Chapter 189
Chapter 189 – Lord of Ice (1)
“That is unfortunate . ”
Unlike his words, Woojin’s face displayed his indifference . The pupils of Nakamura shook .
“I…I’m sorry . For a moment, my greed…”
The light in Woojin’s eyes stayed steady even as he heard Nakamura’s entreaty .
“You should just die . ”
Why waste a Dimensional Proof to take over his Colony?
Woojin had only worried about external enemies . He had been too complacent about the enemies within .
In the long history of earth, who had killed the most humans?
After the Dungeon Shock, they had killed a lot of humans in a short amount of time . The fear and the threat of the monsters had somewhat united the humans, but unfortunately, humans were still responsible for killing the most humans on earth .
Humans were divided into various groups, and these groups went through numerous struggles . These continuous struggles resulted in harm and death .
For a brief moment, these groups had allied with each other thanks to a big external threat . However, the signs of change was once again on the horizon .
It wouldn’t be strictly a fight between Dimensional lords and the people of earth anymore . The line between allies and enemies would blur . In the end, each faction would fight against each other .
Nakamura, who was in front of him, was a prime example .
“Oooh ooh oohk . S…stop . ”
Nakamura screamed, but Woojin’s grip continued to tighten . Nakamura felt a headache as if his head would soon explode .
He was dying . He hadn’t experienced it before, and the fear of the unknown made Nakamura weak .
He couldn’t win against Woojin .
‘Fuck . We aren’t the same…’
He had found out not all Dimensional lords were equal .
Winning wasn’t even part of the equation for him .
〈You’ve cleared the Colony . 〉
〈Please choose between Destruction or Capture . 〉
When Woojin chose Capture, another one of his Dimensional Fragment was used up, and a wait time had appeared .
One day .
If he wanted to use the functions of a Colony, he had to wait one more day .
“This is annoying”
He would have to waste time, because of this bastard’s antics . Woojin looked at his surrounding .
“What the hell is this… . Uh-whew . ”
Woojin’s brows furrowed when he saw the large palace built in front of the World Tree . He would need to fully seize his Colony to get the exact figure, but Nakamura seemed to have spend a lot of Points .
Did he say he was from the Daken guild? When Woojin returned to earth, he would have to regain what he had lost with interest from the Daken guild .
“What are you guys doing?”
“You should go do your jobs . ”
Tauric and the others had been imprisoned until a moment ago, so they were confused by his words . Woojin pointed towards the outer castle walls with his chin .
The goblins were fighting the forces of the Coalition . Some of the goblins were cooperating with each other, and they were pushing into the inner walls .
It was a clusterfuck .
Woojin had merely forced his way past the defense to climb to the top of the Saurus Mountain .
“Are you planning on letting them all die?”
The heroes of the Coalition went forth to calm the situation . The only ones left behind with Woojin was the Holy Maiden and the Phantom Unit .
“Hey, Haesol . ”
Woojin shook the still unconscious Che-haesol . However, she didn’t move . He placed his hand beneath her nose, and she was still breathing . She just refused to wake up .
“What’s wrong with her?”
“One of the people from earth injected her with something . ”
“Hmmm . ”
It was unknown whether it was a sleeping or an anesthetic drug .
“Wake her up, Melody . ”
“I can’t . ”
The Holy Maiden can do task that were considered to be impossible by the modern medical science .
“It isn’t as if I’m asking you to revive a dead person . Why can’t you do it?”
“I was abandoned by the goddess . ”
When Woojin tilted his head in confusion, she had to give an additional explanation . Melody crumbled to the ground, and she cried .
“…things turned out so bad, because I didn’t follow the oracle . Hoo-oohk . ”
“Mmmm . ”
After hearing Melody’s rambling explanation, Woojin stroked his chin .
“So it didn’t matter if you burned the World Tree or not, since these bastards crossed over to Alphen . Both scenario would have resulted in me losing the Colony . ”
“Anyways, I need a day for Synchronization…”
“Ah . . ”
Woojin had wasted almost no time in getting rid of Nakamura, who had occupied his Colony . At most, it took him an hour .
“Still, you did good . ”
“If you burned it, I would have been really angry . ”
“…… . ”
Yes . He would have been .
She couldn’t bear the consequences brought on by the Immortal, so she hadn’t carried out the oracle . As a result, she had lost everything .
The Immortal’s wrath was avoided, but they had lost time .
“What about Haesol, president? Is she going to die?”
