Chapter 289:
Let’s Try Contacting Them
SINCE WE’D HANDED OVER the magic stones directly to Guild Master Priya, we headed straight back to the inn.
With a little sigh, I sat in my chair.
“Are you okay? You seem tired.”
“I guess I was just a little surprised by the guild master calling Flame a ‘miracle.’ I’m…kind of weirded out by the idea of people seeing us that way…” I wasn’t really sure what to say. I couldn’t put my feelings into words.
“Yeah, that was a bit of a shock to hear, since we see Flame’s usual antics every day.”
Flame’s usual antics…that would be copious sleep-drooling. Though Flame had recently stepped up its magic stone regeneration game, it otherwise mostly slept all the time. It would sleep anywhere. Anytime we looked, it was asleep. And with a pool of drool beneath its mouth, at that. Looking at Flame now, it felt incredibly odd to hear someone call it a miracle. Maybe that was why I felt so uneasy… It was a strange sensation, not being able to understand my own feelings.
Oh, right! I need to wash Flame’s drool towels. I’ve run out of clean ones.
“I just remembered something. There was something we needed to check last night, but we went right to bed.”
Something we needed to check? Oh, he means our memories.
“Our memories, right? But what do we do if there are parts of them that we both forgot?”
“I don’t think we need to focus too much on specifics. I was thinking we’d just make sure we remembered day-to-day stuff and important information for travel.”
That made sense. We could always fill in the gaps with what we did know. I guess the most important thing we needed to know on an everyday level would be money.
“Is money the main priority for our day-to-day lives?”
“Yeah. Do you remember having a joint bank account that we both oversee?”
“Yeah, the family account we have with the guild, right?”
“Right. As long as we know about that, our money should be fine. Oh, and do you remember everything about your personal account?”
“Yeah, I haven’t forgotten that.”
Money had the biggest impact on our lives. As long as we remembered that, we could survive any minor lapse in memory.
“The other most important thing to remember is…my creatures. And I remember everything about them, so that’s okay. Oh, right! There’s also the potions and magic stones.”
“They’re in the magic box, aren’t they?”
“Ohhh…yes, I just remembered. The thing on top of the nightstand between our beds, right?”
Thank goodness. I got a chill there for a second. Druid looked scared, too. Oh, wait, but we remembered about it just now.
“Do you think our memories will return naturally if they’re triggered?” I asked.
Druid made a face and said, “No…when we both forgot where the village watch headquarters was, somebody had to take us there. And even when we set foot inside, I still didn’t remember anything. What about you, Ivy?”
Hmm…even when I saw the building, I didn’t recognize it. Nothing rang a bell when I stepped inside, either.
“I didn’t remember it at all.”
“So, since we did eventually remember the magic box, the way our memories were erased must have been kind of half-baked.”
That made sense. Our memories probably remained dormant somewhere in our minds because Ciel stopped the magic spell quickly enough.
“Well, we should be fine. We haven’t forgotten anything vitally important. All that remains now is remembering the people we know.”
The people we know… Okay, so there’s Captain Oght and Vice-Captain Velivera of Ratome Village. I wonder if Captain Oght is still giving Velivera a hard time? Then I met a lot of nice people in Otolwa. There was Seizerk, leader of the Sword of Flames, along with Rattloore, Sifar, and Gnouga. Then there was Bolorda, Rickbert, Lowcreek, and Marcreek of the Lightning Royals. Then there’s the master of the adventurer guild…wait…what was his name again? Okay, let’s move on… There’s Captain Barxby and Vice-Captain Agrop, and Rosé—I remember being a bit scared when I first met him. His gruff face broke the mold. Then there was Lord Foronda…I think I remember he packed a basket full of yummy treats for me. And then Makasha and Callua…I wonder how they’re all doing?
“What’s up?”
“Oh, I was just wondering if all the people I’ve met on my travels were doing well.”
“Why don’t you try contacting them?”
“Contacting them?”
“Yeah, remember how I told you about that faax device at the guild that lets you send messages to people?”
Oh, that’s right! They’ve got faxes here. But would it really be okay to get in touch with them? I wasn’t with them all that long.
“I think I know what you’re worried about, Ivy, but they’d all love to hear from you. I know it.” Druid gave my head some gentle pats.
I was a little nervous about contacting them, but I did want to let them know I was alive and well on my travels. Maybe I ought to try out that fax.
“Mr. Druid?”
“What is it?”
“How much does it cost?”
“That’s my Ivy… You only need to pay when you send the message, and it’s five hundred dal for each transmission.”
Five hundred dal… That’s a bit pricey. But I do want to know how everyone is doing. And I want them to know I’m okay, too.
“Oh! I just remembered something,” said Druid.
“What is it?”
“I sent a faax to Gotos, remember? I need to check with the guild to see if he wrote back. I’d completely forgotten about that.”
Y’know, I totally forgot about it, too.
“Well, let’s go tomorrow to see if I got a reply,” Druid said. “And while we’re there, do you want to send some faaxes to the friends you made on your travels?”
Agonizing over it in my room won’t get me anywhere. I should just fax them and tell them I’m doing well. And then they might even fax me back. Wow, now I’m starting to feel excited about it.
Urrrgh…my mind was so full with our plans for today that I had trouble sleeping. Oh well, I can’t help it. It’s an exciting new experience. So, what should I write? Should I just tell them what’s going on in my life right now? Anything else?
“Ivy, it’s okay. You don’t have to take it so seriously. Just relax.”
“But it’s my first time sending a fax. A bunch of things just keep popping into my mind.”
“I know. You were tossing and turning all night.”
“Oh, I’m sorry! I must have kept you awake.”
Nobody can sleep soundly if someone is tossing and turning in the bed next to them. I messed up bad.
“No, I managed to sleep okay. But why are you so nervous about this anyway?”
“Wellll…I keep getting scared that they’ve forgotten all about me or that they won’t fax me back. Then my worries just keep piling on top of each other.”
“Don’t worry about it. From what I’ve heard of your friends, they would never forget you.”
I gave Druid a strange look. How could he be so sure about something like that? I supposed they couldn’t have forgotten about me after everything we went through together, but a part of me still couldn’t help but worry I would be bothering them…
“Ivy, these are the same people who became your guarantors, right? They were the ones who helped you gain your ability to trust. These are the kind of people they are, Ivy. So please, have more faith. It would be unfair to them not to.”
He’s right… I’m being unfair to them when I feel anxious. Looking back now, they all truly did care about me.
“Yeah…you’re right, they care about me. I do need to trust them more.”
I looked up at Druid, who was still gently caressing my hair. His eyes were filled with joy as he looked back down at me. I returned his smile.
I’m okay now.
When we walked into the adventurer guild, Druid headed straight to a table in the corner of the room and spoke to the man sitting in front of it. “I’ve come to see if I got a reply to my faax.”
“Do you have your guild card, sir?”
“Here it is.”
“Wait just a moment.” The man pressed Druid’s card to a magic item, and a box-shaped device behind him switched itself on. After a while, the man handed two sheets of paper to Druid.
“Thank you. Also, we’d like to send faaxes to a few different places. Could we please have some paper?”
“Sure. Over here, please.” The man handed Druid the paper.
“Thank you. Here, Ivy. Faaxes use special paper.”
I took the papers from him and walked to a desk nearby. Okay, um…what should I write first? Should I start with “Long time no see”? Or should I ask them how they are?
“What should I write…?”
My insecurities over sending a fax in the first place are mostly gone, but…I don’t actually know how to write a letter. What do I do now?
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