Chapter 90:
One of Them
ON THE VICE-CAPTAIN’S ORDERS, the team moved lots of stuff into the storehouse. This residence was large, so there was a lot more than I’d expected. The guards hardly had a moment to breathe. I felt a little sorry for them, but this was for the sake of preserving evidence and money, so we had to give it our best. It all went smoothly and thankfully nobody seemed to question it. Soon, the guards were clearing the last of the shelves. Agrop and Barxby took a careful look around the storehouse to confirm everything was in place and locked the door.
“Now, I know you’re all tired, but we need to tidy this place up,” the captain called out. “Let’s make it quick. People are gonna be staying nights in this building, and I dunno about you guys, but I don’t want to share my bed with dust bunnies.”
The weary guards rolled their eyes and reached for brooms and rags. Since so many boxes and shelves had been moved, all the dust in the house had been kicked up. The adventurers and guards here would definitely end up covered in it if they didn’t clean up first. Even the experienced ones didn’t seem keen on that.
“Excuse me. Is anyone here?”
A voice floated in from the foyer. I got up to see who it was, but Rattloore rushed after me.
“Hey! No going off on your own, Ivy!”
“Oh! Sorry. I thought since we’re in the same building and all…”
“I’m glad you feel safe, but you gotta be careful, okay?”
“Yes, sir.”
In the foyer were two of the guards Sora had identified as traitors. The second I saw them, I clutched Rattloore’s shirt. He was right—I needed to be more careful.
“Oh, something smells good! Brought us supplies, eh?” Rattloore asked. I realized that the whole foyer was suffused with a delicious smell.
“Bingo.” One of them raised a bunch of paper bags he was holding.
“Ooh. Sorry, but we’re gonna be a little longer. Still cleaning.”
“Cleaning? You already moved all the stuff?” The empty-handed guard cocked his head and stared into the hallway.
“Yep, it’s all in the storehouse. Just gotta clean now,” Rattloore answered. I thought I caught the guards grimacing, though it passed too quickly for me to be certain. Rattloore noticed as well. “What’s the matter?” he asked.
“Huh? Oh, nothing. Since it’s a merchant’s mansion, I thought we might find a little something…like, say, some valuables?”
“Tough break.” Rattloore shrugged. “If there was anything like that, Margajura’s already snatched it up.”
“Yeah. The vice-captain and Margajura looked in all the boxes already.”
“Ah ha! I’ll have to ask him about it. If he found anything, I mean.”
“If he did, let’s have him treat us to a meal or two!” the other guard joked.
“Ha ha ha!” Rattloore laughed. “Good idea. Count me in!”
It appeared these guards had come to check the boxes. They probably thought they were hiding it well, but they’d started panicking when they heard everything had been moved. The look on their faces said it all. I was glad we’d had Margajura look inside the boxes, since it seemed that had put them at ease for the moment. Still, the organization was moving fast.
“You’re Ivy, right? This must be tough on you, but don’t worry. We’re here if you need anything.”
One of the officers abruptly changed the subject and addressed me. I nearly jumped out of my skin but quickly managed a smile.
“Thank you very much,” I replied. “Bolorda and Rattloore have my back, so I’ll be just fine.”
“Really? Well, if anything comes up, don’t hesitate to ask us.”
“Okay. If I ever need something I’ll let you know.” I looked at them steadily and bowed. They smiled gently. If I didn’t know better, I would’ve said they were kind. But since I was aware of the truth, their matching smiles sent a chill down my back.
“Oh, there you are.”
I turned and found Bolorda and Seizerk approaching, with the captain close behind. The guards in the foyer furrowed their brows when they saw Barxby.
“They brought us supplies,” Rattloore explained. The two guards bowed.
“Good work,” the captain greeted them. “Agrop’s in the back. Mind taking this to him?”
“Understood. Bye for now, Ivy.”
“Okay. Bye.”
I’d prefer not to see you again…though I probably will. The captain glared sharply at the guards’ backs as they strode down the hall.
“Careful,” Bolorda said. “They’re already on the move.” The captain shrugged.
“Anyway, we’re going back to the plaza,” Seizerk told them.
I was surprised—I’d thought we were planning to stay here. I appreciated an opportunity to calm my nerves, though, and I’d be able to let Sora out, too.
“The only one missing is…Sifar, right? Where is he?” Seizerk asked.
I looked around, but I didn’t see Sifar.
“My bad,” the captain answered. “I told him to leave early, since I figured the others had already gotten there.”
Come to think of it, I hadn’t seen him since they were moving stuff.
“Oh? Guess we’ll head back, then.” Seizerk shrugged. “Captain, we’ll be checking in tomorrow morning.”
“Got it. I’ll come find you if I need anything before then. Ivy, thanks for today.”
“No problem. Thank you, too. See you tomorrow,” I replied. The captain ruffled my hair roughly.
As we stepped back onto the street, a sense of relief washed over me—probably because I’d been on edge all day.
“Tired?” Rattloore patted my back.
“A little. I guess I’ve just been tense.”
“You had a big job to do. Those rats might still be lurking around, so stay alert.”
We were still near the merchant’s residence that was now our base, so people from the organization could be nearby. It was too soon to let my guard down.
“All right! Time to hit the best stalls and head home!” Seizerk, walking at the front, swerved away from the road back to the plaza.
He was making a beeline for the street with the food vendors. It looked like I wouldn’t need to make dinner tonight. I was totally drained, so that was fine by me. Maybe Seizerk had picked up on it? Actually…Bolorda and Rattloore did, too.
“Ivy, let’s grab dessert on the way back. I know a great place!”
“That sounds wonderful. Thank you.” They really were lovely people.
When we arrived at the plaza after our detour, Sifar and Gnouga were already there. Come to think of it, their role was to monitor the merchant. Why did they split up? And I didn’t see Marcreek and Lowcreek around. Were they okay? They were supposed to be watching Tort and Marm.
“Welcome back. Ooh, is that from that ultra-popular restaurant you were telling me about?” Sifar peeked excitedly into the paper bag. Apparently, he’d given up on going since the line was always so long.
“I’m going back to my tent for a second,” I called out. Once inside, I lifted Sora out of its bag. It began streeeeetching as far as it could. That bag must’ve been really cramped. “Sorry! I couldn’t take you out of your bag that whole time.”
Sora stretched and bounced around. Seeing it stretch so far was a little unnerving but kind of charming. While Sora exercised, I unpacked potions from my magic bag for its dinner. The slime worked hard today, so I threw in five extra. Thank goodness I’d picked up so many.
When Sora finished stretching, it started devouring potions. As I watched them sizzle away inside it, I heard more voices outside. Marcreek and Lowcreek were back—it was time to eat. I snatched up some tea leaves and ducked out of my tent.
Rattloore boiled the water, and I made tea for everyone and sat in a chair. It was the same familial dinner we’d enjoyed the past few days. Having everyone around me like this made my heart feel lighter.
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