Chapter 12: Road to Shu Mountain
“You … …” Black Crystal pointed at Tang Hua.
Tang Hua modestly said. “Just comprehending what we were told by that blind man.”
“You actually bribed NPCs … It’s bribery, you know?”
Tang Hua thought for a moment.”But this trick really works.”
“Well, I don’t care anymore, I’m gone.” Black Crystal walked into the Teleport Magic Circle while feeling a little displeased, but suddenly ran out asking. “Do you want the flying sword?”
“No, when you go to the hidden sect you will be going alone, maybe even being the only disciple. I am going to a big Sect, what Sect does not have a bunch of players?” Tang Hua waved. “Do not buy things unless necessary.”
“I know.” Black Crystal suddenly felt a little sad, because in Twin Sword it was hard to contact other players. One SMS costs 1 silver coin. As for using things like the friend chat or guild chat…someone had to spend money to open the chat room. Otherwise, you could only wait until after you had learned Advanced Sword Arts to use the Flying Sword Messenger.
“Let’s go.”
“Then if you have time, you must come to Xianyang to find me.”
“I know already, go!”
“Well…” Finally, Black Crystal wiped away her tears, then disappeared into the Teleport Magic Circle.
Shu Mountain! The only choice, after all this was an information exchanged by 100,000 federal currency. Tang Hua chose Shu Mountain, a burst of light flashed, and finally bid farewell to Newbie Village.
“Twin Sword commando team, have four members already, waiting for one.”
“Single Sword strike team, have three, waiting for two, southeast position.”
“Single, have flying sword, seeking party to go to Shu Mountain.”
“The infantry needs your help! We pay 50 silver coins..”
“Demanding a bomber aircraft, have four, waiting for one.”
“Anyone who knows healing and buffing skills? Huge amounts of salary, you will receive money before work.”
“An infantry, have defense artifact, seeking party.”
“A bomber aircraft, single, seeking party.”
“Mountain Shu’s map for flying sword, Mountain Shu’s map for infantry, only 1 gold coin, has the distribution and locations of monsters, also shows various kinds of traps in this area. My friends and I died 5 times per person in exchange for this important information, it’s absolutely true.”
At Mountain Shu’s foot there was a lively scene. Tang Hua had just stepped out of Magic Circle, and already, he found himself looking at a mountain full of people, it was very lively. 30 meters high in the air, there were dozens of players shouting “needing party” or “needing people” everywhere. It seemed the number of flying swords were really small. Rank 1 Flying Swords could only fly a total of 30 meters above the ground, so going to Shu Mountain by flight alone was basically impossible.
Traveling Shu’s road was as difficult as going on the road to the blue sky
“Shu Mountain infantry suicide squad recruiting, if you’re afraid of death, come here!” A loud voice sounded in Tang Hua’s ear. Tang Hua looked back; the voice had come from a fierce man.
“Me!” Tang Hua raised his hand. Tang Hua considered his own situation; he didn’t have a flying sword, didn’t know healing skills, and he didn’t have defense artifacts too. So the only option left was joining the infantry suicide squad.
Joining the party, Tang Hua saw the captain was the fierce man, who indeed had a quite suitable name for his posture: Tiger King. There was also a woman named Tiger Girl, it could be assumed that they were brother and sister.
“Calling me Tiger is fine. This is my sister, you can call her Girly Girl.” Tiger King said in the team channel. As long as the party was within a certain area, the channel was free to use. But if you wandered too far away from the team, you would be expelled from the party.
“Hello.” Tiger Girl talked first.
“Hello, you can call me Eggplant.”
“Eggplant, you rest first, I will look for others.”
After a few minutes, there was a woman who joined the party. She had a fine-sounding name: Glass Heart.
Finally, after 10 minutes, a male player joined the party, his nickname: Soul of Wind.
“My sister and I have died twice, this f*cking Mountain Shu was too hard to breakthrough.” Tiger King said as he walked. “This place has a ban, anyone who successfully enters Mountain Shu cannot re-enter, so you have to be mentally prepared to die.”
“No problem. Other than my life, I have no worth.” Tang Hua readily answered.
“GO!” Tiger shouted an English word,. He was also the first one to step onto Mountain Shu’s road, which was carved full of Taoist incantations.
From what Tang Hua could sense, the four-metre wide road he was travelling upon spiralled up and away to the right, while to the left was a deep abyss which he could not see the depths of.
“Stop!” Only a few meters away, Tiger King showed a hand sign to stop everyone, then said in the team channel: “There are 110.(EN: No idea what this means.).”
“The patrol.”
Tang Hua asked, “Why do I not see anything?”
“When you see him, he will see you too.”
Just as Tang Hua was about to ask more questions, there was another team who stepped onto Mountain Shu’s road. They ignored Tang Hua’s team and went directly forward. Immediately after they turned the corner, Tang Hua heard the sound of metal colliding.
Tiger King waved and led the four individuals forward. As they walked around the corner, Tang Hua saw ten 50-cm-high Yaksha walking in the mountains, and leading the way in front of them was a Yaksha named: Yaksha Patrol Captain. The previous team had certainly went to Hell.
“Why didn’t we work with them to breakthrough the patrol?” Glass Heart asked; her question also happened to be Tang Hua’s question.
“On Mountain Shu’s road we cannot speak, because the sound will awaken the sleeping boss. If a group of people push through at the same time, how do we coordinate? Besides, among so many people, who wants to go in front?” Tiger Girl answered.
“Stop!” Tiger King explained: “There are three moths in front of us, we must wait!”
“What are we waiting for?”
“Commando team.”
As he just finished the sentence, Twin Sword’s commando team flew over their heads. Tang Hua stretched his head out to look as the commando team crashed with the moths in mid-air. The one ahead was bitten by a moth; his HP dropped by a half, and was also afflicted with the slow effect.
Behind him, his four teammates saw this and hurriedly resorted to using the flying sword, blocking the second attack for the captain. Then, it became a 5 vs 3 battle. This team was an expert team; no one was panicked. They made full use of their flying sword’s flexibility, and using hit-and-run tactics, three members managed to attract two moths.
Soon, the first moth was killed by two main attackers, while the other two moths, because of Aggro, blindly chased the other two players. This was a common problem of monsters. So three other attackers joined forces and killed another moth. Then it became easy … …
“Expert!” Tang Hua looked at the team far away, and praised.
“Expert my ass, just punchbag.” Beside him, Tiger King said. “Further down the road, there are monsters who have higher IQ. They will choose the strongest player to attack and just ignore the attacks of weaker small fry. These prideful people think that having two flying swords is a very great achievement.”
Girly Girl said with a smile: “Do not mind him, my brother is jealous.”
“Who is jealous? I just have a little bit of envy.” Tiger King waved. “The crisis is lifted, all brothers, GO!”
TL note:
1. Some of slang used in this novel:
– Strike aircraft/fighter aircraft: A player has flying sword, so he uses the flying sword to attack.
– Bomber aircraft: A player flies above with a flying sword while raining down spells.
– Infantry: A player who doesn’t own a flying sword
2. A famous poem line of Li Bai.
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