Woojin shrugged his shoulders at Blanka’s words .
“She’ll probably wake up when the drug wears off . ”
He had no idea what kind of drug was used . Since she wasn’t dead yet, he doubted she would die .
“Bring me any bastard from the Daken guild when you guys come across one . I need to know what drug they used if I want to treat it . ”
When the Colony was completely taken over, he would be able to return to earth . Whether it was an antidote or a stimulant, earth will have it .
“I’m sorry . This is all my…”
Woojin shrugged his shoulder at Melody’s words .
“It’s all right . ”
“…… . ”
Melody’s dropped her head . The Immortal was showing such magnanimity… .
“So you lost your abilities in its entirety??”
“…… . ”
“…yes . ”
Woojin took out Aria’s Circlet, and he pushed it towards her . Melody took the Item in a moment of bewilderment, and she looked up at him .
“You don’t feel anything even though you are touching it?”
“I feel an energy, but… . It is completely different from before . ”
“Hmmm . It means you are able to feel magical energy . ”
Woojin looked at her, and Melody’s level had remained the same .
She was akin to a S Rank Roused, who had lost a Skill .
“That noonim is pretty petty . ”
He didn’t know if he should call Aria as noonim or a hunk of machine .
“You are unemployed now . Come work under me . ”
A Holy Maiden had lost her Holy Power, so it wasn’t a problem that could be easily glossed over…
“When my Colony is finished, you can protect it here . ”
He made a mistake in not appointing an admin for his Colony . If he had to deal with internal and external problems occurring here, Woojin would have to be tethered to the Colony . He would rather appoint a new administrator .
“I’m going to earth . ”
“…… . ”
“Why aren’t you answering me?”
“…… . ”
Melody’s shaking eyes gazed at Woojin .
He’ll put her in charge of the Colony? Her? What was the basis of his belief in her?
“You trust me?”
“Huh . ”
Woojin laughed as he was dumbfounded by what he had just heard .
“What are you talking about?”
“What if I betray the Immortal again? Isn’t that a possibility?”
“Why would you?”
Woojin approached Melody, and he put his face in front of her face . Their faces were a handspan apart from each other .
“Didn’t you ask me to help Alphen?”
“…correct . ”
For no reason at all, she felt embarrassed . Melody was barely able to answer him .
“If you betray me, I’ll just throw Alphen away . At that point, I wouldn’t care if the gate was closed or not . ”
“Ah… . ”
So that was what he meant .
Melody understood his words, yet a corner of her heart was somehow a bit disappointed .
“You do what you need to do . ”
“…yes . ”
Woojin went to the side wall of the palace .
He approached a flame that was burning with fortitude .
“This damn guy isn’t awake yet . ”
Hwah-roo-rook .
It was as if the flame could understand his words . There was no winds, yet the flame danced .
“You are too greedy . When you think it is enough, I want you to wake up and come to earth . I’ll be heading there first . ”
Hwah-roo-roohk .
Woojin smirked, and he turned away .
It had been awhile, since Sunggoo had digested the Dragon’s Heart . He hadn’t woken up yet, because he was very greedy .
Sunggoo was being patient, because it allowed him to be born much stronger and more perfect .
Woojin’s Colony was restricted, so he couldn’t use the Dimensional Store . This was why he opened his Achievement Store . He had stored up a lot of Points .
Even now his Undead army was on a warpath, and they were constantly giving him more Points .
“Shall i get my equipment back now?”
Thrash’s Set Items .
The core Ingredients that weren’t sold in the Dimensional Store or the Achievement Store were gathered . All the other ingredients were going to be bought through the Store .
He didn’t spare his Points . He started buying all the Ingredients . A mountainous amount of Items were bought, and one by one it was put into the Combiner . His Items were being completed .
One day had passed .
The false rumor, which said the Immortal had betrayed everyone, was put to rest . The Coalition was being put back together again .
Unfortunately, the captured members of the Daken guild said the substance injected into Haesol didn’t have an antidote .
However, they were lucky in the fact that the drug lost its efficacy as time passed . She would wake up later, but they could just carry Haesol around everywhere .
“You really won’t regret this?”
“Yes, sir . We’ll return when our team leader wakes up . ”
The entire Phantom Unit decided to stay behind with Haesol, so Woojin allowed it without much protestation . It wasn’t as if earth was in imminent danger, so they weren’t needed .
