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Chapter 5: A Duel and the Result 

The night of the duel with Satsuki, Rio informed her and Miharu that he would be stepping out for a moment. Then, he headed by himself to the guest rooms where Takahisa was staying with Aki, Masato, and Lilianna. 

He didn’t bring Satsuki and Miharu along because he felt it was appropriate to speak to Takahisa and Aki alone. 

Thus, he arrived before the rooms where Lilianna’s female knights stood guard. However, the two knights seemed more like young girls than adults. One was the petite Alice, who looked to be in her early- to mid-teens. The other was Kiara, who seemed similar to Rio’s age, in her mid-teens. 

“Oh, it’s the really strong guy. Wow, he looks even cooler up close. Ah, my name’s Alice. The second daughter of a duke in the Centostella Kingdom.” The petite girl, Alice, introduced herself in an overly familiar way. She had a rather wild personality for a knight serving a member of the royal family. 

“Hey, Alice!” Kiara immediately scolded her. 

“F-Forgive me, Miss Kiara!” Alice apologized in a vacant voice. 

“I’m not the one you should be apologizing to. Please forgive the rudeness, Sir Amakawa.” Kiara sighed tiredly, bowing her head at Rio. 

“No, it doesn’t bother me. In fact, I should be the one apologizing for dropping by without warning, as I’d like to meet with Sir Takahisa. Could you pass on the message for me?” 

“...Understood. Please wait a moment. You come too, Alice.” Kiara thought for a moment before entering the rooms with Alice, leaving Rio alone outside. 

“Welcome. Please come inside.” Lilianna’s attendant, Frill, came out to invite Rio inside less than a minute later. Rio followed Frill into the room. 

“Excuse me.” He bowed his head deeply as soon as he stepped in, his hand over his chest. Sitting on the high-class sofa inside the room was Takahisa, Aki, Masato and Lilianna. 

“Welcome, Sir Haruto,” Lilianna greeted on behalf of the others. 

“Thank you very much for agreeing to meet with me, despite the late hour.” Rio turned to Lilianna and bowed his head once more. 

“I heard that you have business with Sir Takahisa.” 

“Yes—Aki and Masato as well, to be precise. Princess Lilianna is welcome to sit in as well, if you so wish,” Rio said respectfully. 

“...What is this about?” Takahisa asked Rio warily. 

“The continuation of the conversation the six of us had today. After our match, Satsuki said some things to me. I have come here to inform you of my thoughts and opinions of the future.” 

Rio’s answer made Lilianna close her eyes and think for a moment, before speaking up. “...In that case, please use the room over there.” She would probably hear the details from Takahisa later. Rio’s past life aside, Lilianna would have been informed about their plans for the future and who would be staying with whom. 

“I am most grateful for your consideration.” Rio bowed deeply to express his gratitude. 

“What are you waiting for? Let’s go.” Masato stood up first, prompting Takahisa and Aki to move as well. 

“...Yeah. Let’s go, Takahisa.” Thus, the four of them moved to an adjacent bedroom. This was the bedroom where the three members of the Sendo family were staying. The room’s furnishings consisted of three beds, a desk, and four armchairs. 

“Let’s sit down. I’ll sit beside Haruto.” Masato sat down on an armchair with a thump. 

“Okay. Then, if you don’t mind.” Rio huffed with a smile and sat beside Masato. Takahisa and Aki took the seats opposite them. Once Rio confirmed that everyone was seated, he immediately began to speak. 

“First, you should know that my thoughts are generally the same as what I told you during the match today. However, I no longer have the reluctance that I previously did. As long as everyone has thought about their answer, I have decided that I will respect that.” 

“...What are you trying to say?” Takahisa asked with a dubious look. 

“If Miharu and Masato say that they want to remain in my care as they have until now, then I will no longer try to stop them. As long as they have made that decision after hearing my thoughts, then they can do as they wish,” Rio said with a strangely discerning expression. 

“...B-But you should! You should refuse them! Didn’t you say that you didn’t want them with you? You still think that way, don’t you?! So why have you changed your mind so suddenly? Refuse them more firmly! Stop stealing my family away from me!” Takahisa yelled in shock. Because Rio had openly indicated his intention to welcome Miharu and Masato, the negative feelings he had suppressed until now exploded. 

“Takahisa...” Aki’s face fell as she watched the sudden change in her brother. 

“I cannot,” Rio stated bluntly. 

“...Why not?” Takahisa asked resentfully. 

“Would my refusal change their minds? And if it did, would the two of them be happy to accept that? In the end, that wouldn’t be respecting their opinions. That’s why,” Rio answered smoothly. Masato smiled, looking somewhat happy about that. 

“...Coward,” said Takahisa. “You’re a coward. Even though you say you don’t want Miharu with you, you don’t want to refuse her either—that’s cowardice! How does doing something like that equal respect?” 

“You have a point. I thought the same. However, if it doesn’t count as respect whether I refuse them or not, then I at least want to show my acceptance. It’d be better than completely running away by refusing to accept them—that’s what Satsuki told me. So I decided I’d face them properly.” Rio explained his thoughts in a calm voice. 

“But that’s—!” That’s just convenient for you, was what Takahisa was about to respond with. 

“...Then are you running away from me, Haruto? If you let me go to Centostella Kingdom like this, wouldn’t that be the same as avoiding the problem with me?” Aki added to the conversation in an aggressive tone. 

“I have no intention of doing that. That’s why I came here alone. I wanted to face you without Miharu and Satsuki present. If you allow it, I’d like to talk to you properly, one-on-one.” Rio didn’t falter as he answered Aki. 

“...” Aki was rendered speechless for a moment. 

“Aki!” Takahisa reflexively called the name of his stepsister, looking at her pleadingly. Was this man about to steal Aki from him as well? He couldn’t allow that. 

“...Because Miharu and I knew Amakawa Haruto, we unconsciously see you as Amakawa Haruto instead and overlap their existences. That’s what you said, right?” 

“Yes, I did say that.” 

“Do you dislike being overlapped with him?” 

“That’s... not quite right. What I don’t want is to be overlapped with a different person and compared to him.” And consequently, disappointing their expectations. Making them regret staying with him. That’s why he wanted to reveal himself and keep his distance before such a thing could happen. Even now, he still had the desire to stay away from them. 

“I can only see that ‘different person’ reasoning as nothing more than a convenient excuse to run away.” Aki glared at Rio with a look of contempt. 

“It’s true that we’re different people. I do things that Amakawa Haruto would never do. Deeds that Amakawa Haruto would feel greatly opposed to committing, I would do without batting an eye.” 

“...What, for example?” Aki asked doubtfully. 

“Killing people.” Rio indifferently stated what a Japanese person would feel the most disgust towards committing. 

“...” Aki was at a loss for words. Takahisa had also fallen speechless, out of shock. Only Masato was less surprised than the two of them, though his eyes did widen faintly. 

“When it comes to a battle, I will kill. If I can only protect myself by killing, if a battle can only be ended through killing, then I have no choice but to do so. I’ve come to accept that. Even at this very moment, there’s someone out there that I must kill.” Knowing the morals of Japanese people was precisely why Rio considered himself incompatible with Miharu and the others. In general, he thought of Japanese morals as precious things to keep, and while he was greatly influenced by the values of Amakawa Haruto during times of peace, he considered those values to be a lie deep down inside, where he was cruel and repulsive. 

“Have you ever killed someone before?” Takahisa asked with a look of complete contempt. 

“I have,” Rio said without any shame. He felt it was better to answer directly. 

“So you’re a murderer...” Takahisa muttered with spite. 

“Indeed I am.” 

“...Killing just because it’s necessary doesn’t make it right. It’s unacceptable on a human level. I can’t leave Miharu or Masato in the care of a person like you,” Takahisa said with a cold calmness, having found an excuse to justify himself. 

