However, be careful about what you pay attention to.
Flying above your height is prohibited.
It's dangerous if you fall.
Other children look envied at the flying Tizel, but that's all.
I want you to give up because you think it's your personality.
T r an s l a t e d b y jp m t m On the contrary, try to have something enviable to Tizel.
Needless to say, everyone accepts it like that.
"Because I see the villagers."
Thinking a little in Ann's words, I'm convinced.
Certainly there are various races.
T ra ns l a t e d by Jp m t l.c om Did you know that it was an environment that had a positive impact on children?
Let's watch the children without patience.
If you want to drink barley tea, I don't know how to make barley tea.
I guess they use wheat because it's called barley tea, but is wheat OK?
The correct answer is barley.
After barley seeds are ground with a pestle, the roasted one should be boiled out.
The high elves knew.
Make barley tea and drink.
Yeah, not bad.
Practice a few more times and the taste will be better.
This time it was a bit dark.
In this case, the skirting cannot be done.
it's no use.
All of them drink responsibly.
Recruit victims.
"I have quite dark barley tea, but are you drinking?" T ran sla t e d by Jpm tl .com
I will not tell a lie.
Urza gives up with a bite.
Do you want to add sugar?
I don't put sugar in barley tea, but the high elves drank it that way.
It is said that it is a custom not to drink so much since ancient times, but to come to this village that is not troubled with sugar.
Next came Lou.
"Mm ..."
After drinking a sip, she imitates Urza and puts in sugar.
Frau could just drink.
"The scent of wheat is pleasant."
How many victims are there?
Still quite a few.
T ra nsl a ted b y Jpmt l.c om it's no use.
Add hot water and dilute.
And Lou.
I ask for ice by magic.
Cool it down and it's good to drink after exercise.
In the corner of the village, several people are training, mainly in Gulf and Daga.
It seems that the Lamias are also participating.
Urza, take it bad.
Oh, good reply.
I asked you.
The high elves are all about hunting and construction, but they are also responsible for plants.
High elves are collecting the grass to fill the futon and the grass to make the toilet paper.
In fact, the grass in the futon seems to change according to the season.
I did not notice for several years.
I'm sorry.
It is the grass that the high elves gather, but it seems that gathering is a little bad this year. Tr a ns l at ed by jpm t
However, it is not a rare grass, and it breeds normally in this forest, so it seems that there is no problem if you extend the range of activity a little.
"Isn't that burdensome?"
"It's okay. It's dull, and it feels a little bit, so it's just right."
With that said, the high elves went out fully armed.
Are you going to collect grass?
Why fully armed?
"Because grass also resists."
I did not know.
Thanks to the high elves for their success.
The investigators returned to search for the western dungeon.
As a result, it could not be found.
He moved a reasonable range but couldn't find it, and he returned because he had run out of food.
Oh, don't be depressed.
Good job.
Take a rest slowly.
Oh, do you have a good meal first?
Alright, let's get ready.
Is there no dungeon in the west or just couldn't find it?
Because it's in the south, north, and east, I just thought it was west.
Well, not everything works once.
This time it just didn't work.
On another occasion, send an investigation team.
Don't hurry, relax.
In fact, I don't feel like finding a dungeon.
I just wanted to see if there were communicable races like Lamia, Giants and Gorok.
Is it better to go to the eastern dungeon to meet the Goroks than to look for the west dungeon?
A little remorse.
This year's festival executive committee has been formed.
I'm not on this year's executive committee.
This is because there are new villages to be built for the transfer gate and big roof / shashart.
Just like last year's fighting party, civilian daughters were separated.
"The failure of the fighting party will not be repeated"
"I don't have to be eager. I feel comfortable and can't afford to fail."
Just throwing the whole round is a little inconvenienced.
Unlike the fighting party, the Frau has returned, so he won't run away ...
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