Chapter 7
Wiro Sableng Book 3 Chapter 7
The front yard of the Village Chief of Bojongnipah was thronged by villagers . The night was brightly illuminated with dozens of torches . It appeared that the villagers of Bojongnipah’s patience was wearing thin, their murderous intent was imminent to swing the weapon they brought along, unleashing their anger to the two cockroaches tied to the terrace pillar . They were none other than Tapak Luwing’s lackeys who were previously knocked out by the 212 Fighter . Both had regained their consciousness . Bound tightly to the pillar, they were also under the effect of Wiro Sableng’s accublocking .
Kratomlinggo stood next to Village Chief Kundrawana . Few spear distances in front of them, Wiro Sableng stood calmly . Kratomlinggo had just explained what he knew to the Village Chief and what happened at the riverbank near the bridge .
Village Chief Kundrawana’s eyes glanced Wiro Sableng and Tapak Luwing’s minions over and over again . That time, the Village Chief of Bojongnipah could no longer restrain himself and restrain his rage . For a moment he forgot that his son was still held captive by Tapak Luwing and he himself had not been successfully captured!
“My fellow villagers of Bojongnipah…,” said Kundrawana while moving forward few steps towards the crowd . “Now it’s time for me to reveal everything to you about the story behind this inconceivable tax collection! With shattered sorrowful heart, I had no choice but to swallow everything you threw at me, all the insults and humiliation! You accused me as a crook, which I did nothing but miserably accepted it . You branded me as an extortionist, as oppressor… anything, everything I accepted! However today, this very night please hear my confession, the truth behind this blasted tax collection incident . I used to say that the tax was levied by the order of the King! That it was intended to serve a greater purpose of country development and army maintenance . I hereby admit that it was all a manipulation, a big lie I made up for the sake of my family’s safety and also to keep you away from the evil deeds they are capable of doing, beyond anything you can imagine…”
Villagers of Bojongnipah looked at each other in doubt and confusion . Village Chief Kundrawana glanced at their faces for a while then resumed his speech .
“You have heard the information from Kratomlinggo . This is an incredibly wonderful information which had washed myself clean . But let me give you the complete story . The two men tied there are the members of the Black Trio of Comel River, a group of loathsome bandits led by Tapak Luwing who managed to escape in tonight’s battle aided by an unknown person . In truth, the three of them were not the Duchy’s soldiers because they actually disguised themselves as ones this morning! Last three weeks, one night they came and forced me to levy the tax ten times the current normal amount . It means I must charge the tax eleven times higher to you all . The ten times amount of tax must be sent to those bandits while one portion was submitted as usual to Linggajati, where the Duke then proceeded the tax to the Capital…
I tried to fight back . However, in addition to their high level martial arts, I could not do anything because they took my only son with them! They threatened to kill my son if I didn’t levy the tax from you! Now I have revealed everything to you . There is no way for me to resist unless I want to see my one only son’s death…!”
The front yard full of people was now as silent as a graveyard! The villagers were stunned and shocked . This was of course beyond their prediction . The villagers were infuriated with boiling rage . When one villager shouted: “Cut these bastards to pieces!” the others charged with weapons ready in their hands . At that time, 212 Fighter stepped forward and warned in thundering voice . The shout was purposely filled with inner power to reach out the heart of the enraged villagers blinded with bloodlust .
“Brothers, please don’t act recklessly! These morons will get what they deserve! But you must remember the fate of your Village Chief’s son! Let me speak for few minutes with one of these bandits…!”
If only the villagers had not been told by Kratomlinggo about the identity of the long-haired young man, surely they would not take heed on Wiro Sableng’s words, furthermore the young man’s inner power had secretly seeped to influence them!
Wiro approached Tapak Luwing’s minion who was tied to the right pillar .
“What’s your name, pal?” he asked .
The man stood silent . Only his eyes threw a hateful glance around, glaring with such intense thirst for revenge .
“Ehh…seems like the effect of getting slapped made you deaf and mute, huh!”
