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EXTRA * A Subconscious Gift?

AS THE GATE came into view, I was suddenly filled with a feeling I couldn’t describe. Between learning about Druid’s secret skill and telling him about my own, today sure had been eventful. Back then, I told Rattloore and Sifar about my skill, too, but…this felt different somehow. Maybe it was because Druid was the first person I wanted to travel with? I looked quietly up at Druid as he walked beside me. I hadn’t noticed before, but he was pretty dashing.

“Hm? What’s up?”

“Hey, Druid, I bet you’re a pretty popular guy.”

“Huh?! Uh, no, I’m not. Not at all. I mean, I’ve been avoiding people most of my life.”

Huh, so I was wrong. I think he has a pretty likable face, personally.

“Why do you ask?”

“I was just thinking you look really handsome.”

“D…do I?”

“Yes.” Yup. He’s totally dashing. Huh? Is Druid blushing? I stared hard at Druid’s face until he shyly looked away. “Hee hee hee!”

“Hey! Don’t mock your elders!”

“I’m not mocking you. You’re a real catch, Druid, I promise.”

Druid gave me a strange look. All those years spent avoiding people probably deprived him of the chance to experience all sorts of emotions. What a waste.

“Welcome back, you two,” the gatekeeper greeted us with a smile. There was something so nice about a village gatekeeper with a welcoming smile.

“It’s good to be back. Thanks for everything.”

I watched as Druid told the gatekeepers what was going on in the forest. Even though he’d spent his life avoiding people, it was obvious that Druid was a kind man at heart.

Druid returned to my side. “Okay, let’s go.”

“All right.”

We strolled along the main road to the plaza.

“I know I’ve invited you to dinner two days in a row now,” I said, “but are you sure you don’t have other things you need to do?”

“It’s all right. Ever since I lost my arm, cooking has been the hardest adjustment. It’s actually a huge help having you cook for me.”

I looked at the stump of Druid’s right arm, which ended around his elbow.

“Does it ever hurt?”

“Not a bit. I really can’t thank Sora enough. I hear most amputees have pain for a few years.”

Oh wow, I didn’t know that. I gave Sora’s bag a gentle pat.

“I know,” Druid said. “I’ll get us some dessert to eat after dinner.” 

“Huh? But you already bought me dessert yesterday.”

“That was yesterday. This is today.”

But I still haven’t even eaten the dessert he bought yesterday.

“Also…I want to make it up to you.”

Make it up to me? I looked up at Druid. He seemed uncomfortable. Hm? Oh…is this about his brother? Druid has nothing to be sorry for…but he probably feels guilty about it anyway.

“Mr. Druid, you don’t need to apologize.”

“No, Ivy, I got you involved in my family drama.”

If I really didn’t want to get involved, I could have distanced myself from Druid. He really did have a good heart. I know he told me that he stole his brothers’ stars…but I think there’s more to the story than that. Besides, if you ask me, it was a good thing his brothers’ stars got stolen. Well, I won’t pry. As far as I’m concerned, none of that matters.

I stole a glance at Druid. He looked steadily back at me. I could always refuse the dessert, but… “Can we buy two types of dessert?” I did like sweets, so I decided to let him treat me. 

Druid looked a bit surprised at first, but that gentle smile spread across his face again in no time. “Of course! What would you like?”

“Can we wander around the food carts a little and see what they’ve got?”

“Yeah, let’s do that.”

“Yay!” I don’t know why…but I’m having so much fun. I stole another glance at Druid. Something about his smile was a bit different from before. Did Druid and I grow a little closer? I’d really love that.

“What about that bakery?” Druid asked.

I looked at the food cart he was pointing to. It was selling light pink…cakes?

“They’re a bit sweet, but I hear girls love them.”

“Hmm, yes, I’d like these cakes for one of the desserts.”

Druid promptly bought some of the pink cakes. According to the baker, they got their pink color from the fruit they were made with.

“Thanks, Mr. Druid.”

“You’re welcome. Now, what would you like for the second dessert?”

We examined each cart as we walked. Since it was just about dinnertime, the market was crowded with people, and the carts were rather busy.