“Hey, bro!” Masato tried to intervene. 

“Shut up! As if I could leave my precious brother in the hands of a murderer!” Takahisa yelled over him. 

“...You’re going too far,” Masato muttered, his shoulders trembling with rage. 

“Miharu won’t be happy being with you. It’d be better for her sake to be with me, the hero. I would be able to protect Miharu,” Takahisa claimed, as though convincing himself he was the better one between them. 

“Huh? As if you’d be able to beat Haruto, bro,” Masato sneered. 

“H-Haruto, you also felt the same way when you told Miharu she was better off away from you, no?” 

“...Indeed.” Rio nodded once. 

“Then... You’re a coward! If you know that much, you’re a coward for refusing to reject Miharu! Miharu only wants to follow you because she doesn’t know you’re a murderer. Probably because she sees you as a different person, like you said. She’d definitely feel disgusted if she knew,” Takahisa said fiercely. 

“...She is aware.” 

“What?” Rio’s quiet statement made Takahisa lose all his fervor. 

“Miharu knows I have killed people. I’ve told both Miharu and Satsuki everything.” 

“Wha...” And she wanted to be with him despite that?! Miharu would choose someone so selfish? Not to mention Satsuki, who was an upperclassman he had always respected... 

“Is she a fool? Miharu...” Aki muttered bitterly in disbelief. However, this meant there were no more means of stopping Miharu as they had wanted to. 

“Do you really, truly intend on accepting Miharu like this? Even though you know Miharu may come to regret everything. No, she’ll definitely regret everything!” Takahisa seemed to have the same thought as Aki, as he objected in a panicked state. 

“If she wants to come along in spite of that, then I will no longer refuse her. Although, I don’t know if I’ll be able to respond to her as Amakawa Haruto...” While Rio looked a little guilty at that, he stated his opinion clearly. 

“...I won’t stand for this,” Takahisa murmured, then raised his voice. “I absolutely won’t stand for this. As if I could leave Miharu in your hands!” His heart was already backed into a corner, making him act on pure desperation, but he couldn’t afford to back down here. 

“...Then, what would you like to do?” Rio knew things would come to this. He had come here prepared for it. 

“Duel with me. If I win, you must reject Miharu’s wishes. I’m going to win and prove your dishonesty. Watch me!” Of all things, Takahisa challenged Rio to a fight. No matter what the pretense for it, it was a request to fight him. 

“...Your actions seem to be an attempt to bend Miharu’s will to suit your own desires, in my eyes,” Rio pointed out. 

“A-Are you trying to justify yourself?!” Takahisa yelled back, guilt laden in his voice. 

“No, nothing of the sort. If you wish to have a duel in order to treat Miharu like some kind of object, then I definitely will not lose. At the very least, I won’t attempt to bend Miharu to my own will. That’s all.” Rio gave his stance indifferently. 

“...Sorry, but I’ll be supporting Haruto,” Masato suddenly said. 

“What?!” Takahisa glared at Masato with a frown. 

“I’m willing to bet on it, too. If Haruto loses to you, I’ll do whatever you tell me to do. How about it?” Masato glared back in a challenge. 

“S-Stop it, you two...” Aki watched the relationship between her two brothers break down helplessly. 

Masato frowned as he looked at Aki, before he stood up brusquely. “...Let’s go, Haruto. It’s already late, so you should just settle the match first thing tomorrow. Sorry, but could you let me stay in your room? I can’t deal with sleeping here anymore.” He wanted to leave the room now. 

“...” Takahisa seemed to accept Masato’s challenge, as he didn’t bother to stop him. He furrowed his brows as he sat silently. There was nothing more to say here. 

“...All right. Let’s go.” Rio sighed and stood up. He proceeded to guide Masato out of the room with a hand on his back. 

“...” Aki looked like she wanted to say something to Rio’s departing figure, but her mouth didn’t move. Thus, Rio and Masato left the bedroom and came face-to-face with Lilianna in the living room, seated on the sofa with a frustrated expression. 

“Please accept my deepest apologies for causing a stir so late at night.” Rio bowed deeply to Lilianna. Even if she hadn’t heard every word of the conversation, she must have been able to overhear the yelling from the bedroom. 

“Not at all...” Lilianna shook her head slowly. 

“Also, I know this is extremely selfish of me, but Sir Takahisa and I have decided to have a match tomorrow morning, just like with Lady Satsuki. Of course, I will forfeit if Princess Lilianna has any objections, but may I have your approval?” Rio requested politely, hanging his head. 

“As long as it is Sir Takahisa’s will, I will not stop anyone. If possible, I would also like to entrust Masato to Sir Amakawa’s care tonight, though it may be inconvenient for you. In regards to the match, I shall arrange everything with His Majesty for approval.” Lilianna dropped her gaze slightly, her beautiful face clouding over fleetingly. 

“...I am most grateful for that. Then, if you would excuse me.” Rio placed his right hand over his chest and bowed his head once more, before returning to Satsuki’s quarters with Masato. 

The next morning, in the arena that was adjacent to the castle and away from the parade grounds, Rio faced Takahisa. It wasn’t only the venue that differed from his match with Satsuki yesterday—to prevent this match from becoming a spectacle, the audience seats were filled with only a select few people who were involved. 

Among them were, of course, Miharu, Satsuki, Masato, and Aki, as well as Lilianna and Charlotte. 

However, Aki wasn’t seated together with Miharu, Satsuki, and Masato; instead, she was seated beside Lilianna a short distance away. Her eyes were fixed on Takahisa. 

Meanwhile, Miharu and Satsuki had been brought to the arena after being informed that the discussion resulted in a duel. 

“Hey, Masato. How did things end up like this?” Miharu asked him—Masato was seated beside her. 

“’Cause my brother’s an idiot. Well, just think of it like a fight between men. You can ask Haruto yourself after the match is over.” Last night, Masato had returned to their rooms with Rio and immediately gone to sleep in a huff. He acted like this every time Miharu asked him for the details. She knew that Rio went to have a discussion with the Sendo family and could tell that some kind of argument had resulted from it, but Rio awkwardly avoided giving her any details, leaving Miharu at a loss. 

“Haruto’s probably trying to communicate with us in his own way, don’t you think? There are things we won’t know without clashing, and I’m sure he’ll do the same to you one day, Miharu. So let’s just believe in him and just watch over the match for now.” Satsuki didn’t know about the details of Rio and Takahisa’s argument either, but her mouth was curved into a gentle smile. She had kept what she had discussed with Rio after their match yesterday a secret, but Miharu had a feeling that their conversation played a part in this. 

“...Okay.” Miharu nodded with a sigh. 

“Well, at least there’s no need to worry about the result of the match. I can’t imagine Haruto would ever lose, after all. If you still think you can win after watching Satsuki’s battle yesterday, then you’re too naive, bro!” Masato said, huffing through his nose. 

“Seems like they’re about to begin.” Satsuki seemed to agree with Masato’s statement as her lips quirked in a smile, before she turned her attention to the field. The referee had just started to explain the rules for the match. 

“The only permitted weapons are training swords. Victory will be decided purely on sword technique. The hero, Sir Takahisa, is permitted to use divine arms to enhance his body, and Sir Amakawa is permitted to do the same with his enchanted sword. The match will be decided by either stopping on the verge of a decisive blow or landing a telling blow on an area other than the face. Please restrain your attacks to a nonlethal degree. Being disarmed alone will not count as defeat. Are these rules agreeable?” A young knight named Kyle was acting as the referee. He looked at Rio and Takahisa in confirmation of the rules. 

“Yes!” Takahisa nodded eagerly while Rio inclined his head in a relaxed manner. 


“Both sides, distance yourselves and ready your weapons,” the referee said, raising his hand in the air. Then, once the two of them had enough distance between them, he confirmed that they were holding their weapons at the ready. 

