Chapter 101:
The Kids’ Safety Comes FirstSIDE: BOLORDA
I LET THE CAPTAIN get to work and left the base behind. Certain members of the nobility looked down on adventurers, so it’d be best for me to stay clear of their business.
Outside, I ran into Seizerk.
“We’ve got a message from the GM,” he said with a shrug. “Says he’ll come over here with a few teams of adventurers.” The GM probably had some adventurers he wanted inspected.
The strategy was a success so far. The guard had apprehended all their traitors in one fell swoop, and since the base had been attacked as predicted, Ivy’s side must have gone smoothly. But had they succeeded in arresting Mira and her co-conspirator? If those two escaped, then the murderers in the forest might be set loose.
“Should we go meet them?” I mumbled to myself.
“I think Ivy will be just fine,” Seizerk answered. He looked like he was genuinely enjoying himself. It was rare to see him like this these days. Maybe I had the same look on my face.
“You’re right. Ivy knows how to survive.”
If anyone can make it, it’s that kid. He’s got Rattloore with him, too… Hm? I glanced around and saw people congregating around the mansion. That was fast. Also, why do so many of them look like they’ve seen a ghost? Heh…I guess it’s not worth my worrying about it.
“For now, let’s find a place where we can sit and have them inspected.”
If I were actually the one doing it, I’d be fine with staying outside. But Ivy was still a kid, so I wanted to make it as easy on him as possible. Heck, even if he wasn’t, we had a lot of people to judge. It’d take a long time, so he’d need a place to sit. But we had to consider what might happen if a kidnapper got violent, too. Hmm…should we commandeer one of these houses? I looked at the residences around us for a suitable place.
“What’s that building on the corner?” I spotted a small building at the intersection near the base. It didn’t look like a residential building. More like…a storehouse, maybe? No, it was nicer than that. When I approached, I noticed a sign that said MEETING PLACE. “Well, there you have it. Hey, anyone here?” I called into the building. I searched for auras but didn’t feel anyone here.
“Looks like it’s empty,” Seizerk said. “Little small for a meeting place, though, isn’t it?”
Sifar and Gnouga agreed. While we examined the entrance, Marcreek and Lowcreek left to check the area around the building. Rickbert put a hand on the building’s door, which promptly opened with a click. The door wasn’t locked? That’s pretty careless.
Shortly after, Marcreek and Lowcreek returned.
“No problems around the building.”
“Same here.”
“There’s a back door,” Sifar noted. “If we use that, we can lead people in one side and out the other, which should make it more orderly. We can also limit how many people come in, and that’ll make it easier to protect Ivy.”
“True,” Seizerk agreed. “The door isn’t that big, either. Perfect for protecting a child.”
Sifar and Seizerk checked the doors thoroughly, offering their opinions on what would happen if attackers came and whether they could be effectively defended. I performed my own investigation while I listened to their talk. I could tell from their conversation that they were approaching this from the angle of keeping Ivy and other civilians safe. That brought a smile to my face.
“Is this really a meeting place, though?” I wondered aloud. “It feels way too cramped. I’d call it a storehouse if not for the kitchen.” It was simple on the outside, but there was an incongruent garishness to the inside. I raised an eyebrow at the contrast.
“It’s a strange building.”
The building was set up in such a way that when you opened the front door it led directly into the kitchen. A door off from there then led to another room. Sifar opened the inner door and checked behind it. Seizerk also looked in. For some reason, he sighed. Why the long face? He beckoned me to come and check. When I did, I saw an expensive-looking chair with several decorated bags on it.
“I’ll go tell the captain,” Seizerk said, clearly exasperated.
Our comrades raised their hands slightly in acknowledgment, all of them looking grim. A short time later, the captain came, similarly vexed. When he saw the bags, he, too, sighed deeply. He knew what we did—these bags were undoubtedly the gaudy kind carried by royalty.
“Hey there, Captain,” I greeted him. “How’s it going on your end?”
“There were five nobles in there. One of them is quite famous and influential with the royal family.”
We’d reeled in a big fish. Would this put us in danger?
“Don’t worry your pretty little head,” he assured me. “Maybe you forgot, but I’ve been the captain of the guard for a while. I’ve got a few noble friends of my own, so I’ll have them pull some strings. Oh, and you’re the one who called Lord Foronda here, yeah? Thanks. He’s got connections with someone close to the royal family, so I’m having them do what they can as well.”
“Really? I had no idea.” Lord Foronda was a man of mystery.
“I’ll take these bags. You haven’t touched them, have you?”