“Son of a b***h! No need to blab…the day of vengeance from my boss Tapak Luwing will fall upon you soon! All of you here will be thrown straight to hell!”
Wiro Sableng grinned .
“Before it happens, most probably you and your buddy are already beaten to a pulp by these villagers!” reply Wiro Sableng . “There’s no use to brag too much about your boss! He ran away from our battle with another moron!”
Tapak Luwing’s two minions were greatly shocked by this information . Indeed since they were unconscious there were no signs of their boss’ presence and they did not see him anywhere around .
Wiro continued his interrogation: “I assumed you are somehow affiliated with the Duke of Linggajati . Just tell me the truth…” Tapak Luwing’s minions said nothing .
“Say it!” shouted Wiro .
The bandit just spat out on the ground in his defiance . “Just cut his mouth!” suggested Kratomlinggo who was becoming impatient .
“You don’t want to confess anything?” asked 212 Fighter .
As a response, Tapak Luwing’s minion spat out once again to the ground!
Wiro laughed .
He grabbed a torch held by a nearby villager .
“Do you know what it feels when your skin is burned?” the warrior asking mischievously . “This face of yours will look more handsome whenstroked with this torch!”
Wiro Sableng then brought the burning torch infinitely closer to the man’s face . Tapak Luwing’s minion was unable to move his head because of Wiro’s accublocking technique . Screams of agony could be heard ceaselessly . The air now smelt the pungent stench of singed eyelashes, eyebrows, and hair . The man’s face was scorched red, burned with the torch fire .
“Want some more?!” Wiro asking in muffled amusement .
“I swear, if I ever got free from this place, I will slaughter you and your descendants seven generations after you!” Tapak Luwing’s minion wrathfully cursed .
“Don’t talk nonsense . You will never escape from here . The only thing from you leaving this place is only your rotten soul! And by the way, I have yet sired a child…!” The young warrior guffawed merrily . Seeing this funny logic, many people were spontaneously amused .
“Come, tell us how you are related to the Duke of Linggajati!” demanded Wiro while bringing the torch even nearer to the man’s face .
“I have nothing to do with him…!” answered Tapak Luwing’s minion .
“Ah…is this just a lie or just some bulls**t?!”
“I swear, I told you the truth . It’s not a bulls**t!”
“Then why did you disguise yourself as the Duchy’s soldiers this morning?”
“That’s none of your business!”
“Is that so? Indeed, none of this is my business . But this torch has unfinished business with you!” And now the burning torch was branded on the man’s face . He screamed and shrieked . Wiro waited for few seconds . “Want to tell me now?” he asked .
“I will, I will…!” the man gave up in the end .
Wiro smiled and he put the torch away from the man’s face . “Okay, let’s talk . Spill out everything clearly so everybody here can listen!”
Tapak Luwing’s minion had no choice but to confess everything: “Duke Seta Boga of Linggajati sent a messenger to us . He had devised a plan to conduct extortion in this village . We were offered the job to extort the villagers with the agreed arrangement that the levied tax will be divided into two . Our leader accepted the terms and…and…”
“Okay, stop . That’s enough!” interrupted Wiro Sableng .
Village Chief Kundrawana stepped forward . “So, Duke Seta Boga is the mastermind of this crime…?”
“We must capture that Duke!” shouted a villager .
“Just hang him together with these scums!” condemned the other .
212 Fighter raised his left hand . “Leave the Duke to me,” he said . “What is important now is saving the Village Chief’s son…”
The blood rushed in Village Chief Kundrawana’s body hearing Wiro mentioning about the fate of his son . He grabbed and yanked the hair of Tapak Luwing’s minions . “Where do you hold my son?!” he yelled .
The man laughed horribly . It was extremely hideous, seeing his burned blackened face with skin dangling abraded . “Don’t expect to see your son again, Kundrawana!”
Kundrawana yanked the man’s head . “Where, damn it?!”
“Probably killed by my leader, like I care!”
Kundrawana took the torch from Wiro Sableng’s hand . Tapak Luwing’s minion screamed with all his might when the torch was pierced to his right eye . The eye was crushed and blood spurted on his blackened smoldered skin face!