“Begin!” he yelled, swinging his hand down to signal the start of the match. 

“Hah!” Takahisa yelled angrily as he approached Rio. The physical enhancement of a divine arm was powerful and his speed easily surpassed human limits. Though not by much, his movements did show signs he had been training with a sword. However, from Rio’s point of view, he was full of openings. 

I could end the match in an instant, but... In order to whittle down the stubborn Takahisa’s hostility a little, defeating him easily wouldn’t be enough. He had to make him surrender after pushing Takahisa to give him everything he had. With that decided, Rio took on his opponent’s ferocious attack head-on. 

“Raaaagh!” Takahisa launched a countless number of sword attacks at Rio. Rio moved after every one, swinging his sword to divert the course of every attack made his way. Roughly ten seconds passed in this way. 

“Kuh...” Takahisa felt like his attacks were having no effect at all—he didn’t even feel like he was swinging his sword at Rio anymore. He made eye contact with Rio’s all-seeing gaze and involuntarily retreated to put distance between them. However, Rio remained still. He stood there, waiting for Takahisa to make the next move; in part to restrain himself and not inadvertently defeat him. 

“Do you plan on standing there the whole time?!” What arrogance! Takahisa made full use of his vastly-improved physical abilities to throw Rio off balance. Even then, Rio did not move to attack him. Takahisa ran in circles around Rio before launching an attack from behind, seeing that Rio was the most open there. “Gwah?!” It was as though Rio had eyes on the back of his head. Without even sparing a glance, he turned around and swung his sword, immediately knocking away the sword Takahisa was swinging. The recoil made Takahisa stumble backwards. When he made eye contact with Rio’s cold gaze, he grimaced in humiliation. 

What was that look in his eyes?! Is he looking down on me when he’s a murderer himself?! All while preaching about how he’s trying to respect Miharu’s opinion, this hypocrite! I won’t... I won’t let a murderer look down on me! How could I leave Miharu by the side of a murderer?! Not my... my Miharu...! He didn’t want Miharu stolen away from him. With that single thought in mind, Takahisa was overcome with an almost overwhelming sense of paranoia as he moved. 

He wanted to win. To fight—and win. Against this man... This hypocrite! He had to win to prove to Miharu that he was stronger than Rio. However, that was an impossible feat, to a degree that he was unaware of. To him, as long as he won, as long as he emerged victorious, Miharu would understand. Takahisa believed that beyond a doubt. No, that belief was the only thing that kept him going. However— 

“Dammit, at this rate...!” 

He couldn’t win. Takahisa had the faint hunch that was the case. 

But he didn’t want to lose. He couldn’t lose. That was how much resolution he had coming into this battle, putting his pride and his life on the line. 

“Haaaah!” Takahisa heightened the ability of his divine arms enhancement and charged directly at Rio. He moved at the speed of a flying arrow, shooting straight for Rio. 

However, Takahisa’s passion had caused him to make a mistake. Both he and Rio had increased the strength of their physical bodies so that a hit from a training sword would hurt, but wouldn’t be life-threatening. But Takahisa’s current speed was creating enough kinetic energy to ignore the increased body strength, packing enough of a punch to deal a fatal wound. 

With this speed, I can do it! Takahisa was certain of his victory and rejoiced. Without any hesitation at all, he poured every ounce of strength he had into the sword clutched between both his hands and swung it at Rio. 

“Wha...?!” His swinging sword cut through the air, leaving Takahisa speechless. There had been no resistance at all. There wasn’t even a trace of Rio left before him. Why?! Takahisa felt a sense of doubt that was closing in on anger, when— 

“Guh!” Takahisa felt a light impact on his back, and in the next moment, he toppled off-balance. He had been thrust away by Rio, but the attack had clearly been held back. It wasn’t enough to be considered a telling hit. The referee hadn’t spoken up, either. 

“What?!” Takahisa frantically scrambled to turn around with his sword at the ready, yelling in the direction of the contact. However, Rio was nowhere to be seen. 

“Your field of view is too narrow,” Rio’s calm voice echoed through Takahisa’s back. 

“Wah!” Takahisa swung his sword in a panic. 

“In a battle where you’ve already become hot-headed, hastening your speed past the point of control will only make you lose sight of your target. That’s why your field of view is narrowing. The same can be said of you and Miharu...” Rio leaped backwards in a relaxed manner, avoiding Takahisa’s attack as he spoke. 

“...Is that sarcasm? You have no right to be saying that!” Takahisa spat hatefully. 

“Perhaps,” Rio agreed easily. To Takahisa, it felt like Rio was infuriatingly showing off the difference in their capabilities through his relaxed attitude. He charged at Rio vigorously. 

“You’re not worthy of Miharu!” 

“I know.” 

“You murderous hypocrite!” 

“I know that too.” 

“I absolutely won’t allow it!” 

“Do I need your permission?” That was true arrogance. 

“That’s why I’m going to win this match!” Takahisa declared, swinging his sword at Rio. The drawn sword drew a sharp arc downwards towards his opponent. 

“Wha?!” Of all the things to do, Rio released his sword. He stabbed the tip into the ground, letting it stand vertically. However, there was no stopping Takahisa’s blade any longer. 

It was at this point that Takahisa finally feared that he might end up killing Rio. Suddenly, Rio stepped forward of his own accord. 

But it wasn’t as though Rio intended on dying, either. Aiming for the moment when Takahisa’s fervor weakened slightly, he caught the blade of the sword between his hands. 

It was the god-like move any Japanese person would be familiar with. An impossible acrobatic feat that nobody sane would attempt in a real battle. 

“Shirahadori?!” Satsuki yelled from the spectator seats. The group who had come from Earth—as well as Liselotte, who had been reborn into this world just like Rio—were obviously horrified, but even Charlotte and the others, who didn’t know the technique name, reacted similarly. 

“Urgh!” When the movement of the blade stopped and Takahisa stiffened, Rio took the change to twist his wrists and arms to steal the sword from Takahisa. He then threw it on the ground beside them. 

However, the rules said that disarming your opponent wasn’t enough to count as a victory. Despite that, one would normally lose their will to fight in this situation. Rio had been aiming for that outcome. 

“Will you still continue?” Rio asked. If he wanted to pick up his sword, he was welcome to, that was what was implied. 

“Don’t... look down on me!” Takahisa roared and frantically picked up his sword. He paid no attention to how his posture had collapsed when doing so, instead swinging at Rio again. He stubbornly refused to give up. 

So he still won’t fold. Then... Rio grabbed his sword and leaped high, retreating for the moment. 

“Are you running away?!” Takahisa ran at full speed in pursuit. He proceeded to brace his weapon overhead and swing it down, but that was exactly what Rio expected. 

Rio stood still, sharpening his senses to see through Takahisa’s incoming sword. Then, once he had predicted its path, he held his own sword low. With precise timing, he kicked off the ground with great force, swinging his sword at an extreme speed. The result was the fierce clashing sound of metal echoing throughout the. In that moment, Rio and Takahisa both finished swinging their swords and had their backs facing each other. Then, one beat later, the sound of something stabbing into the ground reached Rio and Takahisa’s ears. It was the sword that had been in Takahisa’s hand. 

“Uh. Ah...” Takahisa opened his mouth, looking between the blade stuck in the ground and the handle in his hand. Takahisa’s sword had been smashed to pieces—smashing with it the heart of the one holding it. 

“If you still want to continue, we can go barehanded next,” Rio stated flatly. 

“Ah... D-Damn it!” Takahisa readied his broken sword awkwardly, but he soon threw it against the ground. Rio suddenly started slowly walking towards him. 

“I won’t accept my defeat,” Takahisa said to Rio, his whole body trembling in frustration. Rio unfalteringly continued to close the distance between them. 

“I won’t give up!” Despite those words, Takahisa seemed to have accepted defeat, as he didn’t try to attack with just his bare hands. Rio pointed his sword at Takahisa indifferently. 

