Chapter 7: To The Village
The day after his secret meeting with Homura and Shizuku, Rio departed from the capital alone. Gouki had adamantly proposed to send him off, but Rio had declined, saying he wanted to get back as soon as possible. In reality, what was several days’ journey on foot only took Rio one flight with his spirit arts.
“Welcome back,” the villagers said warmly as Rio returned to the village.
He responded to the villagers he met in kind. “I’m back,” he greeted them.
“I’m home,” Rio said as he entered the village chief’s house.
“Welcome home, Rio.” Yuba welcomed him cheerily from where she sat on a mat in the living room. “It seems like you managed to get some proper talks done.”
“Yes,” Rio nodded, smiling without realizing it. He was happy to see that Yuba’s attitude hadn’t changed.
“Shall I speak more formally when we’re alone together?” Yuba asked in jest, to which Rio rejected with a bitter smile.
“Please don’t.”
Yuba cackled with laughter. “Like I said before, even if you might be royalty, you and I will always be grandmother and grandson. That’s what I believe. As long as you think so, too, that will never change.”
“Thank you very much. Actually, there was something I wanted to consult with you regarding family...” Rio brought up questioningly.
“What’s this? You’re being all stiff.”
“It’s about Ruri. I’ve received permission to reveal my heritage to her, but I wanted to get your permission too...”
“...As long as she is related to you by blood, she has a right to know,” Yuba nodded with a huff of laughter.
“Thank you. Where might Ruri be now?”
“Having tea with the other village girls, I suppose. If she heard that you’ve returned, she’ll probably come running any moment now. She was worried when you suddenly left the village.”
“Is that so...” Rio smiled shyly.
That was when Ruri returned. “I’m home! Rio, you’re back! Geez, where did you go?!”
“I had some important matters to attend to. I’m sorry for making you worry.”
“Honestly. Granny wouldn’t even explain what happened when I asked her. You were suddenly taken away from the village by some strange people, so I was really worried.”
“There’s actually something I wanted to tell you about that...”
“Something to tell me?”
“Yes. But before I can tell you, you must agree to keep the details of this a secret.”
“Uhh, what’s this about?” Ruri tilted her head at Rio’s vague explanation.
“It’s about who I am. Yuba is already aware — that is why she let me live in this house. I would like you to know, too, but the secret has to be kept under strict confidentiality, so I wanted to check if you were okay with that first...” Rio chose his words carefully as he explained, peering at Ruri’s face.
“About who you are, huh? Yeah, I want to know. I promise, I won’t tell anyone what you tell me.” Ruri’s face was tinged with fear, but she nodded resolutely.
“Then, here goes.”
“Okay. Whenever you’re ready.” Ruri took a deep breath and nodded, waiting for Rio’s story to start. Rio exchanged glances with Yuba before opening his mouth somewhat nervously.
“First of all, you and I are cousins. My father was your father’s little brother.”
“...Huh. Is that so... You and I are cousins.”
While Ruri had stiffened slightly at the words, she accepted the truth offered to her rather readily.
“You don’t seem surprised...?” Yuba asked with wide eyes.
“...No, I am surprised, but I figured it’d be something like this based on the atmosphere in the room. And, Rio’s already family anyway.”
“Thank you,” Rio thanked her shyly. “I also think of you like family, which is why I wanted to bring this topic up. I wanted to tell you.”
“Y-Yeah, same here. Thank you.” Ruri, embarrassed, also offered her thanks.
“And so, my father... the person who would be your uncle, his name is Zen. My mother’s name is Karasuki. Karasuki Ayame. A princess of this kingdom.”
After a few long seconds of silence, Ruri cocked her head. “...Excuse me?”
“My mother was a princess of this kingdom,” Rio repeated with a wry smile.
“Guess this one’s a little harder to believe,” Yuba said with a hearty laugh.
“Umm... That’s a joke, right?”
“It’s the truth. Rio’s father... Your uncle... Married the princess of this kingdom.”
“Really, Granny?”
“I’m telling you, it’s the truth. Why would we lie about this?” Yuba nodded with a strained smile at Ruri’s still-dazed question.
“But... It’s just... ...Huuuh? Really? But then... Oh, no. That would... like, you know... That would make Rio a prince, right?”
“Well... I guess it would. Though unauthorized, Rio would be royalty of this kingdom.”
“Ahaha... But like, that’s still impossible. There’s no way a villager could marry a princess, after all.”
“Silly. Rio’s father was promoted to the status of a warrior for his distinguished service in the war. That was how he came to know Princess Ayame. I’d tell you to ask the others in the village... but you obviously can’t, although the older folks in the village know that Zen became a warrior.”
“A warrior... Then it wouldn’t have been odd for him to become acquainted with the princess, I guess? But then that would make Rio truly... a prince of this kingdom... right?”
