As for the High Seraph, he was nothing more than a ripple in the current era. He would never be able to actually achieve Immortality.
Over the course of time, the High Seraph would change, but the influence of the Wisdom Domain would remain the same forever.
Whether or not the High Seraph succeeded in transcending was fundamentally meaningless to them.
Lu Yin shook his head. "It seems that you’re not yet ready. Perhaps I should wait for that hidden heir. Maybe he can surprise me."
With that, Lu Yin casually waved his hand, and Young Master Yu was tossed from Boundless.
The man had not expected Lu Yin to react so decisively, and he was surprised that he had been tossed overboard.
While Young Master Yu had been correct with one of his deductions, which was that he would not be killed, he had never anticipated being so rudely thrown away.
Even if he ended up being forced to leave Boundless, he would have preferred to walk away on his own terms. This was not something that his pride required, but Young Master Yu could not tolerate such humiliation.
As he tumbled through outer space, Young Master Yu stared back at Boundless. He had not laid eyes on Yuan Qi or seen the true master of the Tianyuan Megaverse, the one who was able to rival the High Seraph. Still, Lu Yin had left a deep impression on the man.
Lu Yin was undoubtedly not who he appeared to be. He had created an impression of being someone who loved beautiful women, was arrogant, and acted domineeringly. But it was clear to Young Master Yu that Lu Yin had a broad perspective and keen insights.Back on Boundless, Old Tao also had not expected Lu Yin to simply throw Young Master Yu overboard. No matter how the old man considered the conversation he had overheard, the two men should share some sort of mutual understanding.
"He is too focused on his own goals, and he ignores the fact that he has no qualification to speak with us. I truly look forward to meeting the hidden heir," Lu Yin calmly stated.
Yuan Qi then appeared. "The Wisdom Domain has always been inherited by the hidden heirs, while the heirs in the light are used as supplements. Over the countless years, the heirs in the light have tried everything to change their situation, but to no avail."
"That man is extremely intelligent, and he is also unafraid of death. He similarly holds no respect for the High Seraph. His intelligence, determination, and spirit are all outstanding. Unfortunately, he lacks the ability," Lu Yin said.
"Generally speaking, the hidden heirs don’t often leave their domain. Boundless is too conspicuous, so the hidden heir won’t visit us," Old Tao commented.
Lu Yin stared off into the distance. "Aren’t we almost at the Hundred Grasses Domain? When we arrive, we’ll set some rules down and completely open up the Hundred Grasses Universe. No one will be allowed to give away their Hundred Grasses to others, not even to their own children. Whoever finds one must keep it."
Old Tao was left speechless. Such a rule completely ignored anyone’s reputation.
A single comment from Yu Shan had led to the fall of the Hundred Grasses Domain, which had once stood near the peak of the entire Spirit Nidus. Lu Yin stood directly beneath that peak and simply turned things over without any care or concern.
That was certainly one way to go about things.
With such strict rules in place, no one would dare to violate them. All responsibility for violating the situation that Yu Shan had created would be borne solely by the Grandverse Manor, or more precisely, by Yuan Qi.
Yuan Qi left, understanding that he would once again be reviled.
The sight of Young Master Yu being thrown from Boundless created a bit of a commotion, but given all the other crimes that Boundless had already committed, such an incident was rather insignificant.
The battleship was already close to the Hundred Grasses Domain, and Boundless sailed on. After another half a month, another domain had been crossed. The next one was the Hundred Grasses Domain.
Lu Yin stretched out lazily. They had finally arrived.
Someone else was asking to join the Grandverse Manor, as Lu Yin had continued to meet the applicants. He wanted a breakthrough in his Inner Clarity Technique.
Soon, a corpse drifted through outer space. The sight of it caused many to fall silent.
It was the body of the latest applicant to board Boundless in a bid to join the Grandverse Manor. However, the applicant left as a corpse.
This was the first time that Boundless had killed any of the applicants attempting to join the Grandverse Manor.
Before this, no matter who had boarded the battleship, who had sent them, or how brazen they were in their ulterior motives, at worst, people had been tossed overboard. No one who had stepped onto Boundless as an applicant had been killed. This person was the first.