“...Match, set! The victor is Sir Amakawa!” The referee announced victory loudly. 

“I won’t accept it, I won’t accept it... I won’t. You cannot be with Miharu. She’s being fooled. I have to... I have to do something...” Takahisa hung his head as he muttered bitterly, as though he was reciting some kind of curse. 


After the match, Takahisa left the arena alone, heading for the castle guest rooms as though he was running away from Miharu and Satsuki. However, just as he was about to open the door to the guest rooms, Aki and Lilianna caught up. 

“Wait, brother!” 

“Please wait a moment, Sir Takahisa.” 

The three female knights were with them. 

“You...!” Takahisa finally came to a stop, turning around. 

“Where do you think you’re going?” Lilianna asked with a sigh. 

“...I was going back to my room.” Takahisa replied in shame. 

“What were you going to do after returning?” Lilianna asked, as if she was soothing a pouting child. 

“...Think of a plan to keep Miharu away from him,” Takahisa mumbled in response. 

“So you still haven’t given up after all.” Lilianna sighed again, heavily this time. 

“He’s... dangerous,” Takahisa muttered bitterly. 

“Why do you say he’s dangerous?” Lilianna asked calmly. 

“Because he’s a murderer!” Takahisa yelled. 

Lilianna checked that there were no knights around them before exhaling in relief. “Please don’t utter such words in such a loud voice. He is an honorary knight of the Galarc Kingdom. Your silent departure after the duel was already uncommendable—the other party is an important honorary knight of another kingdom. Even if you are a hero, leaving without a word shows disrespect, which could cause an international incident.” 

“But it’s the truth!” 

“Whether it’s the truth or not is... Let’s go inside first. We can talk after you calm down. You three, stand guard outside the room. Refuse entry to all non-important visitors.” 

Thus, the three female knights stood guard outside the room as Takahisa entered with Lilianna and Aki. Inside, Lilianna’s attendant was waiting. “Frill, tea for everyone.” 

“Understood.” Frill moved to the kitchen under Lilianna’s orders. 

“Now, please sit down.” Lilianna prompted Takahisa and Aki into the seats opposite her. 

“...” Takahisa threaded his fingers and looked down in thought. 

“I’d like to ask one thing first—Sir Takahisa, is your desire to be together with Lady Miharu? Or would you be content as long as Lady Miharu is no longer by Sir Amakawa’s side?” Lilianna began, her question getting straight to the core of the matter. 

“...If she had to go with him, then I believe she’d be better off being together with me.” 

“Wasn’t the match just now to decide who Lady Miharu would be going with?” 

“No! It was so he’d refuse being with Miharu if I won! I wasn’t trying to force Miharu into where she’d go!” As long as Rio refused to be with Miharu, Miharu would have followed Aki, who was coming with him. That was his ulterior motive—but he didn’t say that out loud. 

“If you wish to be with Lady Miharu, would it not be best to just ask her sincerely?” Lilianna replied, giving a sound argument. 

“T-That won’t work out, which is why we had a match!” 

“And you lost that match.” 

“Ugh...” Takahisa grimaced at the shot she’d taken at him. 

“I believe it would be best to ask her honestly. If it doesn’t work, then you’ll have to give up.” 

“I told you already! If I could do that...!” He wouldn’t have suffered so much. Miharu was already firm in her decision to be with Haruto, after all. 

“Lady Miharu’s feelings are already so certain, neither you nor Lady Aki can convince her anymore. Is that correct?” 

“Ugh...” Takahisa’s expression fell grimly. Lilianna took that as affirmation. 

“In that case, how about we temporarily return to our kingdom to cool your head? We could even depart today, if you so wished. I believe it would be best for you to distance yourself from Lady Miharu for the time being.” 

“I can’t do that!” Takahisa declined immediately. 

“However, there’s no way to solve this through a discussion. A match... No, the duel you had couldn’t solve this either. Doesn’t that leave you with no other solution? You wouldn’t forcefully bring Lady Miharu to Centostella unwillingly, would you?” There was no way such a selfish action would be approved of. That’s what Lilianna had wanted to imply by saying that, but— 

“...I see. I could always just bring Miharu to Centostella first. It’s a fact that he’s a murderer. Whatever reason he gives to justify it doesn’t make it forgivable. And if I tell her my feelings and talk to her properly, she’ll surely understand...” he started muttering to himself. It seemed like Takahisa took her words as a realistic option. 

“That option is impossible. If it’s discovered that you forcefully took her, it would truly become an international incident,” Lilianna stated in a harsh tone. 

“But there’s no other option!” 

“Yes, there is. There must be. The Takahisa I know would never resort to such cowardly actions. I have been looking after you over these last few months, after all. And, as royalty, I’ve come into contact with many people before. Which is why I know that you may be inexperienced in some areas, but you are definitely not a bad person. If you followed through with this action right now, you’ll be fraught with guilt for the rest of your life.” Lilianna’s usual gentle demeanor was nowhere to be seen as she warned Takahisa with the look of a royal leader guiding others away from the wrong path. 

“Lily...” What do you know about me after just a few months? He couldn’t say that because he understood how devoted Lilianna had been to supporting him in that time. 

“From what I can see, Sir Amakawa is an outstanding individual. That is why Lady Miharu, Lady Satsuki, and even Sir Masato have so much trust in him, no? And the fact that Sir Amakawa brought Lady Aki and the others to the castle for your and Lady Satsuki’ sakes is the biggest proof of this, is it not?” 

When Lilianna praised Rio, Takahisa’s face turned bitter again. Aki’s too. “...You don’t know, Lily. You don’t know him.” 

“You can’t believe in him? In the man your precious Lady Miharu trusts so much?” Lilianna asked Takahisa. 

“If I did, I wouldn’t be suffering so much right now!” Takahisa yelled as though he was seeking some kind of salvation. 

“...I think it would be best for you to temporarily distance yourself from Lady Miharu after all. Won’t you return to the kingdom with me? Our kingdom may be closed off, but as long as you desire it, Lady Miharu would be welcomed to our kingdom as a guest at any time, even if she isn’t affiliated with us,” Lilianna suggested as a compromise. 

“That’s not— That’s not good enough! If I can’t bring Miharu with me, then I won’t be going back to Centostella at all! In fact, I’ll quit being a hero and take Aki and Miharu with me to live by ourselves!” 

“Wha...” Takahisa’s self-centered statement left even Lilianna wide-eyed in shock. Aki, who had been listening silently, also blinked in surprise. 

“Did you not say that you would become the hero for our kingdom? You promised me that you would return to Centostella even if you were to reunite with Lady Miharu and the others during our visit to Galarc, no? Didn’t you promise that you would work together with me to make our kingdom better? Are you telling me that the promise was all a lie?!” Lilianna’s face twisted with sadness. The defection of a hero was the biggest loss that could happen to a kingdom, but even before that, she had believed she had built a relationship of trust with Takahisa. 

“It wasn’t a lie! I don’t want to make it into a lie, so don’t make me a liar! I don’t want to do such a thing! That’s why— That’s why I want your cooperation!” Takahisa used his trump card—his position as a hero—to petition the first princess of the kingdom. It was practically coercion at this point. 

“...Why are you so insistent that Lady Miharu cannot be with Sir Amakawa?” Lilianna asked after hesitating for a moment. 

“Because there’s no way that Miharu, someone born and raised in Japan, could find happiness being with a man who kills people without batting an eye. And anyway, once Miharu— once I tell her my feelings, she’ll surely understand.” Takahisa gave a terribly biased answer. To Lilianna’s ears, it was a statement of pure ignorance. 

She was a little curious as to what he meant by saying that Haruto was someone who could kill without question, as many knights had killed one or two people when driven by the need before. If he had cursed those knights by calling them murderers to their faces, it would have been taken as an affront. 