“I don’t see many sweet things around here,” Druid said. “Want to go a bit further?”

We seemed to be in the wrong area of the market now. All of the carts here were selling meat dishes and soups—and they were awfully crowded, too.

“Sure. Are there any sweets you’d recommend, Mr. Druid?” He said he didn’t eat many, but maybe he still knew of some?

“There is this one that I really liked when I was a kid.”

“Then let’s get that one!”

“I remember it being really sweet. I wonder if it’ll be too much for me now.”

Oh right. Your tastes change when you grow up. “If you don’t want to, we can always get something else.”

“No, now I’m curious. Let’s try it out,” Druid said, turning off the main road and onto a little alleyway.

“Is this where the shop is?”

“It’s technically on the main drag, but it’s faster to get there the back way. Wow, it’s been ages since I’ve been here at this time of day, but it’s just as packed as ever.”

I looked around as I followed Druid. The shops in this part of the market were vibrant and colorful, probably because many of them sold clothes and jewelry. It was fun just looking at them. It also wasn’t as crowded as the main street, so there was more room to walk here.

“Oh, look!” I happened to glance into a shop. Right by the entrance, there was a collection of thin headbands for sale. One of them in particular caught my eye. As I stood there staring at it, Druid strolled into the store. I followed him in to get a closer look. The thin red leather strings and the tiny blue stone on the headband were really cool.

“You want this, Ivy? I don’t know if it’s really your style,” Druid said, looking at the headband I was holding with a critical eye. “I think this one would be better.” He held up another headband embellished with white strings and a tiny orange stone.

“Oh, it’s not for me.”


I held the headband up to Druid’s face. Yup. It totally looks good on him.

“For me?”

“Yes. It really suits you.”

Druid stared at the headband in my hand, then turned to the row of headbands lined up on the table. Did he dislike the one I picked?

“Welcome to my store!” the shopkeeper suddenly called to us.

We both flinched and turned toward the sound of the voice. A pretty young lady smiled at us.

“Are these all the headbands you have for sale?” I asked.

“Oh, no. If you’d like, we can even switch out the stones and the strings.”

I looked down at the headband I was still holding. I liked this color combination, but maybe a different stone would work better with it. “Could you replace the stone in this headband with one with a brighter color?”

“Sure we can. Would you like to choose the stone yourself?”

Ooh, what fun! Druid and I followed her to the back of the shop to have a look. There, we found many tiny plates lined up, each filled with all sorts of colors of stones.

“I think I like this one,” Druid said. He was holding up a pretty aquamarine stone. Something about the color was familiar to me… Where had I seen it before?

“Could you please use this one?” I asked the lady.

“This is the color you’d like?”

“Yes, ma’am. And please make the strings this color,” Druid said, handing the shopkeeper the headband I’d been holding.

“Right away, sir. Hee hee, this stone is the same color as your son’s hair.”

“That’s right,” Druid answered.

His son… Does she mean me? It’s the color of my hair? I discreetly reached up and touched my bangs. Oh! Of course I’ve seen that color. I see it in the mirror every day. How did I not realize it sooner.

“Are you sure that’s what you want?” I asked Druid.

“Yes, I’m sure. It’s pretty, isn’t it?”

Well, it is a nice color. Does my hair look that pretty, too? Gosh…I feel kinda embarrassed. Wait a minute… Will Druid be able to put that headband on by himself?

“Mr. Druid, can you put on the headband with just one hand?”

“Hm? Oh, come to think of it, I probably can’t.”

I knew it. I shouldn’t have called him dashing earlier—it gave him ideas.

“Since I can’t put it on by myself, I’d love it if you could help me, Ivy.”

Hm? He wants me to put the headband on for him? “Sure, I don’t mind…” He means while I’m still in town, right? He hasn’t given me an answer about coming with me on my travels yet.

“Thanks, Ivy. I’ll be counting on you to do it every day.”

Wait, huh? He hasn’t said he’s coming with me, right? Every day? Hm?

“Here you go, gentlemen,” said the shopkeeper.

“Thanks. Could you put it on me now, Ivy?”

