Chapter 68:
Quirky Adventurers
WORKING WITH RATTLOORE, I managed to finish dinner for everyone. We’d made fifteen servings of soup to have enough for seconds, but it took three whole pots. I ran out of medicinal plants while I was seasoning the meat, so I had to improvise a little on the last three cuts. I hoped it turned out okay.
“I don’t think I’ve smelled anything like that before. It’s nice.”
“Smells tasty, doesn’t it?”
“I’ll vouch for the taste,” Rattloore said. “Ivy’s a great cook. Right?!”
Even though Rattloore was vouching for me, I wasn’t so sure about the results. Today’s meal was a lot harder than the past two days, especially when it came to the medicinal plants.
“Hey there, Ivy,” the expedition leader called. “Let me introduce you to my comrades: Rick, Low, and Mar.”
Huh? Are those their real names? When the leader introduced them, all three sighed at once.
“Who introduces people with nicknames? I’m Rickbert. Nice to meet you, Ivy.”
“Does it matter that much?” the leader butted in.
“Have some basic manners. It’s rude.”
“Is it…?”
“Good grief,” Mar grumbled. “Earlier, you even called me Lowcreek by accident!”
“Ah, come on. Are you ever gonna let that go?”
I wanted to introduce myself, but I couldn’t get a word in edgewise. The leader seemed different from how he was when we’d first met. Before he’d seemed much more…tense?
“You’ve been absentminded all day,” the third man, Low, interjected. “You even forgot your backup sword.”
Absentminded? He’d seemed so reliable when we’d first met. Maybe he felt safe enough around his friends that he could let his guard down? Still, forgetting your backup sword…
“Name’s Lowcreek Good to meet you. Just Low is fine, though; I’m used to it.”
“Nice to meet you, too. I’m Ivy.”
“I’m Marcreek.”
“Um. Nice to meet you.”
Why did both of their names end in “creek?” Were they siblings? I compared Lowcreek and Marcreek’s faces, but…they were totally different.
Rattloore must’ve noticed my searching look. “They’re not siblings. They just happen to have similar names.”
“We gonna eat or what?” Gnouga grumbled, staring at the meat. It looked like it was just about done.
I quickly ladled out soup and had Rattloore divide the meat. The leader brought bread with fruit in it, too, so we shared that as well.
“Thanks for the food,” I said, digging in.
With the first gulp of soup, the richness of the meat spread through my mouth. The medicinal plants brought out the flavor of the cluck meat, too. Thank goodness! It’s actually great.
But…um, everyone’s really quiet. Do they not like it? Everyone was eating in total silence. Aah, scary!
“Umm… Is it okay?” I asked.
“Hm? Yeah, it’s real good. It’s so delicious that we’re all surprised,” Rattloore said with a smile. Phew.
“I think you might have a knack for this cooking thing,” Marcreek said as he picked up his empty bowl and stood up.
That was fast! He’s already finished. Maybe I should’ve made more? Ah, Sifar’s going for seconds, too! Uh oh…I might not have made enough food.
“Will we have enough?” I asked, worried.
“Don’t worry about it, Ivy. You made more than we usually do, so it’s plenty.” The leader’s words were a relief.
But…maybe I should worry about it. Marcreek and Sifar were staring each other down in front of the pot of soup. Wait…now they’re fighting over the meat in it.
“Whoa, this meat is delicious! Did you use medicinal plants?” Low asked, taking another bite. Since I’d been worried about the flavor, that was another relief.
“Yes, I pre-seasoned the meat by using them as a rub.”
“Pre-seasoned? Rub?”
Is that not a common cooking method? I thought rubbing herbs in was normal, but maybe not? Well, I probably shouldn’t think too hard about it right now.
“That’s right,” I answered. “It allows the flavor of the plants to penetrate the meat more.”
“Wooow…huh? This one tastes different. Ooh, but it’s good, too!”
I had made some on-the-fly changes to the flavor on a few of them since I ran out of medicinal plants. Thank goodness it worked out. Also, I couldn’t help but notice that Gnouga was really chowing down on the meat. Is there gonna be any left…?
“Gnouga, hey! Aren’t you eating too much?!” Rickbert yelled at him.
“Nothing to see here.”
“No way! C’mon, don’t hog all the food!”
“I gotta!”
Ahh! Now Rickbert and Gnouga are fighting over the soup, too. Maybe we don’t have enough, after all. Despite my worries, everyone managed to get enough in the end. Even if these people were hungrier than I’d expected!
“Sorry, Ivy,” said Seizerk, looking concerned. “This must’ve taken ages, right?”
“No, it’s okay. I like cooking.”
“Really? That’s great. By the way, Ivy, you were planning to head to Otolwa once the hunt is over?”
“Change of plans? As long as someone’s after you, I’d avoid traveling anywhere by yourself. They might be waiting for a chance to catch you alone.”
So I’m in danger even if I give up on going to Otolwa? Then what should I do?
“Why don’t you come with us to Otolwa?” he offered.
“With you?”
“Yeah. It’s about two days from here. How about it?”
“Will I be a bother at all?”
“Absolutely not. Especially if you keep cooking us delicious food.” Seizerk winked.
I still had medicinal plants for soup, if not for meat. If I could help out…maybe this was the best option? Honestly, I was really scared of being alone now.
“If you don’t mind my intruding…” I paused. “Then yes, please.”
“You’re such a polite kid!” He patted me on the head.
“Hey, hey! What’s going on here?” Marcreek cut in. He was suddenly in a bubbly mood. The scent of alcohol on him confirmed why.
“Agh, it’s too early to drink!” Seizerk shouted. “We’ve got to go out tomorrow, too!”
“C’maaawn! Ya gotta have drink wiff a good meal!”
“Argh… Boss, Marcreek’s already drunk!”
“Say what?” the boss replied. “We didn’t even bring alcohol!”
“Aaaargh!” Sifar’s voice echoed from the tent. Immediately after, he lunged out with fury plain on his face. It startled me so bad that I grabbed Seizerk and Rattloore’s arms.
Sifar looked around, spotted Marcreek, and grinned madly. Marcreek’s expression turned from joy to pale-faced terror; his smile was gone.
“So it was you, eh?” As soon as Sifar opened his mouth, Marcreek sprinted off. Naturally, Sifar gave chase.
I wonder what happened? Also, should he be running like that when he’s drunk?
“Sorry about my idiot team member,” Bolorda sighed. “Someone’s pilfered Sifar’s drink. Sorry to you, too, Ivy. That must have been alarming.” I followed the leader’s eyes to my hands, which were still clinging to Seizerk and Rattloore’s arms.
“Ah! Sorry.” I let go.
“No worries,” Seizerk said with a chuckle and a shrug. “Sifar can be a scary guy.”
I couldn’t help but agree. It was then that I heard a scream in the distance. Was it just me, or did that sound like Marcreek’s voice…?
“Oof. Sounds like that’s settled.”
So it was Marcreek after all. That was a heck of a shriek… Is he okay? A short while later, Sifar returned. His smile wasn’t terrifying anymore. He looked…satisfied.
Was Marcreek dead?
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