“Do you believe there is any realistic possibility in your statement? Even if I were to cooperate with you, there’d be no way of hiding the fact Lady Miharu was taken away by force. And it would be impossible for you to live freely with Lady Miharu and Aki by quitting your post as a hero without my cooperation.” 

“I can do it. No matter how it plays out, I’ll make sure I succeed. I have to,” Takahisa answered with bloodshot eyes. He was dangerously unstable, held captive by his own intense egotism and belief that his thoughts were absolute. There was no way of telling whether he could be persuaded in this situation, and at the same time, he was at risk of losing himself, which would obviously be an issue. If he used the power of his divine arms to run wild, he could cause terrible damage. 

“Reality is far more harsh than you realize. If you were to choose that option, your feelings of regret would be inevitable and you will also understand how amazing it was for Sir Amakawa to have kept Lady Miharu and the others in his care until now.” 

“...I won’t know until I try.” 

Where was that confidence of his coming from? “There are some things you can know without trying.” Lilianna sighed for the umpteenth time, shooting him down resolutely. 

“You know, though, Lily. About the heroic power hidden within me. That my power can protect the people closest to me.” 

“You just lost to Sir Amakawa moments ago. The special ability hidden in your divine arms is indeed powerful, but if someone as experienced as him faces you, then even a hero would lose. Please understand that. There are evil deeds in this world that cannot be dealt with simply through power, too. And a plan like this would fall apart the moment Lady Miharu or Satsuki caught word of it.” Lilianna raised her voice so that she could be heard clearly in the kitchen beyond. 

“Even so, my answer is that I will protect them. We won’t reach an agreement like this, Lily.” Takahisa said, watching Lilianna with determination. 

“...Lady Aki, do you have nothing to add to persuade Sir Takahisa?” Lilianna sought salvation from his little sister Aki, who had been observing the situation carefully. Aki ducked her head, hesitating for a moment. 

“I’ll... I’ll be there, Takahisa... Is that not enough?” she asked, lifting her face slowly. 

“...” Takahisa frowned painfully, but he had no choice but to shake his head. No, no it wasn’t enough... His fists shook. 

“I see...” For a moment, Aki lowered her eyes as though she’d cry. But, after a while, she mustered a smile with everything she had. 

“Then let’s kidnap Miharu together. Masato would object, so we’d have to leave him behind...” 

“Wha...” Lilianna was speechless. Who were these siblings? How could they be so selfish for their own sakes? Perhaps that was simply human nature... 

“My family was destroyed once by that boy’s disappearance. The one who became my new family after that was you, brother. And the new family I’ve built up is going to be broken again... by none other than the same person. That’s why... there’s no other option. If you’re going to be serious about this, then I will, too,” Aki said, smiling brokenly. 

“...Where are you going, Frill?” Takahisa turned around and called out to Frill, who was trying to quietly leave the kitchen and go outside. Frill came to a trembling halt. 

“Ah, umm... We were out of tea leaves...” 

“That’s fine—forget the tea. Come back.” 

“O-Okay...” Frill dragged herself back to the middle of the room. 

“Lily, were you trying to inform Miharu and Satsuki of this?” Takahisa seemed to think that Lilianna had given Frill the order herself, as though saying he was ready to begin his plan right away. 

“...Will you not yield at all, Sir Takahisa? About returning to the Centostella Kingdom with me. The only thing waiting at the end of the road that you are trying to go down is destruction. There is no way you can fool your way through,” Lilianna said with a resigned sigh. 

“I have to fool them! Because I have to protect everyone. So that they can all be happy!” Takahisa said resolutely. 

“That’s just your...” Lilianna was about to say something, but broke off with a bitter face. She realized if she said it out loud, she could truly break the relationship she had formed with Takahisa. 

No, it was already broken by Takahisa himself. Craving the happiness he’d lost, witnessing it fold into the hands of someone else before his very eyes made him struggle hideously. However, reality wasn’t going the way he wanted—so much so that he had temporarily, or perhaps permanently, gone crazy. 

Oh, what a pitiful person, Lilianna sympathized with a frown. But after several seconds passed, she spoke up. 

“...I understand. As long as you don’t mind taking sole blame for running wild when you are caught, then I give you permission to use our enchanted ship to take Lady Miharu away. However, no matter what kind of end awaits you, you will be the one to take full responsibility. This you must accept. I will also have you accept several other conditions in advance. If you break these conditions in the future, I will punish you without mercy. I may not be able to save you when you have your regrets later. Are you still willing to choose this option despite all this, Sir Takahisa?” Lilianna asked coldly, as though questioning Takahisa’s resolution. For a moment, even Takahisa was overwhelmed by how she pressured him. 

“...I am. I choose this,” he answered. 

“I have received your word. Ensure that you do not go back on it.” Lilianna’s tone was sharper than usual. 

“Lily, I’m sure you know already, but telling Miharu and the others...” 

“I will no longer attempt such a thing. Now that things have come to this, I must prepare myself for the worst, too. I will guide you through to the end.” Lilianna shot down Takahisa’s distrusting words immediately. 

“...All right.” Takahisa nodded his head, a bit frightened. 

“Now, this is a reckless attempt to begin with, so please give me several hours at the most to make my preparations. There’s no guarantee that we will succeed even with that, but I shall tell you the outline of the plan. Lady Aki will have an especially important role, so please be prepared,” Lilianna explained. There was no turning back now. 


Three hours after Takahisa had formed his reckless abduction plan with Lilianna, Aki went to visit Satsuki’s quarters alone to tell them that Takahisa would be returning to the Centostella Kingdom urgently. 

“Huh? Takahisa’s going back already?!” Satsuki yelled in shock. Five people were currently in the room: Rio, Miharu, Satsuki, Masato, and Aki. 

“Umm, he was rather shocked that he lost to Haruto in the match...” Aki explained, glancing at Rio momentarily. When they made eye contact, she looked down guiltily. 

“Hah... That’s so pathetic, bro...” Masato said in exasperation, but he did feel sympathy for his brother as he sighed worriedly. 

“I’ve decided that I will be going with him,” Aki declared. They all stayed silent with uncomfortable expressions on their faces. 

“Neither of you will be coming along, right?” Aki looked at Miharu and Masato to confirm. 

“...Yeah. I’m sorry,” Miharu refused sadly. It was something she had decided long ago, yet when it was time to say goodbye, it felt like her chest was about to burst. 

“I... It’s a tough choice, but I’m not going either.” Masato didn’t think it would benefit his brother if he changed his mind here and went with them, but he didn’t say it out loud. Right now, he just wanted to run away. 

“...I see.” Aki’s voice sounded both relieved and upset at the same time. 

“But I’ll come see you off,” Masato said resolutely. 

Aki took a deep breath and lifted her head, speaking clearly to them all. “Okay. Takahisa wants to apologize to everyone before we leave. Will you come with me?” 

Rio and the others left Satsuki’s quarters to follow Aki through the castle. They arrived at a section of the garden that surrounded the castle and spotted Takahisa standing there. 

“Bro!” Masato called out and ran forward first. 

“Hey, everyone. And Haruto, too...” Takahisa gave a shady smile as he responded to them all. 

“We heard the news. You’re returning to Centostella?” Satsuki asked a little unhappily. 

“Yes. I’ve caused enough of a stir... So Lilianna said it would be best for me to leave everyone and cool my head temporarily. I’m sorry.” Takahisa bowed his head, biting on his lower lip. On top of that, he called out their names one by one and lowered his head, saying over and over again how truly sorry he was. 

...Why is he here alone, though? Rio found it strange. Had he been waiting for Aki to bring them here this whole time? There had been no hesitation in Aki’s steps, which was also a little curious. 

