Chapter 151:
A Major Bum?
OH NO! I totally forgot! I looked around, but of course it wasn’t there. I hadn’t put it there.
“Oh, what do I do?”
I’d finished cooking dinner, so I was going to plate everything up and put it on the table…but I had no table. Usually, I’d cook dinner out in the plaza and eat it inside my tent. Solo travelers were just fine with that. That’s why I only had a little table that was just big enough for me. I had completely forgotten that I needed a bigger table.
“Something wrong?”
I looked up at the sound of a man’s voice. It was the adventurer whose tent was next to mine. He was about ten years younger than Druid. A quick look at my face seemed to tell him all he needed to know.
“You need a table? Want to borrow mine?”
“Oh, could I? It just needs to have room for two people.”
“Two people? Um, how many people did you cook for?”
I looked at my braising pot. Then there was the salad and the soup and…ack! That was not a little meal for two, no matter how you sliced it. I’d cooked way too much out of habit.
“Umm, could I offer you some dinner as a token of my appreciation?”
“Heh heh heh! Thanks. I’ve been wondering what that delicious smell was. Should I set up the table in front of your tent?”
“Yes, thank you very much.”
I’m saved! The man produced a folding table and chairs from his magic bag and placed them in front of my tent.
“These aren’t magic, so they might rattle a little.”
“Oh, that’s quite all right. Thank you so much.”
I set the food on the table, then I made up a plate for the man and handed it to him.
“Wow, this looks really good. Thanks.”
“No, thank you. You really saved me there.”
The helpful adventurer took his food into his tent. Phew… I freaked out there for a second. I’m really lucky I have a good neighbor. I was this close to serving Druid dinner in a one-person tent.
I looked at the table. All the food was laid out. I’d given up on rice for now and settled on some store-bought bread. I’d splurged a little and gotten the white stuff. I really wanted to show him how grateful I was.
“Oh. There you are.”
I had sensed an aura approaching me, but it wasn’t Druid’s, so I hadn’t paid much attention. But whoever it was seemed to want to talk to me. I turned around and found Druid’s big brother, Dol…Dol-something-or-other. Actually, the gatekeeper had asked me this morning if he’d been giving me any trouble—he seemed worried. And the gatekeeper said the man’s name then, but I forgot it again. How strange. Was I always this forgetful?
“Wow, he deceived a poor, naive child… That’s very in-character for him.”
Druid’s brother looked grumpier than ever. If those frown lines became permanent as he aged, he would have quite the face.
“If you spend time with that jerk, he’ll mess up your life. I feel sorry for you, so let me give you a little advice, kid.”
I didn’t ask you for any advice. Funny how you’re so talkative. Do you like chatting? Well, it’s annoying.
“He enjoys destroying other people’s lives!”
For starters, I doubt Druid is deceiving me. Though from the way this guy hollers all the time, it’s clear Druid is struggling with something. I’d had plenty of opportunities to use my encounter with his brother as a pretext to ask Druid what was wrong, but I’d decided it was best not to.
So Druid messes up people’s lives, huh? That sure sounds terrible. But doesn’t this guy have himself to thank for messing up his own life? Sure, it’s possible Druid lit the fuse that started it, but everything that happened after that was up to his brother. Druid destroys people’s lives? Aren’t you just talking about yourself there?
Maybe this guy just has nothing better to do? Yeah, he must be bored. After all, he bothered to come all the way out to the plaza looking for me. He must be a major bum!
“Hey. Are you listening to me?!”
“Nope, I’m not.” I know you were yammering on this whole time, but it didn’t sound important, so I ignored you.
“Pfft!” In the next tent over, I could faintly hear the sound of someone trying to hold back a laugh. All the other people around my tent were covering their mouths and their shoulders were shaking…although I didn’t think what I said was particularly funny.
“Wha—?! You… I was just trying to be nice!”
Nice? I have a feeling this guy’s definition of nice is way different from mine. And boy, does he have a temper. What causes that again? Umm…calcium! That’s right, does he have a calcium deficiency? Where do you get calcium…fish? Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve seen any fish in this world yet.
“You little bastard!”
Oops! I was ignoring him again.
“Listen, you. That bastard made me lose my stars! You’ll meet the same fate if you’re not careful!”
He lost his stars? Does he mean his skill stars?
