Chapter 10: The Curtain Closes on an Era
—One month after the Great Tiger Castle Incident.
The Krahe Army had grown to fifty thousand men by absorbing those dissatisfied with Fuuga—individuals who couldn’t let go of their pride in being the largest nation on the continent—along with others driven by ambition. They were now attacking the castle where Lombard and Yomi had sought refuge.
Though the castle only had two or three thousand defenders, Lombard and Yomi were putting up a valiant fight against the fierce assault of the Krahe Army. However, they were hopelessly outnumbered and gradually being pushed back. It seemed that the castle would soon fall, but then Shuukin, Kasen, and Lumiere of the Resistance Army arrived with twenty thousand men after receiving support from the Euphoria Kingdom.
Despite the Krahe Army’s overwhelming numerical advantage, the wise and brave Shuukin wasn’t a man they could deal with while distracted, so they suspended their assault on the castle to confront his forces first. Seeing the Krahe Army preparing for battle, Shuukin and the others hesitated to attack due to their smaller numbers. If they lost Lombard and Yomi, the Resistance Army would lose momentum, risking even more defections. That’s why they wanted to free the castle quickly; however, a careless attack could lead to greater losses than they would inflict on the enemy, obstructing their path to the plains, where the decisive battle was anticipated.
With a tense expression, Shuukin looked towards the castle where Lombard and the others were located.
“Time is on our side, but it’s still frustrating...” he remarked.
“You’re right... As painful as it is, we probably have to wait for now,” Lumiere replied.
Both Shuukin and Lumiere prayed that Lombard, whom they couldn’t contact, wouldn’t do anything rash as they awaited their opportunity.
Meanwhile, the Krahe Army grew annoyed by the way the Resistance Army was suspiciously observing them from a distance. The Resistance reinforcements had arrived in the evening, and as night fell, the Krahe Army stood guard, wary of a potential night raid by Shuukin’s forces or an escape attempt by Lombard’s group under the cover of darkness.
As dawn broke, the impatient Krahe was preparing to resume his assault on the castle to lure in Shuukin’s forces when a messenger rushed into the main camp.
“I come with a report! The forces of the Kingdom of Friedonia have invaded the Great Tiger Empire! They number nearly a hundred thousand and are advancing west towards this battlefield!”
This news agitated the commanders of the Krahe Army.
“The Kingdom of Friedonia?! You’re saying King Souma has come to attack us?!”
“That slow turtle has never interfered in another country’s affairs before, so why now?!”
“Has he moved to take the Great Tiger Kingdom for himself now that Fuuga Haan is gone?!”
Amid the speculation, one relatively calm individual asked the messenger, “How is a force of only a hundred thousand managing to advance westward through the Great Tiger Empire, which boasts a total strength of four hundred thousand men? I know there have been a lot of fence-sitters, but shouldn’t they have faced resistance from the lords whose lands they passed through?”
There was considerable distance between the Kingdom of Friedonia and this castle in the former Frakt Federal Republic. Unlike the Krahe Army or the Resistance Army, the Kingdom’s forces were foreign to the people of the Great Tiger Empire. Few lords would simply allow them to pass, and they should have faced challenges securing their supply lines, even with the Kingdom’s large-scale freight technologies like the rhinosaurus train.
The messenger shook his head. “The Kingdom’s forces have brought Yuriga Haan with them, and she has made a statement to the lords of each domain, requesting that they let them pass without interference.”
Yuriga said things like:
“The Kingdom of Friedonia has taken Fuuga Haan’s son, Suiga, under their protection.”
“I, Yuriga, will slay the traitorous Krahe in Suiga’s stead.”
“This is a war of vengeance against Duke Krahe.”
“My husband Souma has no territorial ambitions.”
With these assurances, she successfully persuaded the lords to let them pass unimpeded. Fuuga’s sister, Yuriga, aimed to take down his slayer, Krahe, and to that end, she had brought troops from the country she had married into. If she made this clear, the lords who supported the Resistance Army would welcome her with open arms. This support would allow the Kingdom of Friedonia to tip the scales decisively in favor of the Resistance Army, encouraging those lords to join forces with them.
