The next day, Nick entered the Dreamer's Containment Unit to retrieve the two "sleeping" bodies. The source of this content can be connected to n0v3lb!n★
Sure enough, they were not injured.
They just looked like they were sleeping peacefully, except for the fact that they weren't breathing.
Nick nodded at the Dreamer. "Long time no see."
The Dreamer just looked at Nick without saying anything.
"Don't kill the next ones. These ones were a treat," Nick said as he pulled the two out of the Containment Unit.
The Dreamer just looked at the employee entrance for a long time with neutral eyes.
Nick pulled the two of them to the sixth floor and entered his office.
Surprisingly, a middle-aged woman was waiting in his office.
Nick just dumped the two corpses in front of her.
"Here you go," he said.
Then, he went to his desk and looked through a couple of documents.
The woman furrowed her brows and started to examine the two of them.
She was a doctor.
Some minutes later, she put her tools away.
"Just like the other one," she said.
Nick nodded. "They all died to the same Specter."
Naturally, the doctor noticed that Nick didn't give even the smallest shit about his three dead employees.
The picture was all too clear for the doctor.
These three employees were considered problematic by Dark Dream, and Dark Dream had gotten rid of them.
However, the doctor's opinion wasn't important in this matter.
Her only job was to determine the cause of death and create a death certificate.
Obviously, killing random people was against the law, but the city decided who was guilty or not.
"You get tomorrow off," Nick said, prompting the woman to look at him again in shock. "The day after, it's back to work with the Blood Hawk."
"Tell your two friends to contact Jenny or Trevor for further information."
"Am I understood?" Nick asked coldly with narrowed eyes.
A cold shiver ran down the woman's back.
"Y-y-yes, of course, B-Boss!" she shouted.
Nick nodded.
"Have fun!" he said as he left the Containment Unit.
The woman just turned to the two corpses again in horror.
For the remainder of her shift, she would need to stay in the same room as the corpses of two of her colleagues.
Naturally, her two friends from Gemini didn't have it any better.
Trevor told them that they would get one shift with the Screaming Coffin before it was time to work with the Blood Hawk again.
The two of them also had to stay eight hours in the same room as the two corpses.
Naturally, the three of them didn't dare to complain anymore and quietly started to work with the Blood Hawk again.
With that, the incident was over.
The complaints Nick and his team leaders received dropped drastically, and everyone seemed to be much "happier" to work for Dark Dream.
Dark Dream had lost a couple million credits with the execution of three of their employees, but it was a necessary expenditure.
The things that had happened here these couple of days were turned into stories, which every employee in Dark Dream heard.
Even years later, new employees would hear these stories.
While the complaints eventually returned, the complaints that did return were all somewhat rational.
The newer employees knew that Dark Dream was a great working place compared to other Manufacturers, but they also understood that Dark Dream was not a pushover.
They had killed three of their employees, and if it was necessary, they would kill three more.
Obviously, things like this also happened in the other Manufacturers.
Manufacturers regularly killed employees who were too troublesome.
Dark Dream wasn't any different from them.
Except that they paid better, which made them better than most Manufacturers in the eyes of new employees.
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