Woojin knew Thrash’s Executioner was on earth, and he had to find clues there . He’ll be able to accomplish this by himself .
“Guard the Gate closely . ”
“You will never lose your way again . ”
Woojin smirked at Melody’s stout words . He patted her shoulder .
“When Haesol wakes up, tell her to cross over . If Sunggoo wakes up, he should also come to earth immediately . ”
“Yes . ”
“Shall we head back?”
While Woojin went through many happenings and events, the Undead Army had swept through a large swaths of land .
The nearby Dimensional lords and monsters were eradicated . .
Woojin called back his Undead Army .
When he unsummoned them, they resolved into black smoke around Woojin . The black smoke swirled around before it disappeared en masse .
He could feel the energy of his Familiars occupying his Summon Room . They had an unbreakable bond with Woojin .
“I’ll return soon . Wait for me . ”
“Yes . ”
Woojin was sent off by the heroes of Alphen, and he went across the gate .
Alandal’s Flying Fortress, Bibi’s Castle .
Minchan sat within the Prime Minister’s office, and he let out a long sigh .
“This is driving me nuts . ”
How much gravity did Kahng-woojin exert from Alandal?
It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say Kahng-woojin was the bulk of what Alandal is . His absence created a lot of problem .
The Dimensional lords and the monsters were threatening the people of earth . There was an expectation on what role Alandal should play in this situation, yet Alandal hadn’t come up with a solution .
They used Points through the moving fortress to eradicate the monsters, but the scale of the attack was limited to what a normal guild could do .
Even defeating one of the Dimensional lords forming a Colony was almost beyond their capacity .
Since Alandal couldn’t solve the problem, the negative press was getting louder .
This in turn increased the stress felt by Jung-minchan .
Beep .
「Prime Minister . Bibi-nim is here for a visit . 」
When he heard the intercom, Minchan brushed his messy hair with his hand .
“Tell her to come in . ”
Ddal-kahk .
The door opened, and Bibi took short and quick steps to enter the Prime Minister’s office . She wasn’t alone .
Kahng-woojin’s dongsaeng Sooah followed Bibi everywhere as if they were close friends . Then there was Do-jaemin, who acted as their bodyguard .
Woo-soonghoon followed in behind them .
“Mmm . What can i do for you?”
Bibi let out a small smile as she asked him a question .
“We are going to Beijing?”
“Yes . We will work together with the Chinese government, and we’ll take care of the Colony . ”
“We aren’t going there . ”
“That Colony was formed by one of the great lords of Trahnet . The risk is too high . ”
“However, we already promised them our help . If Alandal doesn’t step forward, we won’t be able to avoid an international disaster . ”
Everyone was making a big fuss, because Alandal had been conservative in their actions in recent days . If they didn’t step forward this time around, Alandal’s renown as the country, who protects earth, would crumble away in a single day .
However, Bibi felt differently in regards to Minchan’s worries .
She was resolute .
“Rejected . ”
Do-jaemin spoke up to give an additional explanation .
“Prime Minister Jung . I also think we shouldn’t go there . It is too dangerous . ”
“Ha-ah . ”
Do-jaemin had returned early from Alphen .
He didn’t know what Do-jaemin experienced in Alphen, but he back as a very cautious youth . He turned down doing anything dangerous, and he only stayed next to Kahng-sooah at all times .
“This is a problem where the existence of Alandal is on the line . We can’t always avoid the problems . ”
At Jung-minchan’s serious words, Bibi playfully shook her head from side to side .
“Ah ah . I don’t care . I’m more interested in listening to my master rather than guarding earth . ”
“But… . ”
Woo-soonghoon tried to console Minchan, who had a complicated expression on his face .
“Prime Minister . We shouldn’t lose sight of our original intention . . ”
“What was the reason for establishing the country of Alandal?”
“Well, it was for world peace and the defense of earth… . ”
“Eh-ee . That’s just what other people guessed our mission was . ”
Minchan furrowed his brows . Too many events had occurred, so it felt like he was dredging up an old memory . He remembered what was said by Kahng-woojin .
“I want to be exempt from joining the military, and I want to clear the Dungeons in peace . ”
It was as if he could hear Woojin’s voice . In the first place, Alandal hadn’t been founded with some big goal in mind . They existed solely for caring for Kahng-woojin . They were founded to take care of all the miscellaneous work .
“Huh huh . ”
Minchan let out a hearty laugh . The thoughts that had complicated and stressed him out lessened a little bit .
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