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Chapter 137

1 day left

Side: Yuki

Today’s a day of rest .

One day before reaching the Demon King’s castle .

Today is the final meeting before the attack, so I felt a strong need to have a serious conversation with my wives .

However, it’s not like we skipped breakfast, so after having breakfast normally we started to clean the dishes .

The number of dishes to be washed has increased again .

At first, I was alone, then Herge and the others came and we were 6 people, then it decreased to 4 and by the time I realized we were 15, and well, many things happened and they all ended up becoming my wives .

After the residents came, Mauve and the others left to build a house in a corner of the adventurer district, and now, they are spendings their days there .

Sometimes they came to play . Though they are not comfortable coming here since there are now too many important people gathered in one place .

Well, I don’t care much wherever they come or not .

But my wives are the ones that will be sad .

It doesn’t matter whether my enemy is a Demon King or not, I can not afford to sacrifice someone’s life .

「Then, it’s okay if everyone listens to me while we have tea . So let’s talk about tomorrow」

When I return to the banquet room, everyone was waiting for me while having tea .

「I will announce the members of tomorrow Demon King castle’s assault」

A few people react with a twitch to my proclamation .

「What do you mean? Onii-chan, we were not going to go all together?」

Asurin tilts her head in confusion .

Of course, I can’t gamble everyone’s life going there .

I need to always have an insurance .

「I’m sorry, Asurin . This time, the attack on the demon king’s castle carries a strong risk with it . That’s why there is a possibility that the assault group will be annihilated . So you have to wait in Weed」


「Asurin, calm down . It’s different from Litea’s battle」

「But, Milly-onee-chan…」

「Children who don’t listen are hated, you know?」

「Eh? But, but… Egh, hiicu, but I’m sure that Felia-chan and I will be removed from the group… Ueeeーee」

「Im-Impossible . Nii-sama, I don’t want to . No, I don’t want toooooooo!!」

They both started to cry and cling to me, and I had no other method than to hug them tightly while I say, “everything will be fine” .

「I’m sure everyone has already heard the story from Liliana . Currently, the demon who calls itself the Demon King is called Dekira . Before becoming the Demon King this guy was the leader of the Demon King’s hard-core faction and military clique . So, do you remember how he became the head of the military clique?」

「Yes, because of his individual prowess he was able to enslave demons, wasn’t it?」

「That’s it . And I’m sure that the individual prowess of my wives is higher . But the biggest problem is the mass enslavement」

It’s just like Ellis said, and according to what we have heard from Liliana there are two points to keep in mind, and the most important of these two is…

That’s right, the mass enslavement . We don’t know its range .

I’m sure that mass enslavement will only work up to a certain level, but the problem is that we don’t know until what level .

And the other point is that not even Liliana knows what or how they will use it .

That’s why there’s a certain danger in going all together .

「You are worried that our subordinates could be stolen, isn’t it, onii-san?」

Lutz answer .

「Yes, that’s the biggest problem . That’s the greatest danger this time . In the event that the monsters can’t be used when attacking the castle, Doppel will have to go in flesh and bone, in other words, she will have to go with her true body . 」

「Yuki-san, what’s the matter? It’s true that the danger of losing control of the monsters exists, and although Doppel may be a monster, my shadows continue to be of a high level . So is not this the perfect opportunity to measure the enemy’s control area? And even if they turn against us, I don’t think that my shadows are an enemy that we can not defeat…」

Says Tori strangely .

It’s just like Tori says, if only it was not for a point .

「I understand what you are saying, Tori . But do you understand what kind of danger we could have if Doppel turned against us?」

「The danger of having Doppel turned against us? Her high level it is…? 」

「…Yes, it was that?」

「Eh, did you understand Milly? Tori and I don’t understand it very well」

「…Information, right?」

「Correct . In the event that Doppel fall into enemy hands, the possibility that the enemy gets information about our skills, movements and even secrets about Weed is high」


The faces of the members who had not noticed stiffened .

「That’d be the worst situation possible . It is easy to forget since Doppel is very convenient to use, but that possibility exists」

「You are… right . It was careless of my part . If by any chance Doppel’s control were to be stolen, our entire information would be leaked . If that happens, Weed will be in trouble」

Seraria realizes the carelessness of her idea, and Shera realizes the consequent problems that could cause as her face becomes pale .

「That’s why we will only attack the castle with monsters with levels higher than 150, and if our control is taken away, that’s our turn to enter . Each of you, take a good look at the situation and examine how he can take control of the monsters… We can’t afford to lose control of Doppel, so our strength is our trump card」

Everyone nodded at my words .

「For the reasons I have mentioned so far, I have carefully selected the members for the Demon King Castle assault mission so some of you will remain in Weed . Everyone, get ready」

「…I have understood the reason . However, I will never let you die, onii-san」

「…I’m feel the same」

Everyone also nodded to Lutz and Kaya’s words .

I won’t let you any of you all die .

