Chapter 124:
No Compromise
“FOR NOW, I recommend you go to a slave trader in the next town. Look for a middle-aged man with a clean record.”
After talking it over, we decided I should buy one slave. According to Rattloore, the closer I got to the capital, the more dangerous people I would encounter. One problem was that, in places like plazas where people gathered, being all alone would make me stand out. I still resisted the idea, but if I became a target again I would need protection.
We’d settled on a middle-aged man because he would be old enough to look like my father. If we looked like family at a glance, then we wouldn’t be too conspicuous. A man would also be better for protection than a woman.
“I know one of the traders in Oll, so I’ll write a letter introducing you,” Sifar offered. That would be a huge help. Come to think of it, he’d known that eldest son of the slave trader in this town as well. He had a lot of strange acquaintances. “I’ll give him a quick idea of what you’re looking for, too.”
“Thank you.”
It seemed like we had a good plan for me to travel safely from here on. I’m really going to buy a slave… I hope they’re a good person.
“Ivy, don’t you compromise one bit when it comes to choosing someone,” Rattloore said. “They’ll be traveling with you for a long time.”
According to Sifar and Rattloore, if someone didn’t match my requirements, or if they matched but something felt off, I shouldn’t choose them. They would be an important partner for my journey, so I had to choose wisely.
“Heh,” Sifar chuckled. “Little Sora fell asleep.”
I followed his gaze to the slime next to me. It was in a deep slumber again. Sora sure does sleep a lot…
“Um, how much sleep do slimes typically need?” I asked them.
“Sleep?” Rattloore raised an eyebrow.
“Lately, Sora’s been sleeping for longer and longer. I was worried that something might be wrong.” I petted Sora gently. Normally it would’ve woken up when I did that, but lately, it had slept right through it. Was it relaxed around me, or was there some other reason?
“Honestly, Sora’s the first slime I’ve ever seen sleeping,” Rattloore said. Sifar agreed as well. Is sleeping a weird thing to do, too? “Usually, only their tamers see it.”
Oh, okay. Slimes are monsters, after all, so you wouldn’t see them sleeping unless they were tamed.
“But I’ve never heard of a slime getting sick, so it’s probably fine, right?” Sifar mused.
“Yeah. I’ve never heard of them getting sick, either. They do the important job of disposing of trash, so you’d hear if they could get sick.”
Good. I guess everything’s okay, then.
“Now, how about we get back to the plaza?” Rattloore lifted his arms above his head and stretched. I stretched, too—it felt good after sitting tense and still for so long.
“I may as well go with you so I can eat some of Ivy’s dinner,” Sifar said with a shrug. I appreciated his company.
“Let’s buy some dessert on the way back. All this thinking is making me tired!”
Sifar and Rattloore were in full agreement. They’re right about that. My head hurts from worrying about Ciel and Sora.
“Thank you both.”
“No problem. We’re the type who prefer to be doing rather than worrying.”
“Yeah, Sifar’s right! Although it’s not like you’ve picked a slave, so we can’t rest easy yet.”
We left Sifar’s house and headed for the plaza. Along the way, we stopped to buy desserts…but it seemed like an awful lot.
“Isn’t this a little too much?” I ask.
“Whaaat? I don’t think so,” Rattloore replied.
I looked at the pile of sweets we were carrying. This had to be enough for twenty-five people. Bolorda wasn’t planning to return to the plaza today, and we didn’t have Gnouga or Rickbert around, either.
“Listen, Ivy, Rattloore could polish all of these off himself if we let him.”
“Huh?! All of these?”
“Yeah. He’d even say he could eat it after eating a full dinner. That guy’s got a second stomach just for sweets.”
A stomach just for sweets? Why do I feel like I’ve heard those words before? Well, anyway… I considered the desserts we’d bought. Some of them were really sugary.
“That’s amazing. I almost respect…well, no, I don’t.” I retracted my compliment. I don’t respect it. Actually it’s kinda gross.
“Oh, hold on a sec. I love that place!” Rattloore stopped us and dashed into another shop.
Is he buying more? I grimaced as I watched him go.
“That place is his favorite.”
“Is it?”
We finally made it to the plaza. We’d bought so many sweets that all three of us had both hands full.
Seizerk looked at us, amazed. “What’s with all the desserts? Was someone giving them away?” He was surprised and a little concerned. That was Seizerk for you.
“Mr. Rattloore and Mr. Sifar helped me plan out my future travels,” I informed him.
“Oh, really? Everything okay?”
“Yes, sir.” I thanked Seizerk for his concern and set about preparing dinner.
What should I make? Nothing that needs time to simmer since it’s already this late. Come to think of it, I haven’t done anything fried. Maybe fried food would be good…? Yeah, that’ll do.
“Okay! Time to deep fry.”
Seasoning meat and deep-frying it was simple. Ah, since Sifar’s here, I’ll have to make extra. Let’s get cooking!
The deep-fried meat was a huge success. The adventurers didn’t encounter fried foods often, so they were very curious to try it. Looking back, I haven’t seen much fried food at stalls. I only ever see deep-fried foods at places that sell pastries. Why would that be? Deep-fried meats aren’t… Okay, forget it. It was good, so who cares?
Speaking of sweets, I was horrified by the sheer volume of dessert Rattloore had consumed last night. That was just…too much. Even remembering it gave me heartburn. Oh, deep-fried meat and pastries…maybe that was a bad combination.
“Oh, morning, Ivy.” Rattloore greeted me with his usual energy. Was he immune to heartburn?
“Good morning.”
“I bought bread.” And he was having a proper breakfast, too? Maybe Rattloore’s stomach was even stronger than Gnouga’s.
“…Thank you. I’ll get breakfast ready.” I’d prepped it last night, so all I had to do was warm it up. Last night’s dinner was tough meat, so I went for a light, veg-heavy soup this morning.
“Morning…” Seizerk emerged from his tent, holding his stomach. Your stomach should hurt after eating so much meat followed by so much sugar!
“Good morning,” I greeted him. “How about just soup for now?”
“Ha ha ha, I ate a little too much. Soup is fine, thanks.”
Everyone woke up and we had breakfast, though Rattloore and I were the only ones who ate bread with it. Sifar had gone home last night. Hopefully he was doing okay.
“Oh, I got a message for you, Ivy,” Seizerk piped up. “Did I tell you yesterday?” I shook my head no. “Sorry. They’ve got the money ready for you, so they want you to go pick it up.”
The time had come.
“Um, okay. I’ll go around noon.”
“Got it. I’ve got a meeting with the captain this morning, so I’ll let him know to expect you.”
“Okay. Thank you.” I had to mentally prepare. Maybe it was fortunate that Rattloore and Sifar had set my expectations in advance. If I’d suddenly learned it was fifty gold coins, I might’ve panicked and acted weird.
“Can I have some more soup?”
I was seriously thinking about what would happen this afternoon, so I was a little annoyed by Rattloore’s energy. I stared at him, but he just looked confused.
Jeez, how much is it gonna be? Now I’m really sweating. Yeah, it’s gonna be a lot of money. Are they gonna just hand me a big pile of cash at the station? Eugh, that’s a terrifying thought. I’ll have to go deposit it immediately. If I ask the captain, maybe he’ll escort me to the adventurers’ guild. I’d hate to carry so much money all alone. Oh man, I’m scared! I’m gonna ask him.
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