Chapter 119:
Everyone’s Favorite Dried Meat Shop
I STOWED SORA in its bag and headed to the forest.
“Morning,” the gatekeeper greeted me.
“Good morning,” I replied. Since I’d been out to the forest several days running, the gatekeepers remembered my face by now. They’d often give me tips as they greeted me. I especially appreciated their info on what animals and monsters were up to.
“Out hunting again?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Nice. Oh, right—there are reports of a mid-level monster prowling along the path to the caves. Keep an eye out!”
“Thank you very much.”
If it was mid-level, then it wasn’t Ciel. I didn’t know what it could be, so I shouldn’t let my guard down. I walked through the woods for a while, checked to be sure nobody was nearby, and took Sora out of its bag.
“Pu, pu!” The slime hopped around me and then took off into the woods.
“Sora, you’re going the wrong way.”
It had become clear recently that Sora had no sense of direction. I hadn’t realized before, since the slime usually traveled right next to me in case I needed to hide it quickly. As soon as I began to let it bounce around freely, it would go in random directions. Sora itself seemed aware of its habit, making sulky noises whenever I brought attention to it. I set off toward my traps and felt Ciel’s aura. When I stood still and waited a minute, it leaped down from a nearby tree.
“Good morning, Ciel. You brought a lot today!”
Hanging from the proud adandara’s mouth was a big basket. It was a gift from me to Ciel, since it must’ve been really hard to carry all that prey in its mouth. The basket was full of wild rabbits and field mice. I had decided to divide the labor between us just yesterday, but Ciel was still putting in so much work.
“Great job! Let’s go check on the traps now.”
With the basket hanging from its mouth, Ciel walked with me to where I’d set the traps. The sight of it carrying the basket brought a smile to my face…as long as I didn’t think too hard about what was inside.
“Now, how did we do today?”
I had set sixteen traps—now it was time to cross my fingers that they’d succeeded. I checked them one by one. Oh! Got one! I put the game in my own basket. Altogether, twelve of the sixteen had caught a rabbit or field mouse. That’s strange… Why’d they catch so many? Normally, I’m lucky if half of them catch something. But today I’ve got twelve. That’s just as many as when Ciel flushed them out back then…wait. Did Ciel help?
“Ciel, did you scare them for me again?”
Mrrrow. It was as if it was saying, “Yes, I did!”
Huh? Didn’t I just say it didn’t need to do that yesterday? Ciel really looked like it understood me…did it not? And how many animals do we have all together, anyway? I’d better hurry up and clean them. I took one basket of game and hurried down to the river. Ciel brought the other along for me.
“Thank you.”
I counted everything up. Ciel had caught four wild rabbits and seven field mice. It was incredible that it could hunt this many. My traps contained eight wild rabbits and four field mice…and a pigeon? Somehow a pigeon had gotten stuck in one of the traps. How lucky do you have to be to catch a pigeon with a trap placed on the ground?
“Okay, time to get to work!”
Twelve wild rabbits, eleven field mice. I was used to butchering small animals, but this was just too many. This was only my second time breaking down a pigeon, too. I had my work cut out for me.
“Aaah…I’m beat.”
A pile of meat wrapped in bana leaves sat before my eyes. I think…I hope…that I butchered the pigeon cleanly this time. I kept the bones, too. When I stretched, I heard my own bones creak. It was kind of incredible that my body could make a noise like that.
“All right. Let’s get back to town and sell this meat!”
Ciel and Sora lay at the base of a nearby tree. Sora was fast asleep. How I envied that slime. Gah! I gotta go while this is still fresh!
“Thanks, Ciel. Next time I set up traps, don’t help, please!”
Is that a no? Normally, it says “mrrrow.” But I don’t have time right now, so we can talk it over later.
“Okay… Sora, you’re a heavy sleeper, huh?”
