Chapter 282:
Excuse Me, Are You a Guardian Deity?
SILENCE HUNG IN THE AIR for several minutes. I finally got so worried that I called the three by name.
“Captain Tableau! Vice-Captain Pith! Guild Master Priya!”
They flinched at the sound of their names, but at least I got them to move. Thank goodness. We can’t have a conversation if they’re frozen stiff. I stole a glance at Druid. He had settled down quite a bit, but he was laughing again.
“Mr. Druid, it’s not funny!”
“Sorry, my bad. It’s just that they reacted exactly as I’d imagined.”
Exactly as he’d imagined? Does he mean he knew specifically how they’d react?
“Ivy, you look confused. Let me tell you, their reactions were quite normal.”
“Is it really that shocking, though? Oh, was it because it came without warning?”
“Well…that’s part of it, yes. It’s just that it’s terrifying for most people if a super-powerful monster suddenly appears in front of them.”
Terrifying? I looked at Snakey, who was a little ways behind me. When I first met it…I guess I was a little scared. No, yeah, I was definitely scared.
“You’re right. I remember now. I was scared stiff the first time I saw it.”
“Uh-huh. Well, then again, you got over your fear very quickly and started talking to it.”
Did I? I probably decided Snakey was safe to talk to when I saw how comfortable Sora and the others were around it.
“I have my creatures to thank for that.”
“No, Ivy, you have your carefree personality to thank, too.”
My carefree personality? “But I’m very cautious.”
“No, you’re not.”
Wow, he didn’t skip a beat to correct me. That kind of hurts. Wait, I am cautious, aren’t I? Do I have myself all wrong?!
“Miss Ivy…”
A soft voice yanked me out of my existential crisis. I looked toward it to find an incredibly nervous Captain Tableau with his equally frightened companions.
“Um, you don’t need to be so scared, trust me. Snakey is very kind.”
“Oh! Um, yes. It would seem so.”
The eyes of the trio all turned to the top of Snakey’s head. I followed their gaze to see Sora, Ciel, and the black orbs disappear from that spot, one after another. Wondering what was happening, I moved a little so I could see Snakey from the side…and found they had all slid down. They were using Snakey’s neck as a slide to get from its head to its trunk.
“Snakey, please do tell them to stop if they’re bothering you.”
Snakey gave a little nod in reply. It seemed to be paying mind to its head’s position so the creatures could keep sliding. What a sweet deity. But wait, if it really is a deity, are we sure it’s okay for my creatures to use it like a playground?
“So, um, is Snakey really your guardian deity?”
Vice-Captain Pith, who was slowly slinking up closer to Snakey, blushed a little and nodded dumbly. “From the markings, I’m almost certain it is.”
So it actually is the guardian deity. I stole a glance at my creatures. Maybe I should stop them? But Snakey looked like it was enjoying the attention. Well, whatever. I’ll only call them off if Snakey looks upset.
“I never dreamed I would ever see our guardian deity up close like this,” Pith said. “Miss Ivy…I cannot thank you enough.”
“Huh?! Oh, no, no, I didn’t do anything.”
Why is he thanking me? I glanced at Druid beside me…to see he wasn’t there anymore. My eyes wandered in search of him, and I finally found him putting the overly eager black orbs that had fallen off Snakey back onto its body.
Oh, look! There’s a bunch of black orbs on Druid’s head now. Was there something about the top of his head that just attracted monsters to it?
“I feel like I’m staring through a window into a surreal dimension.” Captain Tableau’s bewildered eyes wandered from Snakey to Druid, then to Sora, and finally to me. Apparently, I was part of this bizarre world. Funny he feels that way; I’m a little separated from them.
“It doesn’t bite, does it?” Priya asked.
I told him it didn’t. Now that he knew it was safe, Priya slowly unfroze from his calcified state and cautiously approached Snakey. The only problem was that Snakey cast a glance at him with every step he took, which made him flinch. Finding the whole routine hilarious, Druid and Pith were both laughing into their hands. Since their shaking shoulders were a dead giveaway, I was sure Priya would notice them, but he had bigger things on his mind.
“So, this is Snakey, the summoning circle escapee I told you about. And these are its children.”
I thought I’d start by properly introducing everyone, although it was a shame that I didn’t know Snakey’s real name.
“Children? You mean those black orbs?” Pith looked shocked.
Well, yeah. I know those black orbs seem way too tiny to be a giant serpent’s children. Especially when they look completely different. But Snakey said they were its children when I asked about it earlier, so I know I’m not wrong.
“How do you know those black orbs are its children?”
“I asked Snakey, of course.”
“You can communicate with it?!” the childhood friends asked in impressive unison.
Wait a minute, haven’t they noticed I’ve been talking to it this whole time?
“If I ask it yes or no questions, it nods. So, yeah, we can communicate.” I directed the statement at Snakey, who nodded delicately to confirm it. I guess it still had to be careful with the creatures using its neck as a slide. It’s at such a strange angle. Is it really okay?
“Wow, that’s amazing. Do you think it would answer me if I asked it questions?” Captain Tableau asked me as if I knew the answer. I gave him a strange look, and he made the same face in return.
“Um, why don’t you just ask Snakey yourself, sir?”
“Oh, quite right. Sorry about that.” Tableau took a shallow breath and walked over to Snakey. “It is an honor to meet thee. I am Tableau, a lowly captain of the Hatow Village Watch. Pardon my asking, but might thou be the guardian deity of our village?”
Wooow, talk about polite. Maybe I should speak to Snakey with more respect? Wait, no. After the way I’ve behaved around it before, it’ll know I’m putting on an act. Wait a minute…why isn’t Snakey reacting?
“Oh dear…I don’t think it’ll answer me.”
Captain Tableau’s voice sounded terribly disappointed. I could tell even from behind just how upset he was.
“Snakey, aren’t you Hatow’s guardian deity?” I asked.
It tilted its head at me in confusion. That meant it didn’t know.
“Ohh, now I get it! The villagers just decided Snakey was a guardian deity all on their own! So maybe Snakey doesn’t even know that’s what you guys call it.”
“Without knowing for sure…” Captain Tableau muttered.
Now I can see why Snakey looked so confused. It didn’t know how to answer when it didn’t have an answer for me. Hm? I thought I heard Captain Tableau say something just now. I looked over at him to find him even more disappointed than before. Wh-what happened?
“You might be right,” Pith said, smiling cynically. “The people of Hatow probably just started referring to it as our guardian deity until it basically became true.”
Umm…this all feels very awkward. Is it my fault? Was it something I said? Oh well, I’d better give up. I just don’t get it.
“Um, Snakey, the people of Hatow have been calling you their guardian deity, just so you know.”
And Snakey nodded gently in reply. That must have meant it understood.
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