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Chapter 220


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Lithia and I had our next class with Thomas.



 Today was another class related to tactics.


 Thomas, who had worked in Basamark’s inner circle, was well-versed in tactics and taught us some real-world tactics that were not found in the books.



 Well, whether he would actually use them or not is the question.


 I’m sure I’ll be in a battle at some point, so it should be good to know. I’ll have to remember these.



 There are days when he teaches me things other than tactics, so I want to hear more about those if possible. There might be some interesting information that only Thomas knows.



 The class went without any problems, but I was concerned about Braham’s condition.



 When he first arrived, he seemed to be inattentive and not listening to what was being said, but today he seemed to be more serious.



 He asked Thomas questions about things he didn’t understand and seemed to be very serious without missing anything.


 He was so serious that even Thomas was puzzled.


 I, too, had never seen him like this before.



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 It was not a bad thing at all.


 He is a man with great combat abilities, but his intelligence is nothing to speak of, so it is a good sign that he is now willing to study seriously.



 However, I didn’t expect such a change all of a sudden…



“…Did you say something to Braham?” (Thomas)



 Thomas spoke to me in a whisper.



“No, nothing…” (Ars)


“Really? Why is he so serious all of a sudden? I don’t get it. Did he start to get all worked up to appeal to you because of your presence?” (Thomas)



 If that’s the case, he should have been serious from the day I arrived.



 I wonder if he had some kind of change of heart.



“It’s disgusting, but it’s not a bad trend. He’s more perceptive than I thought he’d be.” (Thomas)


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 Braham’s comprehension was not low, as long as he listened to what was being said. The limit of his Strategy is a good number, so he is not a terrible person when it comes to learning.



“I’m sure of my teaching skills, and if he continues to understand what warfare is like, he might be able to become a military commander. Well, it’s an exaggeration to say that he can become one of the best in all of Somerforce. Ha ha ha.” (Thomas)




 With a final laugh, Thomas left.



 A few weeks later.


 I took a few classes, not every day, but a few times.


 It was quite fun as I felt like I was a student again, but it was time for me to start looking for new talent through appraisal, so I would be attending classes only for a little while longer.




 Braham still continued to take the classes seriously.



 I thought he might only last one day, but it would be admirable if he continued this long.


 Braham seems to have completely changed his mindset.



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 I then used my appraisal skill to appraise Braham.





 Command 68/102

 Bravery 91/92

 Strategy 45/61

 Politics 19/55

 Ambition 88



 Infantry S               Cavalry A                   Archery B

 Magic Soldier D    Fortification C           Weaponry D

 Navy D                   Air Force D                Strategy D




 His status was something like this.


 Strategy has grown quite a bit. But still, 45 isn’t that high.



 His Command is at 68, it wasn’t growing as much as I thought it would.


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 However, since Command is a status that can be improved by actually leading soldiers in actual combat, it is not likely to grow that dramatically just by studying. A slight increase would be enough.



 At 68, I’m still uneasy to have him lead a large army…


 Well, it’s just that the potential is there.


 If there is a real battle in the future, I might let Bramham lead more troops.



 At any rate, it’s good that he’s growing, but there are some things that concern me.



“Haa…” (Ars)



 Braham is always energetic, but for some reason, he seemed to be depressed since he became serious.



 I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that he became serious.



 Well, he changed himself so much all at once, something might have happened to him.



 I’ll keep an eye on him since it is a good trend that he is studying at the moment.

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