Chapter 407:
Let Me Brag!
“NOW WAIT JUST A MINUTE…did you just say adandara? But Ciel is a slime, right?” Melisa was staring at Ciel in bewilderment. I looked around to find Eche and Arly looking equally baffled. Oh, right. I haven’t explained anything to the new people yet. Wait a minute, have I even told Arly and Nalgath about my situation? Oh dear. All this stress makes everything so hard to follow; I have no idea just how much I’ve told them. Okay, I’d better catch them up on all the most important points.
“Ciel is actually an adandara. It’s shapeshifted into a slime right now by the power of a magic stone Flame made.”
Nine pairs of eyes just stared at me.
Huh? Why is nobody saying anything?
“The first part of that sentence wasn’t too terribly shocking, but she really just breezed through the ridiculous second half without batting an eye.”
“You heard it, too, Zinal? Guess my ears weren’t playing tricks, then.”
“Don’t worry, Fische, your ears are just fine.”
“In what universe shouldn’t I worry? Boy, am I glad we signed contracts!”
“I know. Huh? Garitt, why the grim face?”
“I’m with Fische—I was thanking my lucky stars for contracts. The type we drew up issues a warning whenever somebody might say something dicey. Good. Now nobody can say anything foolish by accident. But for that matter, does she even know how serious what she’s saying is?”
“I’m not sure, but now it’s crystal-clear why Druid is so hyper-vigilant. The way you were acting at the start, Zinal, that was sure to raise some red flags.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me. I really regret that now—I screwed up badly.”
Zinal and his party were whispering among themselves, but I couldn’t hear what they were saying. They seemed calm enough, but was there some problem? I gave my father a concerned look, but he just smiled back at me, so I assumed there was nothing to worry about.
“I don’t know how to put this, but…this is incredible,” Melisa murmured, an indescribable expression on her face.
She’s right. My creatures really are incredible. Ooh, I know! I should introduce them all properly. Everyone’s signed contracts, so it’s safe for me to tell them about my creatures.
“So, um, let me just introduce everybody in order. Sora eats blue potions, bottle and all. It also eats old swords and turns them into new ones. Isn’t that awesome? Now, Flame eats red potions, also bottle and all, and it can make magic stones, too—isn’t that cool?”
“Wait…they eat organic and inorganic matter?”
Somebody said something…but I’m just dying to gush about my creatures, so I’m gonna ignore it. I mean, they’re so wonderful! And it’s sad that I never get to brag about them.
“Sora and Flame can both make potions, too. Now, Ciel’s true form is an adandara, and this kiddo is very powerful. I feel perfectly safe in the forest when I have it by my side. Ciel is also an expert on the forest—it tells us where all the best gemstone caves are. It’s super-sweet and super-skilled. Sol here can suck magic energy out of trash. A little while ago, I was surprised to learn it can also suck the magic energy out of the corpses of monsters who went berserk off the magic energy from trash. Then we also found out recently that it can free people from a summoning circle’s spell—Sol really is a wonder! Oops, I almost forgot, Sora can also…”
“Is something wrong, Mr. Piarre?”
But I have so many more things to gush about… I mean, I want to share how wonderful my babies are!
Piarre looked incredibly tired as he stared at me. Then he exhaled loudly for some reason. “How should I put this… Hearing so much incredible news in one sitting is a little disturbing—our brains can’t keep up.”
“Oh dear…I’m sorry about that, sir.”
Maybe trying to tell them everything at once was a bad move, but I just wanted them to know how wonderful my creatures were. And knowing that they were all bound to secrecy by magic contracts, I just couldn’t stop myself.
“Okay…well, this much is clear: You have some super-rare slimes—oh, sorry, one of them is an adandara,” Piarre said.
I nodded. My creatures were indeed super rare. And Ciel was so unique that just being in its presence would shock a person.
“Miss Ivy…” Melisa walked over to me and gave me a hard stare. Her eyes were so harsh that it made me nervous.
“Yes, ma’am?”
“You obviously wanted to be open with us since we signed magic contracts, but you shouldn’t completely trust people just because they signed a contract. Contracts become null and void once either one of the parties dies or they’ve come to a mutual understanding. Right now, there’s no magic item that can break magic contracts, but there’s no guarantee such an item will never be invented. So even if somebody signs a magic contract with you, you need to know a lot about them before you trust them.”
“Yes, ma’am…”
It’s not so much that I was being open—I just wanted to brag. But I’m still sorry… In any case, I really have lucked out in meeting the right people all these years. Receiving such stern warnings from them just went to show how concerned they were for my well-being.
“Don’t worry about that, ma’am,” my father said. “Ivy instinctively chooses the right people.”
I choose the right people? My father’s wording confused me. I didn’t recall ever doing that.
“Is that so?” Eche looked at me. I still didn’t remember, so I just shook my head.
“As I said, it’s instinctive, so Ivy doesn’t notice she’s doing it.”
“Dad, do I really do that?”
I had no idea. When did I ever do that?
“Pu! Pu, puuu.” Sora’s booming voice brought everyone’s eyes to it. The slime had just let go of the captain and was stretching vertically beside his head.
“Thanks, Sora! Is the captain all right now?”
“Pu! Pu, puuu!” Sora bounced right at me. Since I had been facing the creature, it sank safely into my arms. I looked down to see it was incredibly pleased with itself. I’d asked myself the same question with Sol, but why didn’t curing the heavy wounds inflicted by magic energy drain Sora’s own energy? Everyone seemed to be even more energized, Flame included.
“Oh, Dad! Look!”
While I was petting Sora, the gentlemen of Cobalt looked at the captain and cried out. And then, the anxiety washed away from each of their faces.
Their captain had regained consciousness.
It was a relief for all of us. I smiled down at Sora to see it was pleased, too. You guys really are incredible. I wish they’d let me brag more about you…
“Thanks, kiddo.” My father patted Sora’s head.
Wait a minute, Sora cured the captain’s wounded magic energy, but didn’t he need to be freed from the spell? Sol did nothing to him, right? Does that mean he wasn’t under the spell? Which would then mean…the poison? Did Sora and Flame work together to cure him from the poison, then? It’s no use… All we can do is guess. Without better information about the summoning circle, we’re stuck. We need to know what the circle can and can’t do. Once we find that out, we might be able to fight it somehow…
“Miss Ivy?”
I looked up at the sound of my name. Arly was standing before me, his eyes rimmed with red. “Thank you for helping us.”
I examined him closely. The tenseness that had been in his face ever since we set foot in this house had melted away, and now he was smiling. The strain was gone from him, too.
“I’m just glad that my creatures could help and your father is awake.”
Arly nodded a bit shyly in reply. Then his eyes got happier and happier. He reached over and gently patted Sora in my arms. “Thanks.” When Arly spoke, there was a little quiver in his voice.
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