Chapter 98:
Putting the Plan into ActionSIDE: CAPTAIN BARXBY
“OOH, the hunting party’s ready to roll. Good stuff, Captain.”
Outside of the base, I heard Rickbert’s voice. Bolorda, Seizerk, and Lowcreek were outside with him. Behind them were the adventurers pegged as traitors.
“Of course. We’re almost ready to depart. Any problems?”
“No objections here,” Bolorda answered. “The vice-captain handpicked the personnel, right? Then I’m sure he chose only the finest.” He looked to be in an even better mood than usual. Bolorda was most dangerous when he made that face.
“All right. So, what are we dealing with?” I asked. “And where?”
“It’s a gang of murderers. They’re lying low in a cave in the middle of the forest.”
“The middle of the forest…that area was overrun with monsters before, right?”
“What can you tell me about these murderers?”
“There are at least twenty-one of them. Ten are on the wanted list for murder, and five more are under investigation for the same.”
“That’s…a heckuva lot.”
“Yeah, it is,” Bolorda sighed. “And that’s just the number our scout could see; there could be more.”
“Okay, noted. We’ll have to really be on our toes this time.”
“Yep. They’re real bad guys. Don’t let anyone die though, got it?”
I see. That’s why we’re arresting the traitors first—they might’ve been ordered to kill the criminals.
“Right,” I agreed.
“Captain, we’re taking ten from the base and leaving ten here on duty. Confirm?”
“Thanks, Gabojura.” Fantastic. We’re leaving only organization moles in the base. I did hear these guys were hurting for money… Did they think they could embezzle it? “Yeah, that’s correct. I don’t anticipate any problems, but if anyone shady approaches, treat them with caution.”
“Understood. When will you be departing?”
Oh! We’re all assembled, but when should we leave? I forgot to ask!
“We wouldn’t want them dispersing before we get there,” I answered. “If we’re ready, I’d like to move out immediately.”
Bolorda looked to the guard, who were waiting for orders. I noticed Sifar and Gnouga lining up with them. They looked at me and bared their teeth—was that supposed to be a smile?
“Are we all set?”
“Yes, Captain. One hundred percent,” Agrop answered.
“Got it. Everyone, listen up! There are wanted murderers among our enemy today. Everyone should be prepared for what we’re facing!” My voice echoed through the mansion. I could tell the guard was tense, but that wasn’t a bad thing; a certain level of nerves would keep them alert.
“We’ll take up the back line. They’ll be joining us.” Bolorda pointed at a traitorous adventurer team who had been added to the task force. His team would be securing them, then.
“Understood. Don’t let them get away, okay?”
“Right. Same to you, Captain.” With that, Bolorda left to greet the adventurers. I noticed a few of them were smiling.
“Bolorda!” one piped up. “Looking forward to working with you! How long has it been since our teams joined up on something?”
“Really? Heh, well, I’m happy that you’re happy.”
I left the adventurers and Bolorda to their conversation and joined Agrop at the vanguard.
“Shall we?”
“Yeah. Off we go!”
Townsfolk walking about nearby looked surprised as they cleared a path for us. It was rare for such a large group to go out on an expedition like this. When they did, it was a big deal. As we set off, I saw a few men panic and sprint off somewhere.
“So this is how it feels to take people by surprise,” I mused.
“To be fair, we’re being taken by surprise as well…though by a different group.” Agrop glanced behind us. I couldn’t see them since I was at the front, but he must’ve been referring to Bolorda.
He was right. One hour ago, I couldn’t have imagined that we’d be leading such a large-scale hunt into the forest. The organization likely couldn’t, either—I saw people whose auras I couldn’t even sense before now running off in a flurry. They say one has to deceive their allies in order to fool their enemy, but this was really something else.
“Hah! Hilarious.”
“I’m glad you’re having fun, Captain, but we can’t afford to fail today. By the way, I’ve been wondering…who in the world suggested that thing in your hand?”
“Sifar did.”
“I should’ve guessed. I suppose this will all be a great success thanks to his scheming?”
I glanced back furtively. Behind me was the vanguard group of the expedition team. It was chock-full of traitors. I shot Agrop a grin.
“Yeah. Those numbskulls…”
I quietly sneered at the turncoats behind us. It appeared the organization had ordered them to kill me and Agrop, too. Otherwise, the traitors wouldn’t have all gathered at the vanguard. They had to kill everyone to make sure there were no witnesses, but Agrop and I stood squarely between them and their goal. And we were strong, so they probably figured they’d have to deal with us first.
