Chapter 227:
Let’s Find Us Some Cloaks
“Have a nice day!”
“Thank you!”
The innkeeper from Ayapo saw us off as we headed out for the day. As we turned to walk onto Main Street, a cold gust of wind hit our faces.
“Agh! It’s so cold,” Druid groaned. “I knew we weren’t wearing the right clothes for this.”
“You’re right—it’s freezing!”
Druid and I were wearing autumn cloaks. They protected us just fine against a normal chill, but they were practically useless in a winter chill like this. It really was freezing cold!
“The shop is the second left off Main Street toward the gate, right?”
We were headed toward a shop specializing in winter coats and cloaks that the innkeeper’s husband had told us about.
“Yeah, that sounds about right.”
As a former adventurer, the innkeeper’s husband was sure to know his stuff, so we were looking forward to a great shopping experience.
“Is this the place?”
“I think so…”
We’d been envisioning a rugged shop, knowing that it catered to adventurers; however, this place was quite stylish, all the way down to its doorknob. At least from the outside, this didn’t look like the sort of shop an adventurer would go to.
“Maybe we took a wrong turn?” I wondered.
“We were walking on Main Street toward the gate, right?”
We’d turned onto Main Street from the road our inn was on, and we’d definitely walked toward the gate.
“Then we took the second left.”
We had indeed passed the first turn and turned left at the second. Then we’d walked to the fifth shop after the turn. We’d been told the shop was called “Modd,” and sure enough, that was the name on the store sign.
“That’s the name of the shop we’re looking for, so this has to be it… Not quite what I imagined it would look like, though,” Druid said.
It was hard to believe that a former adventurer had recommended this kind of shop. Though he was easygoing at heart, he had such a gruff exterior.
“Yeah, it’s not what I pictured, either,” I agreed. I had never been to such a stylish shop before, so it felt awkward to just go in…especially in such dirty clothes. Would that even be acceptable?
“What’s wrong?”
“Oh, nothing. I’ve just never been in a grand shop like this before.”
“You haven’t? Where did you used to buy all your clothes? At adventurer shops?”
I was dreading he’d ask me that question… “No, um…I’d find clothes that were in decent condition at dumps, and then I’d repair them.”
“I see.” Druid fell deep into thought. I was worried he thought it was inappropriate to get your clothes at a dump. “Okay, let’s go in!”
Huh? Why is Druid suddenly so eager? I have a bad feeling about this…
“Mr. Druid, what are you trying to do?”
“Buy some clothes for you, Ivy.”
“Like, a coat or a cloak, right?” Wh-why are you smiling like that?
“No. I’m buying you a whole new wardrobe.”
“Oh, I’m fine, thanks. I don’t need any new clothes.”
“Ivy, you’re a girl. You deserve to wear nice clothes. I’ll take care of everything.”
“But we’re adventurers! I don’t think it matters how nice we look.”
“I think it does. Lady adventurers dress nicely if they want to.”
He was right: There were some very fashionable and beautiful lady adventurers out there. Fashion was for pretty girls, though. It was pointless for me.
“Seriously, sir, I don’t—”
“Ivy, you’re doing it again.”
“Ivy, you’re eating well, and your hair’s grown longer, so you’re plenty pretty. You’d look good in anything. And if you dressed up a little, you’d definitely draw attention… Well, not like you need attention.”
Um…Mr. Druid? Are you saying I got fat? I hadn’t really noticed. And I don’t think my hair growing has really changed the way I look that much, so you don’t need to worry about me drawing attention. Oh, wait, I remember Rattloore and his gang saying I was pretty. But they were just saying that to be nice, right? Hold on a minute…they also said it would be dangerous for me to travel alone when I got older…
“Yeah, we don’t want you to be too pretty,” Druid continued. “That’ll bring in the riffraff. Well, they can’t have my daughter yet!”
“Um, Mr. Druid? I assure you that will never happen. And what are you even talking about, sir?”
“I’m talking about you being too young to get married, of course! Also, you’re doing it again.”
