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Chapter 166:

The Weakest Man...

“WOW, THINGS have escalated really quickly, haven’t they?” Druid said.

Is it “escalating” to talk about making a sauce? “You think so? But are you sure you’re okay with it? I suggested it without asking you.”

“Oh, I have no problem with it. And I wouldn’t mind doing my part to help alleviate the food shortage.”

After dinner, Druid’s father left right away, saying he had some preparations to make. I didn’t know what those preparations were, but I’m sure he had a lot on his plate. But wow, I get to develop a recipe for my own sauce! What kind of flavors should I use?

“So what did you think of the oyako-don?”

“It was good, but I wished it had a little more meat in it.”

I sighed. Yeah, I didn’t have much meat on hand since I was using up a bunch of leftover ingredients. Wait a minute, if this world has eggs, then it must have chickens. Couldn’t I get my hands on some chicken meat?

“Sorry about that. The meat you’re supposed to use in oyako-don is chicken.”

“Chi-ken?” Druid slowly sounded out the name.

Wait, am I wrong? Could it be…all this knowledge is coming from Past Me? “Um, what’s the name of the bird that lays eggs?”

“There’s an…animal that lays eggs?” Druid gave me a confused look.

Could it be…I’m wrong on a basic level here? I pulled an egg out of my magic bag. It was sold to me earlier in the day as Fresh hexa, gathered this morning. It cost fifty dal per half dozen. It was a little expensive, but since they were a must for oyako-don, I bought them anyway.

“What is this?” I asked him.

“That’s hexa fruit. Um, it’s the fruit of the hexa tree.”

Hexa tree fruit? Wait, eggs grow on trees here? And for that matter, they aren’t even eggs?! I looked down at the hexa fruit. Everything in my memories told me they were just like eggs. I’d had them when I was with Rattloore’s party, too, but it never occurred to me to ask “by the way, are these things eggs?”

“Maybe they were called ‘eggs’ in the past?” By the past, Druid meant my past life.

“Yes. I did think the sign at the store was strange. I just assumed ‘hexa’ meant they were selling them by the half dozen.”

“The only animal I know of that produces anything like a hexa would be a wild pigeon. They lay kodama. Dragons lay them, too. I’m sure there are some other creatures as well.”

Okay…so the things animals lay are called kodama here… I can’t. My brain is so mixed up now.

“It must be hell having memories from a past life,” Druid said, gently poking the wrinkle between my furrowed eyebrows.

He was right. It was hell. “I’m so glad you were the one I asked, Mr. Druid.”

“Ha ha ha. Me too.”

“Wait…huh? I don’t remember your father reacting at all when I said ‘eggs’ earlier, though…”

“He was probably just preoccupied. My father is a bit awkward. Once he gets focused on something, he has a hard time paying attention to anything else.”

That’s right, he was thinking pretty deeply about the whole rice-flavoring thing… Oh! “Mr. Druid, you didn’t flinch when I said ‘eggs’ either.”

“Huh?! Was I there when you said it?”

“Yes, we bought them together at your father’s store today.”

“Oh, I don’t remember at all. I guess my brain was a mess then.”

Yes, I know. You were making the funniest face ever. Just picturing Druid’s expression back then made my lips twitch with laughter. I managed to hold it in, but my shoulders still shook a little.

Druid sighed. “Go ahead, laugh it up. Even I think my behavior this morning was unreal.”

“Ha ha ha! Your behavior at dinner, too.”

“How am I supposed to feel when you’re laughing so hard like that…”

We washed the dinner dishes and headed back to my tent. I saw a basket had been left in front of it, and when I looked inside there was a little thank-you note from Mathewla along with his washed dinner plate and a little gift. I felt sort of bad getting a gift when he was the one who did me a favor by loaning me his table. I definitely needed to thank him tomorrow.

“I’d better be on my way. Are we going back to my father’s shop again tomorrow?”