They would have pulled it off, too, if we hadn’t already known about their plot. Our men could have been slaughtered without so much as a chance to draw their weapons if the people they’d thought were their comrades all turned on them at once. Too bad for them, though. This wasn’t part of Ivy’s strategy, but I’d be using their own plans against them. We left the town and marched into the forest. After a short walk, we entered a clearing.
“This looks like a good spot,” I decided. The clearing was more than wide enough to spread the net. The group behind us was following awfully close, too. “Agrop, ready?”
We had two nets. I handed one over to Agrop. We stopped, and Agrop sidled over to the edge of the group. Since we were at the front, my stopping caused the whole party to grind to a halt. It only took ten seconds for Agrop to prepare.
Just as the party was starting to mutter to each other, I turned and cast the net. Everyone watched, frozen in shock. I saw the second net spread in midair and fall on the stunned adventurers.
“Nice! That’s half!”
I’d secured the traitors who had taken point at the front of the party, which was about half their total number. These nets were big enough to capture large monsters and sturdy enough to hold them. On top of that, they were magical items specially enchanted to drain the energy of whatever was within when activated. Sifar was a sly dog for thinking to use these.
I smirked as the exhausted traitors slumped down to the ground. Agrop’s side had succeeded as well. Whoops, we got two of our allies in there… Oh. Agrop was the one who got them. Well, he can deal with the consequences.
“Captain, what on earth—?!” Gabojura, who’d hung back from the vanguard, ran over to me. Behind him was another mole. They appeared to be the only ones left. The net had caught twenty traitors and two allies.
“What’s wrong?” I smirked.
Behind Gabojura, the other guardsmen looked confused.
“What’s wrong? What are you thinking?! Look…”
“Gabojura, Dalgore. You’re under arrest. Men, seize them!” I ordered.
The guards hesitated. Well, can’t blame them. Nobody told them a thing.
“Captain, are you out of your mind?!”
“You think so? Gabojura, take a close look at everyone inside the nets. Almost all of them are kidnapper conspirators—just like you.”
Gabojura gasped. His shock was genuine; he must not have realized he’d been caught.
“Wh-what…are you on about? Me? Conspiring with kidnappers? You misund—”
“No, I’m quite aware that it’s true.”
I didn’t plan on listening to Gabojura’s lies. My allies were surprised by my rebuke, but after a moment, they began to look at Gabojura and Dalgore suspiciously. They probably wouldn’t believe it immediately. After all, these men had been through thick and thin together. And yet…
“What are you waiting for?! Seize them!” I repeated.
We had no time. Hearing my command, Gabojura attempted to escape. A sword raised squarely before his eyes stopped him in his tracks.
“No escape for traitors.” Agrop stood in his way. It seemed he’d already taken care of the panic in the back.
“What are you fools doing, catching flies?! Obey your captain’s orders!” Agrop barked. The astonished guard exploded into action.
Dalgore was apprehended by his former comrades, and Gabojura’s hands were tied behind his back.
“It’s over, Gabojura.”
Powerless, the traitor fell to his knees.
“Captain, Vice-Captain!” an officer called out to us. “Is it true they’re with the kidnappers?”
“It is. We investigated them with a magical item. We’re certain.”
The officers quietly absorbed the information. They probably had a lot of feelings to process.
“Um, what about us…?” the two guards we’d netted on accident ventured hesitantly.
“Oh, you two are cleared,” I assured them. “Just a minor mistake…my ba—”
Agrop interrupted me. “It was necessary to round up as many enemies as possible. Is that a problem?” His face bore a terrifying smile. Our two allies went pale, and the people supporting them stilled.
“N-no, sir.”
“Good. I do apologize for the mistake. I hope we have your understanding.”
“Yes, sir!” everyone around the two shouted. Agrop was too intimidating.
Anyway, we’d best get back on track with the strategy.
“Boys, we’re turning around,” I called out to the party.
“Huh?! Captain, what about the murderers?”
“Yeah, we’ll deal with them later. For now, we return to base.”
“Excellent idea,” Agrop agreed. “I’m sure things are getting very interesting there.”
Ha ha ha… Agrop, maybe you could go back to normal soon?
“We march!”
“Sir, yes, sir!”
The party split into two teams—one hauling the traitors off and one returning to the base—and began our trek back. Along the way, we happened upon a pale-faced team of adventurers. God knows what Bolorda’s team put them through.
“What’d you do to them?” I asked.
“We just had a little chat, as their elders,” Marcreek answered vaguely. The adventurers shuddered.
Maybe it would be best not to ask any more questions.
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