Chapter 144:
Slave Shopping Is Exhausting
“SO…I HAVE TO BUY a slave now. I’m a little nervous.”
After playing with Ciel and introducing it to the newly named Flame, I was about ready to head back to town.
Are you trying to give me a pep talk? “Thanks. I promise I’ll find us a good travel companion.” For Ciel’s, Sora’s, and Flame’s sakes, it was absolutely vital that I find someone nice. “Okay, let’s try it and see how it goes.”
Stressing over what might happen wouldn’t help me. I needed to go there and weigh my options. When I was nearing the edge of the forest, I paused to say goodbye to Ciel.
“Ciel, thanks for walking me back. See you tomorrow.”
Mrrrow, Ciel said. After licking Sora goodbye, it vanished gracefully into the trees.
Huh? Wait, Ciel never licked Sora before. I looked at Sora. It was staring into the forest, completely still. Maybe it was surprised. So this was the first time. Well, it’s probably nothing to worry about.
“Sora, let’s go back.”
Sora looked up at me. Then it began its vertical stretching exercises at a ridiculous speed. Um…does this mean you’re happy or angry? Well, guess I’ll let you get it out of your system.
“Feel better now?”
“Pu! Puuu.”
Oh, good. That’s the Sora I know. I put Sora back in its bag and returned to town. I wondered if I should ask how the little slime felt about Ciel licking it, but I decided not to. I didn’t want Sora to get…excited…again. I’ll give it some space.
The gatekeeper looked relieved to see me. Did I worry him that much? Now I feel kind of bad about it. I hope I find a travel companion soon.
A little off the main street, there were three slave trading shops, but one of their doors was boarded up. That must have been the rogue slave trader Druid mentioned yesterday. I approached the door of one of the remaining two establishments: Golga’s Slave Trade. After a little breath to steady myself, I stepped inside.
Everything looked…pretty normal. I hadn’t had any particular mental image of what a slave trader’s shop might look like, but it seemed to be a fairly unremarkable store. The only strange thing was that there were no products displayed on the shelves.
“Oh, hello there! I’m Golga, the owner of this shop. How may I help you today?” Despite the cheerful greeting, he looked hesitant for a moment. I guess I stood out even here. But he was obviously a seasoned businessman; he’d wiped any confusion off his face and was now beaming warmly at me.
“Well, um…I’m looking for a travel compan—oh! I have a letter—I mean, a referral.” Gosh, I really was nervous. What was I even saying?
“It’s all right, son. Take your time,” the shopkeeper said slowly. He had to have noticed I was on edge. He must be a nice guy, since Sifar had recommended him.
“Here’s my referral.” I handed it to him along with the itemized list of instructions Rattloore and Sifar had written out for me. Sifar said he would write a letter to a friend, but it looked like an ordinary letter of referral to me.
The shopkeeper looked over the referral and the list. His eyes widened for a moment, but he quickly evened out his expression once again.
“I currently have two slaves who fit the requirements on your list. One of them is a woman, though…”
I’d been advised that a lady travel companion would be a liability—she’d only make my trip more dangerous. “I would like a male slave, please.”
“Yes, excellent choice. I have a forty-year-old man available. Would you like to speak to him now?”
“Um, can I have a look at him first?”
“A look? Yes, of course. Right this way.”
The shop owner led me into a room filled with slaves. It looked like they were all living together in there. It was totally not what I expected.
“Who’s the kid? New blood?”
“Awww, that means he’s a buyer… Whoa! Really?!” One of the younger women was very excited. She looked to be in her early twenties. There was also a man in his late twenties and a man and woman in their forties. The older man was probably the one the shopkeeper had in mind. I was hoping to just sneak a peek at him, but I accidentally made eye contact.
Hmmm? Something seemed off about him. I discreetly touched the bag Sora and Flame were in. I couldn’t imagine this man being anywhere near them.
“What do you think, young sir?” Golga beamed at me. I could sense he genuinely thought the forty-year-old man met all my parameters. Was it okay to say no? Rattloore and Sifar had cautioned me to only choose a slave I felt was “the one.” If I sensed anything was amiss or something made me nervous, I should say no.
“I’m sorry, but he won’t do,” I said, shaking my head at the slave trader.
