Mestionora’s protection would cause more student-transcribed materials to gather here.
“Milady. Rub here.”
“Pray here. Your job, milady.”
Schwartz and Weiss pointed to the Grutrissheit that Mestionora was holding. I had no objections, so I placed my hand upon it and prayed.
May more books be brought to the library.
As I prayed, I stroked the feystones embedded in the Grutrissheit. I could feel my mana starting to get sucked out... and then a great flood was drained from me all at once—far more than I had given to Schwartz and Weiss. I reflexively pulled my hand away.
“Did something happen, milady?” Rihyarda asked. Her brow was furrowed; perhaps she was concerned about my sudden reaction.
I gazed between my hand and the Grutrissheit, then looked around carefully to see if anything unusual was happening. Something strange usually followed whenever a bunch of my mana was sucked out in one go—even I was able to piece that together.
And yet, nothing happened. The statue depicting Mestionora didn’t move, nor did a door to the royalty’s secret archive miraculously open. In truth, a small part of me had hoped there would be some kind of change, but alas.
Still... This is strange.
“I see nothing’s happening...” I remarked.
“What did you do, Lady Rozemyne?” my retainers asked. Before I could even respond, however, Schwartz and Weiss answered for me.
“Milady’s job.”
“Gramps will be happy.”
“Schwartz, Weiss... Who is this ‘gramps’?” I asked. It was a name I had never heard before, and to my knowledge, they called all of the librarians they served “milady.” But their answers only led to more confusion.
“Gramps is gramps.”
“He is old. Powerful.”
“Considering the title you’ve given him, he must be very old and very high in status...” I ventured, probing for more information. But the response I received was a simple:
I mean, sure, Schwartz and Weiss are cute... but they’re so hard to understand at times.
No amount of ruminating would answer my questions, so I decided to stop thinking about the matter entirely. I could just ask Solange later, after all. As I reached this conclusion, I heard some clattering and awed exclamations from the first floor; the first-years had most likely been registered and taken to the reading room.
“Schwartz, Weiss, let us descend to the first floor,” I said. “You may guide the first-years. I have something to discuss with Professor Solange.”
“Understood, milady. We shall guide.”
And so, we headed down to the first floor. Schwartz and Weiss were somewhat limited with their language, so their explanations might not have been the clearest, but Charlotte’s retainers were older students who could handle any questions that came up.
“Professor Solange, there is something I was hoping to discuss,” I said. I went on to suggest that she keep the feystones I had received from Ferdinand with her, since I was once again forbidden from visiting the library until after I passed my classes.
“Please do not overexert yourself, dear...” Solange said.
“Of course. I simply want to finish my classes as soon as possible so that I may properly establish the Library Committee. I very much enjoyed handling returns with Schwartz and Weiss last year.”
“Your assistance then truly was of great help,” Solange replied. We both smiled as we recalled the flood of panicked students, their arms filled with books. “The return rate was so high, I would almost like for Lord Ferdinand to send more ordonnanzes of encouragement this year as well.”
“He will need something in return...” I said. “Perhaps this could be solved if we had a magic tool that could record his voice.”
The existence of magic tools that could record video and magic tools like ordonnanzes that carried voice messages had made me assume that a voice recorder would be commonplace, but apparently not. Solange blinked at me in confusion.
“A tool for recording voices, you say?”
“Indeed. Are you unfamiliar with the idea?”
“It would certainly be convenient to have one. I cannot see it being too useful outside of this one particular use, however, considering that making loud noises is improper here in the library,” she explained. That reminded me—the magic tool that Ferdinand had provided to record the sword dancing and dedication whirling hadn’t captured any audio.
I wonder whether I could ask Ferdinand or Professor Hirschur to make one...
“That matter aside, though—will you be well, Lady Rozemyne?” Solange asked, her expression clouded. She cared more about the burden of supplying mana than any talk of magic tools that might not even exist. “You will need much mana for your practical lessons; is supplying Schwartz and Weiss with mana not a burden?”
“There is nothing to worry about,” I assured her. “Lady Hannelore will now be working with me as a Library Committee member.”
“Lady Hannelore... Is that not the archduke candidate from Dunkelfelger?” Solange asked, once again looking confused. “I recall that you fought with Dunkelfelger over Schwartz and Weiss.”
I explained that the feud between our duchies was entirely down to Lestilaut acting on his own. “Lady Hannelore is a sweet and kind girl who loves books and shumils,” I concluded. “Assuming there is no problem with her affinities, I even plan to share my position as Schwartz and Weiss’s lady with her.”
“Oh my. In that case, I would like to have another tea party this year, before the students begin to fill the library. There is much I wish to discuss. Please do invite Lady Hannelore, if you can.”
In an instant, I could feel my world get a whole lot brighter. This was a tea party with Solange and Hannelore in the library we were talking about here. Just thinking about it made me want to skip and dance.
“A tea party of bookworms, then,” I said. “I shall contact Lady Hannelore without fail.”
“Oh yes,” Solange replied. “I am looking forward to it.”
It was then that the library was bathed in light of all different colors, as though the sun were shining through a stained-glass window. It was the alert that afternoon lessons were about to begin. I heard the first-years farther inside the reading room let out noises of surprise, then Schwartz and Weiss hurried over.
“Milady. The warning.”
“Must go. Hurry.”
Ah... But I haven’t asked about this “gramps” person yet!
Even so, my slow walking speed meant that we had to leave as soon as possible. I would need to ask during the tea party instead, or whenever I could next visit the library.
“I’ll come back soon,” I said. “Schwartz, Weiss, please continue your work.”
We exited the library with Schwartz and Weiss hurrying us along. The apprentice attendants and scholars headed to their specialty buildings, while the first-years, apprentice knights, and I returned to the main building.
“Sister, we first-years must now go to the auditorium,” Charlotte said. “May we meet again soon.”
The first-years all went to the auditorium together for their written lessons, while we second-years had practical lessons. Our classrooms were split according to status, so Philine excused herself and turned a corner.
“Let’s get Lady Rozemyne to the Small Hall and then hurry along ourselves,” Cornelius said to Leonore and Judithe as they matched my slow but graceful walking speed. They would need to go to their course building to the north after seeing me off.
I poured mana into my enhancement magic tools to increase my pace. I was now able to move without them, but I had been told to keep them on at all times for situations like this.
I need to go as quickly as possible while still preserving my elegance!
“You are going to be learning more schtappe transformations today,” Rihyarda said. “Pay attention, milady. You will need to know how to make these weapons and shields to protect yourself.”
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