Moreover, even lords who favored Krahe could not risk the wrath of a hundred thousand troops if they refused passage, so they would still allow the Kingdom’s forces through. The same logic applied to the overwhelmingly more common fence-sitters. The size of Souma’s forces was impressive; he had left Liscia and Excel to watch the home front but had taken his best troops with him. While his army was large enough to defeat the Krahe Army, it wouldn’t be sufficient to confidently seize territory from the Great Tiger Empire, which supported his claim of having no territorial ambitions.
“Damn it! If we could just take the castle before reinforcements arrive...” someone spat venomously.
For the Krahe Army to stand any chance of victory, they first needed to capture the castle where Lombard was holed up and then take down Shuukin and his reinforcements. Once the resistance was eliminated, the fence-sitters would lean towards supporting the Krahe Army, and the Kingdom’s forces wouldn’t be able to advance smoothly with only a hundred thousand men.
However, this was all wishful thinking. Because...
“Sir Shuukin and his men must have known the Kingdom would be coming...” Krahe murmured, drawing every eye towards him. “While Sir Shuukin should want to save Sir Lombard, he hasn’t moved proactively to do so. That’s partly because they are the smaller force, but I’m sure they are also waiting for the Kingdom’s forces to arrive. They must have coordinated in advance.”
“Th-Then what are we supposed to do about it?” one panicked commander asked Krahe, who seemed unconcerned by the situation.
Krahe smiled slightly. “We have no choice but to break our siege on the castle and pull our troops back to a position where we can meet their forces.”
“Y-You can’t mean that! You do realize that the Kingdom and the Resistance Army outnumber us three to one, right?!”
“And what of it?” Krahe replied, his expression calm. “We defeated Fuuga Haan, the mightiest and most invincible man to have ever lived. Is there anyone among our enemies who is more formidable than him?”
The crowd was silent, awaiting his next words.
“Souma? Sir Shuukin? Those men are nothing compared to Lord Fuuga. Even if they have numbers on their side, a fighter like Souma, who could never rival Lord Fuuga, won’t pose a real threat. We can simply knock him aside. Besides, we can’t be sure how well the Resistance Army and the Kingdom’s forces can coordinate their actions anyway.”
Everyone cheered at Krahe’s declaration. They felt proud to have been the ones to strike down Fuuga.
The guilt of having slain their own master left them with no way to escape their actions, while the thrill of having defeated a great man inflated their sense of self-worth. People tended to interpret events in the way that was most convenient for them.
Krahe’s assertion that they were the strongest resonated with his troops. Deep down, however, he felt differently. Everything he had just said was merely a way to motivate the men; it didn’t reflect his true thoughts.
The actors are coming on their own. Surely, this is the role heaven has bestowed upon me, he mused as he moved his troops to meet Souma’s forces, all the while wearing a bold smile. Lady Maria had lost her radiance as the Saint of the Empire, but she regained it when I became her enemy. Now she is earning the respect of the people in the Kingdom of Friedonia. By removing Fuuga from the stage during his time of stagnation, I’ve set the Great Tiger Empire back into motion. Now, great leaders like Souma and Sir Shuukin are gathering to strike me down. I knew it would come to this. By embracing evil, I have ignited the fervor of this era.
For Krahe, his victory or defeat in this battle was irrelevant. He believed it was his divine mission to prolong the times of war and chaos, as these periods held great potential for stories.
Maria, the empress he had once adored, had thrown away her position, and Fuuga had fallen into stagnation after his fight with the Maritime Alliance. To Krahe, who had once burned with passion playing a role in their tales of greatness, this had felt like a betrayal that shattered him. He might have appeared tempted by the words of others, but in reality, he had simply allowed the dangerous thoughts that he was born with to flourish. His nature would never permit him to accept an era of peace.
Now, kings and heroes! Energize this era as you strive to defeat me! Krahe fully embraced his role as the Demon Lord and reveled in it.
◇ ◇ ◇
“Julius. I have a request.”
“Hmm? What is it?”
Before the battle, I reached out to my strategist, Julius. He seemed momentarily taken aback by my request and stared at me in surprise.
“You’re serious...?”
“Yeah. We can’t let him run free.”
“I understand that, but still...”
Noticing his frown, I sighed and added, “I know I’m causing you grief, but there’s no one else I can trust with this.”
“Well, we couldn’t ask for a better outcome...” he replied.
“Of course, you’ll have my full cooperation. So please...take care of it.”
“All right...”
Julius nodded and then left the army with his best men.
This all happened yesterday.
