Chapter 104:
The Incredible Captain
THE NEWLY CAPTURED conspirators were hauled into makeshift cells inside the base. All of them were looking down in an attempt to hide their faces from view. Some of them were even weeping openly.
“Too late to regret it now. Why didn’t you think of the consequences before?” The captain’s words were harsh. I couldn’t blame him—they’d chosen this path of their own volition. Now they would have to spend a good long while taking responsibility for their actions.
I let out a long sigh. I was glad this strategy succeeded in landing a blow on the organization. They were sure to give up on kidnapping me as well, which meant I could continue my travels. Still, my mood wasn’t exactly jubilant. Maybe it was because this was my first time witnessing the anguish of people whose freedom had been lost.
“Don’t let them get you down,” Sifar said. When I looked up, I saw him and Rattloore. I must’ve looked pretty miserable.
“I know, but this is my first time seeing something like this…”
“Is it really?” Rattloore asked. “To be fair, we brooded over it a bit our first time, too.”
“Man, we were young. You used to be so cute back then, Rattloore!”
“What the heck are you talking about?”
“Aww, you want me to tell Ivy about that? You’re brave.”
“No! Hey, don’t you dare say a word!”
What had happened back then? Rattloore was flustered, and his face was beet-red. I’m really curious. Maybe later, I’ll just…
“Ivy, you’re not planning to ask someone later, right? Right?!” He read my mind! And his expression is freaking me out! I shook my head frantically. “Of course you’re not, right?”
That smile on his face is pure evil! I’m seriously curious, but I’d better mind my business. Once Rattloore’s smile returned to normal, he ruffled my hair a little. That was a relief.
Phew…oh! Those gloomy feelings from before are gone. Did Sifar bring up Rattloore’s past just to make me feel better? These guys are all so nice…though Rattloore’s agitation seemed real. Sifar knew he’d get mad, and he still brought it up, right? That one’s definitely a schemer.
At that moment, I heard a scream from somewhere around the base. My whole body went tense at the sound.
“Don’t worry.” Sifar put a gentle hand on my shoulder. I responded with a grateful smile. “I do wonder what that was, though. I’ll go check.”
We moved from the courtyard to a spot where we could peer through the gate. Things had gotten a little wild around the former merchant’s mansion.
“Seems like word that the conspirators were arrested has spread.” Sifar looked serious now.
He turned his attention to a large crowd of townsfolk. People out there were demanding names of those arrested and clamoring for revenge. The guard was trying to calm the public, but there were too many people. Would they be okay?
“I don’t like the size of that crowd.” Rattloore looked grave as well.
What would they do?
“Will everything be okay?” I asked.
“Hm? I’m sure the captain and the GM can handle it. Oh, see?” Rattloore pointed. Following his line of sight, I saw the captain, vice-captain, and GM standing before the crowd.
“Quiet down!” The captain’s voice reverberated through the area. The mass of townsfolk went silent at once. “The rumors you’ve heard are true. We’ve arrested a number of individuals found to be conspiring with the kidnapping organization that’s been the source of so much suffering in this town.”
Cheers erupted from the crowd. However, the vice-captain clapped once to stop them. As soon as the hubbub died down again, the captain continued.
“We’ve unmasked many traitors among the guard and adventurers. For that, I offer my humble apologies.” The captain bowed, and the vice-captain and GM followed suit. The townspeople watched quietly. When the captain lifted his head again, he continued his explanation, speaking slowly.
“I am sorry to say we cannot release the names of those in custody at this point, as we don’t yet have conclusive evidence of each individual’s crimes. Although we are confident in our information, we ask you to wait for the conclusion of our investigation before we make any public announcements.”
All we had so far was Sora’s assessment of character. We didn’t know what each person had done for the organization. From here on, they would comb through the evidence and confirm each individual’s criminal involvement. With all the people they had arrested today, they had their work cut out for them.
“To the people of this town, I have one request. Keep away from the accused.”
The crowd booed and jeered. Some people were crying. The captain raised a hand for silence.
“I’m sure you’re all aware that criminals are put to slavery, but how many of you know the extent of it? I certainly do. I know just how dreadful the place they’re made to go can be.”
At that, the disgruntled voices of the crowd faded. Everyone knew that criminals became slaves. As far as I knew, they were forced into labor somewhere. But I didn’t know anything about that place, and it seemed the townspeople didn’t, either.
“Once you’re sent there, you can’t meet death on your own terms. Every day you are tormented for the betterment of the world. Every day is agonizing beyond what words can express. It’s a living hell that only ends the day you’re finally forgiven for your crimes.”
The townspeople seemed to calm down. The victims wanted their abusers to suffer. That was their one undeniable desire.
“If their lives end, then so too will the suffering. But will they be forgiven then? Can they be released from the pain they’ve caused that easily? I certainly won’t let it happen. I’ll make sure these criminals serve their sentence. That’s why I’m asking you, here and now, to stay away from them.”
Nobody booed the captain anymore. The vice-captain and GM relaxed their severe expressions.
“That was incredible,” I said, watching in amazement. The captain had taken so much on his own shoulders.
“Hey, Ivy? About that…” Rattloore looked at me nervously. I tilted my head. What was wrong?
“Rattloore, I think Ivy gets it,” Sifar told him.
“Huh?” What do I get?
“Ivy, do you know why the captain said that?”
“Umm, he didn’t want the townspeople to commit crimes for the sake of revenge, so he took on the burden himself, yes? He’s very inspiring.”
If not for the captain’s powerful words, the enraged civilians might’ve overrun the base. They would’ve very likely killed the accused conspirators imprisoned inside. In that case, the victims would, even if for justifiable reasons, become criminals. That would be a tragedy. So the captain stepped up to tell them that he would make sure the criminals suffered for their whole lives. The captain had told that whole crowd—a sea of sadness, bitterness, and rage—that they needed to back off. All to calm their anger, even if just a little, so that it wouldn’t be directed toward those who had wronged them.
“See?” Sifar smirked at Rattloore a little proudly. Rattloore tousled my hair until it was a mess.
“Whoa! What?” I yelped.
“Sorry. I just can’t believe you understand the captain so well.”
“Understand? That he’s incredible, you mean?” I’d known that for a while now. His flexibility in adapting to any situation, his leadership, and his mental fortitude were all amazing. “I want to be just like the captain.”
For some reason, both Sifar and Rattloore sounded really surprised. Is it that shocking?
“Ivy, it’s too early for you to give up on life!” Sifar protested.
“He’s right, Ivy. You don’t wanna be like the captain. You still have a bright future ahead of you!”
I thought we were talking about how great he is…?
I heard a low voice behind us. It was the captain. For some reason he looked really unhappy. I hadn’t even noticed he’d already finished his speech.
“Thanks for all your hard work.” I greeted him with a smile. The captain looked bewildered for a second, but soon after, his face became serene. I had to say, compared to how tense he’d looked before, this was way better.
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