Chapter 111:
More than Three Wild Rabbits
THE VICE-CAPTAIN hadn’t seemed to have any particular business here. He’d eaten his dinner, chatted a little, and left. On his way out, he smiled and said, “I like my meat grilled rather than braised. Maybe next time!” Did that mean he’d be coming for dinner again? I didn’t especially mind, but I’d prefer a little warning. I didn’t get a chance to tell him, so I asked Sifar to pass on the message.
While I cleaned up after breakfast the next morning, I saw everyone off. Most of them looked awfully tired, though Sifar and Gnouga were chipper as ever. Gnouga seemed pretty capable; I guess that’s what it took to suppress—I mean support—Sifar.
All the food I’d made last night was gone by morning. I thought I’d made a lot, so I didn’t expect it to go so quick. Seizerk must have really enjoyed it, since this was the first time anyone had asked me to make the same thing again. That made me really happy. Rattloore just liked sprinkling cheese on salad. He shredded a whole pile of it in the morning for us to eat on more salad greens. Did he just like cheese? Maybe I should make something cheesy soon. It was a wonderful feeling knowing people enjoyed my food.
Once everyone was off, I went back to my tent. Sora was bouncing all around inside. Today, we would set up the traps I prepared in the forest. After that, I might just hang out with Ciel for a while.
I know. How about I buy something before I leave? I took out my small magic bag and checked the money inside. I had nearly three thousand dal, so money wouldn’t be an issue. Staying with Bolorda and the others meant they were covering the food, so I had plenty of cash.
“That’s good for me, but is it okay for me to let them pay for all that?”
Whenever I cooked, the food I used was restocked in no time. And I was using lots of different ingredients. I was really surprised to find some pricey items in there. There were tons of medicinal plants, too. As fun as it was to get my hands on medicinal plants I’d never seen before, I couldn’t use them all.
“Let’s go, Sora.” I placed the little slime in its bag and hoisted it and the bag of traps over my shoulder. Then, I dropped my money pouch into the magic bag at my hip. I was ready!
I exited the tent and latched the front securely. After taking a good look around to make sure nothing felt strange, I set off toward the forest.
The atmosphere of the town felt slightly different than it had the day before. There were many clusters of confused-looking civilians out and about. I could overhear snatches of their conversation here and there, so I listened in as I walked.
“Huh? Them, too?”
“Seems so. Who knows how many more they’ll uncover?”
It sounded like the guard had arrested more conspirators. How were there so many? I hope things settle down soon.
I made my way to the street with all the food stalls. I used to skip lunch, but these days, I ate a small midday meal. Why the change? Well…I wanted to get bigger! It bothered me that people thought I was six or seven years old. Plus, it painted an even bigger target on my back. I was still getting used to the extra meal, so I wasn’t that hungry.
I filled up on heavy meat every day at dinner, so I went for something light at lunchtime. I eyed something that looked like a small bun. It was about enough to eat in two bites, but I had no idea what it was.
“Excuse me. What is this one?” I asked the stall owner.
“Welcome! Those are sweet pastries called donuks.”
Pastries? Well, they do look yummy.
“I’d like some of these,” I said. “Umm, can I have a hundred dal-worth?”
“Of course. One hundred will get you five. Is that okay?”
“Yes, please!”
I selected a copper token from my magic bag and handed it over. The owner handed me a bag of donuks, and I thanked him and left. The little pastries were just the right size for my appetite. I was glad I’d found something so perfect.
I passed through the gate and strode into the forest. Once I was surrounded by trees, I checked around and took Sora out of its bag. It quivered and began its usual calisthenics routine.
When Sora was ready, we continued deeper into the woods. It wasn’t long before I felt Ciel’s aura. I checked again for humans nearby and found a few a little too close for comfort, so I put some distance between us and checked again. They seemed to be heading in the opposite direction from us. I remembered that there were a few caves over there. Were they adventurers on their way to work?
“It’s okay now!” I called. Ciel leapt down from a tree it had been waiting in. What a clever monster it was. “Good morning, Ciel. I’ll be counting on your help today.”
I’d asked Ciel to show me the best spots to set traps. Ciel was an excellent hunter, and I figured it probably knew our prey’s habits. If we took advantage of the prey’s natural instincts, my success rate should go up. This made Ciel an ideal hunting instructor.
We searched for the tracks of small animals in the forest, staying alert to any human presences along the way. After we’d walked for a time, I found a place that looked promising.
“Ciel, is this a good spot?”
I scanned the ground and made sure there were no footprints of large monsters or animals. If I placed my traps in their path, they’d only be crushed. I spotted some small tracks and made triple-sure they were the prints of wild rabbits. Now to set the trap…but first, I asked Ciel to check the spot. The adandara looked around and surveyed the trees.
Er, is that yes or no? Oops, I don’t think we figured out how Ciel would answer. I can’t read its expression, either.
“Sorry, Ciel. Umm, if this is a good spot, can you make a sound for me?”
That meant this spot was fine. It was working!
“Umm, is this an okay spot for me to place a trap?”
It looks like Ciel approves. It was pretty much the perfect spot from my perspective, so I’d prefer to end my search. I set the ten traps I’d prepared all around the area. I wanted to nab at least three wild rabbits.
There were several caves in the area around Otolwa, so lots of adventurers passed through. That meant that demand for dried meat was high, according to a butcher I visited. Usually lots of adventurers meant lots of game coming in, but here, they were more interested in the caves than in hunting. The butcher asked me to bring anything I caught. They even offered to throw in an extra bonus if I sold to them, so I wanted to do my best.
Once I’d set all ten traps, I stretched. Sora bounced over and stretched alongside me. As I watched the slime, I noticed its colors had changed a little. Sora was half translucent blue and half translucent red. Before, those colors touched each other even when the slime was fully elongated. But now, there
was clearly some space between them. It was a minor change, but I had no idea what it meant, so I was a little worried. Still, Sora wasn’t acting like anything was wrong, so I set it aside for now and decided to keep an eye on it.
Ciel rumbled in its chest and rubbed its face against me. I gave it an extra-firm pet around its throat. The adandara closed its eyes happily. Too cute. You’re like a big kitty, even if you kinda look more like a leopard.
“Hm? Big kitty? Leopard? Err, what…”
I puzzled over the words that surfaced in my mind. Oh, is this more of Past Me’s knowledge? Did she know cute adandaras like Ciel? Hm, but she did say the word “big,” so maybe she had small “kitties”? A smaller version of Ciel…I really wanna see that!
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