Suddenly, another development appeared. The faction that had sent the latest applicant was also attacked by Boundless. A blade slashed down from the battleship, and it was impossible to stop.
Not only had the applicant who had boarded Boundless been killed, but everyone from his entire faction who had been present had also been slaughtered. Why?
This incident caused others to be too afraid to send anyone else to Boundless.
A talented youth stepped forward. "The Grandverse Manor cares not about past grievances, only good and evil.
"That man was exceptionally evil, and all who allowed him to continue living deserved to die with him."
After speaking, the young man turned around and left.
Countless eyes drifted to the corpse, and many people started investigating the matter.
It was important that they learn what the Grandverse Manor considered evil, as the factions needed to avoid sending similar people to the battleship.
This matter also provided new insight into the Grandverse Manor. So they only distinguished between good and evil? When had Seraph Yuan Qi become such a benevolent person?
Soon after, the dead applicant’s deeds were discovered. Even in the cruel world of cultivators, many people were infuriated by the man’s actions, as he had descended to a level that violated any concept of human decency.
On Boundless, Lu Yin was in a foul mood.
He could not tolerate what that man had done, though he also understood that he had only seen one man’s deeds. The truth was that there were far too many such despicable individuals, and they could never be fully culled. In fact, Lu Yin had never intended to intervene in such a matter.
Even so, Lu Yin’s mood had been ruined, possibly due to the promises he had made in the Tianyuan Megaverse.
Leading people toward goodness was more difficult than transcending.
Someone far away from Boundless looked quite anxious as they raced towards the vessel.
There were people chasing that person.
Too many sects and families were keeping an eye on Boundless, and the battleship was completely surrounded. Someone had already seen that a person was being chased.
Every moment that passed caused the pursued person’s heart to drop, as they were terrified that they would be delayed. If that happened, they would not be able to even get close to Boundless.
However, no one tried to stop or slow the man. Instead, they moved to block his pursuers, which confused him.
Even so, his confusion did not matter, as his goal was to join the Grandverse Manor.
The Grandverse Manor had once declared that they would protect anyone who joined them, regardless of their past or who their enemies might be. That was the sort of protection that the man needed.
The people from the factions that had Boundless surrounded also wanted to see who would succeed in joining the Grandverse Manor. So far, only Ba Liu, Yi Yao, and another talented youth had succeeded.
"I am Yu Dang! I ask to join the Grandverse Manor!" the man announced.
His pursuers quickly stopped giving chase, and they nervously looked at Boundless.
Is this Boundless? The ship that has become hated by countless people across the Spirit Nidus, only for all of them to be left helpless? The fact that three powerful cultivators from the Primal Beastland had been instantly struck down at the Alin Domain’s Aqua Rift had become infamous, and that matter had not ended there. Only three astral beasts from Boundless had taken action, along with one man. Even so, a host of powerful cultivators had been cut down without the Seraph aboard the battleship ever taking action.
The pursuers wanted to retreat, but their path to escape had been blocked by the nearby people.
After all, people wanted to see if the Grandverse Manor would accept Yu Dang.
Yu Dang had been forced to this extreme. He and his pursuers had accidentally entered a spatial rift, where they had discovered the ruins of an ancient sect. There, they had harvested that sect’s techniques and resources. Most notably, Yu Shang had obtained the sect’s battle techniques, which had led to him being hunted by everyone else.
He had been chased for years, and no matter where he had fled, the same group had always managed to find him.
There was an intricate group of factions behind his pursuers. While Yu Dang had a family supporting him, his background could not compare to his pursuers’, which meant that he was forced to flee. With nowhere else to turn, he had eventually headed to the Grandverse Manor, hoping to succeed with this last chance.
Yu Dang nervously waited for Boundless’s response.
His pursuers exchanged glances. They wanted to fall back, but were unable to do so. Advancing was also impossible, as Boundless might instantly annihilate them.
All they could do was watch, helpless.
Their only hope was for Boundless to refrain from intervening. If that happened, Yu Dang would never be able to escape.
Yu Dang was thrilled by the response, and he raced onto Boundless.
Everyone watched, waiting to see what happened.
