There were various things, but it is a departure because the members are all together.
Let's calm down.
The partner I will meet is Goal's father.
I have heard from Goal that Dad was very kind ...
Some people are kind inside, but strict outside.
Don't be careless.
I look at Enderi.
Follow each other in case of emergency. T ra n slate d b y jp mt l.c om
It is confirmation of the lady agreement.
Sounds OK.
Let's come!
This is a large town where the Demon King has been built and the princess Yuri has taken over the entire hill where he is a manager.
It is only a few years old and it is very beautiful and lively.
But this Gomura is full of mysteries. T r a ns late d b y m
First place.
It is a day away from the town of Shashat, but there are many powerful demons and beasts around here.
There are many other safe places, but it is a mystery why a new town was created in such a place.
And representative of Gomura.
There is no doubt that he is Yoko, but for some reason his position is acting mayor.
No, why do you call a town of this size a village in the first place?
Some have been rumored to be a trick to deceive the scale outside the Demon Kingdom.
That's why Yuri is not a substitute but a manager.
I'm leaning on that opinion.
If you don't want to stand out, I think that putting Yuri as a manager is the opposite way.
In any case, this is the place to meet the father of Goal.
This is the place that has been decided before.
No problem.
The problem is now in my head.
Tr ansl ate d by jpmtl .com Am I possibly stupid?
Usually, greetings with his son's marriage are at home.
In other words, is your father the goal of this Gomura?
I heard from Goal about the village of Taiki ...
Did Goal's father care about us?
I and Enderi are noble, and there is also a noble in the wife of Seal.
Say hello to a nice place.
So that's it.
It's okay if you don't care about that.
In any village, you will love the village where your beloved goal was raised.
But is Goal's father's village close to Gomura?
If you are a village chief, you won't be able to leave the village so long. T ra n s lat ed b y jp m tl.c o m
If possible, I would like to see the village where Goals grew up.
Anyway, the place where the transfer of Count of Chrome moved is a little away from the place that seems to be the main gate of Gomura.
We will go to the venue where we will meet Goal's father.
Anyway, I would like to transfer directly to the venue, but there seems to be manners that do not move directly to towns and villages.
Certainly, if you suddenly appear in the city, you will be surprised.
it can not be helped.
Let's do our best to climb the hill.
A carriage was prepared.
It is the latest model on sale at the Gorown Shokai.
My dad also has one.
That's twenty.
Is it one person?
Tr a n slate d by Jpm tl .co m You borrowed it, but is Goal's father rich?
The carriage arrived in front of the shop with the sign "Kurotoyuki".
A sweet shop that my agents have praised! !
Is this the venue?
However, according to intelligence reports, there were always many visitors, and it would not have been a place to greet a marriage.
I was reserved.
I was convinced.
Goal's father is rich.
Yeah, definitely.
There was a customer besides the staff in the shop of “Kurotoyuki”.
I thought it was Goal's father, but it was different.
He is just a regular customer.
What about entering a chartered room?
Also, it seems that there are two of the former four kings among regular customers ...
Oh, is the manager of this shop a Princess of the Elf Empire, who is no longer?
You should have noticed when the Demon King accompanied us.
I look around.
I see people who look around like me.
Enderi, several wife of seal, and wife of bron.
We assembled the circles silently.
It has nothing to do with nobles or ordinary people.
One heart.
That's why I have a voice.
"I have a very bad feeling, but let's do our best!"
And have a wonderful marriage!
Goal's father was ordinary.
Yeah, really.
It was a villager, not a village chief.
However, if you look closely, the clothes you wear are super fine.
Although there is a sense of humility that gave first-class craftsmen first-class materials and made clothes for villagers.
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