Were we talking about marriage? And I’m doing what again? Oh, right, I was being all polite again.
“Is something the matter?”
“Huh?!” we both yelped.
A voice had interrupted our little squabble outside the store. Apparently, someone from the shop had come all the way out here to check on us.
“Oh, we’re so sorry!”
“That’s quite all right. What brings you to our store today?”
“The innkeeper’s husband at Ayapo sent us. Do you have any winter cloaks? Also, I’d like to buy her a suitable set of clothes.”
Arrrgh. He said it before I could stop him.
“Oh, I see. So Dola sent you. Well, we just got in a bunch of the latest items from this year’s collection! Come right on in.”
So the innkeeper’s husband’s name is Dola. I just realized we never asked for it.
The inside of the shop was just like the outside, filled with cute and pretty things that girls and women might like. There were rows and rows of colorful clothing. Some outfits were simple, but they still had bursts of complex needlepoint and embroidery. Being surrounded by so much cuteness made me feel a little nervous.
“Would you prefer a coat or a cloak?”
“We haven’t decided yet.”
Coats have sleeves and cloaks don’t, right? Maybe coats will be easier to move in while traveling?
“In that case, I’ll show you samples of both. This coat is my favorite design of this year. It’s quite popular since it also does a great job at blocking the wind.”
The shopkeeper presented a baby blue coat that was a bit long. There were puffs of fur around the sleeves and embroidery around the collar. It was a very feminine design. The size was right for me, and I had to admit it was rather pretty. But could I pull it off?
Come to think of it, were magic coats ever this cute? I’d seen one before, but it was much simpler than this one—its only asset was its functionality.
“And this is one of our cloaks. It also keeps the wind out. Now, this cloak’s special feature is its fabric. It produces heat on its own, so it’s popular among adventurers for wintertime spelunking or hunting expeditions.”
Next, the shopkeeper brought out a cloak that was a bit shorter than the last coat. It was light green and embroidered all over with quite a complicated design. The collar was rimmed with thick fur that looked very cozy. What’s more, this cloak also produced its own heat, which would be very useful in the winter. I asked the price out of curiosity…then I let it go. Five radal…five gold plates… That was completely out of the question!
“I’ve seen magic coats and cloaks before, but I don’t remember their designs being this nice. I think they were much simpler.”
“Yes, the coats and cloaks dropped by monsters are indeed much simpler. The ones in our collection are made from the thread monsters drop.”
“The thread monsters drop?”
“Yes, somebody discovered a monster about five years ago that drops thread. We use that thread to weave these coats.”
“How do you make them so that they keep out the wind?”
“It’s a power of the thread. Dropped thread is resistant to fire and water, which lets us make weatherproof coats and cloaks like this.”
How interesting… So they use thread dropped by monsters. I’m impressed. You could make so many different things with that thread.
“Ivy, don’t you think this cloak is really cute?”
I’d rather not just casually drop five radal on a cloak. Good thing I checked the price tag.
“No. It’s too expensive.”
Come on, why’re you making that sad face? Five radal is just out of the question!
“So, I have a question,” I told the shopkeeper.
I’d decided to find something cheaper before Druid had a chance to buy the expensive cloak.
“Do you have any wind-resistant cloaks that cost less?”
“Yes, we do.”
“Something cute, please.”
“Mr. Druid!”
“Hee hee! Sit tight and I’ll bring you some options.”
Great. The shopkeeper laughed at us. “I don’t need to look cute while I’m traveling.”
“But you haven’t stopped smiling since we came into this shop, Ivy.”
“Well…yeah, I have been enjoying myself.” My heart wouldn’t stop dancing.
“Having pretty clothes that make you smile is a good thing, Ivy.”
Is it, though?
“But I wouldn’t feel comfortable wearing something expensive.”
“I do understand that feeling.”
Druid was a bit of a penny-pincher, just like me. It really was best for us to choose clothes that were within our means. Yup. That’s for the best.
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