Landing upon the Cloud Lake, Lin Mu felt like he was standing on cotton.
"Whoa…" he almost fell over due to how unstable it was. One of his legs sank in while the other was pushed up, making him lose his balance rather easily.
Only when he controlled his Qi to float a bit did he manage to stabilize.
"If you wish to learn about the Cloud Dao, you need to understand the consistency of the clouds." The Saintess spoke. "Without that you won’t be able to use the Cloud Dragon Stride in the right way." She added.
Lin Mu didn’t reply and simply nodded.
He already understood what he needed to do and tried taking a step.
But that only caused his leg to sink in instantly, making him tilt forward. Unlike before, his leg sank all the way to his thigh, making him stumble more.
’This is certainly not going to be easy.’ Lin Mu thought to himself.
He remembered how he had managed to comprehend the Cloud Dragon Stride in the Astral Dimension as well as the Sleepscape and realized that he had barely touched upon the surface. He might have managed to create clouds upon using the Movement technique, but that didn’t mean the clouds were perfect.
Lin Mu had understood the aspect of their constituents. He knew of the water vapor, air, wind, dust, and more that made up the clouds. But now he needed to understand how all this affected the consistency of the clouds.
He took another step, but this time, instead of sinking, the clouds acted like a spring, sending his leg up and making him fall sideways.
The clouds were soft, so he didn’t feel any pain. Though it wasn’t like something of this level could hurt him anyways.
"Focus on the consistency of the clouds and judge them." The Saintess advised. "When you can predict how they will react, you will be able to improve." She stated.
’I see…’ Lin Mu got up and tried to walk again.
Of course, after a couple of steps he fell down again, but that didn’t matter to him and he got up.
Shortly after, he stumbled and fell again, but he got back up again. He was like a toddler that was learning to walk and understand how to balance all over again. Lin Mu fully focused on it and they continued the process until he could take ten steps without falling.
An hour later, he could walk twenty steps without falling and after about four hours, he could walk over fifty steps without falling. Even his stumbling had reduced to half and he could somewhat understand how a cloud would react.
At first it was rather hard, as he found them to look the same. But the more he practiced, the more he could tell that the clouds were different in every single inch of the area. Not just that, but even how their surface appeared was highly varied.
He had to learn how the surface affected his foot when he stepped on it, as well as how the clouds moved when his legs sank through them. He sensed the pressure exerted by them as well as the force they could exert back up.
Then there was the faint resistance he felt when lifting his legs or moving them through the clouds.
It was significantly less resistance compared to walking through water, but still a bit more as compared to plain air. Lin Mu used his Immortal sense to perceive the difference as well as the variable density with each passing step.
As he continued to do this though, he began feeling the Dao Traces that were within the clouds.
They were almost negligible to him at first, but as his understanding of the clouds rose, so did his sensitivity to the Dao Traces.
He could’ve used his Spatial Perception to directly glance at the clouds, but he didn’t, as that wouldn’t help him in comprehending them better. He instead focused on the Saintess’s instruction and tried to understand the consistence and density of clouds.
Time passed steadily while the Saintess watched him train. Occasionally she would give him pointers, but most of the time she watched silently. Knowing he would improve on his own, it was better this way.
An entire day passed like this, and Lin Mu was finally able to take over a hundred steps without falling or even stumbling, even once. He could also predict how a cloud would react just by barely touching it with his legs.
He had also figured out a couple of tricks to understanding it better, such as releasing his Immortal sense through his feet instead of through his head or torso.
Most cultivators had a tendency of using their Immortal Sense while keeping it connected to their head or torso. This was normal, as it was a habit formed due to having the majority of the sensory organs on the top of the body.
But this also acted as a handicap for them and limited them from exploring the full potential of the Immortal Sense.
As such, now that Lin Mu was using his Immortal Sense through his legs, he could not only predict the consistency of the Clouds better, he could even sense a few Dao Traces directly.
’The Dao Traces affect the clouds too…’ Lin Mu could tell that the Dao Traces were constantly moving through the clouds.
It was actually their movement that changed the consistency of the clouds. Where they were less, the clouds were thinner and would sink down quickly, but where they were higher in concentration, the clouds would act like spongy or springy layers.
This made him rather excited as he had not been able to do this before in the Astral Dimension.
’I’ve managed to improve this much just from a day’s guidance from the Saintess.’ Lin Mu thought to himself with a bit of bewilderment.
To him, it was as if months of progress had been condensed within a few hours due to her help.
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