Chapter 77:
Dealing with My Appearance
HONESTLY, HALF OF ME cared about Ratomi Village, and the other half didn’t. I had more pressing problems though—I had to find a way to look more like a boy! I was probably fine for the moment since I looked younger than I was, but when I grew more, this was going to be a problem. I mean…I will grow, right? I’m gonna grow eventually?
Come to think of it, all I’d eaten while living in the forest was fruit. Even when I studied and learned to make traps, I had trouble catching even field mice for a long time. Not to mention the times I’d accidentally eaten medicinal plants and poisonous fruit. Now that I really think about it…I kinda did live a harsh life, didn’t I? At the time, I hadn’t had time to think about it like that. Well…that’s all in the past now. Prioritize looking like a boy! Maybe Rattloore has some ideas.
“Mr. Rattloore, how I can keep people from finding out that I’m a girl?”
“Uhh, that’s a toughie. The best way would be to hide your face, but concealing your face is forbidden in towns and villages.”
Right. I could keep my face hidden, but that’s illegal in this country, to prevent criminals from sneaking in.
“Hmm…covering your lips might help a little?” he suggested. “But that might just draw more attention to you. Here’s a thought: You talk very politely. Is there a reason for that?”
“Not really. There was an adventurer I often saw in Ratomi village who spoke that way, so I guess I’m just imitating him.”
“Really? Gotta be a merchant’s third or later son, then. Merchant families really hammer in those manners early on, but the third sons and onward can’t inherit the business, so lots of them end up as adventurers.”
“Is that so?”
“It’s just what I’ve heard here and there, but I’m pretty sure it’s true. Maybe try talking more like a boy?”
“More like a boy…”
“Mm…changing how you speak is a little tough, huh? It might be hard to keep up the act if someone catches you by surprise.”
“Hmmm…aargh…” Rattloore’s eyes bored into me as he turned over the problem in his mind.
Was it that tricky? My hair was already cut short, and I’d always picked boys’ clothes. What more could I do?
“Nope, I don’t think it’s gonna work,” he finally decided.
“Huh?!” He gave up that easily?!
“Even now, you’re toeing the line, though you can cover it up with your clothes and hairstyle since you’re so young. When you grow up, it’s game over. Your face is as girly as they come. You might just wanna give up on the boy thing, Ivy.”
That’s no good. I still need to travel. Should I stop growing…somehow?
“Consider how to protect yourself through other means instead.”
Other means? I doubt I can get any stronger. I looked at my arms; they were puny. I had a little confidence in my running speed, but I couldn’t just run away all the time. What other options did I have?
“Joining an adventurer group would be the best bet, but you can’t just join any old group. By the way, Ivy, are you registered as an adventurer?”
“No, sir.”
“Huh. Then forming a group wouldn’t work. There’s also…slavery, I guess?”
“Slavery?” I gasped.
“Buy a slave, I mean. And have them protect you.”
“Erm, I don’t have a lot of money, so…”
“What else…?” Rattloore wondered. “Let’s ask Seizerk when he comes back. He knows a lot more than I do.”
“Sorry. Thanks for trying to help.”
“Mm, still, a slave might be a good idea.”
“A slave…”
“Slaves will guard your secrets, and if you find one who’s a former adventurer, they can be strong. Money’s a problem, though; former adventurers are pretty darn expensive. Cheap slaves are weak…”
Slaves… With my financial situation, I don’t think that’ll work. Maybe I should try training again to get stronger? Though I exercised for a year in the forest by Ratomi without much result. Even the fortune-teller told me to give up and urged me to pour my effort into something else. Was I really that hopeless?
“Maybe you could settle for weak slaves for the sake of forming an adventurer team?”
“What do you mean? An adventurer team?”
“Oh, maybe this isn’t something a lot of people know. If you own slaves, you can register them with the adventurers’ guild. All you need for the registration is their owner’s name.”
“They…don’t need to know my skills, do they?” I asked fearfully.
“Skills? Nope. The slaves are the ones who’ll be doing the fighting, so they just need to know theirs.”
Wow. So slaves can register, too.
“Aha! They’ve returned,” Rattloore exclaimed.
I looked over to the entrance of the plaza and saw Bolorda and Rickbert. Seizerk and Sifar were close behind.
“Welcome back,” I greeted them.
“Heya.” Rickbert made a beeline for my tent, but Bolorda grabbed a handful of his clothes and stopped him in his tracks.
I slipped back into my tent, put Sora in its bag, and came out with the bag hanging over my shoulder. Rickbert was busy bickering with Bolorda, so he didn’t seem to notice, but Seizerk and Rattloore chuckled when they saw me.
“Ivy, wanna make dinner together?” Rattloore beckoned me over, showing off a big paper bag. When I peered inside, I saw that it was stuffed full of all kinds of ingredients. I could think of a bunch of different dishes to make with these.
“You seem like you’re a pro with seasonings, so we bought a whole lot.” Seizerk produced yet another paper bag.
I pulled it open and saw more than ten pouches stuffed inside. Each seemed to contain a different seasoning. Lucky me!
“Thank you. I’ll do my best to make something yummy.”
Seizerk called out to Sifar, and the two slipped into a tent together. I was scared of how everyone would do once they knew the truth, but it was too late to worry about it now. I had to keep myself busy with something I could handle.
“Time to get to work!”
The ingredients they’d bought were kind of a mishmash. Did they just pick up whatever they saw? There were several different meats, and vegetables unsuited for my usual soup. I’d never even seen some of these veggies before, so I decided to taste them first.
While I was cooking, Gnouga, Lowcreek, and Marcreek arrived. Each was called into Seizerk’s tent in turn. I glanced at them anxiously as they exited the tent. Sifar and Lowcreek looked a little mystified. As for Gnouga…he looked really frightening, but when I glanced over at him, he quickly turned away.
Marcreek left the tent with a huge smile on his face. Um, why is he smiling?
“Ivy, sorry for doubting you,” he said. “We’re gonna make it up to you.”
For doubting me? He means not trusting what Rattloore said, right? I can’t really blame him for that. When I looked up to say it was okay, I noticed that the grin on his face didn’t reach his eyes at all. I got cold feet but managed to nod in agreement. Marcreek was terrifying in a whole different way from Gnouga.
Seizerk came out of his tent and stretched. “Boy, I’m beat.”
“Thank you for your help,” I said to him. “It’s almost time for dinner.”
“Ooh! That’s our Ivy. It smells incredible.”
Our plates were heaped with cooked meat and vegetables, soup, bread, and…a strange white thing?
“Mr. Rattloore, what is this?” I asked.
“Eat it after the main course,” he answered. “You’ll be amazed.” Now I was even more curious. “For now, let’s celebrate a job well done. Gnouga and Marcreek, can you ease up a little? Seeing your faces is gonna spoil my appetite.”
Gnouga heaved a big sigh and lifted his alcohol-filled cup.
“To a job well done!” they repeated. It seemed they’d calmed down. I didn’t know what would happen tomorrow, but for now, I wanted to enjoy this meal with everyone. That would help me keep moving forward.
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