“Haruto, I’m sorry. I’ve said so many rude things to you.” Takahisa bowed his head at Rio as well. Had he calmed down in these few hours? Just as Rio thought that, he caught a glimpse of a murky darkness in Takahisa’s eyes as he bowed his head. It gave him an eerie feeling. 

Despite feeling something unsettling, Rio bowed his head in return. “No, I acted out of line, too. May I ask what you were doing here already?” 

“...The horse carriages are waiting in the center garden to take us to the harbor, but Lily’s currently talking to the king. I thought I’d take a short walk while I waited,” Takahisa answered with a slightly stiff face. He seemed a little uncomfortable about something. However, that did answer the question of why he was here. 

“There you are, Lady Satsuki, Sir Haruto.” Charlotte appeared, calling Rio and Satsuki’s names. At that moment, Takahisa and Aki’s expressions clearly stiffened. Seeing that, Charlotte gave a pleasant smile. 

“Is something the matter?” Being called out by name like this meant that she needed something. However, the fact she came all the way to the gardens outside the castle herself seemed a little strange. Well, it wasn’t that strange if she had been guided by those who had spotted them in her search... 

“I have something important to discuss with you two. May I have some of your time?” Charlotte tapped her right index finger against her mouth and batted her eyelashes up at Rio and Satsuki’s faces. 

“Umm, Takahisa and Aki are about to head to the Centostella Kingdom, so if it’s not urgent, we would prefer to talk to the two of them a little more first...” said Satsuki. It was difficult for Rio to refuse because of his social position, but as a hero, Satsuki could refuse the princess without backlash. 

“Oh, we’re about to head off anyway, so it’s okay. I’d rather not drag out our farewells too long, otherwise I’ll be reluctant to leave...” Takahisa said with a slightly awkward, uneasy look. 

“...I see. Then, this time we’ll be saying farewell—and it’s a bittersweet one. Next time, we’ll be in a much better place. Everyone finally reunited again, thanks to Haruto. We have to take a moment to appreciate the good that came from that. Let’s meet again soon, no matter what.” Satsuki didn’t seem to doubt that they would meet again, though her face darkened as she spoke. 

“...Yeah.” Takahisa and Aki both looked down and nodded, making their expressions hard to read. However, it seemed as though there was a shadow over their faces. 

“See you later then, Takahisa. Aki,” Satsuki said, lightly embracing the two of them. 

“We’ll see you again someday soon,” Rio also said to them in parting. 

Takahisa responded with a slightly stiff “yeah,” but Aki averted her gaze in silence. Seeing Aki’s reaction made Miharu want to say something, but— 

“Now, shall we go?” Charlotte said, prompting Rio and Satsuki to move. 

Aishia. I know we’re in the castle, but I’m a little worried about the lack of guards. Could you stay beside Miharu and the others in your spirit form and let me know if something happens? If something happens, you can materialize too, Rio said to Aishia within him. 

Okay, got it, Aishia replied immediately. In that time, Charlotte took up her place to his left side while Satsuki, looking reluctant, moved to stand at Rio’s right side. 

As a result, with the exception of Aishia in her spirit form, the only ones left were Takahisa, Aki, Masato, and Miharu. Just then, Aki let out a noise in realization. 


“What’s the matter?” Masato asked Aki after his small body flinched. 

“I forgot something in my room. I have to get it before we leave. Come with me.” Aki grabbed Masato’s right arm. 

“Ah, hey! Aki! What are you doing?!” Masato asked as he was dragged towards the castle. 

“Try and be tactful for once. You’ve noticed too, haven’t you? Just five minutes is enough.” Aki glanced back at Takahisa and Miharu. 

“Ugh. Fine, then.” Masato looked at the two of them before scratching at his head with his left hand and sighing. Meanwhile, an awkward air hung over Takahisa and Miharu, who had been left behind. 

“Do you want to go for a walk?” Takahisa asked Miharu. 

“Sure, okay...” Miharu nodded awkwardly, then followed Takahisa’s lead around the garden. Miharu left a bit of distance between them as they walked. One, then two minutes passed in silence; their conversations didn’t last long even back when they were in Japan, but their extended silence now was probably influenced by how their relationship had become stilted since their reunion here. 

“Hey, Takahisa. How far are we walking?” Miharu asked after a while. They had come all the way to the outskirts of the castle grounds. There was no one in the area and they were right next to the wall that surrounded the castle. 

“Ah, umm. I hadn’t decided. Sorry...” Takahisa came to a stop and said awkwardly. 

“Umm, should we go back? We’re pretty far from the castle now...” Miharu suggested. 

“No... Say, Miharu. Why do you want to be together with him?” Takahisa suddenly asked. 

“Why... Why...? Umm, because I want to, I guess.” Miharu thought seriously before giving a redundant answer. 

“That isn’t a reason.” So she would choose him over me after all. Takahisa felt painful emotions swirling in his chest once more, but he feigned composure as he spoke to Miharu. His voice was shaking. 

“But that’s what it is. I can’t explain it well in words.” No, there was one accurate way of expressing it, but it wasn’t something that should be admitted to others lightly. However... 

Perhaps she needed to tell Takahisa after all. Miharu hesitated for a moment, but she decided to say it herself. 

However, Takahisa was the one to mention it. “Umm... Do you like him? Is that why you want to be with him?” 

“Err... Yeah. That’s right—I like him. That’s why I want to be with him.” Normally she would be too embarrassed to admit it out loud, but for some reason, she said it now without feeling any hint of shyness. 

“Is that because he’s Amakawa Haruto? Or because of his current self?” Takahisa’s expression stiffened. He had been too embarrassed to talk about love to Miharu while they were in Japan, but he was being fairly intrusive with his questions now. Miharu’s eyes wavered in surprise, but she soon smiled and answered. 

“It’s both. I think I love both of them. The Haruto from before he was reborn, and the Haruto now. I fell in love with the same person twice.” Because Haru-kun exists, she could love the current Haruto even more. Because Haruto exists, she could love Haru-kun even more. That was her thinking. 

However, that answer gouged a hole in Takahisa’s heart. It was unacceptable. There was absolutely no way he could accept it. He gritted his teeth. 

“But... but...” he began to say, his shoulders shaking like a cornered criminal. 


Meanwhile, Charlotte brought Rio and Satsuki to the rooftop garden, which was reserved for royalty. 

“See? Isn’t it a lovely view of the outside of the castle? You can just see the enchanted ship harbor from here, too.” Charlotte walked to the outskirts of the rooftop garden and turned back to smile at Rio and Satsuki behind her. 

“It certainly is lovely, but... What was the important matter that you wanted to discuss, Char?” Satsuki asked, despite being impressed by the view from the garden. In Satsuki’s case, it was a scenery she witnessed every day from the top floor of the tower she resided in, which was even taller than the garden, so she wasn’t that impressed. 

“Hehe. Now now, there’s no need for such haste. I’ve prepared somewhere for us to sit over here, so let’s take a seat first. Now, come this way.” Charlotte brushed them off in an aloof manner, leisurely inviting them to the seats that had been prepared in a spot to oversee the scenery. 


Just then, Aishia’s voice echoed in Rio’s head. 

...What’s wrong? Rio walked behind Charlotte as he answered immediately. 

Takahisa is taking Miharu outside of the castle. 

Is he trying something? 

I don’t know. They’re talking right now. Wanna hear? 

Huh, I can do that...? 

You and I are connected, so I can share the things I see and hear with you. 

As soon as Aishia said that, muffled voices that didn’t belong to her filled Rio’s head. It was Takahisa’s voice. 

“Umm... Do you like him? Is that why you want to be with him?” Hearing him suddenly say something like that startled Rio. 

Hey, Aishia. We should respect their privacy... He didn’t think that he should be listening in on this conversation, but before he could say anything more to Aishia, someone else spoke up. 

“Err... Yeah. That’s right—I like him. That’s why I want to be with him.” 

