Our name is Kirisana.
She is the daughter of the glitch family.
By the way, this time, suddenly, it was decided a few months ago, but I got married.
Thank you very much.
No, it's not a marriage at home, but a partner I found voluntarily.
It is a wonderful person.
The name is Goal. Tra nsl ate d b y jp mtl.c o m
A male of a beast race, with a slightly unusual status equivalent to a baron.
Baron head equivalent is naturally treated as an aristocrat in the same sense as baron head.
However, the baron is out of proportion with me, the daughter of the Countess.
That's why.
My father has opposed marriage.
In addition, my father opposes me not to marry myself but to marry another at the same time.
Trans l at ed b y Jp mt l .c om The other, married to me, is Endeli, the daughter of Earl Pugal, whose father is a rival.
Enderi is my rival and friend.
I didn't think I would have a husband together.
To be honest, it's a form I split between Enderi and Goal.
From a parent's point of view, Endeli and I are on the same rank, but I'm going to step back with a modest wife.
My dad opposes marriage, trying to remember that.
You can ignore your father and force a marriage, but you can't do that because it's troublesome to turn your Earl Dad into an enemy.
I personally want my father to congratulate my marriage.
So I decided to duel.
Yes, with me and dad.
As expected, it was my father.
I'm not convinced by one duel, and I will be doing three times ...
I have no choice but to hurt my hand.
Well, that hand was healed by Goal ...
Anyway, Goal greeted my father safely.
It is a mother who struggled with her father with a headlock. T r ans l ate d by Jp mtl .com
Yes, this is a family, but thank you.
Dad feels like that at home, but he's good at work.
The problem is that I say hello to Goal's father.
He says he's not a real father, but that doesn't matter.
It is important to think that Goal is your father.
And adoption is not uncommon in aristocratic societies.
But what about a village chief whose baron's equivalent father does not have a title?
Should I ask my father to move to receive some sort of crown?
After talking to Enderi, I was thinking about the same thing.
As expected.
But the title is obligatory.
There are various duties, but simply put, a member of the noble who protects the country.
about it.
It is not something that anyone can do.
Tra nslat e d by jpm t l .c om Some have voluntarily returned to their titles because of their inability to fulfill their obligations.
Goal's father may have declined.
So, I decided to wait until I saw the situation.
Goals also say every day.
Just because you are happy doesn't mean others will be happy.
Pressing is not good.
The setup was completed in no time, and it was a day to say hello to Goal's father.
The day was postponed, so I was ready for my heart, but I was excited.
By the way, it is said that the meeting is in the conference room of the Royal Castle. Is the place really good here?
Where is this place to talk about national politics and important things?
Oh, Count Chrome.
Good morning.
Well, I'm here ... did you know?
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