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Chapter 146:

The Guild Master

“SORRY TO ASK YOU HERE so early in the morning.”

“It’s all right, sir,” I said. “What was it you wanted to ask me?”

“Well, it’s a difficult question…”

The guild master had a question for me, so I’d arrived at the lodge early that morning. I’d already had time for breakfast and a little nap before I arrived, but the guild master looked sleepy. He seemed to be dealing with some sort of dilemma.

“Ivy…you’re the one who found the blessed balm, right?”

“That’s right, sir. Well, technically, Ciel found it.”

“Ah, I see.” His distinct gravelly voice was awfully soft today. I had a bad feeling. “I’m really sorry,” he sighed, “but the client claims he didn’t ask for any blessed balm. He said it must’ve been planted there by whoever found it.”

“What?!” This was the worst possible turn of events for me. And it was completely unexpected. I wasn’t sure what to do… Oh, right! I need to refute it, at least. “Um, but I didn’t do it, sir.”

“Hmm? Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to alarm you. I know it wasn’t you; Druid confirmed as much. So don’t you worry. I called you here so I could tell them I asked you and you denied the allegations. Argh…I really don’t do well with this sort of thing.”

What a relief. Thanks, Mr. Druid. I’d better thank him properly later. I do feel sorry for the guild master, though.

“Um, the people who accused me of planting the blessed balm… Did they have some idea of why I would have done it?”

“They suggested you were after money.”



“Umm…but how would that even work?” How would planting blessed balm in a carriage get me money? By summoning monsters and killing them? “Um, does this person know about Ciel?”

“That’s highly unlikely. They don’t even know what you look like, Ivy. All they know about you is that you’re a very young traveler. They said, ‘That kid must’ve planted the blessed balm there as a threat.’”

As a threat? Umm…if it was a threat then why would I have told people I found the blessed balm?

“I know, it’s absurd.”

“Yes, it is, sir. If someone wanted to threaten them, they’d keep the blessed balm a secret.”

“Exactly. They probably panicked because there were way more casualties than expected. That’s why they tried to pin it on a traveler who was strapped for cash.”

“But it just feels so…”


My eyes met the guild master’s…and we both smirked. Traveling adventurers tended to earn more than ones who lived in villages or towns, since they could go where the money was. I must have been one of the few adventurers traveling for reasons other than money.

That did bring up a good point, though: money. Winter was coming, and I could never have too much saved up for that. To be honest, I did want money, but on the other hand, I wasn’t really in any financial trouble. I had my reward money, of course, and I also had many treasures that my friend found for me, so I knew I’d be okay.

I looked at the magic bag sitting next to me. Unlike the one I kept the slimes in, it contained lots of fruit and nuts. Ciel foraged these valuable items for me in the forest. I knew they would fetch a good price at the shops, so I didn’t exactly have money problems. My real issue was that not many shops were willing to buy my merchandise. Wait…does that mean I actually do have money problems? 

I looked searchingly at the guild master. I wonder if he would put in a good word for me? I took some fruit and nuts from my magic bag and set them on the table. The guild master was surprised at the sight of them, and I couldn’t blame him. I had some rare fruit you could only find deep in the forest as well as tree nuts that were highly coveted among pharmacists. They were medicinal…but I didn’t remember what they did, exactly.

“That’s an incredible haul you have there.”

“Ciel foraged these for me.”

“The adandara, eh? Well, I’m impressed.”

“You see, sir? I don’t have any money problems.”

“Ha ha ha! Don’t worry. I don’t suspect you. Say, aren’t you going to sell these?”

“I’m currently looking for somewhere to sell these without going through the adventurers’ guild. Do you know of any places?”

“The adventurers’ guild? You’re not selling them to the merchant guild?”

“Hm? No, sir.” The merchant guild? Huh? I can sell them to the merchant guild, too? Oh! Does that mean a merchant would sell my stuff? I’m not a merchant, after all. But why did the guild master ask me about that?

“Then would you like to sell them through me to the adventurers’ guild?”


“If you sell these, your money problems will essentially be nil. Problem solved.”

So…he wants me to sell my fruit and nuts through the adventurers’ guild, right? And that if I do it through him, the guild master, I won’t have to register?

