Chapter 147: I’ll Be the Judge!
WHEN I STEPPED OUT of the guild lodge, I did a big stretch. “Well, what now?”
I had planned to look for a place to sell my fruit that day, but now I didn’t need to. It was still hard to believe I’d managed to get the adventurers’ guild to help me out. I knew they thoroughly inspected everything that was brought to them. That concerned me a little—but if my fruit made it through, it would certainly be sold at a fair price. After all the trouble Ciel went through to forage the fruit for me, I wanted to get as much advantage from it as I possibly could. I did have my reward money, but I also needed to save. There was no telling what the future might hold for me. A lot had already happened in the few days since I arrived in Oll. I think I’m getting used to trouble following me wherever I go…and I don’t know if that’s a good thing.
That reminds me—I didn’t know you could sell things through the merchant guild. I figured from the name that you could register merchandise there, but I didn’t think about trying to sell anything. At this rate, maybe I should just register as a merchant? I don’t need any skills to register, and I could safely sell anything I caught in the forest without worry. How does someone go about becoming a merchant, anyway?
“Oh! I forgot to ask where Druid was!”
I wanted to thank him for his help today, so I was going to ask where he was on my way out, but I forgot. I could always go back and ask the guild master…but I didn’t want to bother him while he was working.
I wonder where Druid might be? A tavern? Hmm, no, he doesn’t seem like the type who drinks in the morning. Would the gatekeeper know? The only people I’ve spoken to in this town so far are the guild master, Druid, and the gatekeepers. So I guess the only person I could ask right now is a gatekeeper. If he looks busy, I’ll just wander around the town and look for Druid myself.
Where’s the gatekeeper…aha. Arguing with some kids. The kids seemed to want to go into the forest alone, but the gatekeeper wasn’t having it. Come to think of it, I heard some adventurers talking this morning about seeing some gurbar tracks near town. I eavesdropped on their conversation.
“What if you run into a gurbar?”
“We’ll fight it. We’re not scared of gurbars!”
I looked at the kids and saw they were carrying swords that looked way too big for them.
“You’re not scared of a gurbar that killed a whole party of mid-level adventurers? Anyone that stupid doesn’t have the right to go into the forest.”
“Oh, come on. We’re adventurers, too, ya know! We even formed a party!”
Oh, so those kids are a party, eh? Wow. They’re a bit bigger than I am, but they don’t look grown-up. They’re probably around thirteen or fourteen?
“Being in a party’s got nothing to do with it. Are you that eager to get yourselves killed?”
“O-of course we—”
“Hills! You took my sword, didn’t you?!”
“Urk! Yikes, he caught me. Run for it!”
What’s going on? The kid who’d been complaining the loudest ran off in a hurry. And an older kid who looked a lot more grown-up was chasing after him… I guess the kid stole his big brother’s sword. That’s why it’s too big for him.
After the boys had run off and everything was quiet again, I approached the gatekeeper. It was the same man who’d been there when I first arrived in Oll.
“Excuse me, sir, may I ask you a question?”
“Hm? Oh, you’re Ivy, right?”
“Yes, sir.” Wow, he’s got a good memory. Or maybe I’m just memorable?
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m looking for Mr. Druid. Do you know where I might find him?”
“Druid, eh? Well, today, he’s—”
“If you hang around that bastard, you’ll wind up dead,” a scary-sounding voice interrupted the gatekeeper.
“Hey! What are you saying?!”
I turned toward the voice in surprise. Oh! It’s him. The man who pushed Druid’s shoulder. He’d seemed really nasty then, too, but it was even clearer now that I could see him up close. His eyes were filled with malice. I knew those eyes. Eyes like that had looked at me before.
“That monster tried to kill my comrades!”
“Hey, pal, knock it off! Druid had nothing to do with it.”
“No, it’s all that bastard’s fault. He’s a bad seed!”
How cruel.
“Dolgas! Enough!” The gatekeeper’s demeanor changed at once. I shivered at the sight. The man named Dolgas also turned green for an instant. “I’m telling you to drop it.”
“You would never understand. I’m just—”
“Did I stutter?”
