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“Bell! Recommend me a story about heroes that you like!”

I am reading alone in the home library when Goddess comes in. She’s enjoying a rare day off from her part-time job.

“A heroic tale?” I reply. “I don’t mind…but where’s this sudden interest come from?”

“I just thought it would be nice to get all excited with you about a common interest like Haruhime does all the time!”

I give a nervous laugh, and Goddess’s cheeks go red, and she smiles like a little girl.

“Besides, it’s exciting, isn’t it? Journeying alongside the protagonist, finding out together what adventures await when you turn the page!”

Hearing her say that makes me very happy.

“All right, then!” I say, getting to my feet, and the two of us head to the bookcases. It’s almost like a real library in here with the amount of books spilling off the shelves. I wander through the forest of books, wondering what would be good to pick when I see it.

“Hmm? I don’t remember seeing this book before…”

One of the books on the shelves catches my eye. I take it and inspect the cover.

“A Tale of Wand and Sword…?”

The logo depicts a crossed pair of the two titular items. I tip my head in confusion. I’ve definitely never seen this book before.

“Oooh, a story even Bell doesn’t know? Lemme see!”

Goddess slips the book from my grip and opens it. In no time at all, she’s completely absorbed.

“Hmm…Ohh…I see…So that’s what happens…”

She flips a page, goes, “Oh?” and flips back, rereading the preceding lines, apparently appreciating some tasty foreshadowing.

I’m getting restless. It’s clearly a compelling story, and it’s one I’ve never read before to boot. Then Goddess lifts her head.

“I see! So they’ve gone for the double-heroine formula!”


“That’s right! And I’m on team Colette! It’s not right to go after someone far-off no matter how beautiful she is, how much you look up to her, or what promises the two of you exchanged as kids! True happiness can only be found with the girl who’s stuck by your side through thick and thin!! So keep at it, Colette! I believe in youuuuu!!!”

I’m a little taken aback by Goddess’s sudden outburst. Why does she say it like it’s personal?

“L-let me read it, too!”

I’m so curious I can’t take it any longer and eagerly lean in. Goddess smiles and pats the floor beside her.

“Yeah! Let’s read it together!”

We both sit down, holding the book between us.

I wonder what kind of story awaits us. What sorts of people will we meet?

Brimming with excitement, I turn the page…

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