“Sure.” I took the new headband with the stone in my own hair color and put it on Druid’s head. I took a step back to get a better look. Yup. I chose well. “It’s perfect!”

“Thanks. I love it.”

“Hee hee!” Wow, this is so much fun! I glanced at the headband on Druid again. Yup. It’s a perfect fit.

“I hope you’ll help me put it on from now on.”

“Of course.” From now on? Was this his way of telling me he decided to come with me? But I don’t remember him giving me a solid yes… How should I proceed here?

“Which headband would you like, Ivy?”

“Oh! No, thanks. I don’t need one.” My hair was too short for a headband anyway. I couldn’t pull it back dashingly like Druid could.


“I mean it!”

“Oh…okay.” Druid looked a little disappointed. I hope I didn’t hurt his feelings.

“Mr. Druid, let’s go find that dessert.”

Druid smiled helplessly and patted my head. “Okay, let’s go.”

“Yay!” Gee, Druid looks much more official with his hair tied back. You know…I think this is the first time I’ve ever picked out something like this for another person. Rattloore and the others gave me so much, but I never gave them anything in return.

“Thank you, do come again!” the shop lady waved to us as we left.

We made our way back to the main road with all the food carts and found the confection from Druid’s childhood memory in no time.

“Is this it?” The dessert was a fruit encased in a clear, jiggly substance. It was so pretty I almost didn’t want to eat it.

“It’s been so long since I tried it…that now I’m pretty eager to taste it again,” Druid admitted.

“Are you okay with this as the second dessert? I’m really interested now.”

I wasn’t sure if the clear coating would taste good or not…but it was so pretty, and seeing it made me really wonder what its texture was like.

“We’ll take one, please,” I told the shopkeeper, who put one of the confections in a basket and handed it to me. I couldn’t help taking a peek inside. It looked so tasty!

Back at the plaza, I added some new seasonings to last night’s dinner to change up the flavor a bit. With a little help from Mathewla next door, we took care of all the leftovers. The desserts were delicious, too.

“Thanks for your help today,” I said to Druid and Mathewla as I cleared the dinner dishes. “Nothing went to waste.”

“No problem,” Mathewla said, smiling as he cleaned a plate. “I got some really tasty meals out of the deal.” 

“Your cooking is addictive, Ivy,” Druid said. “I’m looking forward to eating more of it from now on.”

Druid’s remark made me think. Had he announced he planned to travel with me? I searched my memory, but I couldn’t remember… Did he tell me and I just forgot? That would be incredibly rude of me, wouldn’t it? Oh dear…should I apologize? But did he even give me an actual answer yet?

Druid, who had been busy wiping down the table and chairs, called out to Mathewla. “All done! Should I leave this in front of your tent?”

“Yes, please.”

“Thanks again, Mr. Mathewla,” I said. “You’re a lifesaver.”

“My pleasure! Any time. I hope you’ll treat me to dinner again when the opportunity arises,” Mathewla smiled.

“Hee hee. Understood.”

After we’d finished cleaning up after dinner, I walked with Druid to the plaza entrance to say good night.

“You didn’t have to come with me, Ivy.”

“Oh, I wanted to walk off some of this dinner anyway.” I think I had one too many bites of dessert. But Druid’s favorite childhood treat was so good. It was sweet and melted in the mouth.

“All right, then.”

When we reached the plaza entrance, Druid stopped and turned to face me. He looked awfully serious for some reason. As I looked up in confusion, he said solemnly, “Thanks for the offer to travel with you.”

“Uh, well…” What should I say? Sorry I forgot you gave me an answer?

“I’ll try to give you an answer as soon as I can.”


“I need a little more time.”

That must mean…he hasn’t given me an answer yet after all. But then why did he say things like “I hope you’ll help me with my headband every day” and “I look forward to dinner with you from now on”?

Druid gave me a questioning look. I guess I’d been staring at him strangely.

“Sure,” I said, “take as long as you need to answer me.”

“Thanks. See you later.”

“Good night.”

Well…I’m glad he hadn’t given me an answer and I forgot. But I’m still confused… Did Druid say those things without realizing? I wonder if he’ll give me the answer I want? I sure can’t wait to find out.

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