In the few hours before the next day arrived, Lin Sanjiu and her grand prize had found something new to waste time away . Both of them kept Deun by their side, conducting various kind of experiments on him, and the first thing they did was strip him naked .
It seemed that the word embarrassing wasn't in Deun's dictionary . He was unconcerned even though he was in his birthday suit, sitting with his legs crossed and allowing the two people to study him .
"None," the grand prize ran his eyes here and there, up and down Deun's body multiple times to be certain that Deun had not deceived them, "He doesn't have any genitals . "
"I didn't like that thing, so I took it off," said Deun, crestfallen, "I cannot understand why some gods would keep that . It's troublesome . It kept swinging here and there while I'm walking . "
"He can remove his man parts just like that?"
"So where did these gods come from, and what species are they?"
Two questions flashed though Lin Sanjiu's mind in an instant .
Lin Sanjiu knew she wouldn't be able to get any answers at the moment, so she returned Deun's tattered shirt to him . Ever since Deun had grown bigger, his shirt had become larger as well . According to Deun, this was also the effect of "Divine power . "
Divine power level 1 needed one idol, while level 2 needed two idols . When a god had reached level 3, he or she required four idols to advance into the next level . At level 4, such requirement doubled to 8 . In short, the number of idols demanded would be increased twofold for each level, and the size of the idol must correspond to the height of the particular god .
If it wasn't possible to build a huge idol, they had to compensate it with numbers . This also explained the massive number of Deva's idols inside her territory .
And to them, Level 5 was a watershed in the divine power development .
Leaping from 16 to 32 might not sound like that much, but when you had to paint each drawing and carve each idol manually with your hands, it became a tiresome task . Even with the aid of her Special Items, Lin Sanjiu still needed a long time to finish drawing 32 portraits of Deun, let alone those "Inhuman" who sculpted and painted the god's idols with their own hands .
The maximum items she could convert into a card in one day was 64 . Hence, after Lin Sanjiu had helped Deun level to Divine power level 6, she put the [Unfinished Drawing] away .
"What are you doing?" Rumor said that it was easy for a frugal person to become extravagant but very difficult to reverse the process . And now that Deun had tasted blood, he refused to return to his previously poor state . He stomped his feet in fury as he shook his body eagerly, "Why did you stop? Keep it going!"
Lin Sanjiu gave him a sidelong glance, ignored him, and focused on the [White Towel] .
The [White Towel] was a resource she collected from Kisaragi Train Station . For the same item, she had another eight bundles inside her card . Whenever Deun's divine power leveled up, she would take out a towel and force Deun to throw an attack at her . Then, she stored those attacks in the card of [White Towel] . Right now, she had six cards containing divine power attacks, and she had a hunch that she was closing in on her cap .
Although she couldn't test it, she surmised that her maximum output should be comparable to that of Divine power level 9 or level 10 .
"That's too weak . . . " She sighed inwardly, expressing dismay at her own capabilities .
Seeing that Lin Sanjiu wasn't going to paint him any more portraits, Deun muttered under his breath, "I'm a True God! Can't she show me some respect?"
He had seen with his own eyes that Lin Sanjiu had turned all his portraits into a card, and all the attacks he had thrown at her did not work at all, vanishing into the ether before they even touched her . Deun was desperate, but he couldn't do anything . He paced back and forth, impatiently to let off his steam .
He was now as tall as a three-story building, and he could hold both the grand prize's legs in his palm without sweating . However, even with his towering size, he couldn't do anything to Lin Sanjiu
The night screen came down . Lin Sanjiu and the grand prize decided to call it a day after they had enough of toying with Deun for the day . The moon was bright, and even with the white fog, there was some moonlight on the ground below coating the village with a bright silvery gleam, giving the village a cold and serene ambiance that looked like a utopia of peace and happiness away from the turmoil of the world .
The grand prize started a fire in the center of an opening . The orange-red hue licked up into the sky and created a stark contrast with the silver glow of the moon . As the colors played off one another, their surroundings became warmer . Since the dilapidated houses and beds had been flattened to the ground, they had no other alternatives left but to spread a mat on the ground and sleep under the sky . Then, the grand prize cooked a large pot of mee soup, topped with a few bird eggs and a huge chunk of spam .
Of course, Deun was left out of this dinner as well .
"You can go to sleep first . " After they had their stomach filled, Lin Sanjiu called out to her grand prize, "I've leveled up, so I want to try whether or not I can enter Astral Plane tonight . "
"How about him?" The grand prize pointed his finger at the giant shadow far away from them, "We can't just leave him there . It's too dangerous . "
"Check and see whether [Notebook] has any Special Items that we can use to restrain him," Lin Sanjiu said after a short contemplation, "We can still keep him . His Divine Power is pretty useful . "
Put everything else aside, for the very least he could provide her a limitless of supply of Divine power level 6's attack .
"Alright then," Ji Shanqing answered, and just as he took the [Notebook], the shadow, which looked as huge as a hill suddenly screamed and ran towards the outside of the village .
"He heard our conversation?" The grand prize asked, his countenance was blank with perplexity .
"Gosh, I have never seen a god as stupid as him," Lin Sanjiu cursed impatiently . She went after Deun, "All his portraits are with me now, where does he think he could run to?"