Now, as we stood atop a small hill overlooking the main camp, our combined forces, along with Shuukin’s, were engaged in an intense battle against the Krahe Army. Next to me stood Yuriga, her eyes fixed on the battlefield. Her expression was serious, devoid of any anger or sadness.
That actually worried me more, so I asked, “Is everything okay, Yuriga?”
“How so...?” she replied, her tone impassive. I wasn’t sure how to respond.
If she was forcing herself to maintain a strong facade, it might be best to leave her alone; if she was on the verge of collapsing, I should support her.
Should I extend my hand or pretend not to see her struggle? I didn’t know which would be kinder, so I simply said what was on my mind. “Well... I was thinking you may want to avenge him yourself...”
At my words, her expression darkened. “Frankly, I don’t care. Obviously, I can’t let Krahe get away with what he did; he has to atone for his treason with his death. Honestly, it would piss me off if that was enough for his atonement. I wish he’d just go die in a ditch somewhere. But I haven’t been thinking of killing him with my own hands or anything like that. For me, protecting Suiga, as my brother asked, is far more important than risking my life against a worthless guy like that.”
She wanted to kill Krahe, not out of vengeance, but likely to keep Suiga safe. If Krahe were allowed to survive, there was no telling when he might pose a threat to Suiga. I could easily imagine him abducting the kid to use as a figurehead.
Perhaps sensing my tension, Yuriga leaned closer to me. I wrapped a reassuring arm around her shoulders.
“Don’t worry. I’ve brought some of my best troops. I can guarantee they’ll handle Krahe.”
Liscia, Juna, and Excel had stayed behind to hold down the fort, but I had brought along some of the finest, including Aisha, Naden, Ludwin, Hal, Ruby, Kaede, and Mio. These were the trusty retainers who had successfully repelled the forces of the Great Tiger Empire under Fuuga, so they wouldn’t falter against a pissant like Krahe.
Yuriga nodded in agreement.
◇ ◇ ◇
The Friedonian military, led by Souma, and the Resistance Army, led by Shuukin, were significantly superior to the Krahe Army in terms of the number and quality of soldiers, officers, armaments, supplies, and nearly every other measurable aspect. The fact that even Fuuga Haan, with all the might of his empire, had been unable to secure a victory against the Kingdom of Friedonia spoke to their true power. With Krahe, a mere commander, and the forces under his control, their chances of defeating the Friedonian forces were slim.
However, the Krahe Army had just defeated Fuuga and were now considered traitors by the Great Tiger Empire. Their future depended on winning this battle. If they failed, the ringleaders would be held accountable for the crime of regicide, and the loyal retainers, led by Shuukin, would ensure they faced a bloody end. In short, they had their backs against the wall.
“Forward! We are the ultimate army that killed Fuuga!”
“Souma? Shuukin? Who are they before us?!”
“We will slay Souma and carve another great deed next to our names in the annals of history!”
The morale of the Krahe Army was high, and they remained resolute despite the odds stacked against them.
The soldiers of the Kingdom, confident in their victory, were more cautious with their lives and less eager to fight than the death-crazed warriors on the other side. If the Krahe Army had boasted a great man like Fuuga among them, they might have seized the opportunity to turn the tide. But this was an era that lacked the need for great men.
The muscle-bound battle maniac Nata swung his favorite great ax, mowing down the Kingdom’s soldiers. It didn’t matter if they carried shields or wore armor; a single strike from Nata’s ax sent them flying.
“Ga ha ha! This is how a fight oughta be!” Nata shouldered his ax with a jovial laugh.
Nata had joined Krahe to keep fighting powerful opponents, insisting on proving his martial prowess strictly against his fellow man. He yearned for a return to chaos, so he could continue fighting. In that regard, this situation was exactly what he had been waiting for. It mattered little to him whether they were at a disadvantage or whether they won or lost. What truly mattered was having enemies in front of him to kill. That was the only thing that gave his life meaning.
“Come on! Bleed more and entertain me!”
Nata’s great ax swung down towards a soldier who had collapsed in fear before his terrifying presence, but then something unexpected happened.
“Hmm? What?”
For a brief moment, the area grew dark as Nata’s hand halted mid-swing. He glanced up to see a large, black squiggly shape pass overhead—Souma’s second secondary queen, Naden. She blocked out the sun as she flew by. And then...
