As we came closer and closer to the border of the Kite Kingdom, I couldn't help feeling more anxious.
From time to time, I turned to look at Klein and the other royal guards, but it was clear that they were ignoring me with the way that they turned their heads away from me.
It was clear that they were ignoring the way that I was asking them to remain silent about what had happened.
So there was no choice but to prepare to face the music.
The only one that didn't seem bothered by this was Ann.
In fact, she was even on Joan with me.
She should have been on one of the other wyverns, but it seemed like she insisted on being on the back of Joan with me.
"It's my job to protect you."
That was all that she had to say when I asked her if she would want her own wyvern.
Well, it was good that she was loyal, but it wasn't a good thing if she was too loyal. Especially since it would create misunderstandings before I was able to explain things to my wives.
Only it didn't seem like she was planning on budging at all on this point.
So I had no choice but to let her onto Joan like this.
When we arrived in the capital, I was surprised to find that there wasn't a single person there to welcome us. Even the ones that would have helped settle the wyverns seemed to be busy with something else.
It was only after we landed that they came over, but it didn't seem like they were planning on letting the wyverns rest. It seemed like they were preparing the wyverns to head out again right away.
I was planning on heading back to the palace, but I didn't get a chance to do that.
Instead, there were some guards that suddenly came forward to stop me.
For a second, there was a part of me that wondered if they were planning some kind of coup d'etat. I was even wondering if the prime minister, the former fourth prince, was planning to take the throne for himself.
But then I shook that crazy thought out of my mind.
After all, I had already made it clear several times that if he wanted the throne, he was more than welcome to take it. I had it forced onto me, so it wasn't as if the throne was something that I cared that much about.
Especially if the other side was the prime minister who was also the former fourth prince.
This throne should have been his in the first place as a member of the royal family and the heir of the former king.
Only that wasn't the case.
It wasn't as if the guards were here to arrest me and take me away, they were just here to stop me from leaving this landing zone. It seemed that they were waiting for someone with the way that they kept looking behind them.
And eventually that person came.
It was the prime minister along with the chancellor and surprisingly my wives.
I couldn't help trembling when I saw them all running over like this.
It was made worse by the fact that there were serious looks that were on their faces. It really seemed like they were rushing here because they already knew what had happened and they were here with a few choice words.
A look like I had given up appeared on my face as I gave a sigh and prepared to explain myself.
It was just that I didn't have any time to say that as the prime minister said, "We don't have time to let you rest and catch you up on everything that's happened. We need to move now."
The serious tone that he said this in completely caught me off guard, but then I nodded and got back on Joan.
I had no idea what was happening, but for someone like the prime minister to act this way…
There was no doubt that whatever he was freaking out about was quite serious.
Once we were on our way, the prime minister looked at me from his wyvern and said in a bitter voice, "What took you so long to come back? We were waiting for you to come back the entire time to deal with this matter."
"What matter?" I couldn't help asking in a confused voice.
Though I had gone along since I could tell that whatever happened was serious, I didn't actually know what they were actually worried about.
It seemed that the prime minister was finally hesitating to say what he wanted to say.
He didn't hesitate when he dragged me out of the capital, but it was as if he was having a hard time saying this.
After a moment of silence, the prime minister finally said, "There have been signs of corruption that have appeared in the kingdom's territory."
"Corruption?" I asked in a surprised voice before suddenly deeply knitting my brows to ask, "Where is it? When did it start?"
"To the north and it was just reported two days ago. We've already completely cordoned off the area so that no one can approach it and we've sent people to investigate." Then after a pause, the prime minister added, "We have no idea how it started either. It just suddenly appeared one day. It was discovered by a farmer that was about to water his crops when he saw that black energy clinging to his plants. After that, the local lord immediately sent a message through the network and we immediately sent the guards to protect that place."
I nodded to show that I understood, but I still couldn't help knitting my brows as I fell into deep thought.
However, I didn't ask anything else since I knew that there was no point in asking anything else.
It wasn't as if we knew anything else about this corruption energy and why it appeared.
The only important thing now was to get rid of this corruption energy as soon as possible, as well as the person or thing that spread this corruption energy.
It wasn't as if the corruption energy would just appear on its own like this.
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