Yikes! Now the gatekeeper is seriously angry. And scary, too… I’d better be careful not to make him angry. But what about this Dol…what was his name again? Funny, I just heard it. Um, well, that guy. He seems really aggressive…but maybe he’s actually not too strong?
“Shut up and get out of here,” the gatekeeper growled. “This doesn’t concern scum like you.”
“I just felt sorry for the kid. I was only trying to explain—”
“Please, don’t worry about me.” I said.
“—so that…huh?!”
Oops! I shouldn’t have said anything. I just didn’t have time to waste talking to strangers right now. Besides, I’ll be the judge of Druid’s character. And if my judgment is wrong and Druid ends up causing trouble, then that will be my burden to bear. Even if it’s something I regret.
“I don’t know who you are. I appreciate your concern, but I am not so foolish that I require the opinions of strangers. So please don’t worry about me, sir.”
Huh? I meant to say that diplomatically, but that felt a little harsh… I honestly didn’t mean it that way…but it’s okay, right? Dol…what was his name again? I looked at the man standing in front of me. Yikes! He’s scary… He had the most intense death glare I’d ever seen. Oh, nuh-uh. Get me away from this close-minded person. Agh! Now I’m starting to feel angry, too. Stay calm, Ivy. Whew… I took a tiny breath in and out.
“What?! You little brat!”
Huh?! Why does he…look even more frightening than before? I shot a panicked glance at the gatekeeper for help; when our eyes met, he only smirked.
“Humph! Well, excuse me for caring. You’re just a disrespectful little brat like the rest of ’em!”
Dol-something-or-other screamed his vague insult in my direction and ran away. I guess I poured oil on the fire. Argh, and I’ve been trying so hard to keep myself out of other people’s messes. What are you even doing, Ivy?! I shook my head as I thought over everything that had just gone wrong.
“Are you okay?” the gatekeeper asked gently. He was worried about me.
“Yes, I’m fine. I was just scolding myself for my behavior.”
“Yeah…that was some epic back talk there.”
“Yeah…that’s not what I’d intended to say, though.”
“Ha ha ha!”
He laughed at me!
“Sorry about that,” the gatekeeper apologized. “That was Druid’s big brother.”
“It’s okay, I’m not that bothered by it. It doesn’t really matter to me at all.”
“Huh? It doesn’t matter to you?”
“No, sir. I have no interest in Mr. Druid’s family dynamics. The only thing I’m interested in right now is where I can find him.”
“I see…”
“I mean it. His family has nothing to do with me and him. Anyway, I just wanted to thank him for his help, so do you know where I might find him?”
That’s right. It doesn’t matter at all what sort of environment he was raised in. I was abandoned by my own family, after all. Of course a person’s family does affect one to some extent, but it’s definitely not everything.
“Ha ha ha, you’ve sure seen a lot of the world, eh, Ivy?”
“Oh, yes, I have…” I’d only been alive for nine years, but I’d had all sort of experiences. If I ever met God, I’d curse Him for creating me with no stars.
The gatekeeper looked at me in amusement. Maybe this sort of spat had happened before. And maybe when it did, it scared people away from Druid. Well, that was just my speculation.
I got the sense that the gatekeeper forgot I’d asked him a question, so I tried again. “Um, sir…could you please tell me where he is?”
“Oh! That’s right. He didn’t go into the forest, so he’s most likely at home. I don’t think anyone will be hiring him with his arm in that state.”
That’s right. Can he still hunt with only one arm? “Do you think he’ll be able to continue being an adventurer?”
“Hmm…it’ll be tough. He could get used to his missing arm while leaning on those around him for help, but…he’s not really that kind of guy.”
Yeah, he does seem to hate getting help from others.
“His family said all sorts of terrible things to him when he was young. That’s one reason he tends to keep people at a distance.”
His family was terrible to him? So it wasn’t just that big brother of his.
“I’ll tell you where his house is. Usually he wouldn’t like that, but he’s probably okay with you knowing, Ivy.” The gatekeeper shrugged his shoulders with a little laugh.
“Thank you very much.”
Thank goodness I got on the gatekeeper’s good side. If not for that, I’d still be wandering aimlessly around Oll right now.
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