Slam! Nata instinctively jumped back just as a dark elf warrior woman descended from the sky, driving her greatsword into the ground where he had just stood. The impact left a deep gash in the earth, creating a wide indentation around it. She stood ready to strike, her greatsword raised. It was Aisha, Souma’s second primary queen, who had evidently leapt off Naden’s back.
Aisha pulled her sword from the ground and glared at Nata. “So you’re Nata? The beast who continues to spread violence and shed blood.”
“A dark elf... Oh, I know you. You’re one of that weakling king’s wives.” Nata leveled his great ax at Aisha. “If he’s hiding in camp while you defend him, that bastard isn’t worthy of being called a man.”
“Watch your tongue!”
Her shout rippled through the air, causing Nata to gulp involuntarily.
Gone was the disappointing dark elf who devoured Souma’s cooking with reckless abandon, blushed when teased by Excel, and wagged her tail for her beloved Souma with unfaltering loyalty. Now, she bore the fierce resolve of a warrior, her murderous intent so palpable it could be felt on the skin. This was Aisha, the mightiest warrior in the Kingdom.
“A savage like you cannot understand the strength and kindness of His Majesty, who bears the weight of the country. With so many intelligent brothers and sisters, how is it that you were born a beast?”
“Shut your mouth! I’ll sever your head and toss it at Souma later!”
“Sir Ichiha’s brother or not, I’ll show you no mercy. Here I come!”
Nata’s great ax clashed with Aisha’s greatsword. Clang!!! Clang!!!
There was a reason Nata had earned his reputation for incredible strength; each strike of his ax against Aisha’s sword generated an explosive sound that reverberated across the battlefield.
Soldiers from both armies, witnessing this horrifying spectacle, stopped fighting and cowered. Amid the chaos, Nata wore a ferocious grin as they exchanged blows.
“Well, how do ya like that?! I’m gonna go even harder! Entertain me more!”
Meanwhile, Aisha’s gaze was icy. She had indulged Nata for a while, but eventually sighed. “You’re no good... You don’t know what you’re doing.”
“You’re not only inferior to Sir Fuuga, but you also fall short compared to anyone I’ve faced.”
Aisha recalled the fierce opponents she had battled before. The brilliance of Liscia, with whom she had sparred countless times to support Souma. The stubbornness of Castor, who had fought valiantly while upholding his friendship with Georg and his warrior ideals, pushing himself beyond his limits until it had taken both her and Liscia to defeat him. Mio’s earnest technique, which she had showcased in a martial arts tournament to uncover the truth about her father, Georg. And then there was Fuuga Haan, whose overwhelming power and technique had made her question, for the first time, whether she could defeat someone. Each of these memories was etched deeply in her mind, yet Nata’s technique stirred no such feelings.
“You have nothing. You throw around violence like a baby tosses anything within reach. I feel nothing when I fight you.”
“What kind of nonsense are you spewing?!”
“I’m saying I’ll forget my fight with you in no time!”
With that, Aisha unleashed a kick into Nata’s abdomen.
A look of anguish crossed Nata’s face, but he quickly recovered... Stab!
“So... Go to sleep.”
Aisha’s greatsword rammed through Nata’s chest. She slowly pulled her sword out of him, then wiped the blood from it. Nata, barely still on his feet, reached out towards her, but Aisha was already walking away, as if to say his life no longer mattered to her.
“” he breathed.
Treated like a weakling, Nata expired in a state of stunned confusion.
Meanwhile, around the same time that Nata fell...
The Krahe Army had been holding on tenaciously, but their accumulating exhaustion was pushing them back. Unlike the Kingdom’s forces, which could afford to give their soldiers time to rest and recover thanks to ample personnel and provisions, the Krahe Army had been engaged in constant fighting with no opportunity for rotation.
“Let’s show these upstarts who rules the skies, Ruby!”
“Sure thing!” Ruby inhaled sharply and then unleashed a “Roarrrrr!!!”
“Hot! Hot!”
Halbert and Ruby, the Kingdom’s sole dragon knight pair, were holding their own against the griffon cavalry. While the griffon riders could make tighter turns, Ruby’s fiery breath was intensely hot, incinerating any griffon riders that attempted to surround her. They acted like a fixed gun emplacement in the sky, hovering in place and breathing fire to take down the enemy’s aerial cavalry one after another, like moths drawn to a flame. However, Halbert and Ruby were not the only threat to the griffon cavalry.
