Chapter 339:
Straight from the Source
Is it just me…or did Druid say something very strange just now? Why can’t someone have a baby if they don’t have a good relationship? Two people with a bad relationship can still have babies, can’t they? Gee…I’ve never had any big doubts like this before… So why am I suddenly so obsessed with it?
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing… Um, weird question: Can’t a couple still have a baby even if they have a bad relationship?”
“Huh?! No, of course they can’t.”
Right, of course they can’t. “Wait…huh?” My mind began to swim. Um…so, if a couple has a bad relationship, they can’t have a baby. Yes, everyone in this world knows that. So why does it seem so strange to me?
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I think I’m fine.”
Is this coming from Past Me? She does seem to have a “common knowledge” that’s different from this world. Okay, Ivy…let’s calm down.
“I’m okay now. Oh, the rice is done!” All I needed to do was mix the eggs with the stew and serve it over rice. “Mr. Druid, supper’s ready.”
“Sure. So, hey…what came over you earlier?”
“Don’t worry about it. Past Me’s memories were just mixing themselves into my brain.”
“Got it. That must be horrible to deal with.”
He was right. Why was I born with memories of my past life? Then again, it’s because of those memories that I’m alive today, so I should be grateful. If only they didn’t keep mixing themselves in with my current knowledge…
We both sat down to eat.
“This is always so good,” Druid said.
I thought I’d made too much, but he ate it all up. Was he really that eager to eat it? You know, I wonder what sort of special products Hatahi has. I forgot to look it up.
“Mr. Druid, do you know if Hatahi has any special products?”
“Special products?”
“Yeah, I just realized I never looked into it.”
“Obitsune would be one example, but I don’t know much about it myself. Want to go look around the shops tomorrow?”
“Yeah…let’s do that. I’m curious about it.”
While Druid made our after-dinner tea, I washed the dishes. When we got back to our room, Sora and Flame were already asleep on my bed. Ciel got up to greet us as soon as we entered.
“Hi, Ciel.”
I looked for Sol and found it staring out the window.
“What’s up, Sol?” Druid asked.
Sol jiggled in response to Druid, but its attention remained fixed outside the window.
“Think there’s something out there?”
“I’m not sure.”
As I watched Sol, I felt something lightly slamming against my thighs. I looked down to find Ciel staring up at me.
“Sorry. What’s up?” I picked up Ciel, who jiggled and closed its eyes in my arms. Was it just sleepy? I sat in a chair and set the adandara down on my lap.
“Here. You wanted to read these, right?” Druid handed me the faxes.
This time, Gnouga was in charge of sending the fax. Everyone in that group took turns sending the fax on behalf of the whole team, so it was distinctively different each time. Gnouga had written in detail about the meat from monsters they’d slain. In fact, half of the fax was about monster meat. He let each person drop a line at the end.
“What’s up?” Druid looked up from the fax he was writing.
“Um…Mr. Sifar says, ‘I heard a rumor that a lot of serpents are on the loose near Hatada Village… Hope I’m not jumping to conclusions.’”
Does this mean he knows we had something to do with it? I’m not sure. What did he mean by “Hope I’m not jumping to conclusions”?
“Yeahhh…” Druid sighed. “I feel like he knows it was us.”
I didn’t even bring it up!
“I’d say he’s just going off what he knows you’ve already done.”
“What I’ve already done? But I’m just an innocent traveler.”
Druid’s eyes shifted around when I said that. What? We are just innocent travelers, right? We aren’t making trouble for anybody, are we?
“Well, sure, but from an outsider’s perspective, your travels have been extremely eventful.”
Really? But I’m only having Ciel take me on adventures through the forest. I think the only unusual thing I’ve done is travel through the forest on Snakey’s back, right? I really can’t think of anything else besides that. And I haven’t caused any other disturbances, either. Oh, and the Snakeys didn’t actually attack that village, so that wouldn’t be a problem…unless their powerful magic energy was an issue? You know, that’s right. If a bunch of serpents gathered together like that, the area would have to be full of extraordinarily powerful magic. And if that wave of powerful magic moved through the forest, that would scare people. Yep, it would scare me. But c’mon, that was unavoidable!
“Well, it’s okay if your friends know.”
“I know that, but the idea that they might know is giving me the jitters.”
“Ha ha ha! Yeah, they might get angry the next time they see you. Yell at you for calling attention to yourself.”
“But I wasn’t doing that! Besides, nobody knows it was me riding on Snakey!”
If I recall…they thought I was a new species of monster that was human on top and serpent on the bottom. That’s right, everybody thinks they saw a monster, so it’s not really me!
“Yeah, I’m a new species of monster, so it’s okay.”
“Uh, no, that’s what makes it not okay. What will Seizerk and his friends think if they hear that rumor?”
Huh? What if Seizerk and his friends hear that rumor? Yeah…they’ll figure out right away that I had something to do with it. Rattloore and Sifar will both think it’s hilarious, and everyone else will laugh and tease me relentlessly for it. But they’ll be anxious, too. They’re all such worrywarts.
“Gee, I don’t want to worry them.”
“Well…then why don’t you make sure they hear the rumor straight from the source first?”
“What, you mean I should tell them, ‘Hey, guys, I turned into a new species of monster that’s half human and half serpent’?”
“When you put it that way, that really is a strange monster. And you shouldn’t say you turned into it. At least make sure they know it’s a rumor.”
“Oh! Right.”
“Why don’t you tell them about the rumors of the strange monster and make sure to say that you’re okay? They’ll still worry about you, but it would be better to hear the rumor from the one it’s about than from a third party.”
So, basically, he wants them to hear it from me first.
“You’re right, I should tell them. It’s an embarrassing rumor to tell them about, but I’ll do it.”
I took a sheet of fax paper from Druid and started with a greeting and a thank-you for the fax. I think I’ll tell them about our trapping expeditions and about Hatahi Village next. I’ll say it’s
a lively place. Now I just need to tell them about the rumor and say that we’re doing just fine.
“All done,” I sighed.
“I’m finished, too. Okay, let’s get to bed. It’s late.”
“Yes, let’s.”
All that writing had worn me out. I looked at my bed to see all four creatures sound asleep on it. Wait, when did Ciel get off my lap? I didn’t notice it at all. I took a look at my sleeping beauties.
“Sol’s been looking out the window a lot lately, huh?”
It had started the day after we arrived in Hatahi. That was when I noticed Sol at the window, staring outside. Seeing it like that made me nervous for some reason.
“Yeah, it’s done that a lot since we came to this inn.”
Whenever I asked Sol about it, I always got a jiggle of “I’m okay” in reply. But for some reason, I couldn’t help but worry.
“Good night.”
“Good night.”
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