“I’ll crush both your eyes, you worthless scum! Unless you tell me right away the whereabouts of my son!”
The man actually realized that he would not leave the place alive once he was captured by those people . It was futile for him to provide information for them . Cornered in such miserable condition, in the heart of Tapak Luwing’s minion there was nevertheless a flick of hope to be able to save his own skin, thus seeing how his eyes would be blinded inevitably terrified him in such way!
In the end, he blurted out the information: “The boy is being held hostage in an old temple in Parit Kulon…”
Kundrawana was slightly relieved . “However,” he said in a low voice, “if I go there and cannot meet my son or I don’t find him alive, I will never let you live another day!” Now, 212 Fighter advised: “Brother, whatever you will do to these lowlifes, it is no longer my business . However, it’s better to leave them unharmed at least before you can find the Village Chief’s son alive and well . Of Duke Seta Boga in Linggajati, leave him to me . Tomorrow you can fetch his body at Linggajati the Duchy . However I cannot promise you can find him dead or alive . It all depends on his reaction! Provided that tomorrow I spare him his life, it will be best if you just take him to the Capital… Well, goodbye!”
“Brother, please wait!” Kratomlinggo and Kundrawana shouted concurrently . However the Deadly Fire Dragon Hatchet 212 Fighter had flashed away, passing through the terrace and jumping overhead Bojongnipah villagers then vanished in the dark of the night .
The silence was broken in just few moments . Once 212 Fighter’s shadow was engulfed in the darkness, Bojongnipah villagers already ignored his advice . In groups they charged Tapak Luwing’s two minions in their helpless state, tied to the pillar and accublocked . Dozens of weapons rained down upon the head and body of those two bandits . There was no scream coming out of their mouth, not even a single gasp! They met their end because of their own crimes . Both of them breathe their last with their body full of gaping wounds and spurting blood, with their face crushed and disfigured beyond recognition .
Village Chief Kundrawana didn’t have time to witness Bojongnipah villagers’ exaction of revenge . Accompanied by Kratomlinggo and three other villagers, he rode his horse and led them to leave Bojongnipah to Parit Kulon, a remote area at the outskirt of village where men rarely come, sited around four kilometers from the village . The only building existed at Parit Kulon was an old temple pointed out by Tapak Luwing’s minion . Therefore it was not difficult to locate the building despite the darkness of the night .
Village Chief Kundrawana lit the torch he brought . Along with other four people, he entered the old temple . Kundrawana was overjoyed to find his only son still alive and breathing despite his filthy condition . His son was sleeping on the floor with dirty ragged clothes . Kundrawana saw his son looked so skinny with pale face . His hands and legs were tied . Kundrawana knelt down and hugged his son . Kratomlinggo cut the rope binding the boy’s hands and legs and he slowly woke up . Tears flew on Village Chief Kundrawana’s cheeks . This time, they were tears of joy .
Meanwhile, at another place…
Tapak Luwing with his body frozen due to the opponent’s accublocking technique felt that someone was running while carrying him in that darkness . The dim moonlight slipped through the leaves along the road they took and vaguely illuminated the man’s face . Intrigued, Tapak Luwing thought deeply . The man carrying him was a complete stranger . Who he was and where he was heading was beyond Tapak Luwing’s knowledge! Did he commit the action upon good will or he has another objective? Nonetheless, seeing the attitude and remarks to the long-haired young man, Tapak Luwing could predict that the man had no evil intention to him . Secretly he felt relieved . Thus, he dared to ask: “Comrade, who are you?”
“Silence!” answered the man carrying him . His voice was low and hoarse and he ran with swift speed .
“Where are we heading?” asked Tapak Luwing again .
“I said ‘silence’! Which part of it you don’t understand?!”
Tapak Luwing grumbled . But he obeyed and said nothing . Along the journey, the only thing Tapak Luwing about the man running and carrying him was that the man’s right arm was only a stump on his shoulder!
When they arrived at a small pond, the one-armed man stopped . Tapak Luwing was dropped down and leaned against the tree at the side of the pond . Then he released the accublock on Tapak Luwing’s body .