“How careless of them not to be on guard against us!”
“The House of Magna isn’t the only one guarding the Kingdom’s skies!”
As the griffon cavalry struggled to engage Halbert and Ruby, the wyvern cavalry equipped with propulsion devices charged in, led by Castor and Carla. They flew in formation, rapidly closing the distance and employing hit-and-run tactics that the griffon cavalry could not effectively counter. The Krahe air forces continued to suffer losses.
Meanwhile, Castor smirked. “How one-sided. Is this really all their air force can do without Fuuga and Durga?”
“Um, Father. It was crazy that he could handle our attacks in the first place.”
In response to his daughter’s verbal jab, Castor laughed and conceded, “Fair enough.”
Thus, Krahe’s vaunted griffon cavalry were defeated by the dragon knight tag team of Halbert and Ruby, along with the propulsion device-equipped wyvern cavalry led by Castor and Carla.
At the same time, on the ground, the Krahe Army was being surrounded by forces commanded by Ludwin and Kaede.
“There’s no need to rush! Our forces hold an overwhelming advantage in both manpower and equipment over the Krahe Army! Don’t overextend yourselves; instead, steadily wear down the enemy, like peeling away the layers of an onion!”
With precise commands, Kaede continued to press the Krahe Army, which found itself trapped with no way out. However, if they gambled on a desperate charge to try to recover...
“The enemy is coming out... Men, strike that unit in the flanks!”
“““Yes, sir!”””
The royal cavalry, led by Ludwin, charged into the advancing unit and quickly pulverized them. Although Ludwin was the commander of an entire army, he often left command to Kaede to seize the opportunity to crush the enemy directly.
The Kingdom of Friedonia had many capable leaders. Yet, there was no confusion in the chain of command. By strategically employing numerous individuals and leveraging their strengths for the country—sometimes in ways even Souma hadn’t envisioned—the military of Friedonia reflected the nation itself. They utilized an organizational structure akin to mission-type tactics, allowing each individual the freedom to make decisions while occasionally coordinating with others to achieve operational objectives. There was no one in the Krahe Army who could effectively counter such an unconventional force.
◇ ◇ ◇
In the main camp of the Kingdom of Friedonia’s forces, it was already clear to everyone who would win this fight. Shuukin and Lumiere arrived at the camp where Yuriga and I were located.
“I am so sorry, Lady Yuriga!” The moment Shuukin entered the camp and saw her face, he dropped to his knees, pressing his forehead and fists against the ground. “I was unable to protect my master, and my friend—who was also your brother. I failed to avenge him, yet I continue to live on in shame! No words can express my contrition!” He spat the words out as if expelling his own blood.
“Sir Shuukin...” Yuriga knelt in front of him and placed a hand on his shoulder. “I’m just glad you survived. We don’t know if my brother is still alive, but thanks to Sir Kasen, Suiga is. My brother and his wife’s legacy lives on. Given the burden on young Suiga’s shoulders, he needs as many loyal retainers as possible.”
“Lady Yuriga... I’m so sorry...” he murmured as Yuriga consoled him.
As I watched them, Lumiere also knelt and bowed her head. “Sir Souma, we are truly grateful for your assistance.”
I hesitated for a moment before replying, “The chaos in the north affects us all. There’s nothing we’d like more than to see a speedy resolution to this.”
When she raised her head, our eyes met.
“Lumiere, regarding how we’ll handle things moving forward...”
“I know. We’ll leave everything to you, Sir Souma. As the one who incited Krahe and awakened the insanity within him, I have no right to dictate the course of this era.”
“I see...”
The weight of regret was almost crushing for Lumiere, so I kept my response brief. I had previously informed Shuukin and Lumiere about how the Great Tiger Empire would be treated after this battle. It might have been harsh for them, but it was impossible to keep the vast Great Tiger Empire under the will of a single person any longer. The infant Suiga couldn’t possibly bear that burden.
I looked out at the battlefield, where the Krahe Army was retreating in defeat.
“This...will put an end to it.”
◇ ◇ ◇
The Krahe Army collapsed.
Krahe Laval, their commander in chief, retreated from the battlefield with a small contingent of his best troops, while the rest of his forces were encircled by the Kingdom and faced the grim choice of death or surrender. By evening, the battle was decided. Night fell, and Krahe escaped through a narrow mountain pass.
Yes! This is good! The era can still get even more heated!