I placed the dozing slime in its bag and picked up the bag full of meat. Come to think of it, Sora had been sleeping a whole lot these past few days. Was it my imagination? It had plenty of energy and ate well, it just…happened to spend a lot of time sleeping. Hmm…now isn’t the time. I can think about it later, or maybe I’ll ask Rattloore if he knows anything about slimes.
“See you later, Ciel.”
I would be back to set more traps, so we could talk then. As grateful as I was to take home this much meat, this wouldn’t help me master trapping. How could I get Ciel to understand?
I greeted the gatekeeper and reentered the town. After walking along the main street for a time, I arrived at the butcher I’d been selling to lately.
“Good afternoon.”
“Ooh, I’ve been waiting for you!”
Waiting? Why’s that?
“Is everything okay?” I asked.
“Look over there.” He pointed to a shelf. It was completely empty. Had he sold out of meat?
“You sold all of it?”
“Yeah. It was gone less than an hour after I finished drying and put it out for sale.”
“That’s amazing.” It was only midday. How could they sell out so fast? Maybe that rumor had spread pretty far by now.
“How was the hunting today?”
“I did my best.” Or rather, Ciel did. I took the bana leaf-wrapped meat out of my bag. “Um, are pigeons okay, too?”
“You caught a pigeon? Nice work!”
“Ha ha, yeah. Oh, and the bones…”
“I’ll absolutely take those, too. Don’t see pigeons often, so they sell for a good price.”
I’m glad he accepted it.
“The pigeon will be 180 dal,” he said. “Is five hundred good for the bones?”
When I’d last sold pigeon, I’d earned only 150 dal. It was a lot more lucrative here.
“Yes, please.”
“And you’re fine with copper tokens?”
“Yes, sir. They’re easy to use.”
“Gotcha. That’s 2,300 dal for the rabbits and mice with 680 dal for the pigeon on top. In total, 2,980 dal. Thanks for your business.”
I accepted the copper tokens and coins and put them safely away in my small magic bag.
“No problem. Just so you know, I’m planning to continue on to the next town soon.”
“Aw, really?” He looked crestfallen.
“I’m sorry.”
The kidnappers were dealt with, and I’d be receiving my rewards soon enough. It was time for me to head out, even though I felt bad for the butcher.
“Well, I knew you wouldn’t stay forever. You’ve helped me come to a decision, too.” He smirked at me.
“What is it?”
“Ha ha ha! Nothing major, but I decided to send an official request to the guild.”
“For supplying meat? Didn’t you say it costs too much?”
“Yeah, but I realized the sales more than make up for it.”
“Those adventurers always come here for fresh meat when their trips to the caves go well. They buy the expensive stuff, too, because they wanna celebrate. Dried meat is a great way to expand the business.”
I get it. After purchasing so much dried meat here, they’ll remember him fondly and come back. Is this what they call “building customer loyalty”? Argh, that’s probably from Past Me…
“I’m glad to hear it,” I replied.
“Yeah! I never would’ve realized if you hadn’t brought me all this meat. Thanks, son.”
“It’s my pleasure. Now I can continue my travels with peace of mind.”
“It’s gonna be lonely without you…” His words surprised me. I didn’t realize he cared about me.
“I’ll still be counting on you for a little while longer,” I assured him.
“That’s my line! Glad to have your business.”
“As am I. See you tomorrow.”
“See ya. Don’t push yourself, okay?”
“Yes, sir!”
I left the butcher and trekked back to the plaza to pick up my new traps. Gah, look at me. I’ve got a big smile on my face! I really didn’t expect him to say that…and dried meat boosts his shop’s reputation? That’s funny.
Now, how do I get Ciel to stop scaring the animals into my traps? But if I stop Ciel, I’ll probably get way fewer catches. Given how high
the demand has been at the butcher, even his request probably won’t get him a stable supply for a while…
“He has done a lot for me. Maybe I’ll have Ciel help me out just until I leave Otolwa.”
Let’s do that. It’s just a little longer, anyway.
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