“Nope,” Seizerk answered. “Eyes only.” He had a deep frown on his face. He hated the nobility about as much as anyone.
“We want to borrow this building for a bit,” I added. “Anything we need to make official before we settle in here?”
“You’re good. Consider this permission from the guard. I’ll draw up the documents, so I’ll just need your signature later.”
“Roger that.”
The captain gathered up the bags and headed back to the base. As I watched from the window, I glimpsed the anxious faces of townspeople—and a hell of a lot of them at that. What’d the guard say to make them so uncomfortable?
“Let’s hurry,” I called to the others. “We’ve got a chair and a desk here, so we’ll use those. Set it up so Ivy can sit next to me.”
On my orders, Seizerk and the others rearranged the furniture. How long would Ivy and the others take to get here? Were they okay? Had Mira pulled something?
“Excuse me,” someone called from outside. “The vice-captain asked me to find Bolorda.”
Marcreek went out to speak to them while I looked in the direction of the sweet shop Ivy had set off to.
“And would you look at that? They’re right on time.”
Ivy and Rattloore were accompanied by…Callua and Makasha? I didn’t know why Makasha was there, but he was already peeking inside the base. I’m just glad they’re safe. Hm? Is that the GM, too? Oh, he saw the captured nobles. Poor guy.
I stepped out of the building and waved to Ivy’s group. The kid looked relieved to see me. Callua and Ivy came over, but for some reason, Callua was glaring at me. Ivy, on the other hand, wore a nervous grin. What? Is she mad that we got a kid mixed up in this? Uhh…yeah, any normal person would be, I guess.
“Sorry, Callua. And thanks. I know we shouldn’t rely on children.” But if I told her it was Ivy who came up with the plan…well, she’d probably be even more steamed. Still, I was glad there were people who cared about Ivy.
“As long as you understand. I’m gonna go help take down those criminals.”
Ivy thanked Callua, and the woman ruffled his hair with a smile before leaving to join the expedition team. Just then, Lord Foronda’s carriage stopped outside the base. Guards hauled the five unconscious nobles into the carriage, and Lord Foronda promptly drove off. Ivy watched, worried.
“We can leave those nobles to him,” I reassured Ivy.
I smiled. Without the kid’s help, Lord Foronda probably wouldn’t have gotten involved. You’d never expect nobles to participate in such foolhardy business, after all. When I patted Ivy’s head, he looked up at me questioningly. What a strange kid. I had no idea if he knew the true scope of what he had accomplished today.
Ivy and I headed to the room that the team had set up for us. As we got settled, I asked him a question I’d been pondering about Sora.
“Say—can we reverse Sora’s method of communication?”
“Huh? How do you mean?”
“We’ll be inspecting a huge number of people. If that slime has to shake every time someone’s in the clear, it’ll get tired, right?”
“Oh, you’re right!” Ivy frantically looked to his bag and made his request. “Sora, don’t quiver when good people come up, okay? Only do it if they’re bad.”
Does the slime understand that? Let’s test it.
“Wanna check with my name to see if it works?” I offered.
“Sure. Bolorda,” Ivy said out loud. Sora seemed to stay perfectly still inside the bag. “I think it worked.”
I smiled. The little slime made this a piece of cake.
“Sorry, are you about ready? The line’s getting long,” Marcreek asked. Ivy nodded.
Hoo, boy. Time to see just how many people we catch.
“Ivy, Sora. If you get tired, we can take breaks when you need it.”
Ivy peeked inside the bag and nodded. “We’re good to go. Let’s do our best!”
“All right!” Lowcreek called outside. “Come in one at a time and state your name. As long as you’re innocent, you’ll be out of here in no time. If you leave the line, we’ll see you!”
Shortly after, the first person came in. The vice-captain stood at the door—it looked like we were starting with the guard trainees. I grasped my so-called magical item under the table.
“My name is Tabarida.”
I felt Ivy tugging my shirt. “Huh?!” I gasped in surprise.
Tugging on my clothes meant they were guilty. This felt a little too soon. Man, I already don’t like this…
“Traitor,” I declared.
Tabarida’s face went pale. He tried to run away, but the vice-captain seized him.
“Conspiring with them, are you?” the vice-captain demanded. “You’re coming with me… Oh, Rosay is here. Thank you for your assistance. I leave the rest to you.”
Thus the vice-captain left, dragging his trainee behind him.
“Er, Bolorda? You’ve already found one?”
“Hm? Yeah, guess so. Can’t believe our very first one was a rat.” I mussed Ivy’s hair. Having this kid nearby was good for the soul.
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