Despite his defeat, he almost looked happy. Krahe had embraced his role as the Demon Lord destined to add color to this era. He had no intention of falling gloriously in battle. Instead, he planned to survive by crawling through the muck, viewing it as his mission to prolong this time of turmoil—during which saints and heroes could distinguish themselves—for as long as possible. That was why he would endure and create new battlefields, again and again.
“This is the task the heavens have bestowed upon me! I will return to this stage once more!”
“I won’t let you do that.”
He was startled, unsure where the voice had come from.
Whish, whish, whish... In an instant, he heard a flurry of objects slicing through the air. It was raining arrows. The sudden barrage pierced Krahe’s men, and he was thrown from his horse onto the soft, rain-soaked ground.
Krahe looked up, covered in mud, and saw a man clad in white standing before him. The man drew the sword at his hip and pointed it threateningly towards Krahe’s throat.
“Don’t drag the world into any more of your illusions.” the man grunted.
“N-No... But my mission...”
“I told you that was an illusion.”
The man’s sword parted Krahe’s head from his body, leaving an expression of shock frozen on Krahe’s face as it fell to the ground. It was as if he had believed until the last moment that he “could never die in a place like this.” As the man wiped the blood from his sword and sheathed it, his troops gathered around him.
One of the soldiers, a large man wearing a black tiger mask, spoke up.
“With’s over, Sir Julius.”
Julius nodded, picked up Krahe’s head, and handed it to the man in the black tiger mask. “Sir Kagetora, take the head and report to His Majesty.”
“Understood. I’ll ensure you are credited for the kill.”
“Well, that’s why I was positioned here.”
This had been decided before the battle. Souma had ordered Julius to wait for Krahe along his expected escape route. Once the battle was decided, Julius adjusted his encirclement of the enemy to encourage Krahe to flee in this direction.
“I’ll have you slay the enemy’s commander in chief, Julius.”
He had done everything for this moment.
Julius let out a sigh and smiled wryly. “When you consider what will happen might have been easier to let someone else slay him in my place.”
“I understand the feeling. Now, I must be off.”
Julius watched quietly as Kagetora carried the head away. It was around the time the sky lightened and day broke.
◇ ◇ ◇
One night had passed since the battle with the Krahe Army. The rain that had begun to fall during the night had finally eased, leaving the dawn sky clear, although scattered clouds lingered.
Yuriga, Shuukin, Lumiere, and I had stayed up discussing the future of the Great Tiger Empire for so long that we were awake to witness this moment. Although we had emerged victorious against the Krahe Army, we still needed to pursue the remnants who had escaped and manage the prisoners, so we couldn’t grant the men any rest just yet.
As Aisha and Naden, who were standing guard, began to yawn, a messenger from the Kingdom’s military rushed in.
“I bring a report! Sir Julius has slain Krahe!” he exclaimed. “Sir Kagetora has arrived carrying the head, which he received from Sir Julius!”
His words dispelled the drowsiness from everyone who heard them.
Shuukin growled, “Krahe!” under his breath, while Lumiere closed her eyes in silence. Yuriga also closed her eyes, clasping her hands in front of her chest as if in prayer.
“It’s over now, Brother...” she murmured.
As for me...
It’s over...huh, I thought. I probably wore an expression of utter relief. It felt as though I had managed to bring this battle to a safe conclusion.
I told the messenger to summon Kagetora and then turned to Yuriga. Her face was a mosaic of emotions—part bitter, as if she had bitten into something unpleasant; part relieved, as though a weight had been lifted from her shoulders; and part sorrowful, as if she were enduring a quiet sadness. It was a complex expression, difficult to decipher yet filled with meaning.
Before Kagetora arrived, I spoke to her. “Yuriga, do you want to sit this one out for a while?”
Though Yuriga was athletic and probably way tougher than I was in a fight, she wasn’t one to seek out battle. She had seen battlefields since her time in the Union of Eastern Nations and had undoubtedly encountered death before, but I doubted she had ever seen the severed head of an enemy general... When Kagetora entered, he would be bringing Krahe’s head. Even if it was the head of her brother’s killer, I didn’t want Yuriga to witness it.
When I expressed my concern, Yuriga looked me straight in the eye and said, “No. I want to see it for myself. In my brother’s stead.”
I couldn’t argue back with such directness. All I could do was reluctantly say, “You don’t need to force yourself to.”