“Well, I’m going to the forest in the morning, so it wouldn’t be until after that.” I needed to restock Sora’s and Flame’s potions soon. I think I’ll go to the dump tomorrow, too.

“Hmm… If you’re going to the forest, maybe I should come along. It would give the gatekeeper some peace of mind at least.”

“Are you sure? It’s going to take a while.”

“Not a problem. I want to visit your friends, too.”

After saying goodbye to Druid, I returned to my tent. I checked on Sora and Flame and found them fast asleep. Phew… I think I’ll turn in, too. Oops! I forgot about the hot water!

“The whole egg debacle threw me way off…” Sometimes my past-life memories and my current-life memories got mushed up into an indistinguishable mess… Oh well, guess I’ll get the hot water ready now.

I slipped out of my tent and took a bucket to the cooking area. I washed the pot, filled it with water, and put it on the flame. I looked up at the sky… The moon and stars were so bright and clear. Past Me had memories of the night sky, too, but for some reason, they were very dim. It seemed like technology was a lot more advanced in my past life, which was probably why the starry sky in this world was much prettier.

I heard footsteps approaching and turned around. It was Druid’s brother… I forgot his name again… He had a pretty stern look on his face.

“It’s all your fault!” he shouted, staring right at me.

To be honest, I was really scared—but I hated the idea of running away. Besides, I saw that the guild master just so happened to be walking into the plaza right at that moment. He would probably come to my aid.

“What’s my fault?” I finally managed to squeeze the words out, even if they did come out pretty quiet. I had to stay calm if I wanted to keep things from getting worse. I clenched my fists firmly.

“You have no idea just how much Druid messed up my life!”

“Even a messed-up life can be put back on track if you’d just try.”

“If I’d just what?!”

I couldn’t claim that anyone who tried hard would make it in life. But his father was a successful shopkeeper. Tokihi probably cared about him, too. He had enough good people in his life that he could have opened up all sorts of possibilities for himself with a bit of earnest effort.

He just didn’t get it. He had no idea how blessed he was just to have people who helped him. People who cared about him.

“Well, what do you know anyway?! I was supposed to have a great life. But that all went up in smoke the day my stars disappeared.”

“Even if you had stars, you’d still have to put in the work to achieve a great life. Stars are only there to give you that first step.”

The guild master came up behind Druid’s brother. He looked like he was about to say something, but he stopped himself. I wondered why.

“If I had my stars, I could do anything!”

“No, you couldn’t.”

“You little bastard!” he raged.

I just stared at him. This was starting to feel really silly. Why was he so fixated on his stars? Having none myself, it was difficult for me to understand.

“Were people cruel to you because your stars disappeared?” I asked softly. Druid’s brother caught his breath. Wait, they really were?

“Oh, shut up! It’s all because I lost my stars. That’s when all those feeble-minded bastards started trying to make a fool of me!”

“Um, have you ever considered that maybe they just disliked you?” Oops, I didn’t mean to say that out loud. Druid’s brother’s eyes flashed red in a matter of seconds. Yeah, I goofed.

“What would a stupid brat like you know about anything?!”

You’re picking a fight with a stupid brat, so what does that make you? Also, come on, Guild Master, stop laughing and come tell him off already.

“That’s enough, Dolgas. Don’t fight with a child.”

Right! It’s Dolgas. His name really is impossible to remember.

“Wha! What are you doing here?” When Dolgas heard the voice behind him, he flinched. The color drained from his face.

Wait a minute…is this guy a coward? I just remembered an interesting saying. “The weakest dog always barks the loudest”? Is that something from Past Me’s memories? I wonder what a “dog” is? A kind of person? In other words…

“The weakest man always barks the loudest, I think?” Gee, Past Me knows some pretty fun sayings.


“Ha ha ha ha!”

“Huh?!” Dolgas’s face turned bright red, and the guild master exploded with laughter.

Wait a minute…did I say that out loud? I seem to be a loose cannon whenever I’m around this guy. I need to be more careful…although it’s too late this time.

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