「Then, the members that will stay on Weed are… No, the defense team will be made up of Labilis, Shera, Asurin, Filia, Ellis, Lutz and Riel」

「…I understand . But be sure to come back」

「… me as a diplomatic representative…?」

「I accept the mission」

「It’s easy to complain and say no, but I understand, onii-san」

「Why am I so selfish? Everyone, please take care of Yuki」


By being in direct contact with me, Labilis understands to a certain extent the situation, so it seems that she will go with Asurin and the others . Since I have only Labilis to replace me . I’ll leave it to you .

It’s just like you say, Shera, in case Seraria and Lulu dies, you’re the only one everyone can count on . That’s why I entrust it to you .

Although Ellis has responded quickly, her fist is bleeding from so much squeezing . It can’t be helped, I’ll have to treat it later .

Lutz, don’t ever stop smiling . I’m really grateful that you took care of all those unpleasant things for me .

Riel, you’re the one who has the greatest growth . You always find the answers when a doubt stops you, and you never stop training . I leave Weed’s security to you .

Asurin, Filia, I’m sorry . I can’t take you two to a dangerous place right now . Since you two are our future .

「Next, the Demon King’s castle basement, the dungeon’s security… In other words, Seraria, Delhi, and Kaya will be responsible for ensuring an escape route as well as stopping information leakage」

「…You want to diminish the chances of me, Weed’s face, dying…?」

「Nugugu… If it’s securing a escape route then we are the most suitable ones…?」

「…This time… I’ll show you that I can protect you」

Although Seraria is also included, I need her to lead the allied forces during the march . Because if even we are defeated, they will not even stand a chance . Please be composed .

Deryu is the person who has the most combat experience among us, that’s why she is part of the defense . I’ll leave it to you .

Kaya, are you talking about the village? Oh, I’ll make sure to come back so please protect them .

「Finally, the members who will be in charge of defeating the enemies inside the castle will be, Rurua, Leia, Milly, Tori, Liliana, and me」

「I’ll be the healer, isn’t it? Please leave it to me」

「I wonder if I can do it? No, I’ll show you that I can do it!!」

「So it’s to me the trap detection and support, eh?」

「I’ll cut the enemies with my katana」

Rurua, that’s right, your recovery magic will be the key in this battle, I entrust it to you .

Leia, I’m sorry to put you on the front line . But I’m counting on you .

Milly, show us the skills you have polished in the adventurer guild .

Tori, your katana’s handling is already better than mine . Your breakthrough power is the most powerful of all of us . Leave your back to us and focus on defeating the enemy in front of you .

「Finally, Kirue」


「I entrust you the house」

「Even if this body dies, I’ll protect this house . That’s why, Yuki-sama and all the wives, please return safely」

Kirue, I’m happy to be told “Welcome home” by you . I can feel that there are people waiting for me at home .

「Next, I’ll make it short since we don’t have time, the strategy this time, although sloppy, is to monitor the enemy’s location for at least a month or more, no, at least two months and grasp the enemy’s movement . Don’t forget that」

「Yeah, I understand what you’re saying, but I believe there is no point if you have already monitored the enemy so far」

Seraraia’s face becomes rigid while answering .

「As a matter of fact, I arrived at the demon king castle on the second day . Lutz, Kaya and Milly, I’m sorry for asking you all the impossible」

「No, no, if it’s for you, onii-san, then it’s nothing」

「…Safety always come first」

「What Yuki-san said is a matter of course」

「According to the information we have gathered so far, first, as planned, after having stopped a kilometer before the castle, I extended the dungeon towards the underground of the Demon King’s castle . As a result, there was no accident so far . It seems that the enemy has not noticed the abnormal transformation of the dungeon .

The reason why Mauve and the others didn’t get lost on the way to the freshly-made dungeon was because they noticed the magic power’s trail .

And since demons excel in controlling magical power, I judge that it would be dangerous leaving a entrance unattended so I made it below without making an exit .

「But if it’s like that, then you won’t be able to turn the Demon King’s castle into a dungeon, right? So, you wouldn’t be able to see the inside either…?」

What Shera says is also true .

「Yeah, it’s as you said, Shera . However, there was one time in the past where I transformed a cathedral into a dungeon and nobody noticed」

「Come to think, you’re right」

「So I was wondering, dungeon-specific magic is, of course, a specific type of magic power, but if you think about it, the main problem that time was that there was only one entrance, and thanks to Zargis’s research and the cooperation of adventurers I realized something」

「What do you mean?」

「In short, originally, a dungeon has only one ventilation opening . But if the exterior falls under the influence of the dungeon, you can create as many ventilation openings as you want」

「Now I understand, the bigger it is, the more ventilation openings will have, so it will become harder to detect it, right?」

It seems what I wanted to say was conveyed to Seraria .