“Oh dear, I’m sorry to hear that. Would you like to look at some others here?”
“No, I’m pretty set on what I’m looking for. Thank you for your time.”
“Understood. You’re a friend of Sifar’s, so no hard feelings.”
“Sorry to be a bother.”
“Oh, no, you’re looking for a travel companion, after all. It’s understandable to be extra cautious.”
Thank goodness… I’d been worried about what I would do if he pressured me to buy, but it looked like everything was going to be okay. It was a good thing I had Sifar write me the referral. I apologized and thanked Golga one more time, and then I left.
Golga said he would send word to me if he acquired a slave that fit my needs. He also offered to check with the other trader to see if that shop had what I was looking for. He was much nicer than I’d expected. But it was still mentally exhausting… Now I’m in the mood for something sweet.
“Maybe I should go to the food carts? Or I could make something.”
If I dug into Past Me’s memories, I could probably come up with something good. But the day had really taken a toll on my mental wellness. Buying a person…just didn’t sit right with me.
“I’ll go to the carts.” I’ll treat myself to something sweet to feel better. I wonder what they have? As I got closer, my excitement grew. I couldn’t wait. I walked around the carts to see what was available. I saw some grilled gurbar skewers which looked kind of hefty. Hm? And there’s whole-roasted field mouse… I wonder what that tastes like? I don’t think I want to look at it, though.
“Huh?” I stopped in front of a cart selling a confectionary I thought was called “donuts.” I wonder what they’re like? Past Me had a memory of something similar, but these looked a bit different. It’s a fried pastry. Could they coincidentally have the same name? I had to know.
“Excuse me, I’d like some of these pastries, please.”
“Sure thing. How many?”
“I’ll take fifty dal worth, please.”
“Okay, that’ll get you…seven.”
“That’ll do nicely, thank you.” The donuts were little sugar-dusted balls that could be eaten in two bites.
“Here you go.”
“Thank you.”
I handed the baker fifty dal and took the bag of donuts. They smelled so nice and sweet. There’s a park nearby. I’ll find an empty spot to sit and enjoy these there.
“Oh? Mr. Druid?”
As I walked toward the park through the plaza to look for a seat, I caught sight of Druid and another man talking on the main road. It didn’t look like a friendly conversation. They weren’t fighting, but Druid looked angry. Or maybe bitter. I found myself staring a little too long—but I was worried about him. I felt bad watching from the side, but I didn’t know what to do.
As I stood there hesitating, the man gave Druid’s shoulder a hard shove. And it was on the side with his injured arm, too. How horrible. What’s that guy’s deal? I don’t know what’s going on between you, but civil people shouldn’t act like that!
Blood rushed to my head, but I knew I shouldn’t stick my nose into other people’s affairs. As I was calming myself down, the man hurled an insult at Druid before storming off.
“Wow. That’s so not cool,” I couldn’t help but comment.
Ooh, I know what to do. I left the plaza and approached Druid. His head was hanging, and his eyes had a blank look.
“Good morning, sir.”
“What?! Oh…Ivy. Um…”
“Good morning. Would you like to have a tea break with me?”
“A…tea break?”
“I was at the slave trader’s this morning. My soul felt all exhausted, so I was about to take a little rest with something sweet. Won’t you join me, sir…please?” I’m so nervous that it’s making me talk weird. Oh well, don’t worry about it. You’re fine, Ivy.
“Pfft! Ha ha ha. Ah, a tea break. You want me to join you?”
“Yes, sir. I thought two would be better than one.”
I was relieved to see Druid’s shoulders shaking with suppressed laughter.
“There’s one condition though,” I said. “It’s BYOD. Bring Your Own Dessert.”
“Ha ha ha! So you’re not treating me, then? Understood. I’ll go buy something. What do you recommend?”
“I just bought some donuts, but the pastries from the cart next to them also looked good.”
Druid laughed and nodded. I’d only spent a little time with him, but I got the impression he enjoyed helping people. Or rather, helping people made him feel comfortable. So I couldn’t help but take advantage of his kindness. If anything, that alone would turn his frown upside down. It’s just…I really wasn’t used to special treatment, so it made me a little nervous.
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