“Lineage-wise, yes. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you,” Yuba said with a tired sigh.
Ruri looked between Yuba and Rio’s face numerous times before finally coming to terms with what she had been told. Ruri paled as she suddenly turned to Rio and prostrated herself before him in a flurry. “E-Erm, P-Prince Rio... I-I’m so very sorry! Please forgive me for overstepping my boundaries and acting so rudely to you until now!”
“Wait! Please don’t do that. Just act like how you have been until now!” Rio stopped Ruri in a panic.
“B-But... Prince Rio is royalty... right?” Ruri raised her head at Rio timidly.
“My mother may have been, but I’m not. Even if you were to argue with the reasoning that the child of royalty must also be royalty, my existence can’t be made public. So, please. Just interact with me as you have been.” Rio shook his head bluntly, then bowed his head at Ruri.
“I can just... call you Rio?”
“Yes, that’s fine. Just like before.”
“I-I understand...” Ruri somehow managed to agree, but she was clearly still nervous.
“Your speech hasn’t changed back yet, you know?” Rio pointed out teasingly.
“Ah, yes... Right.” Ruri had almost unintentionally responded in the same stiff speech, when she managed to stop her thoughts and nod once more with an uncomfortable smile.
“I know you must be troubled to suddenly hear that I’m your cousin, but let’s please continue to get along.”
“...Yeah. I see... That’s right, Rio and I are cousins now,” Ruri muttered in a daze, as though reconfirming the truth. The impact of Rio’s mother being a princess was so powerful that she had completely forgotten the fact Rio was her own cousin.
“That’s right. I’m your cousin,” Rio said.
“So I still had blood relatives other than Granny. Ah, that means I’m an older sister to you by a year, right?”
“That would be correct. Would you like me to refer to you as my older sister?” Rio asked with a playful laugh.
“N-No, that’s fine! I’m sorry! Wow, that’s embarrassing! No way!” Ruri yelled with a bright red face.
“Then I’ll continue to call you Ruri like I have been,” Rio said, the corners of his lips turning up into a happy smile. Ruri’s expression wasn’t quite as accepting, though. “Mm. But we’re cousins, so... I think I’d prefer it if you spoke to me a bit more casually. Like a friendlier style of speech, no?” she asked, peering at Rio’s face.
“Umm. I’ve said this once before, but this speech is practically a habit of mine now. It’s just... once I’ve started using this speech, it’s difficult to switch without a significant reason to,” Rio explained with a troubled smile. Even if the other person was a child, as long as they weren’t arrogant, Rio was uncomfortable speaking too casually with someone he was meeting for the first time. Of course, once he had gotten closer, he was willing to speak without reservation. But, unless there was some sort of cue to do otherwise, he would keep using his stiff speech out of embarrassment.
“Hmph. So you’re saying that being my cousin isn’t a significant enough reason?” Ruri glared at Rio in a slightly sulking manner.
With that, Rio finally seemed to get the idea. “...Well, I guess, that would be correct. I’m sorry... Yep, you’re right. How about this?” he said shyly, averting his eyes out of embarrassment.
“Yup!” Ruri’s expression brightened cheerfully. Perhaps some of Rio’s somewhat uneasy awkwardness had gotten through to her, as she was unbearably happy, now.
After that, Rio told Ruri other necessary information — mostly regarding the reason why Zen and Ayame left the village and the circumstances behind it — and an explanation as to why Ruri needed to stay silent about Rio’s heritage to the other villagers. Ruri seemed to have some thoughts about Rio’s past, but she vowed to keep her silence.
Then, after Rio finished explaining his heritage to Ruri, he adjusted his posture and carefully looked at both her and Yuba.
“Also, this may be a little early, but I wanted to take this opportunity to inform the two of you of something.” Rio adjusted his posture and looked at the two of them.
“What’s this about?” Yuba asked.
“I’m thinking of leaving the village by this time next year,” Rio said, cutting straight to the point.
“I see... It’s a little sad, but it is what it is. Will you be returning to the land where you were born?” Yuba asked with a smile filled with loneliness.
“That’s right. There are many other places I want to stop by first, but eventually...” Rio confirmed with resolution in his eyes.
“You’ll come to this village again someday, right? This isn’t goodbye forever, is it?” Ruri, who had been listening silently, asked as she watched Rio’s face. “...That’s... Yeah. I’d like to come back, if you’d have me.” Rio smiled, somewhat troubled, as he nodded with hesitation.
“Of course we’d love to have you! What are you saying?!”
“That’s right — come back anytime. This is your hometown, too, and you are a member of our village.”
Ruri and Yuba both responded immediately, inviting Rio back. Rio thanked them both, happy to hear their reply.
“By the way, if there’s somewhere you have to go, does that mean there’s someone waiting for you there? If so, I’d like to hear about it. Won’t you tell us?” Ruri asked, curious.
