A Certain Explosive - 6
After returning to his office, Fukuzawa sat behind his large, heavy desk to think.
Other than the guest chair and desk, there was also a large bookshelf. Although this was a Western-style room just like the others in the agency, there was a beautifully designed tatami room in the back as well.
A calm silence reigned over the office as Fukuzawa recalled the day Dazai stopped by.
“If the strongest skill user in the world suddenly appeared, would you hire them?”
That was the first thing Dazai had asked him as he stood before Fukuzawa’s desk.
“That doesn’t necessarily mean they would make a good detective,” Fukuzawa had replied.
Dazai’s expression immediately softened, and he broke out into a grin.
“That’s exactly why I recommend we hire him.”
There was a knock at the door in the midst of recalling his exchange with Dazai. After a brief moment, it opened, revealing his secretary, Kirako Haruno, who excused herself before walking over to his desk with a teacup on a tray. She placed the cup on Fukuzawa’s desk; it must have just been brewed as it was still steaming.
“…Does this mean that you also believe he should work at the agency?” Haruno asked curiously while holding the empty tray under her arm. Fukuzawa reached for the cup of tea, his eyes narrowing slightly.
A test of the veracity of the soul.
That was the true purpose of the entrance examination.
The instant the detonator’s button was pushed, Atsushi’s expression turned desperate. He flung the hostage as far away as he could, then used his own body to cover the bomb. He did all that, despite how afraid he was of dying. That was the kind of person Atsushi Nakajima was.
He had a unique ability that turned him into a tiger, but there was so much more to him.
Something about him made even Dazai become a fan and recommend him for the job.
Fukuzawa brought the teacup to his mouth when he suddenly noticed something floating in the tea.
“Ah…” Haruno softly grunted in realization. There was a single tea stem in the cup. “The tea stalk is floating upright. It looks like today is our lucky day, President Fukuzawa.” She beamed.
Fukuzawa smiled faintly. He then silently brought his tea to his mouth and took a sip.
Although Haruno was an extremely capable secretary, the tea she made was at times far too hot.
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