“Now do you get it? I’m a nice guy!”
“No, you really aren’t.”
I’m sure my neighbor is really laughing in there now. He’s been doing nothing but spit takes in his tent this whole time. Huh? Is it just me, or are everyone’s shoulders shaking even harder now…?
“Wha—?! If he ruins your life, don’t blame—”
My head shot up at the sound of Druid’s voice. There he was, standing there with his jaw dropped. His face was pale.
“You don’t deserve to call me your brother! And now you’re here to destroy this poor kid’s life? You’re the worst.”
He came to destroy my life? This wasn’t making any sense. And now the atmosphere was getting tense. Druid was hanging his head in shame.
What do I do? I…I should just be myself. I don’t want to waste my time scolding someone who came here to chew me out. And besides, Druid is the one I trust, not this guy.
“Good evening, Mr. Druid. What lovely weather we’re having, eh?”
“WHAT?!” said half the people in the plaza.
Huh? That reaction was awfully loud… Well, whatever. “Thank you for coming to dinner. Perfect timing—I’ve just finished setting the table.”
“Ivy, I think we should probably—”
“Mr. Druid.”
“…Yes?” Druid’s face was quite tense. The expression didn’t suit him at all.
“Hurry up and sit or the food will get cold.”
“HUH?!” said everyone in the crowd.
Again? Eavesdropping is wrong, people.
“I made a lot because you said you would make yourself hungry today. So if you don’t eat all the food, it will get cold and then spoil. That will put all my hard work cooking it to waste. Don’t you think that would be a terrible shame?”
“Uhhh…hm? I think you’re worried about the wrong thing…”
“I am not wrong! I cooked this dinner especially for you, Mr. Druid. If you don’t eat it, it will all go to waste.”
I could always serve it to other people, but I hated the idea. I mean, I really did pour my heart into this meal for Druid. If he didn’t eat it, it would all have been for nothing.
“Hey!” Dol-something-or-other barked.
“Sir, are you okay? You’ve been yelling a lot ever since you got here.”
“I’m asking, are you all right?” I wanted to add in the head…but of course I couldn’t.
“I’m just trying to be considerate and give you some important advice—”
“Thank you so much for worrying about a total stranger’s life. But I didn’t ask for your help. It’s my life. I will make my own choices, thank you.”
“I’m telling you, you won’t have the freedom to make choices anymore! He’ll steal your stars!”
Well, I’ve got no stars to steal, so no worries there! Yeah…I can’t say that. But even if that weren’t the case, you’re still way out of line, pal.
“You’re way out of line, pal.” Oops! I actually said it.
“You little bastard!” Dol-something-or-other yelled, lunging forward.
“What are you doing?! Wait, you again, Dolgas?!”
Dolgas! That’s what his name was!
When he saw the expression of the man who’d stepped in to stop him, Dolgas suddenly looked sober.
“That’s enough, Dolgas!” Druid said.
“Tsk! Don’t think you’ve won!” And after spitting that final insult at Druid, Do…Doldol? Huh? I just heard his name a second ago… This is a little odd. Well, whatever.
I looked around the plaza. All the bystanders quickly looked away to avoid meeting my eyes. Guys, you eavesdrop way too much! Well, I guess I don’t blame them for wondering about the raised voices. Anyway, it’s dinnertime!
“Heh heh heh,” came muffled laughter from the tent next door. Yeah, my neighbor was definitely yukking it up.
“Hey, are you okay, kid?” asked the guard who’d interrupted. “Druid, don’t let him get to you.”
“Umm…sure…” Druid looked at me. For some reason, he looked kind of stunned.
“Are you okay, sir?” I asked?
Druid nodded faintly in reply. He didn’t look okay. But we had more important matters to see to.
“Should we start dinner?”
“Good. I’m famished,” I said.
Druid gave me a hesitant smile. Oh, good. I think he’s going to stay for dinner. At the sight of the guard, the other adventurers scattered away.
“Thank you very much for your help, sir.” I bowed to the guard. Druid hastily bowed after me. He’s been out of it since he got here. Is he really okay?
“No problem, kid. If anything happens, you just call me.”
“Yes, sir.”
After we said goodbye to the guard, I offered Druid a chair. I was really proud of the feast I’d put together. I hope he smiles and tells me it tastes good.
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