“Quickly control your breathing and blood flow . Circulate your inner power!” said the one-armed man .
Tapak Luwing immediately executed it . Without ordered to do so, he was already about to because that is the basics of martial arts of any schools and parties .
With his remaining hand, the one-handed man skillfully tended to Tapak Luwing’s broken arm and wrapped it with a cloth .
“I owe you for saving my life, comrade,” said Tapak Luwing gratefully .
The man helping him just laughed . “When there is debt, there is payment…,” he said between his laugh . “When there is gratitude, there is reward…”
“What do you mean, comrade?” inquired Tapak Luwing .
“One day, I will ask you to pay back what you owed me today…”
Tapak Luwing frowned . “Even if you don’t remind me, I will repay what you did when there is chance . If I am healed and you agree to come with me to Comel River, I will reward you with money, jewelries, treasure, anything you desire”
The one-armed man grinned . His teeth were rotten, black and brown in color . “I don’t need any of that” he hissed . He held Tapak Luwing’s wrapped arm . In a moment, Tapak Luwing felt a rush of inner power channeled to his body . He felt reinvigorated and the pain in his broken arm eased off .
“Thank you,” said Tapak Luwing . “Is this a proper time for me to know you? I am Tapak Luwing…”
“I know who you are . I have long heard about your group prowling and terrorizing the areas throughout Comel River . And when I know you are around here, I think I should pay you a visit”
“What do you mean by that?” asked Tapak Luwing . “I’ve told you, when there is debt there is payment, when there is gratitude there is reward . One day, I will need your aid…!”
“Don’t worry, I am more than willing to aid you . But to serve what business?”
“You don’t need to know my objective now . Later you will know it yourself . Listen, on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month you must come to Tangkuban Perahu Mountain…”
“Tangkuban Perahu Mountain…?”
“Yes . It’s more or less eight months from now . And one thing you must remember . Don’t you dare to go back to Bojongnipah village to settle the score with Village Chief Kundrawana, otherwise you risk yourself to meet that bastard who just beat you down! No matter what happen, right now he is beyond your league to confront! There will be time to finish your business with him . That’s why you must come to Tangkuban Perahu on the thirteenth day twelfth month later . You understand?”
Tapak Luwing nodded . “You are familiar with that son of a b***h, I assumed?” he inquired .
“His mark was branded on your forehead . ”
Tapak Luwing was shocked . He touched his forehead . There was no pain, but he felt the skin was more wrinkled .
“Take a look on the pond water . ”
Tapak Luwing moved to the side of the pond . He knelt down on the crystal clear water of the pond and under the stars and moonlight he could obscurely see three numbers on his forehead . It was 2 1 2! Tapak Luwing saw with astonishment on the one-armed man then reflected back on the pond water . He rubbed his forehead .
He rubbed it again several times but still could not erase the 212 number . He sprinkled the pond water to his forehead and rubbed it again . Still, the 212 number was there!
“Listen . Whatever you do, no matter what happen, that number can never be erased from your forehead, Tapak Luwing! That number was branded with such mighty palm technique filled with inner power beyond your level . Even if you flay your forehead skin all the way to your skull, that number would still be marked there!”
“Who is that long-haired brat with this blasted 212 number…” asked Tapak Luwing .
“His name is Wiro Sableng . He is a formidable foe…” answered the one-armed man . “However,” he added, “on the thirteenth day twelfth month, he will meet his end!”
Secretly, even without the one-armed man explaining more to Tapak Luwing, he already knew there was a deep bitter enmity between the one-armed man and the long-haired young man .
“For the eight months to come,” the one-armed man said again, “I advise you to hone your martial arts so it can be more formidable later . ” Tapak Luwing nodded .
The one-armed man said: “Now we part our ways . Don’t forget to come at thirteenth day of the twelfth month . And don’t you dare to defy my order…”
“Where are you going, comrade?”
“I have many things to do…”
“But you haven’t revealed to me your name”
“My name is Kalingundil!”
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