Although Deun was intellectually-challenged, his speed as a god with Divine power level 6 was something to be reckoned with . He soon covered half of the mountain in a matter of second . Since her grand prize was in the village, Lin Sanjiu did not dare to go too far away . Just when she was going to release her Higher Consciousness, the shadow in front suddenly stopped and stood in a trance under the sky .
Stunned, before she could grasp the whole situation, she saw Deun had run towards her .
"What the hell—"
She never had a chance to finish her sentence . With the help from the moonlight, she saw Deun face, ashen-white and entirely written with fears . Her blood went cold .
She raised her head and looked ahead . Before her lay chain of undulating mountains, standing silently amongst the dark . The birds had stopped chirping, and only the whistle of the wind could be heard . When Deun ran past her, she extended her arm and clutched at his large-as-a-flag hem, hissing, "What the hell have you seen?"
There were droplets of sweat crawling all over his flat face . His lips quivered for multiple times, yet no sound came out from it . Frowning, when Lin Sanjiu was going to press forward, the ground underneath her feet shook violently . In the next second, they were thrown into the air .
Deun shouted uncontrollably, a mindless scream of pure fear sliced over the silent of the night . They began to fall as soon as they were flung into the air . When Lin Sanjiu looked down, the thing below that met her eyes had made her heart stopped jumping for a moment .
The grass and the trees were all uprooted, and as if somebody had installed a zipper on it, the forest ground beneath their feet had opened up, slowly revealing the darkness within .
The entire forest was a terrible mess . The rocks, grasses, tree roots, everything in the forest was swaying along with the vibration . As the ground was torn asunder, all of them fell into the void below . For a moment, the soil and the mud flowed together, and the moon dimmed . Deun was tall, standing at the height of a small building yet now he looked just like a piece of rice stuck to the corner of a lip compared to the black emptiness that had just revealed itself .
Lin Sanjiu's mind raced, and as she thought it was another dimensional rift, or perhaps too much sand and mud had fallen into it, a long stretch of dark red suddenly rushed out from the bottomless void . However, there was too much sand and soil disrupting her vision, so she couldn't see the entirety of the being very well in the dark . Thrashing and falling fast in the air, Lin Sanjiu made a desperate attempt by flourishing her [Tornado Whip] around, thrusting herself away from the "zipper" and successfully avoided the fate of being gobbled up by the giant crack .
When she turned around in midair, she caught the full picture of the deep red thing that swung madly in the air .
It was a large, meaty tongue .
The surface of the fleshy and flexible tongue was coated with a thick layer of yellowish-white fur . After it had extended itself out of the black hole—Lin Sanjiu now knew that it was a mouth—she found there was a layer of sticky saliva glazing over the two sides of the tongue, flickering under the moonlight .
The tongue slithered around in the air as if it was looking for a target . Then, it seemingly found its target . It quickly rolled itself around Deun . Deun tried to resist, but a level 6 Divine level proved to be futile against the huge tongue . The tongue retracted, pulling Deun straight into the mouth and vanished from Lin Sanjiu's sight . A long howl echoed in the air, and then came to a sudden halt .
The black hole closed, and the ground shook . The piece of land now looked oddly bare, as the forest within the radius of a thousand miles had been utterly wiped off from the surface of the earth, falling into the abysmal darkness beneath . After the silence had set in for a few minutes, the forest surrounding suddenly trembled .
It stopped for a moment, and the trees in the forest swayed towards another direction .
It looked as if a behemoth was breathing, huffing puffs of air that blew the trees in the forest swaying back and forth like a pendulum .
Lin Sanjiu's heart seized . She immediately released a few cyclones to propel herself into the air towards another direction . She saw stars, briefly, and after she rammed through the thick foliage and landed heavily on the ground, her vision turned black . She couldn't see anything, but she could feel the pain when the trees and rocks hit her . It caused her so much pain that she had to activate her [Defense Forcefield] to mitigate the searing sensation .
By the time she had calmed down her surging blood, her vision had returned . The darkness had just faded from her retinas, so it was tough for her to discern and differentiate anything from the night sky . But very soon, Lin Sanjiu was stunned as she raised her head .
A gigantic god, with his chest sticking above the white fog, was now standing far away from her . When he stood up, the ground lost a long chain of mountains . Thick layers of earth, grass, and trees rained down from his body .
The mountain that encircled the village was a God .
Suddenly, Lin Sanjiu thought of something . She took out Deun's portrait and looked at it anxiously with the help from the dimmed moonlight .
The portrait wasn't of Deun's flat face anymore . In its place was a gigantic, yellow-skinned man that Lin Sanjiu did not recognize . He had the look of a male, with a square, expressionless face that had no other facial features other than two large, insect-like compound eyes .
Pinching the portrait, the earth shook once again when Lin Sanjiu still had yet returned from her trance . She raised her head to see that the gigantic god had lifted one of his feet, soon to fall on the ground . Thump . When the foot hit the ground it sounded like a thunder strike, the impact was so huge that it sent her falling to the ground .
Lin Sanjiu felt cold blood trickle down her spine, and her face turned entirely pale . The place where the foot fell was where her grand prize was .
As she prayed with all her heart that her grand prize had escaped, she took out all the other portraits . She pinched them at the corner, attempting to shred them down . She did so with a thought to reduce the gigantic god's divine power, while at the same time to increase the chance of survival of her grand prize .
"Stop, you idiot!"
From the dark forest beside her came a voice . The woman's voice sounded desperate, and before her words were carried away by the wind, she had already turned into a streak of shadow and pounced on Lin Sanjiu .
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