「That’s how it is, and that’s why the Demon King didn’t notice his castle being transformed into a dungeon」

「But it’s impossible for me to think that he would ignore the dungeon if he ran into it, isn’t that right?」

「It’s like you said . But yesterday night, I spreaded a summoning formation on his bedroom while Demon King Dekira was sleeping, invoked a monster, and left it there, and even after all the fuss he continued to sleep」


「No, that’s not right, he woke once, so I quickly undid the invocation . After that, after he just woke up, he said something」

『Nn, was my control weak? I need to make my room off limits』

「He said」


「Also, after the first day after the castle was turned into a dungeon, though I don’t know why but there was a woman’s clothes in the Demon King’s room and he was smelling it . I wonder whose it was?」

『I’ll kill you Dekira!!』

『Calm down Leia, I know it’s disgusting, but it was my fault that you got kicked out』

『Well… I don’t know what to say, but it’s boring if it’s empty』

Leia, who was participating in the meeting lost her temper, while the victim, Liliana, which had to be more affected was restraining her back .

「Ah, I see now, it was Liliana-san’s room . Then, it’s obvious whose clothes are . But it would be improper of me to ask why you left such bothersome thing there」

「「「A pervert」」」

It seems that Demon King won’t be able to save himself from being labeled as pervert .

But I’m sure that somewhere your name will be remembered as a hero by many men .

「Well, let’s leave the matter of the Demon King being a pervert aside, and continue on . According to Liliana and Leia, it seems that there is no peculiar race that sleeps during the day and is awake at night, at least, during this particular time . That’s why we will launch our attack tomorrow night」

「That’s good news」

「I’m sure there will be people awake, there is also the possibility that something unexpected happens . In those moments, respond to the situation with composure . I also checked to see if there’s any discrepancy between enemy strength, deployment, and Liliana’s map with the information that I got as much as possible I could」

・There is no discrepancy with the map

・The enemy has an average level of 100

・The Demon King’s level is 233 It looks like the enemy may be able to transform so we can’t rely on this information entirely .

・As for the deployment of his troops, well, look and see for yourself

「The Demon King’s level is 233? Do you plan to give him the final blow yourself?」

「Yeah, I understand that it will be difficult with only 150 monsters, but over 200 and it will become troublesome even for us if our control over our monsters is stolen . That’s why 150 is the limit」

「It’s reasonable . I’ll leave it to you then, I’ll secure the exit route」

「Then, the only remaining thing left to do for today is to check the equipment and confirm the details of the operation . After that, you are free to take it easy」

After that, everyone began to prepare for tomorrow’s battle in their own way .

Seraria and the others were used to Narujia’s equipment power-up, but as for Leia, since it was her first time, they accompanied her .

「Ah, Yuki-san . What’s the matter?」

「Yes, they look good on you . …Narujia-san?」

「Fufufu, How does it look!! My latest work!! 」

Leia who’s standing in front of me is wearing a dress armor with black color as a base, just as she wished…

Gauntlets and boots, just seeing them I can understand that both items are in their own league .

Moreover, even though the dress is black, the feeling it gives is not a bad one as if it belonged to a bad guy, rather it gives off dignity, it makes Leia’s hair shine .

But why’s there a black tiara!? Is there any meaning in having that tiara!?

「Leia-san, please try pouring magic」

「Eh, yes」

Then, a membrane of magic power covers Leia’s body .

N, isn’t it similar to my protective barrier?

「It’s like you said!! I took as reference Yuki’s super strong magic barrier . Though the number of barrier layer is inferior than Yuki’s, I have incorporated in each part of the armor a technique to deploy barriers in response to the user’s magic power」

「In other words, since there are two gauntlets, two boots, one armor, one tiara, then it will be a barrier for each piece of equipment, right? 」

「Correct . The smaller the area, the smaller the amount of magical power that can be inserted and therefore, the lower the defensive strength of the barrier . However, by equipping multiple equipment and covering yourself with an armor, then, it’s close in power to Yuki’s magic barrier!!」

I see, in addition to my magic barrier, she added a powerful armor .

Though I don’t wear a armor .

「And finally!! Leia-san, please have this sword and shield!!」

「Oh, so these two uses black color as a base, eh? Thank you very much!!」

Wait, wait a second please, am I seeing a revolver attached to that sword? A gun sword!?

But there is no point if it doesn’t have a gun barrel, you heard?

「I made it using Yuki’s gun as reference . Leia-san, do you know what a gun is?」

「Ah, yes, I know . I saw it when I was with Steve-san’s」

「Then, please hold that sword just as you saw it that time」

「I understand」

When she does it, a gun barrel extends from the sword .

It’s a magic gun barrel . It may be because it’s responding to the sword’s magic, that the gun barrel is also black .

「Now what you need to do is imagine loading a bullet and imagine shooting it」

「Like this?」

Leia casually aimed at a large stone in the garden…


and the big stone became dust .

「How was it? A magic bullet that only destroys the objective!! No friendly fire!! It’s amazing, right? Of course, according to the magic poured, the sword will also be strengthened, so you can also fully fight with it!!」

「This is not about it being too amazing…!」

「With this I can also fight!!」

I feel like the chances of the Demon King coming out alive have diminished even more .

Also, the shield can also deploy a magic barrier in a more directional way, so it has become possible to parry .


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