It was Miharu’s voice. Rio swallowed his breath with a gasp. He was filled with an indescribable sense of guilt for eavesdropping on someone else’s conversation like this—and felt the same about Aishia. 

“Is that because he’s Amakawa Haruto? Or because of his current self?” 

“It’s both. I think I love both of them. The Haruto before he was reborn, and the Haruto now. I fell in love with the same person twice.” While Rio’s thoughts were occupied, Miharu and Takahisa’s conversation continued. He was now certain they were discussing him. 

Aishia, I really shouldn’t be listening to this conversation after all. I think you should also stay out of hearing reach and just watch over them from a distance, too. Rio passed on a message for Aishia to suspend her transmission of the conversation, but— 

“But— But he’s a murderer!” Takahisa began speaking of Rio in contempt. The situation was taking a suspicious turn. 


“But— But he’s a murderer!” Takahisa released the emotions he had been forcing down as he spoke ill of Rio in front of Miharu. 

“...” Miharu looked extremely sad. 

“Hey, Miharu—open your eyes! You’re being tricked by him!” Takahisa objected in frustration. 

“So your apology to Haruto earlier was just for show.” 

“That— I had to. I had to do what was necessary.” 

“What was necessary?” Miharu stared intensely at Takahisa, making him lose his nerve at the illusion of being seen through completely. 

“T-That’s irrelevant right now! I’m asking you to come to your senses and come with me instead!” Takahisa’s voice trembled as he yelled, at his wit’s end. 

“I won’t be going with you. You’re the one who needs to open your eyes, Takahisa,” Miharu said firmly. 

“You’re being deceived, Miharu! He’s a murderer!” 

“I’m not being deceived.” 

“You are! He acts like a good person, but he’ll turn around and kill people if he needs to. He said there’s someone he wants to kill. Is that not hypocritical of him?! You’re being fooled into staying with a murderer, no matter how you think about it!” 

“So what? He saved me. Aki and Masato, too—we were all saved by him. When we were abducted by the slave merchant, he was fighting out of our line of sight. Someone may have died in that battle. Haruto may have been the one that killed them. Would you still insult Haruto, knowing that?” 

“I’m saying this with your well-being in mind, Miharu. We live in different worlds compared to him! He’s a person from this world, and we’re people who lived in Japan. We may return to Japan someday. He would be nothing but a dirty criminal in Japan.” 

“...How can you say such horrible things?” Miharu’s shock made her back away from Takahisa to create distance between them. 

“It’s because I love you, Miharu! I’m in love with you! And I always have been! From the moment we met until now—all this time!” Takahisa confessed his love for Miharu at the most inappropriate moment. 

“...I’m sorry. There’s just no way.” Miharu’s fright caused her to reject him in a short tone. 

“Wh... Are you saying you’d choose him?! When he wouldn’t choose you?!” 

“H-He doesn’t need to choose me! I know there are lots of people around Haruto who are more attractive than me! I’ve accepted that already! But I... I...!” Takahisa’s insensitive statement made Miharu raise her voice angrily. 

“You’re my number one! If Lily is number two, then you’re number one by a landslide! I always have you at the forefront of my mind, I’m always thinking of your well-being the most...!” 

“You say what you’re doing is for my sake, but in the end it’s all for your own! Isn’t that the hypocrisy you hate so much?” Miharu pointed out Takahisa’s contradictory behavior. 

“I’m different! Don’t lump me in with him! I’m not a murderer! I wouldn’t ever kill a person!” 

“...I’ve had enough,” Miharu muttered in disbelief. Her emotions had surpassed shock and moved on to disappointment. She weakly turned on her heel to depart. 

“Even after everything I’ve said, you still won’t come to your senses?” Takahisa said to her back, suppressing his anger. 

“I don’t want to talk to you anymore. Not until you come to your senses and apologize to Haruto sincerely. Honestly, I don’t want you to take Aki with you, but she adores you so much. Make sure you don’t make her cry. Now... goodbye.” Miharu came to a stop but didn’t look back. Takahisa’s entire body trembled. 

“Huh...?” Miharu felt a strong impact against her back. Then, she felt a floating sensation—like something was carrying her. 

“T-Takahisa?! W-What are you doing?! Stop it!” Takahisa had picked her up, holding her as he stood looking up at the castle walls. 

He had only been a few meters away from Miharu earlier. Aishia was lying in wait in her spirit form, but taking into account the time lag of turning from spirit form to materialized form, it was impossible for her to interrupt Takahisa’s sudden movement boosted by his divine arms’ physical enhancement. 

“I thought— I thought you’d understand after I told you my feelings. But if you still don’t get it, I’ll just move on to the next step of the plan!” Takahisa said with Miharu in his arms, then made a full-powered sprint towards the wall. His eyes burned with a hollow light. 

The castle walls were roughly 10 meters tall. They were generally constructed to look shorter on the inside and taller on the outside, so it wasn’t that difficult to break out from the inside. 

However, to Miharu, who had her movements restricted as she was being forcibly carried, the looming wall approaching nearer incited nothing but fear. Just before Takahisa leaped, Miharu curled up and squeezed her eyes shut. 

I can’t just let this happen! Miharu knew she needed to inform someone of this situation, so she frantically tried to do something. She thought of making something happen using the spirit arts she learned from the spirit folk. 


“W-What?!” The sound of something tearing exploded loudly, making Takahisa flinch for a moment and stand on top of the castle wall. Because her spirit arts weren’t fully-developed yet, she had only created the sound of exploding air. 

The thought of Miharu creating that sound didn’t even cross Takahisa’s mind, so he looked around in confusion. 

“Hey. Who’s that up there?! There’s someone on the walls! He’s carrying a girl!” One of the soldiers on guard had heard the explosion and spotted Takahisa on top of the wall. Miharu took the chance to create a ball of light in her hands and float it high into the air. It would only last for a minute, but it served as a landmark. 

“Gah, what?! Damn it!” When Takahisa spotted Miharu making the ball of light in her hands, he paled. But he couldn’t afford to stand around and be caught, so he proceeded to jump off the castle wall and run at full speed towards the harbor where the Centostella Kingdom’s enchanted ship waited. 

This section of the castle wall was the closest to the lake, and Lilianna had told him of the shortest path to the harbor. It would take less than a minute to get there. 

“I’m bringing you with me! I’m bringing you with me no matter what!” The preparations to depart were completed already, so as long as they reached the ship, the plan would succeed. Takahisa believed that as he charged ahead at full speed. 


Meanwhile, a few moments before that, Rio and the others stood in the rooftop garden. Rio had seated himself with Satsuki and Charlotte, but his ears were turned towards Miharu and Takahisa’s conversation. No—it would be more accurate to say his entire mind was occupied with it. 

He hadn’t wanted to eavesdrop, but the conversation took such an unsettling turn that he couldn’t help but listen to the conversation that was being transmitted to him in installments. 

Aishia, what’s the situation right now? He asked Aishia around when Miharu rejected Takahisa’s confession. 

It’s as you hear. The two are arguing with each other. 

Is everything okay? 

No threatening moves have been made yet. I cannot materialize and appear to them yet, so I’ll continue to observe like this, Aishia answered flatly. 

I-I see... Rio felt relieved for the time being, but that moment didn’t last long. 

“T-Takahisa?! W-What are you doing?! Stop it!” Miharu’s voice echoed in his head. Rio flinched. 

Aishia, what happened?! Rio asked instantly. Aishia’s reply came immediately. 

Takahisa suddenly grabbed Miharu and picked her up. He’s climbing the castle wall now. In the direction of the ship harbor. 

Right after that—Bang! A sound echoed throughout the grounds. 

“What... was that...” Satsuki reflexively leapt to her feet, looking in the direction of the sound. 

“Wait, Miharu?! And Takahisa?! W-What is this?!” Satsuki reflexively cast her physical enhancement to see Takahisa carrying Miharu on top of the castle wall over a hundred meters away. Rio also stood up and confirmed just that. 

