Chapter 134:
Sora and Sora?
WE WOULD ARRIVE in the town of Oll soon. If my map was accurate, we would probably reach the front gate after about a half-day’s walk. I’d heard that Oll was just as large a town as Otolwa, so I was getting excited to finally get there. The only drawback was that I couldn’t have Ciel at my side while I was in town.
“Ciel, once we arrive in Oll, we’ll have to spend most of our time away from each other. Will you be okay?”
Well, I’m glad it’s okay with you, but I wish there were some way we could get around this. Then again, I’ve thought about it a lot and still haven’t come up with any ideas. “Just be careful not to let any humans see you, okay?”
Adandaras apparently weren’t often targeted by humans, but I was still so worried! Oh, that’s right, when we get to Oll, I need to find a slave trader. Gosh…now I feel kind of nervous.
“Puuu!” Sora’s voice echoing through the forest snapped me out of my spiraling thoughts.
“Huh?! Sora?” I dropped everything and looked around for Sora. I caught a glimpse of it from behind, bouncing off somewhere at tremendous speed. “Agggh, wait up, Sora!”
I took off after the slime, but it really was quite fast. Ciel probably could have cut Sora off immediately…but the adandara didn’t seem to want to. For some reason, it was keeping pace with me instead of running ahead.
It glanced back at me, and I could see it had no intention of stopping Sora. Does Ciel know something I don’t, and that’s why it’s not stopping Sora? Anyway…
“Sora, since when were you such a fast runner?”
I’m not sure if you could exactly call the way Sora was bouncing “running,” but it was easier to describe it that way. I was sprinting after it with all my might and couldn’t catch up. What’s more, it seemed like Sora was getting farther and farther away.
I chased Sora until I started to smell something burning. Judging by the strength of the spell, it wasn’t a bonfire. It smelled like something else was burning. Something big. Oh no…am I walking into yet another catastrophe?
“Sora! We can’t deal with big problems!” My voice echoed through the forest, but Sora showed no signs of stopping. “Ciel, please stop Sora!” I begged the adandara as we ran.
Mii! it refused.
I feel so…sad all of a sudden. And the smell is getting stronger. And I think I see blood on the ground… I just hate running into trouble! I screamed silently as I desperately chased after Sora, who was disappearing into the distance. I almost felt spiteful toward Ciel for loping along right next to me when it could have run much faster.
Arrrgh! I’m gonna put on some muscle if it kills me… Hm? The smell of smoke and the way Sora is speeding ahead…could someone be hurt?
“Sora, please! Wounded humans are a no-no!” Huh? I’m in such a panic that I think I just said something really ridiculous. Cool it, Ivy. You’ve gotta stop Sora! Agh! I’m stumbling!
“Ouch! Oh no…it’s a person.” By the time I finally caught up with Sora, it was already enveloping a bleeding person lying on the ground. “Um, are you trying to save this man?”
I looked at the person inside Sora. One of his arms was gone—it seemed like it had been bitten clean off. He also had horrible gashes in his abdomen… I could see all the way down to his heart. He didn’t look like he was dying; he looked dead. But when I peered closer, I noticed that his heart was still beating faintly.
“He’s alive. But…” What will happen to his missing arm? Will it grow back? “Huh?! Impossible.” That would be absurd. I shook my head to exorcise the image.
Anyway, what’s done is done. I can’t stop Sora now. But I need to make sure we’re safe… I looked around, and my jaw dropped. I was so flustered about Sora that it took me until now to notice the line of four horse-drawn carriages in the clearing, three of which had rolled over and burned.
Two of the burned carriages were no longer smoldering, but one was still engulfed in tiny flames. The ground around them was littered with people—what appeared to be a band of burly adventurers, eighteen in all. There were also three people who seemed to be merchants. It was a pretty horrific scene. Some of them were clearly dead even from a distance, with big gashes in their chests.
“How awful…” Judging by the carriages and the corpses, the group must have been attacked by a giant animal or monster. There were huge claw marks in the dirt. It might have even been more than one. I checked for signs of life, but every single one of them was dead. The man Sora was treating was the sole survivor.
“What’s that funny smell…?” As I assessed the damages, I started to notice another scent mixed in with the smoke. It was something I’d smelled somewhere before.
I turned at the sound of Ciel’s voice, but I couldn’t see the adandara. I walked cautiously in the direction of the meow just in time to see Ciel emerge from the carriage with something in its mouth.
“Ciel, watch out! What is that thing? Oh! That smell…” The mysterious smell suddenly got much stronger, and I realized that it was coming from the thing in Ciel’s mouth. Ciel must have noticed it.
“Huh? But what is this doing here? Wait…water!” I quickly retrieved my water-producing pot from my magic bag. I filled it with water and splashed it on the blessed balm once Ciel released it from its mouth. It didn’t smell as strong anymore, but it still smelled.
I looked around and found a large bucket on the ground. I filled it with water and submerged the blessed balm completely in it. What was blessed balm doing in that carriage? To humans, it was nothing more than a strange smell, but its scent lured monsters.
“Whew, that gave me quite a scare. I think we’ll be okay now, at least.” Did the blessed balm lure monsters to attack the caravan? I’ve got a really bad feeling about this. Why do we keep running into danger?
“Oh! Sora!” I’d completely forgotten about the slime. I ran over to it, hoping it was okay. “Ciel, are there any monsters nearby?” I hadn’t found any when I was searching for auras, at least.
Mii, it replied.
Okay, “mrrrow” means “yes,” so I guess there aren’t any.
“Thanks.” I kept watch while Sora finished healing the survivor. And it was a long wait, longer even than it had taken to heal Ciel. What’s more, Sora was producing so many bubbles that I couldn’t even see the man inside anymore.
“Do you think they’ll be okay?” The more time passed, the more anxious I felt. I was pacing around Sora in circles, even though I knew it wouldn’t help anything. Oh dear…what will I do if something goes wrong?
“Calm down, Ivy. Breathe in…breathe out…” I repeated the mantra over and over to calm myself.
“Sora!” I stopped in my tracks and looked over just in time to see it pulling away from the wounded man.
“Oh, thank goodness! Sora, are you okay?” I approached the slime…but before I reached it, for some reason, it began a hearty stretching routine.
“Mm! Nngh…”
Oh no! That wounded man is waking up. What do we do now? Make a run for it? But he might remember Sora anyway.
Oh no! I met his gaze! Ah…his arm didn’t grow back after all. Will he be okay? Wait, Ivy, no. Oh, what do I do? Soraaa!
“Pu, puuu!”
Huh? I looked toward the strange noise and… What’s going on here? “Um…Sora?”
“Pu, puuu!”
Before my eyes was Sora, exactly as it was the day I first encountered it. It was an all-blue, half-transparent slime. It was spread out a bit to the sides, but not as badly as it had been the first time we met. So wait, who’s that next to it? It was a flat, collapsed slime, just as Sora was when I first met it. It was all red and half-transparent. These slimes each have one of Sora’s colors. Oh! Did Sora split into two?!
“Oh, oh, um, stay calm! Sora just split in two, that’s all! That’s right, it just multiplied…it multiplied! Oh, what should I do?”
My brain was a jumbled mess—I had no idea what to do. Umm, so the first thing I should do is…what? What am I supposed to do?
“Well, I’d sure like to stay calm,” a deep voice said, “but are you sure those monsters are safe?”
The man’s even voice snapped me back to my senses. That’s right…the man Sora was healing is still right here.
“Pu, puuu.”
Why…why do my problems keep multiplying? I could just cry.
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