"Captain! There's an urgent message from the main church!"
Chris and Leon both deeply knitted their brows the moment that they heard this.
But it wasn't just them, it was all of us that deeply knitted our brows when we heard this.
After all, the main church was the church headquarters in the Holy Empire. That meant that this was a special message that had come all the way from the Holy Empire to this place.
Was it another order? Did that mean that there was another small kingdom where the corruption energy suddenly appeared?
It turned out that it was much worse than this.
The messenger seemed to hesitate when he saw that I was here as well, as if he was afraid to tell me the message from the Holy Empire. He didn't seem worried about the prime minister or the others, he just seemed worried about me specifically.
Chris and Leon could see this as well, so there was a trace of hesitation on their faces.
"You can tell me the message."
It seemed that they decided to involve me in the end.
The messenger gave me one last hesitant look before slowly nodding in agreement.
"There are several other small kingdoms across the human race where the corruption energy has appeared."
All of us once again deeply knitted our brows when we heard this.
This certainly wasn't something that we expected to hear…
The prime minister was the one that reacted first in this situation and he did so by immediately taking charge of the situation.
As soon as he said this, the royal guards that had been behind us reacted and seemed like they were about to run off to grab a map. Only before any of them could do that, the messenger actually brought a map out first.
He spread it out in front of him and held it up for us to see since there wasn't a place for him to put this map down right now.
This was a map of the entire continent and it seemed that there were quite a few places that were marked on this map.
The most important thing was…
"These aren't just the small kingdoms in the area that seemed to be marked. What are these other kingdoms for?" The prime minister asked in a serious voice.
The messenger seemed to hesitate for a second, but with a nod from Chris and Leon, he said, "Indeed, it's not just the small kingdoms that are experiencing this. Even the medium and large kingdoms are experiencing the same thing. Though thanks to the support of our Holy Empire, the effects have been minimal."
After a pause, he added in an awkward voice, "It's just that these small kingdoms haven't been prioritized like the medium and large kingdoms."
We slightly knitted our brows when hearing this.
It wasn't as if we couldn't understand what the reasoning behind this was, but it still wasn't pleasant to hear this kind of thing.
The messenger also knew this, which was why he said this in an awkward voice.
After saying all of this, the messenger then added, "The orders are for the captain to lead his team to help the nearby small kingdoms."
That was what the ring around the area was.
This was most likely the area that they had been assigned to help.
It seemed like this was the end of the report, but the way that the messenger was looking at me…
It wasn't just the messenger alone that was looking at me like this, but also Chris and Leon.
The two of them both seemed to be implying something with the way that they looked at me.
It wasn't hard to figure out what they were implying by looking at me like this, but it wasn't as if this was something that could be decided that easily. So I turned to look at the prime minister.
He didn't show any signs on his face at all.
Rather, it seemed like he had a stone cold look on his face that didn't seem to show any reactions at all.
But I knew that this was just the look that he revealed when he was thinking things through.
After a long silence, the prime minister said, "We should help them."
I didn't question what he said and just nodded in agreement.
I already knew that he had been weighing the pros and cons of this during this time, so he had come to this decision after carefully thinking things through. It wasn't as if he was sending me off without any thoughts at all.
And I knew why they were asking for me in the first place.
The priests and holy knights of the Holy Empire were able to use holy magic to purify the corruption energy, but the effects that it had just couldn't compare to the effects that divine energy had.
Divine energy was a power that was bestowed by the gods themselves, so the power that it had couldn't be compared to the power that came from a human.
The divine energy was able to cut right through the corruption energy, unlike the holy magic that took a while.
With the divine energy, it would be much easier to clean up all of the corruption energy that was spreading.
Only that wasn't the only reason that the prime minister agreed to this.
It was also because of the proximity of these small kingdoms to our Kite Kingdom.
With how close they were, if any mistakes were to happen, it would be likely that the corruption energy would spread to our Kite Kingdom.
As the king, I naturally would back this up.
"If we find anything, I'll be taking it to study it." That was the condition that I raised after the prime minister agreed that we should help them.
There were awkward looks that appeared on Chris and Leon's faces when they heard this, but eventually they agreed to this.
They also could weigh the pros and cons and having me help outweighed the risks that this posed.
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