Chapter N: Yule Be Here In No Time! Christmas, Coming Soon
The room filled with the cracks of party poppers. It was the IS Academy student council room, and Tatenashi popped open a fan while seated in her imposing chair.
“Um, why are we doing this, anyway?” Ichika was the only one there who looked a bit confused at what was going on.
“Well, it’s one day until December, so I figured we’d pregame or something.”
“Uh, okay...” Did Christmas really need pre-gaming? Especially when there was already Christmas Eve for that? “I guess it has gotten pretty chilly lately.”
It hadn’t snowed yet, but the temperatures were definitely dropping. The sun was setting earlier and earlier, too. Winter was coming.
“Orimu, have you started getting ready for Christmas? You know it’s the student council’s job to decorate the dorms and stuff, right?” Miss Casual asked. She was still definitely her airheaded self, but lately she’d been showing flashes of seriousness, to the surprise of the rest of the student council. “You haven’t, have you? I could tell. Why don’t we go shopping together, then? That’d be nice.”
Ever since Kyoto, Ichika and Miss Casual had been getting closer and closer, even outside of their student council duties. A fact which was beginning to concern both Kanzashi and Tatenashi.
“Honne... I’ll come along too.”
“Why don’t I come along as well? Wouldn’t that be fun? Wouldn’t it?”
Ichika, though, completely failed to notice. “That’d be kind of a mess to set up. Why don’t just me and Miss Casual go?” he said without a second thought.
The Sarashikis couldn’t exactly argue with him about it straight-up, but—
“There were a lot of things I wanted to look at, actually...”
“Oh, definitely! There was something heavy I was looking at, it’d be wonderful if I had a nice strong man along to carry it.”
They were some weak excuses, but they were enough for Ichika.
“Good points. Guess it’s the four of us then!” Miss Casual was grinning, the Sarashikis were self-satisfied, and Ichika was blissfully oblivious.
“Really, though, wow. Is it already December?” A lot had happened this year that he needed to unpack.
“Anyway, let’s go shopping tomorrow, then!” Tatenashi snapped open a fan, revealing the word ‘Sunday.’
“It’s been a long time since the student council’s gone out as a group, hasn’t it.” Ichika thought to himself aloud as he waited at the station. As usual, he had just thrown on his IS Academy uniform. They’d changed over to winter uniforms, but it was still a bit chilly.
“There you are, Orimu!” Miss Casual was wearing a squirrel hoodie. She’d worried a bit about what to wear today—not that anyone else could tell. “You’re wearing your uniform? Don’t you have anything else?”
“Huh? Oh, sure, but my uniform’s comfy too.”
“You stand out too much. Remember, you’re pretty much a pop star.” She was right. He’d already gotten a few requests for an autograph, and a few dozen for a selfie with him.”
“Am I really that famous?”
“Of course you are! You’re the only boy at IS Academy!”
It was beginning to sink in for him.
“So I should probably change into something else, then. I’d have to go back to the dorms, though.”
“Why don’t we just go buy you something else? Doesn’t that sound good?”
“Huh? Don’t we have to wait for Tatenashi and Kanzashi?”
“I’ll just text them. C’mon, let’s go!”
Ichika followed along without much protest. But from the shadows nearby, the Sarashikis watched with a sense of impending doom.
“This is bad. Isn’t it, Kanzashi?”
“Yeah... Real bad...”
Having arrived a little bit later, they hurried to catch up with Ichika and Miss Casual. It wasn’t hard, as she had mentioned which shop they were going to in her text.
“Oh, hey, Kanzashi, Tatenashi! Orimu’s changing right now.” They weren’t quite sure just how naturally they’d played it off, but at least the potential for the day turning into a date between Ichika and Miss Casual had been averted.
As relief washed over them, Ichika returned in a new outfit and carrying a small box.
“Here, Miss Casual. As thanks for the clothes... Wait, when did Tatenashi and Kanzashi get here?!” The guilt over buying a present for just Miss Casual, not Tatenashi or Kanzashi, was visible on his face. “Er, uh, it wasn’t supposed to be special or anything...”
Tatenashi, true to form, took pleasure in needling him over it saying, “Well, if it’s not something special, I’d imagine you’re getting something for us too, right?”
“Yeah... I’d like something...” Kanzashi joining in left him even more on the back foot.
“Well, um...”
“I mean, Christmas presents are a thing.”
“Ichika, I’d like the Blu-ray boxset of Iron Guy...” Kanzashi was, in essence, begging for 49,000 yen (plus tax). It must have been very awkward for her.
“Orimu, can I open this now?” Miss Casual’s eyes gleamed as she looked at her present. Ichika glanced nervously at the Sarashikis, but then nodded to Miss Casual.
“Yeah, go ahead. It’s nothing big.”
“Wow, a bracelet! Thanks so much, Orimu! I love it!” She pulled a silver bracelet from the box and threaded it around her wrist. Its silver glimmer offset her natural... Well, casualness, nicely.
“Ugh, this is just too much, Kanzashi!”
“Y-Yeah... This is gonna be trouble.”
As the Sarashikis stewed, Miss Casual took Ichika’s hand and skipped off.
“All right, let’s go shopping!”
It was the start of a very busy day.
After they’d done the shopping for the student council, the four decided to get a quick lunch before getting their personal shopping out of the way. They were at a place known as the ‘best burger joint in town,’ a place they’d all been before. And this being a weekend, it was packed. After a four or five minute wait, they brought their trays over to an empty table.
“Hey, Tatenashi. Remember when you used to just sit here, thinking there was table service?”
Tatenashi’s face went red as Miss Casual’s first strike hit, just as she’d taken a bite and was unable to reply.
“Wh-Why are you talking about that now? That was forever ago!” she protested.
“Ahahah. Weren’t you a prim little princess.”
Ichika’s words earned him a flick to the forehead.
“Don’t tease your elders!”
Kanzashi, on the other hand, had—at least by Miss Casual’s description—learned by watching that she had to order at the counter.
“And then you tried to eat your burger with a knife and fork!” Miss Casual giggled.
“Come on! Stop bringing up things from when I was a little kid!” Tatenashi was mortally embarrassed, but Ichika was reading it as playfulness, and wasn’t about to jump in and change the subject.
“...You want in her pants that badly?”
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