Interlude – Guild Girl
Yes, hello. Welcome to the Adventurers Guild! Filing a quest? Then, please…
Wh-what? An interview? Um…is this official? You’re sure it’s all right? Phew.
The Adventurers Guild; hee-hee, I know what you’re thinking. It’s weird to have an employment agency for a bunch of ruffians.
In reality, back at the very beginning, the Guild wasn’t a guild—it was just a tavern where adventurers met. The King of Time established it to support those heroes—the people who would later be Platinum-ranked adventurers. But these days it’s a real office! I passed an official examination and everything to become a receptionist, you know?
Professional women…hee-hee, my colleagues are all talented women, too, so I don’t want to brag. But I was very lucky to get this job.
Adventurers work hard to gain the public’s trust, because trust translates into better work. Our valued quest givers judge your abilities by your rank, and you’re never shorted on payment.
And then, you know, there’s—You’ve heard about this, right?
You get those traveling bullies who come in saying, “I’ve been granted a legendary weapon!” or “The gods themselves protect me!” They’re really very difficult. They have no records, and we can’t recommend our customers rely on people who go around doing whatever they want. It’s not like we can just look at a sheet of convenient numbers and know how strong these vagabonds are.
That’s why the Guild has established three bases on which to evaluate its members. Namely, how much good they’ve done in the world, the aggregate value of the rewards they’ve earned, and personality evaluations conducted via face-to-face interviews. Some refer to the collective result as “experience points.”
This is what our rank structure looks like, with one being the highest and ten the lowest.
1. Platinum. This is extremely rare. Only a few people in history have attained this rank. Better not even think about it.
2. Gold
3. Silver
4. Copper. These ranks constitute our most talented members, as based on their abilities and the degree of trust they’ve earned. They’re really something!
5. Ruby
6. Emerald
7. Sapphire. These are the middle ranks. Not many reach them these days.
8. Steel
9. Obsidian
10. Porcelain. These are our rookies. It’s when they get comfortable that they’re in the most danger.
You can see there are distinct lower, middle, and upper tiers. Call it a measuring stick.
What? Are there cases where a quest is ultimately never accepted? Well, I can’t…say that there aren’t…
It happens most often with goblin-slaying quests. There are so many of them, and the quest givers are often from farming villages, so… Well, they’re not popular. They can be difficult, and the rewards are small. There are just so many goblins, you know?
I suppose you could say they’re good beginner quests, but… Well…
Oh, excuse me, someone’s just come in. Could we pick this up later?
Yes, hello! How can I help you?
“Give me goblins.”
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