Yu Dang’s pursuers grew pale. They absolutely did not want to face Boundless.
Yu Dang quickly arrived in front of Lu Yin, where the man knelt and begged, "Yu Dang requests to join the Grandverse Manor. I offer a rare treasure in exchange for my safety."
Lu Yin flicked a finger, and a spiral of karma shot through Yu Dang. The man’s eyes flared, and he instinctively looked down, only to see nothing at all. Even so, he had felt like he had been stabbed. Had that been nothing more than an illusion?
He did not dare to move and remained kneeling on the ground.
Lu Yin looked up. "That’s fine."
Yu Dang was overjoyed. "Thank you, SeniorI This is the rare treasure I acquired. It’s a battle technique that I obtained from-"
"There’s no need for that. Keep it." Lu Yin had not the slightest bit of interest in the battle technique.
Yu Dang was confused. "You don’t want it?"
Lu Yin gave a small smile. "The Grandverse Manor doesn’t accept people for profit. Since you have been allowed to join, then stay. Those people out there can leave."
The command echoed across the stars, terrifying Yu Dang’s pursuers. They immediately turned and fled.
Yu Dang had actually managed to join the Grandverse Manor.
Everyone watching grew confused. Why had the Grandverse Manor accepted Yu Dang?
Of the people who had been sent to try to join Boundless, some had been wronged, and others were being hunted; all of them had been rejected. Instead, Yu Dang, who had also been chased, had been allowed to join. How could the people observing Boundless understand what was different between their candidates and the sole success story?
No one could answer that question.
Yu Dang was equally confused. He had simply wanted to save himself. He had never expected to be allowed to keep his battle technique.
The Grandverse Manor truly wanted nothing from Yu Dang, and he had been allowed to join without any conditions.
How was that possible?
He looked up at the massive banner and the three lines of text written on it. The sight of them sent a chill down his spine.
Finally realizing his situation, Yu Shang understood what kind of organization he had just joined.
They were trying to overthrow the megaverse!
He gave a bitter smile. What did it matter if the megaverse was overthrown? As a man on the brink of death, he had chased after his only hope for survival. All he could do in the future was take things one step at a time.
One month later, Boundless entered the Hundred Grasses Domain.
Looking out at the domain, Yuan Qi sighed. "The Hundred Grasses Domain was once thriving, filled with people. The queues leading to the Hundred Grasses Universe were endless. Now, this place has been reduced to this."
Old Tao said, "The Hundred Grasses Domain is but a shell of its former self. If not for the fact that the Hundred Grasses are still useful to cultivators, this domain would have been replaced long ago.
"Now, anyone who wishes is able to enter the Hundred Grasses Universe and search for a plant, though very few people do so.
"By the way, Yu Shan is here."
Lu Yin grew confused. "Wasn’t he raised up by the High Seraph by crushing the Hundred Grasses Domain? Why is he still here?"
Old Tao replied, "I simply heard that he’s still here. I don’t know any details about it."
Lu Yin was intrigued. "In that case, I’ll have to meet this Yu Shan. I’m just afraid that he won’t dare to meet me."
Elsewhere in the Hundred Grasses Domain, Yu Shan emerged from a gorge in the mountains. The man’s face was as flawless as jade. He was peerlessly handsome, and he looked like the ideal man. He was talented and poised, and his appearance combined masculine strength with the elegance of a scholar. Every move he made exuded a unique feeling. He seemed like a fallen immortal.
Yu Shan was admired by countless women throughout the Spirit Nidus. The fact that he was ranked second on the White Spirit List and that his master was the High Seraph meant that Yu Shang was the target of countless people’s envy. Many sought to wed their daughters to him.
Even the Cai family had once offered Cai Keqing to Yu Shan, but he had refused.
"They’re finally here. My master still has not replied, but I want to see what Yuan Qi is really up to." A single step took the man away from the gorge and on his way to Boundless.
When Yu Shan moved, he did not move alone. In the same manner as how Boundless was surrounded by observers, there were many women surrounding Yu Shan at all times. Whenever he moved, they moved with him.
OMA’s Thoughts
Translated By: OMA
Edited By: Neshi/Nyxnox
TLC’ed By: OMA
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