“O, Hero!” With that cliched line, Kazuya Souma found himself summoned to another world and his adventure–-did not begin. After he presents his plan to strengthen the country economically and militarily, the king cedes the throne to him and Souma finds himself saddled with ruling the nation! What’s more, he’s betrothed to the king’s daughter now…?! In order to get the country back on its feet, Souma calls the wise, the talented, and the gifted to his side. Five people gather before the newly crowned Souma. Just what are the many talents and abilities they possess…?! What path will his outlook as a realist take Souma and the people of his country down? A revolutionary transferred-to-another-world administrative fantasy series starts here!
Click to view Official Volumes of How a Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom on Amazon. (Collaboration)
@Nm13347 Released now. https://novelsonline.net/genjitsushugisha-no-oukokukaizouki/volume-18/chapter-pr
When will volume 18 be released?
@Aryansingh8878 added…
When vol 17 be published
@admin: when will vol 17 be updated. EN Digital version already released right?
when vol 18 come in japanese
when vol 16 release ,it is translated already
@tan.leprowata123 Because these’re official releases…
@admin why don’t you translate it from web novel in pixiv
@tan.leprowata123 Too early to give a date about vol. 16. If you’d like to, you can subscribe to this novel and our system will send you an e-mail when vol. 16 is added.
@admin, when is the vol16th posted up
Hello, I’m wondering when will the next volume possibly be posted? I appreciate the reply to my question. I’ve been supporting the novel for quite some time now and only just registered in the site to leave a comment. I love the storyline of this story earning a top spot on my personal ranking of novels. Being it focus on international affairs. And the economic lessons got me reminisce onto my highschool lessons is just so great. I also love the romance in this but realism shines best for me. Though my favorite genre is romance, specially when it’s smooth and my desire for that kind of romance was satisfied. I have no complains as I consider this a once in a few books of great satisfaction. Reviewed the wiki and saw volume 16 so I really look forward to that.
where is four bonus chapter
@Portcher, there is only one After Story in volume 15.
When will ss for vol 15 gonna add? just curious
please upload full vol
@sp009, yes…
is it official tl
@sp009, we’re planning to add whole Volume in this week…
will vol 15 release today
thank you very much for the excellent work adm.
@sp009, on January 17, 2022…
will vol 15 release in january
@Portcher, @sp009, SS’re added…
when side stories release
Nice Vol 14 is out, but when will the side stories come?
@gkbriel, all of them’re added at once, enjoy reading…
hey adm, when are you going to start releasing the fourteenth volume you supposedly release today? are you going to release it all at once or one chapter a week?
@sp009, there’s no amine here, only volume 14 of light novel will be released on October 25, 2021…
is there chance for season two, and so volume 14 eng release after oct here
@sp009, it’ll be released on October 25, 2021…
Please release volume 14 asap.will u translate volume 14,is there a chance for season two of anime
Hope the next volume comes out, very interested in the series now
@admin, ok, thanks for informing.
@kingzero23, thanks for notifying, but JP version of it’s released on April 25, 2021. So approximately six months later EN version will be released…
I think the 14th vol is released.If it is can you please update it.