“...Has something happened?” Charlotte stood up and asked Satsuki. 

“Takahisa grabbed Miharu and is standing on top of the castle wall! They just jumped down from it! He said he was going back to Centostella earlier!” Satsuki’s tone was rough due to her confusion. 

“Indeed, the enchanted ship harbor is right outside of the castle wall over there, but...” Charlotte replied, giving her geographic point of view. 

“Is he trying to kidnap Miharu?! What is he thinking?!” 

“You can’t say that for sure... but what is that ball of light? It’s being fired into the sky continuously. Is it some kind of signal magic? It’s getting closer to the harbor,” Charlotte said, analyzing the situation. 

It’s dangerous to attack while they’re running. You can simply secure Miharu after they’ve boarded the ship and let down their guard. 

Wait, they’re at the harbor already? Rio was already exchanging orders with Aishia, but in that short amount of time Takahisa had arrived at the harbor. 

“Miharu’s sending out a signal. I gave her a magic artifact that could do something like that. They’re probably at the harbor already,” Rio explained. 

“Sir Takahisa has probably enhanced his body with his divine arms, so if he’s at the harbor already, I fear the ship will depart at any moment. No doubt the workers at the harbor are unaware of the situation, so we cannot stop them if they depart now,” Charlotte pointed out. 

“W-What do we do?! This is no time to be chatting leisurely!” Satsuki yelled in shock. 

“There’s nothing we can do from here...” said Charlotte. It seemed like there were no options left. 

“...I’ll go.” Rio thought silently for a moment, before volunteering himself to pursue. No sooner had he said that, he retreated from the outer perimeter of the rooftop garden. Then, he drew his sword from the sheath at his waist. 

“Just what do you intend on doing... Wha?!” Charlotte had been staring at Rio suspiciously when Rio suddenly burst into a dash, making her flinch. Her usual age-inappropriate coquettish attitude fell silent as she let out a cute shriek the moment Rio burst past her. 

“A-Are you trying to kill yourself?! Even with the physical enhancement of your enchanted sword, you...!” She soon snapped back to her senses and yelled at Rio, who had already leaped from the rooftop garden and fallen out of hearing range. 

However, after Rio had leaped and soared through the air for a while, he poured a tremendous amount of magic essence into his sword and used wind spirit arts to create a large gust of wind, propelling him forward through the air. 

Satsuki stared with a dazed smile for a few moments before bursting into laughter at the sight of Rio leaping over the castle wall. She cheered him on even though he was out of earshot. “Ahaha... Go for it, Haruto! I’m leaving it to you!” 

“His actions make no sense at all...” Beside Satsuki, Charlotte watched Rio fly through the air using his sword in a daze. However, her gaze gradually grew heated. 

“...How wonderful.” Forgetting her position as the second princess, she was simply captivated by the sight of the Black Knight, whose very existence seemed to turn the tables everywhere. 


Meanwhile, one of the enchanted ships in the possession of the Centostella Kingdom had just made an emergency departure by Takahisa’s forceful order and was now gaining altitude over the water. On board, Miharu confronted Takahisa on the deck of the ship. 

When Miharu had been abducted from the castle, Aishia had suspended the transmission of their conversation to communicate with Miharu telepathically. Aishia could indeed materialize and rescue Miharu from here, but that would make the explanations to follow quite difficult. They decided she would observe quietly as long as Miharu’s life and body were not infringed upon. However— 

If Miharu’s screams reach your heart, then you come and save her. 

The message that Aishia telepathically sent to Rio may have assisted in his decision to act of his own accord. 

Miharu, Haruto will reach this ship soon, Aishia encouraged. 

Okay! Haruto was coming. Haru-kun was coming. Miharu was incredibly happy to hear that, and used it to encourage herself. However, she had to first condemn Takahisa for his barbaric act. 

“What were you thinking, doing something like this? Did you really find it so unforgivable that I would be beside Haruto?” She asked, trying to find the true intention of his actions. 

“Unforgivable? Of course it is! Didn’t I just tell you I’ve been in love with you from the moment we met? And yet, he’s the one that’s always occupied your heart. There’s no way I can forgive it! For what— For what did I...!” Takahisa had been cornered with nowhere further to go and started to panic. The instability that he had rarely shown in Japan had been exposed by the stress of a single person’s pursuit in this world, awakening into a deep-rooted delusion. 

“I am not your property, Takahisa.” Miharu witnessed her friend from Japan turn into a completely different person before her and felt helpless. Although he had completely transformed out of jealousy and greed, Takahisa was still Aki and Masato’s older brother. Though she had never seen him romantically, that didn’t change the fact he was a close friend of hers. 

“Ngh... Argh! Fuck! Lily’s not on board... Aki’s not on board, either. It wasn’t supposed to go like this...!” When Miharu voiced her clear rejection of him, the pain caused Takahisa to escape into another reality. However, there wasn’t a single reality left that favored him right now. 

The ship’s crew were scrambling in a panic on the deck, discussing whether they should turn back and land on the water again as Lilianna was not on board. It was then that someone landed on the deck. It was Rio. The crew froze in utter shock. 

“Haru-kun!” Miharu yelled. 

“Wha...” Takahisa’s eyes widened in shock, before he glared at him, enraged. For him, Rio was the root of every problem he had. He would never approve of his existence. 

“I came... to save you.” Rio smiled awkwardly as he spoke to Miharu in a gentle tone. He wore the same expression as when he first saved Miharu from the slave traders. 

“...Right.” Miharu nodded in a daze. Then, Rio walked towards Miharu slowly, showing no care or caution towards Takahisa at all. 

“Coming all this way...!” Just to steal her away?! What a nightmare! Takahisa grit his teeth before yelling “Laevateinn!” and summoning his divine arms. It was a sword with a beautiful red blade—a one-handed sword that was roughly one meter long. Takahisa swung the sword and slashed at Rio, but Rio flicked his sword without even a glance, deflecting Takahisa’s incoming blade. 

“Gah?!” Takahisa was blown backwards and stumbled. In that time, Rio stood before Miharu, but Takahisa’s eyes had yet to lose their aggressive light as they fixed on Rio with loathing. 

“...Do you think it’s okay for me to injure him?” Even Rio questioned Miharu with a fed-up look on his face. He was finding Takahisa rather persistent. 

“H-Huh?” Miharu was unsure of what he had asked and just blinked blankly. The next moment, Takahisa once again tried to close in on Rio to attack. 

“Get away from Mi— Guh?!” Rio closed in on him instead, landing a counter on his face with all his might—Takahisa flew across the deck and crashed into the wall. His nose was twisted rather unnaturally, blood flowing out. He seemed to have cut the inside of his mouth too, as a fair amount of blood was streaming from there as well. 

A normal person would have had their neck snapped, but his physical enhancement meant he got off with just a broken nose. Damage that could be restored with healing magic. 

Rio had punched a hero on impulse, but it was an emergency situation, so he deemed it justifiable. It was one of the rare occasions where Rio had acted without thinking. 

“...Shall we return? Come this way.” Rio drew near Miharu and walked along the deck at a leisurely pace. The ship crew had trembled in fear at the sight of Rio punching the hero, but after a moment, they exploded in cheers and applause. 

“Well done!” 

“If you’re going back down to the ground, we can assist!” 

“What kind of hero would forcefully kidnap a young lady like that?!” 

The ship’s crew seemed to have their own thoughts about Takahisa’s rampage, as they praised Rio highly. 

“Haha. We’ll go back like this. Hold on tight, Miharu.” With those parting words, Rio leaped down from the enchanted ship with Miharu clinging to him. The crew rushed to lean over the side, watching them fall in a panic. But, once they spotted Rio soaring nimbly through the use of his sword, they cheered even louder for him. 

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