Not long after, Kagetora appeared.
“This is the head of the enemy commander, Krahe, struck down by Sir Julius,” he announced as he placed a wooden box on the ground.
It was a box designed so that all sides could be removed except for the bottom. He lifted the lid, revealing Krahe’s head. They must have tidied it up after his death, as his eyes were closed, and I couldn’t tell how he had met his end from the look on his face.
“Urgh...” Yuriga, sitting next to me, covered her mouth to suppress a groan.
I tried to tell her not to push herself... I’d have liked to think I had some experience with this, but it was still an unpleasant sight. She must have wanted to see this through for Fuuga’s sake. Now that she had, there was no need for her to force herself to continue.
“Naden. Take Yuriga to get some rest.”
“Roger that.”
“I’m sorry...”
Yuriga left the room with Naden’s help. The rest of us turned our attention to Krahe’s head.
This was the kind of thing that posed nothing but a problem for those of us living in troubled times, yet people would get all excited about it when the story was told in future generations. Krahe had been entranced by the nature of stories and stirred up the world like some kind of trickster.
Similar to a great man like Fuuga, a man who played a role like Krahe had no place in the coming era. That was likely why he hadn’t been able to accept me, who encouraged the change of the era, Maria, who went along with me, or Fuuga, who had accepted that times were changing. Thinking about it that way, maybe I could understand him a little...
No, I really can’t understand him at all.
For me, family was paramount—my wives and children... I couldn’t fathom a man so lost in his own illusions that he hurt those closest to him in reality. Some people were simply beyond understanding.
You wouldn’t have wanted me to understand you anyway... Right, Krahe?
I looked coldly at Krahe’s silent head. If Liscia, who was watching over Parnam, had been there, she might have offered me some comfort. I found myself missing her warmth and feeling a bit homesick.
Some time later, Julius returned and knelt before me.
“I have returned.”
“Good work, Julius. Taking the enemy commander’s head is the biggest accomplishment of them all.”
“You’re too kind.”
I stood up and walked to his side, then tapped him on the shoulder to prompt him to raise his head. “I want to reward you. Is there anything you’d like to ask for?”
Julius looked straight into my eyes. “In that case, I wish to restore my wife’s house.”
“Hmm. Your wife was Madam Tia Lastania of the Kingdom of Lastania, if I recall correctly. So you’re asking for the restoration of the Kingdom of Lastania?”
“Yes. I want my wife to return to her homeland as royalty.”
“I see...”
Although we played out this scene, we had actually agreed beforehand that Julius would request the restoration of Lastania. Shuukin and Lumiere were also aware of this arrangement, which is why I had set things up for Julius to kill Krahe.
Under normal circumstances, this exchange wouldn’t have been necessary. However, numerous guards and onlookers were present, and we needed to conduct ourselves appropriately for appearance’s sake.
I patted Julius on the shoulder. “I’ve heard your wish, and I’ll do what I can to grant it.”
“Thank you.”
I added, “You must be tired. Take the rest of the day off,” and dismissed Julius.
Once Krahe’s head was taken away, I finally had a moment to rest.
I turned to Shuukin and Lumiere, who looked just as exhausted as I felt, and said, “It’s only going to get harder from here. More than half the continent has lost its master.”
“I know... We need to bring this chaos under control as soon as possible, but where do we even start?” Lumiere replied, pressing her hand against her forehead in dismay.
Shuukin sighed. “The Great Tiger Kingdom could only be maintained because Fuuga Haan was leading it. No one—not young Suiga or any of the remaining retainers—can rule it. If there is one man who could, it would be you, Lady Yuriga’s husband, who already controls the largest military on the continent...” he said, glancing in my direction.
Don’t be unreasonable, I thought, then replied, “No, I can’t just suddenly take on responsibility for a territory three times my country’s size. I’ve already received a request from Souji to quell the chaos in the Lunarian Orthodox Papal State. There’s no way I can look after the north too.”
“I’ll bet...” Lumiere said. “So... What’s to be done, then?”
All three of us sighed.
There was a mountain of tasks that needed addressing, but I knew what took priority. It was essential to prevent further chaos on the continent.
“Now then, there’s something we need to do first,” I said.
“What might that be?”
Shuukin and Lumiere asked, looking at me.
I smiled. “Let’s gather all the sovereigns and heads of state of the southern hemisphere together.”
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