“...While we’re not related by blood, there’s a child who thinks of me as an older brother, and a few other people who took care of me,” Rio answered a little shyly.
“Huh, so there are people like that. Is the one who treats you like a brother a little girl?”
“Well, yeah...”
“Heh, figures. But, well, if that’s the case, then we can’t keep you here forever. If she’s a little sister to you, then she’d be my cousin, too, so introduce her to me someday. Hey, tell me her name!” Ruri asked one question after another.
And so, Rio was on the receiving end of Ruri’s barrage of questions for some time.
A few days passed since Rio explained his background to Ruri.
With the fall harvest festival having come to an end, the village was entering its farming off-season before winter. At present, the villagers were preparing for staying in during the winter, as well as starting some farming work in preparation for next year.
However, for a hunter, this was the busiest season of the year.
Rio normally helped out in the fields during the afternoon, but ever since he returned to the village, he spent every day hunting until dark, catching prey to be processed into preserved food. Naturally, the amount of contact he had with the non-hunter villagers decreased, and he had pretty much only seen Yuba and Ruri as of late.
“Hey, Rio. Have you seen Sayo since you returned to the village?”
One morning, as Rio was preparing to go hunt in the hunters shed, Shin approached him.
“No. I’ve been busy with hunting, so I haven’t seen her...”
“Sayo’s been asking after you lately. Does he seem busy with his hunting duties, does he look like he’s doing well... It’s annoying, so go see her at least once,” Shin said in a slightly blunt manner.
“I apologize — it seems I have caused her to worry. I wanted to greet the others properly, too, so I’ll make some time either today or tomorrow to go see her,” Rio replied with an apologetic look of understanding.
“...Make sure that you do.” Shin’s face darkened with a conflicted expression, and he nodded curtly.
The next afternoon, Rio received permission from Dola to wrap up his hunting in the morning and head down the mountain. He made an effort to show up where more people were likely to be gathered and briefly greeted everyone. After stopping at a few work areas, his final stop was a workshop where the village girls were gathered.
“Huh, Rio? What’s up?” Ruri noticed Rio’s presence first and came running over.
“Hey, Ruri. I figured I hadn’t greeted anyone since coming back to the village, so I wanted to show my face to the people I hadn’t seen yet.”
“I see. True, everyone was worried ‘cause you were gone... Wait, huh? What’s with the faces, everyone?”
Rio and Ruri had been casually holding their conversation as every girl present watched on with dumbfounded expressions. Once Ruri noticed that, she faltered.
“Tone!” The girls answered in unison.
“Tone?” Ruri cocked her head as Rio smiled wryly in realization of something.
“Your tone to Sir Rio! Why are you speaking to him so casually, Ruri?!” One of the girls pointed out, finally making Ruri understand the situation.
“Huh? Ah, that’s because...”
“What does this mean, Ruri?” Naturally, the girls all closed in on Ruri unanimously.
“No, umm...” Ruri’s gaze wandered, settling on Rio beside her for help. However, Rio took a nonchalant step back, adamantly taking on the role of an innocent bystander.
R-Rio!! Ruri stared at him with reproachful eyes.
You’re the one being interrogated, Ruri. If I stepped forward now, things would only get more complicated.
That may be true...! But still!
And so on. They exchanged conversation through their gazes, but to the girls, that only made everything seem all the more suspicious, and their silent pressure continued to grow stronger by the minute.
A cold sweat ran down Ruri’s back at the keen gazes of the girls focused on her.
“W-We’re living in the same house, so I asked him to stop talking to me in that stiff way all the time because it got tiring. It’s no big deal, really.” Ruri dodged the question with an adequate answer. She couldn’t tell them the real reason: that they were cousins.
“............” The girls all looked at each other. It wasn’t a reason they couldn’t believe, but there was something still suspicious about it — the woman’s intuition they held was telling them that.
“Ruri... told me quite some time ago to change my manner of speech, but is it so odd after all? I am afraid I am still not quite used to it...” Rio asked the girls worriedly at just the right moment.
“No, it’s not odd...”
The girls weren’t able to persistently hound Rio like they did with Ruri, so they shook their heads reluctantly. Because they stopped pursuing the topic for the moment, Ruri let out a sigh of relief.
Hmph, he doesn’t even know how I feel...
Seeing the corner of Rio’s lips curl up in amusement made Ruri pout, but Rio just started to speak to the girls with feigned ignorance. He apologized for worrying them when he left the village so suddenly, and so on.
“I’ve worried you too, Sayo. I heard from Shin.”
“F-From my brother? U-Umm, did he say anything strange?”
“No, not particularly...”
“Is that so... Then, that’s fine. So, umm, with Ruri...” Sayo seemed relieved, then muttered the start of a question.
“Yes, what is it?”
“I-It’s nothing...” When Rio tilted his head, she timidly withdrew her words.
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