Chapter 222:
Self Care
My consciousness shot up to the surface. I opened my eyes, but it was too dim to tell where I was. From my prone state, I looked around…but it was too dark to see anything. When my eyes finally adjusted, I could faintly make out a rugged wall of boulders.
“I’m in a cave?” I slowly sat up and saw there was a magic lantern shining a few meters away from me. “Where am I? Huh? Wait, why was I even sleeping in the first place?”
Um, we were on our way to Hatow Village on the main road. Then Sora and Ciel were having a contest, so I… What did I do again? Funny. My memory is so hazy.
Hm? I think that was Flame’s voice. I looked around, but it was too dark to see anything. Maybe I was just hearing things?
Oh! So it was Flame. I looked toward the sound of the slime’s voice…and I could faintly make it out. Well, its silhouette, at least.
“Good morning, Flame. Where are we? Do you know?”
Flame rolled over to my side, and I was finally able to see it clearly. I gently picked it up, wiped off the dirt that had stuck to it along the way, and placed it in my lap. Flame wiggled happily in response.
Huh? Come to think of it…all that heaviness I felt in my limbs this morning is gone. Maybe I just needed more sleep? As I stretched my arms and took stock of things, the dark space lit up.
“You awake?”
I looked toward what I assumed was the mouth of the cave just in time to see Druid walk in, lantern in hand.
“Yes. Er, so why was I asleep?” I’d thought about it but couldn’t find an answer, so I figured asking was the best option.
“Do you remember getting a fever?”
Fever? Oh, right. I think Druid and I were talking about fevers. Yeah, then he asked me if I had a fever… Oh! I think I know what happened.
“Your fever spiked while we were talking, and you fainted.”
I knew it! “I’m so sorry I troubled you.” So that was why my limbs felt so heavy when I woke up—I had a fever.
“Don’t apologize. Everyone gets sick now and then.”
“Yeah. Thanks.”
Druid pressed his hand to my forehead. His touch was soft and warm.
“Your fever’s gone down. Do you feel sluggish?”
I touched my forehead to see how hot it was, and the temperature in the palm of my hand felt normal.
“I’m fine. Um, about how long was I asleep?”
We had just been talking earlier about how we needed to speed up our pace since the nights were getting chillier.
“About two hours.”
“Two hours…oh, good.” I sighed in relief as Druid slowly ran his fingers through my hair. He had a strained smile on his face.
“Don’t panic. We planned some extra days into this trip, so we can take our time. We should stay here and rest for the next couple of days.”
“There’s no need to worry. Remember how Ciel’s shortcut put us several days ahead of schedule?”
I remembered how the adandara’s shortcut through the forest had gotten us to the halfway point several days sooner than we’d originally planned before we left, but we were losing that time now, all because of me.
“You should have a more relaxed attitude about this journey.”
A relaxed attitude?
“You’re probably having a hard time dropping the habits you built as a solo traveler. You’re trying to take on everything all by yourself.”
Am I?
“You should rely on me and your creatures more. Besides, everybody knows travel plans always go awry, so you shouldn’t let it bother you.”
I think I rely on them already, though… But do travel plans really always go awry?
“When you travel, you’re heavily affected by the natural world around you, and, well, you can foresee some of that and plan accordingly, but it’s pretty rare for a trip to go exactly as you thought it would.”
Oh, so that’s what he meant. But this delay is all my fault… “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. Hmm…well, if you don’t like the idea of staying here and resting, can you instead tell me the moment you don’t feel entirely well?”
“Huh?” The moment I don’t feel entirely well?
“Like, if your throat is a bit scratchy when you wake up or if your head feels heavy.”
“But is it really okay to delay our travels just for that?”
“Yeah. And if I’m not feeling well myself, we can strategize.”
“If one of us is feeling sick, we’ll talk it over and decide whether or not to take the rest of the day off so it won’t get worse.”
“Okay…I understand.” So I guess we’re strategizing right now since I woke up feeling feverish. But what if our strategizing leads us to take another day off…?
“Ivy, if you neglect your health, it could turn into severe problems down the line. Don’t ever forget that.”
He’s seeing right through me. “Yes, sir.”
When I was traveling on my own, I would push myself whenever I was feeling ill. I mean, it was too dangerous to stop and take a breather in the middle of the forest, so I had to keep moving and get to a village or town as quickly as I could. It was that mindset that helped me relax.
“Oh, and speaking of your fever, all it took was one sip of that red potion Flame made, and you were cured in seconds. That stuff really is ridiculously effective.”
That red potion Flame made… “Thanks, Flame.”
I gently patted Flame, and it jiggled contentedly. So cute.
“Mr. Druid, where are we right now?” Since we were in a cave, I didn’t have the faintest clue.
“Not too far from the spot where you passed out.”
Druid explained that after I’d fainted, Ciel had turned back into an adandara and carried me here. That made me realize I didn’t see Ciel or Sora around. Where were they?
“Um, where are Sora and Ciel?”
“I’m not sure. They both just disappeared somewhere. Flame said they went off hunting.”
Come to think of it, it’s been three days since Ciel last hunted. It must be getting hungry. “Flame?”
“Did Sora go off hunting with Ciel?”
“Te! Ryu, ryuuu.”
So it was true? But Sora has never gone hunting with Ciel before. Would they be okay?
“I think they’ll be okay. Anyway, you should get some more sleep.”
“Oh, I’m fine. I feel light as a feather.”
“Do you? Well, you should still take it easy.”
“I will.”
The last time I was out with a fever, I’d realized that I felt kind of uncomfortable having someone worry about me. As I sat in the cave and chatted with Druid and Flame, I heard something fall outside.
“What do you suppose that was, sir?” Oops! I’m back to calling him “sir.”
“It’s okay, don’t stress over your speech today. I’ll go take a look.”
“I’ll come with you, Mr. Dru—I’m coming, too!”
I took Flame off my lap and put it on top of the blanket as I stood up.
“Will you be okay? Can you even walk straight?” Druid asked, putting a steadying hand on my back as I got to my feet. I’d almost forgotten how much of a worrywart he could be. I wouldn’t be surprised if he made me rest even more for the remainder of this trip.
“I’m fine!”
“Yeah. Really,” I said, staring him hard in the eye.
But the worried look in Druid’s eyes did not fade in the slightest. Yup, he’s definitely gonna make me rest more. I need to convince him not to do that.
Druid kept his hand supporting my back as we walked out of the cave.
“Pu! Pu, puuu.”
When we got out of the cave, Sora and Ciel gave us a cheerful greeting.
“Oh, thank goodness you’re o—” I froze midsentence when the thing they’d brought here entered my vision. It was something very big, sitting behind them both. It was furry, so it was probably the body of a monster or an animal.
Er…Ciel brought its kill back to us?
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