You will be guided by Beesel to see where you plan to build a new village.
Accompanying guests are Lou, Gran Maria and Frau.
I thought it was a flatland, but the place shown was a plateau on a hill.
Forests and hills surround the plateau.
"Yes. I drilled a few wells and found that there was no problem with the water. And I can't see it here, but there is a problem with the water because there is a river flowing under that plateau. "
It is not Beezel who explains, but Randan's subordinate who Beezel brought.
Tran sl at ed by Jpm t l .com He is in charge of the demon kingdom side of this village building.
Although it looks like a young man, the demons cannot be judged from their appearance.
I asked Beesel secretly that she was much older than me.
I didn't have to say that I was older.
Return to the main subject.
"Is it useless under plateaus? Above it would be inconvenient for traffic?"
"The bottom is convenient for traffic, but dangerous." T r ans lat ed by Jpm t l .co m
"Because it is easy to be attacked by demons"
What is convenient for transportation is difficult to protect?
So that's it.
"What kind of demon comes out around here?"
"There are many, but most are ..."
Monsters that have never been heard are listed.
I'm sorry.
I'm not sure.
I checked with Lou.
Is it a dangerous monster?
"All right"
One relief.
The plateau is almost flat. Tr an s la t ed by jp m m
So the field seems to be easy to make, but the hands of the water are a bit uneasy.
The well is fine, but it seems to be deep.
If you want to make a field, it's better to be near the river, so below the plateau?
However, a monster seems to come out.
If so, what is the mountain that forms the plateau in between?
I can imagine terraced fields and dairy farming.
Residents' houses lined up on a plateau ...
"I think we can secure enough space to live even with the current number of people who want to live there.
"Certainly, the plateau is large, but transportation is still an issue."
"Yes. The slope on the south side is gentle, so I'd like to improve it if the village building officially starts."
I'd like to thank you, but at present the road is likely to be the only one.
It's not going to be a frequent village.
Given that the purpose of the new village is to hide the transfer gate, is that OK?
Well, there is no way for an amateur to think.
Trans l at ed b y Jp mt l .com In this area, believe in the proposal of the evil kingdom.
While I was watching, Gran Maria flew around.
Defeat some monsters and return.
Yeah, monsters seem to be fine.
However, the final decision was not made on this occasion, but after returning to the village.
Move to the town of Shashart with Beesel's transfer magic.
"The new village and this town of Shashart are a day away by horse-drawn carriage. Exactly six hours of sleep breaks and breaks, and twenty hours of horse-drawn carriages. It is possible to arrive at nightfall. ''
Randan's subordinates seemed to have actually run the carriage several times and measured.
Thank you for your hard work.
This is the end of the new village.
Break up with Landand's subordinate.
I was glad to be with you, but it seems I have a job and I can't stop it.
We are going to the Big Roof Shashart.
The beesels were dating, so it happened.
I'm always sorry.
T r a ns l ate d by Jp m tl .c om If a transfer gate could be set up in that village, it would be possible to move to the town of Shashat without resorting to the transfer magic of Beesel or the Founder.
I want to set up a transfer gate for both.
Big Roof Shashart visited after a long time ...
It was amazing.
Even though it was just after lunch, it was a great success.
The curry sold marula is a long line.
The aisle in the store opening area was overflowing with people.
Are you doing business right now?
It seems to be made.
The long lines of Marula are processed rather quickly, and the time to line up with the length of the lines is surprisingly short.
In the store opening area, there are many people in the aisles, but only the customers can enter the space of each store.
When I talked to the employees during the break, Goldie seemed to have worked hard.
Thank you.
And a station for carriages is completed on the south side of the street of Big Roof Shashat.
There are not many routes yet, but there are many running carriages.
Although there are many, each carriage is still occupied by a person.
Is it free?
Most of the people in the carriage are sucked into the Big Roof Shashart.
No, there are also people involved in the store opening area.
Do you carry additional products?
What about running a dedicated carriage for Big Roof Shashart officials?
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