“Make no mistake, those fruit and the medicinal nuts will bring in a hefty sum. They’re pricey goods even in normal times, but what with the gurbar scare, they’re even more expensive now.”

Does this mean that if I raise enough money and enough people know about it, they can vouch for me? If that will solve the problem, then I don’t see any issue with it. I guess going through the adventurers’ guild is my best bet.

“Um, but will I need to register with the guild, sir?”

“Ah. You have a reason not to, I assume? Wait, don’t answer that. Sorry, forget I asked,” he apologized, bowing his head.

I frantically shook my head. “It’s not a problem, sir. It’s just that I can’t register for personal reasons I’d rather not go into.”

“Thanks. Well, if you won’t register, then this will be a special one-time deal. Hmm…you’re on your way to the capital after this, right?”

“Yes, sir.”

“How about buying a slave as a travel companion? You can have your slave register with the adventurers’ guild for you. Besides, the area around the capital is a lot more populous. You’ll be an easy mark. If you need a referral, I can write you one.”

Gee, everyone has the same idea. “Thank you, sir, but I already have a letter of referral.”

“Hm? Oh, for a slave trader?”

“Yes, sir. Sifar, an adventurer in Otolwa, wrote me one.”

“Oh, that guy! I’ve worked with him before, but he’d always give me sass.”

“Sass, sir?”

“Yeah, he’d say I was too long-winded or a blabbermouth—all sorts of rude things.”

Well…the guild master does talk a lot, and he does seem to have a loose tongue. But is that his real personality? The more we talk, the more I feel like there’s something a tad off about him. Besides, wouldn’t it be unusual for a gossipy person to be made guild master? It’s hard to imagine…

“What’s wrong? Oh! Ivy, you don’t think I’m a blabbermouth, too, do you?”

“Well, you do seem like one, but I was actually just thinking that you’re probably not.”


The guild master barely knew me, yet he was being so kind and thoughtful for my sake—that much was clear. But something about him was hard to read. Come to think of it, my impression of Otolwa’s guild master was also changing the more I talked to him.

“Oh, Ivy. You really are a wonder.”

“A wonder, sir?”

“Yes. Most people don’t notice.”

Don’t notice what? What does he mean?

“Becoming a guild master comes with a lot of baggage, you know.”

Baggage…so that’s why he acts a bit careless? I stared hard at the guild master, which made him laugh.

“I suppose guild master is a difficult position to hold.”

“Hmf! Well, yeah, you’re right. You’re a good kid, Ivy.”

Hm? Um…that has nothing to do with it, does it? Why did he say I was a good kid?

“So, are you going to sell your foraged goods?”

Huh? He changed the subject. Does that mean the conversation is over? Well, I guess that’s for the best.

“Yes, please. I hope it won’t be any trouble?”

“Don’t worry. We get a lot of requests for those medicinal nuts, but I haven’t been able to fill them because I was missing my top adventurers. Those trees are only found deep in the forest, you see. If I sent unskilled men out to look for them, it’d be suicide. Is the merchandise all inside that bag?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Could I keep it here for you?”

“Um, sure.”

The guild master pulled out a piece of paper from his desk drawer. “Write down everything you have in that bag on this sheet.”

“All right, sir. I do have other fruit besides the two I showed you. Could I ask you to sell those for me, too?”

“Sure, I’ll sell everything through the adventurers’ guild.”

“Thank you very much.”

I took the paper and looked it over. There was a line to write my name and a table for the name and amount of each item. Once I filled everything out, I handed it back to the guild master. 

When he saw my list, he muttered, “Incredible…” Was there something else exceptional besides the two things I already showed him? 

The guild master signed and stamped the paper. “Thank you, and here’s your receipt. Now that’s two problems solved.”

I guess he means the blessed balm problem and the medicinal nut problem. I’m just glad I could help out. But even though the medicinal nut supply issue is basically solved…will the accusations really go away if I just earn some money?

“Are you sure I’ll be all right, sir?”

“Yeah, I am Oll’s guild master, after all. You can trust me.”

Hmmm…can I, though? Even if his careless personality is just an act, why am I still worried?

The guild master caught me staring. “Ivy, I know I may not look it, but I do get the job done,” he pouted, giving my head a little poke. 

“I know, sir.” I’m still a little anxious, but I’ll just keep that to myself.

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